Master Summoner Online

Chapter 169: New skills

The long update is finally over. In these five days, it can be said that it has been greatly reclaimed. The magic moon is also my official girlfriend, and after being spread, it was also spread to the sky.

Think about how many people who love her in this college are pursuing her admirers. Seeing the girl who has not caught up with her, she now falls into the arms of my ordinary people who can't be ordinary anymore. These people are jealous. Think about it.

For this reason, in the past few days, I have received warnings that let me leave or it will be unfavorable to me. Of course, these things are just a laugh to me. After all, no one dares to come. I really made him an "exemplary" when he came, but it seemed like he already had one.

After the morning class, I could n’t help talking and went back to the game, but the magic teacher was called away by the class teacher. She told me that I did n’t have to wait for her to go back first. I would go one step back, put on a helmet and go to the official website After one lap, enter the game again, mirror and synthesize. The sky above Tianlong City is cloudless, which is definitely a good day for killing monsters and gaining experience.

Now that I have money in my pocket, I came to the grocery store and spent 200 gold coins to buy a large-capacity magic dimension bag, replacing the stuff on my body, and then selling a lot of strengthening blood and blue medicine, plus Dry food and water stuffed the newly bought backpack.

Then I went to the smithy and knocked on my equipment to become refreshed. I walked towards the square with a refreshing spirit.

There are already a lot of players waiting to form a team here.

In the second world, at least more than half of the players do not have a fixed leveling team. It is not easy to form a good team that cooperates with each other and can advance and retreat at the same time, so many people like to run to the square pull group. Team, come together if not, and go very disagreeable.

However, after entering the square, I saw a person who was leaked by countless players. I immediately squeezed in, and saw that the arbiter stood there but swiped a line of PPC on his head: system administrator.

The so-called PPC refers to the system role played by real people. After this update, a group of professionals in the Second World has been added to play important roles. In this case, not all system roles are cold computer data. flow. They can release some related random tasks from time to time, and PPC can re-authorize the authority to the original NPC management when their work hours are over or when something happens.

Game companies claim that players and these PPCs can become friends, but this relationship does not bring any benefits to the players. The system controls everything that is closely related to the players, triggering tasks, whether NPC or PPC will obediently give you tasks, Issue a fixed reward, PPC will not know more about the game than the player. The existence of PPC is to make games more interesting and increase the real-world employment rate. It also has a series of benefits that allow game companies to better understand the development of games.

Before and after I stepped on, the arbiter saw what I saw and said, "You are so slow."

I said, "Are you waiting for me?"

The "nonsense" arbiter pulled me aside from the crowd and said: "Last time I didn't answer your question, the group of guys worked hard to update, and the injured man could have hugged his wife at home today. Yes, let me run to work. "

I smiled bitterly: "You are so hard."

The arbiter said: "No way, the player is God. The guys are not polite to me and I am not polite to them. If you have any questions today, I will answer you as long as I do not exceed my authority."

I asked, "Why is my experience stuck?"

The arbiter said: "Do you remember the last time you drank something?"

I suddenly remembered and said, "That is what you say is the power of recovery. Is it something that hurt me?"

The arbiter said: "That thing will not harm you, it will help you."

"Help me? Help me keep me stuck." I was depressed.

The arbiter explained: "The effect of taking things makes you come across, the barrier of strength, as long as you break through it, you will get a lot of gains, but this depends on the depth of the breakthrough, and the gains are different for different breakthrough depths."

I asked, "So any breakthrough?"

The arbiter said: "Understanding and opportunity."

"What?" I was confused.

The arbiter laughed: "Don't have that expression. Sometimes you have to make a hit.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought, I got the task for you."

amount! Then a message popped out of the horizon: "Ding ~! Do you accept special quests, Dragon Empire, quest level A?" I immediately checked and accepted the arbiter and then said, "Did you answer?"


The arbiter said, "I'll tell you about the task now."

"it is good."

"The mission of this dragon empire is to let you players find it. The main city of the Chinese system, the name of the system country of the Chinese region is called the Dragon Country, and the capital of the Dragon City is located in the center of the four cities where the players were born. You must go to visit the city lords of the four defensive cities. Then they will get the quests. After completing all the tasks assigned by their quests, they will get the map of the dragon city. This map will be obtained after you visit the last lord. It ’s important to remember that different routes will appear in different cities. "

I asked, "Oh, by the way, can you tell me the specific task?"

"No." The arbiter vetoed, "You have to think about the lord's task. By the way, I can tell you that the top eight players who have reached the dragon capital will get very rich extra rewards. Of course, this extra reward will be from the first. The name goes down by analogy, the lower the ranking, the less reward, I don't know what it is. "

"I see, thanks for reminding."

I asked again, "Can you tell me about the seal equipment?"

The arbiter said: "Of course, the so-called seal equipment is the equipment of the seal power. After the seal equipment is unsealed, there will be an LV level. This level has at least one level and up to five. The strength of the seal equipment is that it displays its true posture after all the required levels are turned on, and it can completely match the artifact. "

Wow! It turned out to be so bullish.

The arbiter also said: "I'll tell you again that your profession's skills have changed a lot. Wait a moment to see it first. Breaking the barrier earlier is extremely important to you. Try hard, boy. I'm very optimistic about you. Our hope By the way, forty-four people who broke the barrier earlier than you before you made great gains, and you can't show weakness, and work hard! "

I laughed: "I will."

The arbiter turned to leave at this time, but he said, "I will send you a word before leaving, take good care of your humanoid summoning beast, she is more than just data." Then she disappeared before me.

When I heard this, I was surprised that Tian Zhao was operated by a girl in reality! Then I felt embarrassed when I wanted to go to the hot springs. I shook my head and looked at my skills first. I do n’t know if it would be better than before.

[Continuous play] Passive skills: Players can continuously increase their attack speed and cast speed continuously for 5 seconds with continuous ordinary attacks (the strengthening effect can be stacked up to 8 times).

[Strike] Passive skill: When attacking, there must be two chances of damage.

[Summoning Beast Enhancement] Passive Skill: Enhances the power of all your summoning beasts.

[Combat Will] Passive skills: The longer the beasts themselves continue to fight, the higher their physical defense, magic defense, and damage will be (the strengthening effect can be stacked up to 10 times), and the summoned beasts will gain 30 lifes per second. , Return to the doubled effect in the summoned beast space, briefly summon the beast to sleep.

[Beast Breath] Passive skill: The breath of a beast spreading out of the body is that the beast-type monster will not actively attack itself. This effect is not effective for monsters and bosses whose level is higher than 30.

Heroic Charge: Consume 700 magic points, launch a straight piercing towards the enemy in front, and finally attack the enemy. If they subsequently hit an obstacle, the attacked target will take additional magical damage, stun for 1.5 seconds, and cool down for 20 seconds.

Devastating Bash: Consume 500 magic points, use powerful power to destroy the enemy in front of you, causing physical damage. If the opponent is in a different state, additional magical damage will be added, cooling for 15 seconds.

Thunderstorm: Consumes 800 magic points, summons lightning storms with horrific lethality, and causes damage to all units within 10 meters of the immediate range. At the same time, it adds 800 constant lightning damage and cools for 10 minutes.

Attack: Consume 300 magic points to create a shield with 5000 points lasting one minute and cooling for 90 seconds.

Qi therapy: Consume 700 magic points, recover a small amount of Qi and blood, and restore 10% of the endurance value (this number will increase up to 80% as the level increases). This effect will only trigger when the endurance value is lower than 30%. At the same time repair their wounds, this ability can be cast on an ally, but the healing effect is halved, cooling for 30 seconds.

Well, I do n’t know how much I have to give.

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