Master Summoner Online

Chapter 177: Go to other cities

After reading the wonderful messages on the forum, everyone went back to their dormitory and boarded some of them. I also connected to the game. I appeared on the Tianlong City Square after mirroring. Then I went to the east gate and went out. A huge metal crocodile stopped in front of the door. Don't think about it and know that it is a guarded battleship dragon beast, and the three guardian, silver moon, and small light sit on the battleship dragon beast.

"Weiweilong!" Yinyue first discovered me. Xiaoguang said inside, "Longling Brother, are you going to do the mission with us today? We are going to go to the city of fire to the east."

Yinyue said, "What task asked him to follow us?"

"Because we are all student councils, everyone is busy together," Xiao Guang said crisply.

"Fire Phoenix! Fire Phoenix! You just came, why did the archer run so slowly?" I saw a beautiful body of Fire Phoenix came over.

I hesitated for a moment, almost all the MMs of the Good Student Union arrived.

At this time in summer, carrying a giant shield that was originally carried by the gourd turned into a silver-gray cylindrical object, ran over, and sighed heavily after running over, "Hoo-sorry I'm late."

I saw them and said, "Which city did you do the mission yesterday?"

Xiaoguang responded: "Yesterday we were in the glorious city on the east. Today we are going to Liehuo City and yesterday and Huofeng both completed their mission in Tianlong City. All of them intend to go together today."

Xia Xia also said, "Yes, and you ca n’t use system tools in this mission. You can only use the city rolls outside the city, you ca n’t return to the city where you were born, and you have to rely on yourself to go to each city. On the way, the danger is unpredictable, and Dragon Spirit, please come with us. "

I looked at Yinyue and said, "Of course it can, but someone doesn't like to walk with me."

"Only someone doesn't steal the advantage." Yinyue looked at Tian and said, I was shocked. Am I the kind of person?

After adding a lot of potions, he boarded the battleship Dragon Beast and then patted the battleship Dragon Beast head and said, "Go!"

"Understand!" The battleship Dragon Beast opened his mouth and shouted, and then began to go east. Yinyue said, "This time the journey is relatively long, and we have to take another seat this time to enter the desert so that it won't take long. Stay in the desert and don't know how much time it will take to protect the battleship Dragon Beast to speed up. "

"Okay, everyone can sit still. My battleship dragon beast can be very fast. The battleship dragon beast is accelerating with all its strength!" Guardian Jiao sighed, this giant battleship dragon beast rushed like a heavy tank. When I went out, I completely ignored the terrain and the huge body walked on whether it was trees or rocks. This speed is really amazing. I don't feel it is faster than the helium of my Gatling Blast Dragon. This one is not needed for charging, only the ears whisper, the battleship Dragon Beast carrying everyone on its way to the empty plain west of Tianlong City.

To the east of Tianlong City is the "Death Forest", to the south is the "Sigh Canyon", to the north is the snow-capped "Millennium Snow Mountain", and to the west we are going to be empty, always looking empty and invisible The **** wasteland of the end of the road, this time we did not go directly into the desert but instead took a path. Here are plain areas that can't be seen at a glance. Listen to them saying that there have been good things here. What is the way, but at that time, the monster level here was too high, basically all died back, and some successfully bypassed the monsters, but what they can see is always white and blank, like the Great Plain that has never reached the end of the road. After an hour of driving on this great plain, we finally came to the end of the plain, but what we saw was a vast swampland beyond.

The guard stopped the battleship Dragon Beast. After an hour of full-force running, the huge battleship Dragon Beast apparently couldn't support it. He was so tired that he breathed white gas and crawled on the ground for a short rest. The crowd jumped from the battleship Dragon Beast and ignored the terrain. The running stunned everyone enough. Turning back, I really should install a shock absorber for the battleship Dragon Beast. Yinyue said: "I have heard about this road before. The plaque swamp in front of us is called the dark swamp. It is connected with the deep swamps in the sigh canyon to form a huge swamp area. According to the information on the Internet, it is said that the road goes down, which are the 'Dark Marsh', 'Forest of Warcraft', and 'Undead Town'. And "Tomb of the Dragon" This is only less than 20% of this area, and it will be completely unknown in the future, and there are southeast, northeast, northwest, and southwest directions outside Tianlong City. This area is waiting for players to explore, and the experience here is said to be very high! "

I was a little surprised, and said, "How did you detect these messages ?,

Yinyue Road: "I went into this swamp three days ago to do the task. At that time, I saw three spies coming back from the road, and I asked them for information."

I said, "They are so generous!"

Yinyue said: "Why not, I don't tell me how many good things those guys say, all in one breath ..."

I asked, "You paid for it."

Yinyue continued: "Where can I have that spare money, I killed two of them, and then turned the last one into a pig's head to make him honestly confess."

"Good violent woman!" I whispered.

"what did you say?"

"No," I answered quickly.

Yinyue went on to say: "These messages I heard from that man ’s mouth, according to the clues he provided, we just go west from the town of the undead and pass through the edge of the desert, if not Because of insufficient preparation that day, I receded quietly after hearing the news. Otherwise, I had to take this road and take a step forward. Knowing the special mission of the Dragon Empire, I will invite you all, of course not including you. This time, I was prepared to take this step anyway, and I couldn't help it without clearing all the monster bosses here. "

Xiaoguang raised his eyebrows and said, "Xiaoguang is not afraid of anything dangerous and strange. Come and kill one with two little ones, and kill one with two little ones."

I glanced at her and said nothing, and at this moment in summer groaned slightly, and said, "Why don't we just fly over?

Yinyue shook her head and said, "You will understand when you enter. If it is a blatant flight, how many lives are not enough to die here."

Huofeng snorted, slightly surprised: "This place will be so terrible?

Yinyue's face was a little solemn, saying: "So we aren't going to make a fortune, but we can't freely shuttle these places alone when we are players now."

"Guardian, put away your battleship Dragon Beast, let's walk in. This summoning beast target is too unsafe, and it is easy to attract siege. The monsters inside will not give the player any face." Yinyue commanded, and guarded. Nodded and waved a white light, the huge battleship Dragon Beast turned silently into a metal ball and returned to the guardian's hands.

"Let's go!" After Yinyue said, I adjusted my body and counted the potions, and followed everyone forward.

Yinyue said these five dangers so terribly, whether I believe it or not, I dare not take it lightly, Xiaoguang and I are in front, the middle guard, Yinyue and the Phoenix in the last summer, deep into the swamp in front of me. Right now, all you can see is the mud deep ponds and clumps of weeds. The most terrible thing in the swamp is the kind of living mud. Once you step in, you will immediately sink into it, and struggle more and more. The deeper it gets, the sooner it will be swallowed by mud, hanging here.

Before and after walking on, I found that this is not a living mud, but it is not all. According to the road commanded by Yinyue, our road is a road composed of hard mud, and both sides of the road are live mud ponds.

At this time, I found that a dozen meters away from the west of the road, a turquoise dinosaur with a length of almost ten meters rolled in the quagmire, not just one. There were three monsters around it, two were sleeping, and one seemed to be Digging something, and then one minute later, a human face spider was dragged out. I saw that the human face spider struggled to resist, and was crushed by this earthy yellow dinosaur. After a while, it stopped struggling. Then this earth Now that the yellow dinosaurs are eating the flesh of the demon spider.

The human face spider is a powerful boss on the periphery of the death forest. I have deep feelings for it, but this guy has changed from a predator to a prey, and then I use the yellow dinosaur with the bite of the human face spider. Fire eye golden eyes get the information as follows-

Earth sand dragon, level 65, elite beast, introduction: The monster that lives in the "sand plains" uses strong feet and hard heads as weapons. It is very good at collision attacks. It likes muddy terrain and generally hides its body in the mud. Huge insects are their proud food. Some people have witnessed a scene where a dirt sand dragon smashed the insect's lair to get food. In addition, the dirt sand dragon will throw out the mud on its body and let the enemy enter the clay figure, reducing the speed of movement and not being able to Attack or cast.

As soon as I got to my heart, the monster appeared again last time when the monster sieged. This guy was still a level 50 monster. Since it is an elite beast of level 65 here, it is true that the speculation of Yinyue has just entered the swamp. There are three such elite beasts. Fortunately, they seem to have no malice. The level of danger in this ghost place is obviously not that players of the current level are eligible to enter and exit freely.

Although two of them realized the power of pretending to colonize, they sneaked in here, but they were still very reluctant. Shi Xuan didn't know what level of this third-order monster was, but on the day of his trip to the world, in the maze-like world, he encountered the person who paid = order alien strongman in person, that kind of toughness, simply It is like a demon. As for this iron armored alligator, even if it is not so scary, as a third-order monster, it must be extraordinary, at least a fight with the dragon king there.

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