Master Summoner Online

Chapter 233: Big challenge area

Dragon City, Open Air Rest Station

The equipment on hand must be quickly disposed of. I have selected some good attributes to be stored in the warehouse. These things are the mage, warrior and archer Xiaopin. I will send them to Longxin next time, but there is no summoner. The unpopular level of the Summoner profession, of course, has some other equipment. At this time, I take out the items in the package one by one to appreciate.

Today can be regarded as a huge outbreak of character. I can hardly think of myself since I have earned a lot of things in one day, drinking the cheapest green tea, and at the same time, Tian Zhao Xiao Niao leans on me like a human, and I can get the players passing by. There was a moment of envy, and there was even a mage saying this as he walked by.

"Fuck! It's ridiculous! It's a flower stuck in cow dung."

Of course I didn't bother him, but looked at my equipment with interest.

Iron Shield, Grade: Purple Gold, Defense +800, Constitution Specialization +30, 50% chance to block damage when attacked, Blood +1000, Skills: Defense +1 Special Effects: Be familiar with driving, reduce user level requirements by ten Level, required level: 65

Xuanbing Double-edged Greatsword, Grade: Green, Attack +1500, Strength Specialization +46, Constitution Specialization +41, Skills: Rage +2, Skills: Cyclone +2, 8% chance for your opponent to attack Enter the frozen state for 1.5 seconds, sharpness: BC, required level: 58, dedicated to the Berserker class.

Black Serpent Spear, Grade: Green, Attack +1300, Strength Specialization +25, Constitution Specialization +18, Dexterity Specialization +13, Skills: Spikes +3, Skills: Gun Mastery +5, Additional Skills: Black Heart Puncture, consumes 600 magic, inflicts dark damage to a target and puts the target into a poisoned state for 5 seconds and cools down for 30 seconds. Requires level: 55

Dominant Armor, Grade: Green, Attack +730, Constitution Specialty +36, Blood +1000, Magic +300, Skills: Living Blood +1, Skills: Broken Fist +1 attack 10% chance of knocking back the opponent , Required Level: Level 50.

Limbo Boots, Silver: Defense +310, Agility Specialization +55, Strength Specialization +35, Movement Speed ​​+ 30%, Avoidance Rate + 13%, Jumping Power + 10%, Additional Skills: Limbo Micro Step, consumes 500 magic, instantly increases its movement speed by 100%, and gains the ability to walk on water. The duration is 15 seconds and the cooling time is 5 minutes. Required Level: 60


While drinking green tea while looking at the equipment, a voice suddenly sounded in front of me, "Oh! Isn't this Brother Long? It's a coincidence that I can see you here." At this time, I saw the wretched uncle last time. Appeared, but it was strange that he was followed by a beautiful woman who looked very youthful and pretty in a light green embroidered dress.

I asked, "Who is she?"

The system administrator (the uncle's uncle's ID) said, "I'll introduce my boss at this time, Ms. Ye Youlan."

"Your boss?" I said, "You boss of the money-losing squadron is beautiful enough."

At this time, the female player named Ye Youlan smiled sweetly: "You can't say this gentleman, I'm not a money-loser, but a serious businessman, and a businessman with absolute credit."

I was thinking of a way to dispose of things at this time, so I said, "System administrator, do you accept equipment in your business project?"

The system administrator said, "Of course I have. What good has Brother Long hit, so anxious to shoot?"

I smiled mysteriously, set the cup on the tea table to the side first, took the backpack from the side to open the access restriction, and then flipped over to the table!

Wow! A lot of equipment was dumped on the table. Looking at the opposite, whether it was Ye Youlan's surprised look like Xing Muyuan's open mouth and small mouth, or the funny look of the system administrator's hand holding his chin in fear that he might fall. I couldn't help but feel proud.

When they saw so many high-level equipment at this time, they were definitely surprised to have reached the extreme point. It was clear that Youlan was more knowledgeable than the system administrators before staying overnight. They calmed down and smiled, "Big Brother, so many seniors Equipment, have you looted the dragon's treasure house? "

I hesitated and smiled: "Almost, Miss Ye, all these equipments are entrusted to you for sale?"

Ye Youlan smiled and said, "Brother Long, of course you can, and please don't call me any young lady. Just listen to the awkward name and just call me by name."

I said, "Don't call me my elder brother. Obviously, you are older than me, and Weiweilong will do."

Having said that, she took a few pieces of equipment and looked at it and said, "Well, these equipment are good, the attributes and demand levels are ideal. I can sell them at the auction house, I can buy a good price, but I will charge Starting with 5% of the handling fee, we will close the deal if you trust me, and I will send it to you by mail after the sale. "

"Well, Miss Ye, oh no, Ye Youlan, of course!" I said.

Ye Youlan said, "Weiweilong trusts me so much. Don't you be afraid that I will collect your equipment and slip away."

Tianzhao interjected: "If you dare to run away with your elder brother's equipment, Tianzhao will definitely find you and crush you!"

Ye Youlan smiled, "Your sister is really brutal."

After I was speechless for a while, I said, "I think you can directly convert gold coins into RMB and put it on my account after selling the equipment."

Ye Youlan said: "Wei Weilong, are you short of money?"

I said, "I'm not very short of money. When no one thinks it's too much money, I can't live with anything and I can't live with money. All right, I'm going to level up, I have to break through early." Just go.

But Ye Youlan said at the moment: "Breakthrough ?! Of course Weiweilong, you hit the barrier of strength?"

After hearing this, I sat down again and said, "You know?"

Ye Youlan said: "I probably know a bit. You must also know that the power barrier has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that after the breakthrough, its own attributes will greatly increase, especially in the final sprint. It will become bigger and you will also realize a special skill. The disadvantages you should know is that you cannot upgrade, and experience is always stuck at 100%. "

Ye Youlan continued: "I do n’t know the specific situation. After all, our life players ca n’t encounter this thing, but a friend of mine received a large-scale task in a few days ago. After the task was completed, The reputation for getting rewards will be very high, and at the same time, it will successfully break through the constraints of the power barrier, so to break through, you must have a certain opportunity. "

"I know this but I'm not lucky enough to run into a series of large tasks to do it." I said.

Ye Youlan said: "The words can't be so absolute, you don't necessarily need any large missions. You can break through special maps or kill some special bosses or self-understanding."

"I understand how smart I am. As for the special BOSS, I don't think it is so easy to touch. I know one of them."

Ye Youlan said: "Then you can try it, no matter whether there is a breakthrough or not, the result is definitely not bad."

"Well, then I'll leave, and I'll leave the equipment." I said.

Ye Youlan said: "Rest assured, I will take full responsibility for you."

Then the two sides added friends. I left the rest place with the daylight and came to the warehouse to take out the teleporting scroll, and at the same time brought the special admission ticket. This special map must not be open. It should be possible to use this. Entered "Master, let's go." Amaterasu said excitedly.

I nodded and crushed the teleporter, and a prompt popped up the next moment--

"Do you want to teleport to the challenge zone?" I clicked OK and then another prompt--

"The big challenge zone has not been developed yet. Do you use special admission tickets to enter?" Then clicked OK, and then I felt that I was white and blank, all the people and voices around me disappeared, and I could no longer hear them.

Then, the neutral voice with no emotion continued to sound: "Welcome your brave adventurer, I haven't seen the adventurer enter this place for a long time. When was the last time that adventurer left? OK Not much nonsense, there are four intersections in the big challenge zone, which are the Road of the Brave, the Road of the Poseidon, the Road of the Flame, and the Road of Darkness. You can choose any one of them if you are an adventurer. Ask questions. "

I couldn't help asking: "Is there any difference between these four paths?"

The neutral voice said: "The road to the brave is the road to the trial of the altar of the dragon. You will receive the trial of the brave. After completing the trial, you will get the mysterious reward of the dragon. The road to the sea **** is the road to the first. A treasure hunt for a treasure, you will accept the trial of Poseidon. After completing the trial, you will get the treasure of Poseidon. The path of flame is the path to the expedition to the mountain of flames. You will accept the path of flames. Trial of God. After completing the trial, you will get. The shelter of Vulcan will greatly increase your combat effectiveness. The Dark Road is the road to death leading to hell. You will accept the trial of the demon king in hell. After the trial, you will get the powerful skills that the Demon King personally taught, so which one do you choose for adventurers? "

I thought about it, the road of Poseidon should be to obtain money and equipment, the road of flame is to reward levels and enhance attributes, the road of darkness is to obtain NB skills, as for the road of the brave, I am very interested, after all, mysterious rewards can be compared to money, equipment All skills, skills and levels are tempting, so I shouted, "I choose the path of the brave!"

Then the voice said: "The Road to the Brave has been received, and now the transmission begins! Come on! The adventurer wishes you success!" Followed by a beep. The dazzling light suddenly disappeared, and immediately followed, my body collapsed and fell down.

I still can't see anything in my eyes, and then I feel like I fell to somewhere severely, but I have no pain at all, I just feel dizziness and tinnitus, and at the same time I have a very soft thing pressing on myself.

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