Master Summoner Online

Chapter 171: Bubble man

"Is it your turn next?" The female mage turned her gaze and looked at me after solving the male soldier.

"Are you talking about me?" I pointed to myself.

"Not you, is there a second person here?" Said the female mage.

"Yes." I smiled in and out.

"What!" Hearing the female mage was undoubtedly surprised.

The next second a figure appeared in front of her. The female mage had no chance of flashing. Tian Zhao fell down with a knife and cut her shield stiffly. At the same time she tripped her over the storm of blood on her foot. Coldly on his neck, "Give up resistance, or you have to die!"

"Okay ... okay." The female mage was so frightened that she was afraid to resist. She must also know that if she continued this way, she would almost be defeated. The other party just moved his own head and moved. How fragile the mage is without the shield, she must be very clear.

"Brush!" An object flew over in an instant, and the sky subconsciously withdrew, and the female mage flashed. Then I saw a trident close to two meters inserted in the ground, which seemed to fly from the sky. No Any obstructions shot into the sky and the female mage.

"Bugs who bully girls! My righteous Bubble Man will punish you!"



The female mage and I were surprised and puzzled, looking at a handsome man wearing a blue armour standing on the edge of the roof of a small house, could not help but shed a cold sweat.

Then the handsome guy took a step forward, but he seemed to have forgotten where he stood. At this step, he immediately fell off the roof and fell into a "big" character on the ground. I once again gripped the cold sweat of this dude.

But the man quickly stood up and picked up the trident female mage and said politely, "My beautiful princess! Forgive your knight, I'm late! I'm sorry that you are all right "A handsome man who suddenly appeared in the title of Bubble Man, he had a beautiful face, wearing a sea-blue armor, and under the light of the moon, that set of sea-blue armor exuded a cold light.

The shoulders, hands, waist, and feet of the navy blue armor are inlaid with blue gems. The light emitted by those gems is still like stars without fading, but it is definitely beaten as a target in the crowd. Got.

However, the female mage didn't seem to take his love, and kicked between his legs without warning. The painful Bubble Man suddenly jumped more than three feet high, kneeling on the ground with his hands and covering the middle of the legs. Without getting up, the female mage smiled and flashed aside.

A minute later, Bubble Man stood up and turned to me, "Take sanctions!" Then he dropped the trident in my hand, and 1743 points of injury floated from my head. I looked at the trident on my chest. I can't seem to believe I've been hit. This speed can't be judged with the naked eye. Bright red blood flows out like a stream and my blood is still falling at 10 o'clock per second.

"It's an ugly guy, since I can't hold back my blow, come back, sea stone trident!" Bubble Man in the air frowned, showing an extremely disgusted expression, looking at me like looking at garbage. same.

With the voice of Bubble Man, the trident flew back from me. As I left my chest, the body tore a few startling wounds, and the red blood spewed out like a fountain. I dropped more than a thousand points of blood.

"Brother Long!" Tian Zhao shouted, then Sonic Werewolf and Gatling Blast Dragon appeared silently around me. I immediately poured a potion for myself and started treatment with gas therapy.

Then the screaming werewolf sent a terrifying roar, the crescent moon started, six crescent-shaped shock waves flew over, and the other party sneered at this time and only gently waved the seastone trident just returned to his hand to dissolve it It seems as if there is no threat.

But the attack on my side didn't stop. Just as he resolved the attack of the Sonic Werewolf, Tian Zhao had come to him, raised the blood storm in his hand, and aimed at Bubble Man. Stand down with a **** light.

"No! I can't forgive! I can't forgive! Those who dare to hurt Brother Long! Let me die!" The storm of blood accompanied by the sky shattered on the sea stone trident. There was a sink under the standing seat. At this time, a blue air wave erupted, and the sky shook away and then the trident stabbed out, but he struck the sky shroud at this moment, and the sky shook himself. The cloak made an illusion, and the death cross broke out around the other side. The black cross hit the Bubble Man's body and flew it out. He crashed into a private house, and the sky took off the mask, in the red eyes. Burning raging anger, the flame of anger that can destroy everything.

With the anger of Tian Zhao, she began to gather an unprecedented red aerosol. This aerosol was filled with a thick **** smell. She wore a scarlet reaper on her hand and began to be surrounded by a layer of blood. Long red hair There was a slight trembling, and a red mark appeared behind her.

"Ding ~! Congratulations, Your Summoner Assassin (Assassin) successfully comprehends the skill: Bloody Flare!"

what? She can also comprehend her skills, and immediately open it to see-

[Blood Pattern Flare] Passive: Assassin (Assassin) is bloodthirsty and kills her when she is angry. When Assassin is assassinated, all her attributes will be improved, and the more angry, the greater the increase, if the anger reaches the apex, she will run away, the full attribute is increased by five times, and the attack is ignored regardless of the 40% defense, and Ignore enemy and enemy status and make indiscriminate attacks on surrounding units until the living creatures nearby are cleaned.

A terrifying skill. At this time, the attack of Aizhao was pushed to the 5,000-point seat. When Bubble Man just stood up, he "roared!" The Sonic werewolf shot first, and his fists kept hitting. His punching speed has changed. To the extent that it cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye.

"This is it? It looks like your puppies have some power!" Looking at the sky-fisting shadows that killed him, Bubble Man showed a hint of surprise. His affirmative confidence did not come in vain.

"Puppy, since you want to attack and attack, then I will attack and attack! The gods of the deep sea are angry, cruel to fools! Poseidon's anger!" Bubble Man started beating his breastplate.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" With his beating, countless blue lights around him began to intertwine frantically, and he seemed to become a blue sun, and then a hand appeared behind him. The phantom of the old man with a trident with a crown. Then thousands of spinning blue cyclones spewed wildly around him, blasting directly at the Sonic werewolf. The Sonic werewolf's fist was as small and insignificant as a toothpick in front of thousands of cyclones.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the blue cyclone hit the Sonic Werewolf, but in a staggered second, the Sonic Werewolf was crushed by hundreds of blue cyclones. But while the other side turned to me after solving the Sonic Werewolf, the blue cyclone also turned his head. It seems that his purpose is to directly destroy me on the ground, and by the way the Gatling blaster is solved.

But he was thinking too much, "Gatling Blast Dragon! Protect me!" With my shout, Gatling Blast Dragon stood in front of me, using his body to prepare for this trick for me At this time, I found that the other party was a blue cyclone, but not only a single light, but also a tornado covered with a light. This tornado contains countless sharp transparent ice blades. In terms of attack power, there is no doubt in that female mage. Extreme cold raid above.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The blue cyclone and the outer shield of Gatling Blast met, and with the loud noise, a burst of dazzling light began outside Gatlin Blast. Lit, as opposed to those dazzling rays, the speed of the blue cyclone's rotation began to slow down.

If you go on like this, the opponent's moves will be dissipated in a few more seconds. In that case, the moment the skylight can be used to cut down the person in one move, it will be that. The power of the blue cyclone bombed on the shield, and it began to reduce my forehead and began to shed large drops of sweat. If this trick was hit on myself, I wouldn't have a ghost for a second.

With the disappearance of the blue cyclone, the blue light on this guy also disappeared, and the Poseidon shadow disappeared.

"Huh! Huh!" Bubble Man gasped. I also started to pant, if the opponent's skills were not over, otherwise Gatling's blasting shield would explode for a few more seconds. When it hangs, I will only be served by the second.

After taking a few breaths, Bubble Man cast his gaze away, and then Tian Zhao had come to him, and when the blood storm had been chopped on his neck ...

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