Master Summoner Online

Chapter 217: Rain falling (3)

"Boom!" The power that erupted when the barrage of souls exploded on the shield of Gatling Blast Dragon, this golden and white mixed light entangled, as if the space was completely distorted, and finally a shocking explosion occurred.

"Boom!" Even the clouds in the sky were involved in the explosion. The scarred ground could no longer withstand such an attack, like a broken crystal, completely collapsed.

The strong energy explosion light wave rises into the sky, forming a golden white light column inconceivably. On the ground, the area where I was fighting the rain fell into a large pit. Centering on the area less than one centimeter in front of the Gatling Blast Dragon's shield, a piece of land with a diameter of tens of meters was completely gasified and turned into a huge depression valley.

Looking at it from the air, it was as if a large natural bowl suddenly appeared on the ground. It is estimated that as long as it rains, it will become a small pool.

However, the rain-falling jaw at the moment when the 10-point injury floated out was estimated to have fallen to the ground. If I was in a state of incapability of fighting, if I had not thrown the Gatling Blast Dragon for defense, I would rely on it to fight no matter how I hit it. The 10-point shield effect was terrible and strong enough to be shattered after being recorded.

This guy really can't be taken lightly, even if I use the shield of Gatling Blasting Dragon to resolve this blow, but my own strength is obviously not as good as the other party, must break through! Definitely breakthrough! As long as I break through the wall in my body and gain new strength, I will have a cure against these breakthrough strongmen.

"Hah ... Huh ..." I stood up holding the Ruyi stick in my hand. This kind of hard battle has been gone for a long time. At this moment, I saw that Yu Luo was panting, and it seemed that the hit just now consumed him a lot of energy, and now no one is much better than anyone.

fighting! Fight on! I do n’t know where the unprecedented strong war will support me. It does n’t matter what limit my body has. As long as I hold the stick in my hand and have the summoning beast that can be summoned, I have no reason to give up. This guy who dares to hunt down his most important person must die, and today he must fall here.

The battle was not over yet. "Ahhhhh!" I gritted my teeth and held Ruyi stick with both hands. A step forward represents the first step in the start of the new Earth battle.

"Abominable since there is such a thing!" Yu Luo opened his eyes wide at this moment, watching himself recruiting since he only hit 10 points of damage, and roared furiously.

"Your boy, there is such a thing hidden! It seems that I think the quick solution is not feasible, but I can still beat you!" The rain fell, he raised his hand flat, his crossbow on his hand. A powerful light wave was emitted, and the momentum rushed towards me.

I immediately let the Gatling Blast Dragon stop the blow. I heard that the four-light-emitting missiles shot into the air, but the rain-falling body suddenly flashed a golden light. This action was like a mage flash, but he was an archer. It's a terrible thing for an archer to use flash.

With the disappearance of the rain falling in the air, none of the four luminous missiles hit the target. "Take a move!" Suddenly, the rain falling body had sounded beside me. At this time, since he had a seat less than ten centimeters around me, his hand The crossbow was already facing my head, the next moment a crossbow was sent out by my colleague to avoid the real and fake actions, and was shot through instead, but when I breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh!" The rain fell and lifted one of him. The feet gave me the merciless side kick without mercy.

After being kicked away with one blow, Yu Luo launched his next move without hesitation.

A golden arrow was sent to the sky, and then an overwhelming arrow rain was formed in the sky, covering all my body. Many eyes could not count a clear number of arrows at all. When they fell, they crisscrossed the atmosphere, and countless arrows penetrated the air.

I do n’t want to defend. I definitely want to die. I ’m afraid that I will be disabled even if I do n’t hang on my defense skills. However, a countermeasure soon emerged in my mind. Thousands of arrows rained off his body, "Ding Ding Ding ..."

The arrow hit the Ruyi stick sounded loudly. After the arrow rained, the Ruyi stick had more scars, but after blocking this wide range of attacks, I found that I was fooled. At this time, the rain fell flat on the right hand. A white arrow appeared on the crossbow on the top. "Bye!" The white arrow was sent out as the two words were spit out, and it was very fast, too fast, and there was no time to open the skill defense. White arrows have come over me.

Suddenly faster than this arrow, a blur appeared in front of me. "Ding!" The white arrow was ejected and issued a loud metal popping sound. This lightning-like blow was suddenly ejected and accompanied me. It wasn't someone else who hit this blow, it was Phantom Moon!

"Sorry! I have kept you waiting!" Hagiyuki said to me after blocking the blow.

At the same time, "Brother Long!", "Brother!" Not far away at this moment, Tian Zhao and Brother Superman rushed over.

At this moment, Tian Zhao's beautiful red eyes were full of expressions, with joy, worry and anger!

As soon as these two people arrived, the situation began to change. Four people had only one opponent. The situation on the battlefield became four to one. Whether it is the number of people or the combat effectiveness, I have a good advantage here, but it is only an advantage, not a victory. It would not be easy to knock him down.

At this moment, Yu Luo seemed to find that the situation was wrong. He took a few steps back, and it seemed that he wanted to escape.

"This guy doesn't look easy! You made such a big explosion just now." Brother Superman told me.

I smiled bitterly: "I'm not him." He pointed to the rain.

"Take care of him together!" Hanuki said coldly.

Everyone nodded and I gave Glinglin an instruction at the same time.

Brother Superman didn't say a word at this time. He shot first. "With a wave of the staff in his hand, a thunder ball was thrown at the rain drop.

Now that the opponent's attitude has been shown, Yu Luo is too lazy to talk nonsense and immediately avoid it.

At the same time, the magic moon and I rushed up from two different directions, but the rain fell in the middle of our pinch and flickered to avoid it. At the same time, Tianzhao swept silently from the back and hit the left arm. If you grasp it well, It should be able to blast the raining head in an instant.

At this moment, I immediately rushed on, at this time Yu Luo looked at Tianzhao and fell on Tianzhao as much as he could understand that he only paid attention to Tianzhao and ignored himself.

In his heart, since he didn't bother himself, he took the opportunity to give him a solid blow.

But Yu Luo suddenly turned his head back and waved his arm, and an arrow was sent out from the crossbow to block me, then flashed like lightning to avoid the boxing which was enough to hit the headshot.

But I do n’t want to be in the moment when the light falls to the ground, the rain drops flashing on my body, followed by a golden-colored arrow, and after the arrow is sent out, I roll back one by one, while rolling, there are several arrows Being shot.

Suddenly, Tian Zhao flicked the air with a punch, turned her head slightly, and saw an arrow flying, and the blood storm appeared in her hand to block the attack on the deadly parts such as the head and the heart. Followed by a figure appeared beside Yu Luo.

"Hammer of the Wind King!" As the magic sword in his hand struck Yu Luo like a sledgehammer, "Boom" made a loud noise, and the rain fell instantly into the bottom of the hammer of the Wind King. In the cracks of the gravel, two swords followed, none of them fell through.

Under the carelessness of the rain, he was struck three times in a row, and immediately flashed. At this time, he must be so angry that he couldn't help spitting blood, and at the same time, the terrible killing man prepared for him by Superman had arrived. .

This rain falling profession is a hidden professional magic shooter in the archer department. It belongs to the long-range attacking profession and has low blood cost. If it is not his equipment, it is good to see his blood and blood since there are 8000 points and mine. Exactly the same.

I just fought with him. His powerful skills should have been drained into the cooldown, and he was just hit by three ordinary attacks with the hammer of the magic moon wind king twice. At this moment, his blood is only 4000 points. Left and right, and this is still because his defense is not low and he has also taken drugs, otherwise, his blood will return to zero and go weak.

Suddenly, only about 4000 points of blood were left, and the situation was suddenly dangerous. Rain fell and looked up in a panic, and suddenly found that there was a blue and white lightning spear re-inserted above.

The skills launched by the Superman Brother finally came down. In a flash, the rain had just dropped. At this time, he had lost the ability to escape, and his body was shrouded in blue and white electric light.

If he is hit again by the "Thunderspear" summoned by Brother Superman, even if his magic defense is astonishing, but only if the remaining blood is not zero, it is almost the same.

The rain fell in an instant to judge that the situation was not good. Suddenly his violent flying dragon seemed to sense the owner's intentions, and he gave up entangled with the dragon battle and flew over. He flew from the air to roar, and the violent flying dragon flew over to unfold its huge wings and rain Under his guard, Big Brother Superman summoned the "Thunderspear" to fall.

"Boom!" A loud explosion sounded from the place where the rain fell. A few seconds after the huge damage number of 5331, all the smoke and dust disappeared. Only then did I find that the rain and raging dragons that were there were virtually gone.

Did you run away? It does look like this. Under the joint attack of the four masters, even the super strong in the masters may only be able to retreat in time.

I immediately looked up and saw a black spot in the southwest direction. It should be the violent flying dragon that fell in the rain. Although I do n’t know how he could do it, I have no reason to let him escape.

Sitting on the Gatling Blast Dragon, the helium accelerated immediately from a charge to the present. The jet backpack behind the Gatlin Blaster immediately blasted out two gas flames, carrying me to the place where the rain escaped. .

"Abominable, unwise! It's better to just flash first."

"Can you escape?" I shouted behind him in a cold, angry voice.

"How could it be! You can't catch up with me!" The rapidly turning raindrop opened his eyes wide.

"Gone for me!" With the roar of the Gatling machine guns of Gatling Blast Dragon, one, two, three, ... numerous Jin Chancan bullets were sent to the body of the rain.

"Abominable!" Suddenly Yu Luo quickly took out something and crushed it, then his body disappeared out of thin air in an instant, all the bullets were emptied, Gatling Blast Dragon landed, and I hit the ground with a punch. "Damn! To the end Let him run away, hateful! "An unwilling roar rang.

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