Master Summoner Online

Chapter 198: Night fight (1)

After leaving the underground ruins, the night is completely dark, and the two goods have returned to the city first. The reason is very simple. They bought the city roll of the fiery fire and I forgot to leave it. If you say why I asked them The reason for one is very simple, because they only have one each, and the thing of returning to the city during the task has been discarded. Everyone buys at most one, and few people will buy more. It is waste to buy more.

The huge full moon hung high in the sky, and under its light, all the stars faded to the back, and the blue night sky was quiet and mysterious.

The plains at night are terrible. There is no player around, not even monsters. For me, it was the best choice for me to find a quiet corner to go offline and wait for the wake-up to go online and go back to the city, but I did n’t Buying a tent, God knows whether there will be a group of monsters around when the next time it comes online, it is difficult to say.

Go all the way forward to take out the crystal nuclei dropped by the Dark Oathman from the backpack. The quest items marked above confirmed my achievements once again, happily retrieved the bag and poured out other loot.

After getting rid of the magic watcher, I got a ring and a black dagger. Although there are not many things, the ring and dagger capital are unidentified equipment, and the value will not be too bad anyway. Generally only green Appraisal is required before loading, of course, there are also unnecessary.

Walking all the way to the city of fire, the summoned beasts fell asleep, and it is difficult for them today, but after walking for ten minutes, I found a lot of corpses, monsters and players around me, and accumulated as I walked around There are more and more corpses, and few of them are intact, and most of them are dismembered.

God, what is the big PK here, there are thousands of corpses around, and there are monsters from the beginning, and there are players left. I think these corpses should have just been hung up, because many have not been refreshed. It is estimated that it was a PK that happened not long ago. When I continued to go forward, I saw that two hill-like corpses were two crab-like monsters. The corpses were surrounded by players, and a person wearing a dark red woman was holding them around the corpses. A two-meter-long Taidao rested on the rock and I suddenly stood up and looked at me as I walked over.

I naturally know that she is Honglian. Actually, I do n’t need to recognize that the two words of red lotus have been brushed on her head, but the two words are red and black. But why did she appear here and say hello: . "

Honglian said coldly, "Who are you?"

"Fuck! I'm Weiweilong! Forget." I said.

"Weiweilong, it seems a bit impressed." Honglian said, scratching her helmet.

I asked, "Did you do these?"

Honglian said coldly, "Yes."

amount! Really I asked again: "Why do you hang them?"

Honglian said: "They snatched my boss."

"and then?"

"I cut them all." Honglian said lightly.

"Are you here to kill me?" Honglian said again.

"No! Of course not!" Of course I couldn't think of hanging Honglian, just passing her by.

"Then, I want to kill you." Honglian's tone after saying this seemed to be joking, but the opposite of this joking tone was the trajectory of Taidao in her hands.

At the moment, the blood-red blade of the sheath emerged, a bright red light flashed, and the seat of my neck was locked tightly. There was no hesitation in this blow, no confusion. This was the perfect blow to kill. Before I could react, the sharp blade whistling came to my neck.

So fast, really fast, with a sharp whistling sound, a sound that can tear all defenses, and this kind of inability to breathe, the heart is beating like crazy

A lot of blood was flowing from the body. Real and fake actions, without hesitation to start, but after I flew away, the stand-in disappeared, but I touched my neck. The icy long knife has left terrible scars on me.

The bright red blood slowly flowed out of the wound, and the cold feeling swept the whole body.

Guren's attack is fast! quasi! ruthless! There was no warning sign before the attack, and there was no "Boom!" Even the reaction time. Honglian tore the ground under the thunder, but she just held the knife and waved from left to right, a red flash flashed in the air With the passing of the thunderstorm, the thunderstorm completely turned into nothingness in front of her, but now that she hadn't killed any of her blood, her helmet fell off with a casual expression under her helmet. Her eyes were not ordinary Black pupils are a pair of eyes as beautiful as rubies. The bright red hair sprinkled behind her like a waterfall and fluttered slightly in the breeze at night. The perfect armor completely supported her figure, and the exquisite face was particularly touching.

This look reminds me of someone in reality who ca n’t remember for a while, but the other party wants to kill himself absolutely. This battle is unavoidable. Since it ca n’t be avoided, then go all out to spread your wings and step on the ground. On top of that, the figure moved quickly, as elusive as a ghost in the dark.

At the same time, attacking, attacking, and then attacking Honglian, launched a fast attack with a terrible absolute speed, but all these attacks were blocked by Honglian, who used to pick me after blocking my attack He was soared, and blood-red light rolled towards me like a storm. There is no move, pure speed overwhelms the speed with a high-speed wielding knife.

I quickly launched the guardian of the wind, the attack, and the ice armor, and then in the air, numerous red lights fluttered. Honglian held the knife in her right hand and issued a continuous wave.

The criss-crossed blades of light are extremely bright red, which is particularly noticeable in this late night. The savage waves of the sword fluttered and staggered, turning this space into its realm.

Cut, cut, cut, without any fixed rules, without any predictable trajectory. The three-layer defense skills became insignificant in this red sea, and the layer-by-layer defense was quickly broken. I fell back immediately after Honglian cut off the ice armor.

After a few steps back, Tengyun's raid launched the light "Ding!" Tengyun's assault was blocked by a stiff attack, followed by smashing blows, energy explosions, devastating blows, and then numerous ordinary attacks sent out, but a wall appeared in front of me. Red moving wall.

Honglian only wield the sword once and for all, but that seemingly careless waving, but each time when I opened my weapon, I was not harmed. The two players engaged in combat, weapon attack or skill output hit each other. It will be judged that there will be damage. If it is blocked by the opponent, there is no way. Unless your power is above your opponent, every time I attack Honglian with a sword, she will break away and she will not hurt her at all.

I kept on attacking without using any skills. It was the most basic ordinary attack, but Honglian could easily stop it every time. She seemed to be waiting for something, not irritable or nervous. The bright red eyes showed the usual and casual. Look, I slammed for ten minutes without hurting her.

She finally did it. Honglian held the too-knife backhand, and the red blade became more crimson. Then in less than a tenth of a second, it was directly cut on my Ruyi stick. The counterattack she launched this time was It was also a deadly counterattack.

Tai Dao waved, my attack rhythm was instantly broken, I adjusted my state in a hurry, but did not wait for me to adjust my posture. Honglian has taken a hard step forward.

"Boom!" The ground was directly cracked by this step. At this moment, my body was destroyed instantly, and the whole person lost their focus. Then Honglian's action attacked like a flowing cloud.

The first sweep from right to left knocked me back three steps directly, and then she took a step forward and picked from the bottom to the side. At this time, I couldn't defend at all, the true and false actions started, and my body backed up again.

But she held the handle with both hands, sweeping from front to back, forcing me to retreat.

Then she quickly locked in my place and continued to sweep. I even felt struggling for defense.

Then she stepped on the ground hard, waved me with a knife and immediately opened the guardian of the wind and the attack, but after the two shields were opened, they were easily torn by Honglian. The shield was like a piece of paper in front of the Taidao It was vulnerable, and her attack almost completely broke my defense.

This series of attacks is natural, smooth, and simple. It's like a cloud of peers. Her attacks are continuous, and each attack is as if counted countless times. I don't find a way to counterattack before this attack. Not to mention counterattack, even defense is difficult to achieve. The gap between us is like a world. It is not a gap that can be filled by skills, levels, and equipment.

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