Master Summoner Online

Chapter 182: Sole mission

Ring of communication: After equipped with special items, it will occupy a jewelry box of the holder. The ring of communication has the function of soul communication and can talk to people who also have the ring of communication, no matter where the other party is.

After watching this attribute, I put it on my body, and then I walked all the way and then after dinner, we walked out of the forest of Warcraft, but what appeared to us at this time was a messy town in the sky. Was there a purple crescent moon, was there a burst of purple light on the ground?

"This should be the town of the dead," I said.

Yinyue Road: "Yeah. It's a place to chill the back."

"It's a creepy place," Summer said.

Xiaoguang said: "Sister Xueyue would definitely scream loudly if she came here."

"Yes, and then dared not hide behind our dragon spirit!" Huofeng laughed.

I asked, "Why?"

The guard explained: "Because Xueyue is very afraid of ghosts, very, very afraid."

"When my sister told the ghost story last time, she scared her under the seat and shivered." Huofeng said.

I said, "Okay, let's go and find the BOSS and try to kill it at night."

"Okay, where is the boss?"

"we want."

"I flatten him," said Xia, Xiaoguang and Yinyue.

Huo Feng calmly said: "Don't be too blind, it would be tricky to deal with this BOSS." As soon as she finished speaking, she wore around for a while, screaming and screaming.

Then we proceeded one by one carefully, were there ghost fires on the way, but these things were not monsters and did not attack us. We did not meet a monster while we were traveling along the way, but the screams and screams still sounded in our ears from time to time. , So walked to a graveyard in astonishment.

"Speaking of which, this is really a dark place." Xiaoguang said.

"Yeah, I always think there are places where monsters will come out from just now." Summer said.

I said, "Not a monster but a monster." I just said that I suddenly shouted, "Who!"

"Ah, ah, ah!" The girls were taken aback by the group, and Xia Xia said, "Dragon spirit, don't let your summon beast frighten you!"

I asked Tianzhao: "Tianzhao what did you just see?"

Tian Zhao pointed to a large tombstone not far away and said, "I just felt what was there?"

"Is anyone there? Someone will answer there." Xiaoguang shouted.

Then came a dark shadow from behind the big tombstone. We suddenly became tense, and then the dark shadow came out of the tombstone's shadow area. We saw a dwarf coming out. His face was ashes, his body was shabby and his hair was messy, as if He was severely beaten.

The dwarf said, "Who are you?"

I said, "Adventures passing by."

The dwarf said again, "Well, can adventurers do me a favor?" As soon as the crowd heard the task again, I immediately responded, "Please say that we can do it for you as long as we can do it."

The dwarf said with tears of joy: "My name is Kerry, the captain of an investigation team. One week ago, my teammate and I entered here to investigate the spar of the soul here, but I didn't expect it to be here. When did a demon appear? This demon caught us all and worked for it. I had a hard time and managed to escape, but the demon sent his hand down and caught me. The adventurers ask you to help me Will you rescue my teammates from that demon? "

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the sole mission to rescue the investigation team, the mission requirements are: find the lair inhabited by the devil in the undead town, rescue the members of the detained investigation team, during this period the leader of the dwarf investigation team, Kerry, cannot fall into the enemy or the mission fails. Mission level: BA "

only! When I saw the only two words, I realized that this task is a lifetime, the so-called unique task is only once, as the name implies, the task will disappear whether the task is successful or not, and it will not appear a second time. MMs should have accepted it.

But just after we received the mission, a big hand suddenly appeared behind the dwarf Kerry, reaching out to the back of Kerry, "Tian Zhao!" Roared, the Tian Zhao rushed up immediately, the death cross started, the black cross The energy hit the big hand in an instant, shattered the hand in an instant, and then screamed, and then a monster with bat wings stood where the big hand appeared, and that arm was just its left arm. This monster roared like thunder, and then there were two monsters on the ground on its left and right sides.

Undead, Level 75, Elite Beast, Introduction: Undead is just like its name. This monster will be revived after being killed again, which is very difficult to entangle.

Resurrected in situ, these monsters believe in Chunchun! Then three undead demons roared to kill us, "Meteor Arrow Rain!" Fire Phoenix and Yinyue shouted at the same time and shot an arrow into the sky, and then countless arrow rains fell, and immediately the three undead demons were inserted into hedgehogs, and then Tianzhao and Xiaoguang approached and slashed, and a series of injuries were brushed out on the undead ...

After seven or eight minutes, the undead demons hung up and contributed 1750 points of experience. The amount of experience is still the effect of a few of us. Of course, I did n’t give all to the amber dragon, but these demons were killed less than five seconds. Standing right here, Jinyan Huoyan saw that these guys were full of blood and killed here.

Everyone immediately rushed up and overthrew the three undead demons, but this time there was no experience. Do these monsters have no experience until they are killed for the first time, but they were longer than the first time when they were resurrected the second time. About a second or so, and more undead demons appeared on the ground.

"What to do?" Summer exclaimed.

The guardian said, "Retreat again. Battleship Dragon Beast!" Said the battleship Dragon Beast, summoned, "Battleship Dragon Beast, use the smoke tooth!"

The battleship dragon beast roared immediately, and then a grenade with a magnification of ten times was sprayed from its mouth. After the grenade flew out, it burst into the air, and the surrounding smoke was filled. We quickly sat on the battleship dragon beast and did not forget to dwarf it. Kerry took it and left here.

After running for a while to see that there were no monsters coming, he stopped. Kerry the Dwarf said, "Those undead demons are under the demons."

Xia Xia asked, "Where are their bosses?"

Kerry the Dwarf pointed to a black forest in the distance and said, "The demon lives in the tower of that forest. The demon is called Moonlight General. He is a very scary and cruel man."

"Find it, give it to me!" At this time a cold voice sounded. Then I saw a large number of undead demons in the distant sky. The number of these guys was at least three digits. "You all fight!" A mechanical army comes on, and the mechanical tyrannosaurus and the ultimate electronic dragon fly into the sky together, and fight with the undead demons in the sky.

At the same time, dozens of undead demons on the ground came out of the ground. "What to do? This is endless!" Summer exclaimed.

I said, "Then we rush in and kill the boss."

"Okay, then I'll open the way," the guard shouted, "Mechanical tyrannosaurus and electronic ultimate dragon clear the obstacles!" I also released the dragon battle to support, and then we blasted into the forest all the way, while countless undead Come and meet us.

After crossing the forest, we saw a tall tower full of thorns. We hid under a big banyan tree and summoned the beasts to recover. Countless dead demons flying on our heads must have been searching us.

I saw two huge dead demons guarding the gate of the tower. These two were twice as large as those of the dead demons, Huofeng said, "Kerry, where is your teammate?"

Kerry the Dwarf said, "There is a hole I dug to the west of the tower, where can I reach the tower underground dungeon."

I said, "It's easy to know the seat, but how do we get in?"

"Yeah! It's definitely not possible to hit hard, what should I do?" Huo Feng said that all the MMs had made it difficult.

Xiaoguang shouted at this moment: "I have a way."

"any solution?"

Xiaoguang said: "As long as some people lead these monsters away, others are sneaking in."

I said, "This is a good idea, but who does the bait."

Xia Xia laughed: "Let's guess the fist and lose it as bait." Everyone looked at each other and nodded in the end, then began to hammer and scissors cloth.


After guessing the five-minute punch, the last guard lost the most times, so she was the bait, and the guard said, "Woohoo ~! Not willing!"

Summer said: "I'm willing to lose, just go."

"Then you have to finish it quickly, I can't support it for long!" He said, rushing out with a large army of machines.

"Let's go!" I said to the others.

"Okay." After MM replied in unison, the starting guards should drive a large number of enemies. We only saw a few sporadic death demons here, and we bypassed them to the hole dug by the dwarf Kerry said. before.

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