Master Summoner Online

Chapter 246: New opponent

Along the way, while looking for strange things, he went deep into the heart of the Snow Mountain.

At this time, I saw the white shadow shaking on the distant snow **** and practiced it. The golden eyes of the fire swept through a lot of white rabbits at this time, the number was about fifty or so. In this scene, I patted a small knife on the shoulder: "It's strange, get up!"

The little knife sharply stood up and saw the white rabbit and beast in front of him smiling. "There are many here, some of them are hit now!"

Tianzhao said cheerfully, "It's really boring to not come too much, Brother Long, let's go!"

"Little wolf, polar storm!" The little knife yelled first, then the polar devil wolf made a howling, and a large blue cloud suddenly condensed in the blue sky. Then three hurricanes in the sky descended into the white rabbit beast. At this time, there are a lot of these white rabbits and the array is dense, so when they are aware of the attacks from the air and respond, many white rabbits are still in the coverage of the hurricane!

—2335—2326—2311—2310 ...

The three hurricanes fell into the herd of rabbits and kept stirring, just like a meat grinder. Almost 20 white rabbits could not escape the hurricane, and the sharp wind blades cut their bodies, giving these beautiful souls a belt. With irreparable harm, the wailing of the white rabbits and beasts sounded like an elegy, echoing on the snowy field for a long time.

The hurt that floated into a horror saw me dumbfounded. After a moment's hold, I also started my show. The Gatling Blast Dragon summoned it. When it appeared, it raised its gun and I asked it to select those whites that were not injured in the hurricane. The beast pulled the trigger and fired quickly.

At this time, the small knife on the back of the polar devil wolf was 100 times more powerful, and directed the polar devil wolf to release ice smashes to those white rabbits and beasts that continued to rush, in cooperation with the Gatling Dragon to stop the target. When these white rabbits rush into their attack range. Kill their living power as much as possible.

The Sonic Werewolf also cast a crescent maneuver attack, and I asked it to pick up those white rabbits that were almost swept by the machine gun of the Gatling Blast Dragon. The two summoned beasts cooperate very well and do not waste as much attack power as possible.

This battle was very happy. After bringing down almost half of the white rabbits, the remaining 30 white rabbits launched the first wave of counterattack at a final distance. These white rabbits used their forelegs to lift dozens of ice hockey balls. , Quickly dropped over and fell onto our heads like raindrops.

This attack was relatively intensive. I asked the Gatling Blast Dragon to use a shield to protect us one step forward, but this also could not avoid the fate of everyone being hit. The Sonic werewolf strengthened by the holy spring took several ice hockey shots. Not much damage. I was also hit by one or two. Fortunately, this ice hockey has limited lethality and cannot cause much damage to us!

The White Rabbit Beast's counterattack only made us pause for a moment, and quickly. Gatling's bullets, the polar wolf's ice, and the Sonic Werewolf sent a crescent moon round to play the melody of the white rabbits again.

The White Rabbits have no intention of retreating, they risk our sharp attacks and continue to accelerate, trying to rush into melee. But when they approached us less than twenty meters away, there were only seven heads left, of which two or three were still injured.

For the White Rabbit Beasts, this is destined to be a hopeless charge. Seeing the White Rabbit Beasts rushing in front of them, Tian Zhao has excitedly lifted his two swords and rushed up.

After Tian Zhao slid into the strange pile, the terrible shouts of the white rabbits and beasts sounded. The battle was completely one-sided. The long-stretched Tian Zhao killed the white rabbits and blocks flesh and blood, one after another. The ground fell.

The last white rabbit came out suddenly from the snowdrift on the side. It wanted to engage in a sneak attack, but the cunning rabbit just leaped up. The Gatling Blast turned and a light shot through the head. The poor white rabbit's throat was shot in the air before reaching the target's side.

Although the number of white rabbits destroyed this time is much more than before, there are not many things that burst, only a few ten gold coins. This last white rabbit and beast contributed a lot of things, 8 silver coins, one Frost Star Belt, a pair of Frost Star boots, and most importantly a ring.

Then assign the trophy, the ice star suit to the small knife, I took the ring, at this time I hold this ring in my hand, this thing has not been identified and do not know the attributes, at this time I see this ring, the middle One side is engraved with a vivid image of an eagle's head, and the densely decorated lines around it should not be ordinary.

After allocating, we stepped on the snow that hasn't touched our feet and moved on. After destroying another wave of white rabbits, the gloves of the Frost Star were obtained. At this time, the terrain was getting higher and higher, and it became more difficult to walk.

Little Knife said: "On the 75th level of the Snow Wolf Land, should we take the trail and go there to the Jade Dragon Valley? How about Weiweilong?"

I nodded and said, "Where is there in the Jade Dragon Valley?"

Xiaoxiaodao said, "Yulong Valley is a newly discovered map. I heard that there is a hidden map called the Extreme Cold Hall. Someone entered it, but it came out in a second. I was very curious about the Extreme Cold Hall. Weilong, you team up, let's go to the junction of the extremely cold hall in Yulong Valley together. "

"Okay!" I nodded and answered, but at this moment, in the sky above our heads, there was a sudden burst of screams. I looked up and saw that in the blue sky, there were about 7, 8 postures. The engraving hovered over our heads, forming a siege trend.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-

Blue Wing Snow Sculpture, Level 80, Ordinary Beast, Introduction: The raptors on the Snow Dragon Mountains are constantly flying in the air. If they hover over your head, then you must be careful, that is the precursor of its attack.

When this kind of guy attacks, he must always rely on the air superiority to flee from it. I woke with a bitter smile. This kind of guy is really cunning, but cunning, but since today, they are bad luck!

Immediately, four glowing missiles were fired, and they suddenly exploded on the belly of a snow sculpture. The snow sculptures slammed their wings from the air and crashed into a terrible crash!

Then the little knife rode on the polar devil wolf, and the poorest snow sculpture, after struggling for a few seconds under the polar devil's minions, would be torn to pieces, and the blue feathers sprang up everywhere.

The remaining gold feather snow sculptures in the sky discovered the bad luck suffered by their companions, and immediately issued a long sigh of grief and indignation. They changed their flying attitude in the air, opened a distance, and launched a dive attack on Lei Jingtian like a bomber.

However, they flew over completely to find their own way. Once again, the four glowing bullets were sent and the bullets of the Gatling machine gun swept past. The snow sculptures were dropped, and then they were severely spoiled by the polar devil wolf.

Eight heads of snow sculptures fell to the ground. The only regret is that these snow sculptures are quite rampant, leaving only a few silver coins of the booty. Keep going.

Then proceed along the snow and ice trail that the little knife knew. Sure enough, no monsters were encountered along the way. We smoothly bypassed a large snow **** and reached an open valley.

"This is the Jade Dragon Valley. This place is very large. I don't know where the extreme cold hall will be?" The little knife began to look around.

And this place is not exclusive to us, because someone has arrived first, and seeing that there are more people leveling, I frowned and said, "It looks like a lot of people. Why don't we go inside and fight!"

"Okay, let's go in, I don't want to crash with others," said the little knife.

Everyone continued to walk forward for dozens of meters, and came to the periphery of the area where those people had blame, stopped and looked around, the frozen ground was slippery. In the distance, you can clearly see the traces of the fighting just now.

"The monster refresh here is not very fast. We go in before we refresh. I think the hidden map of the Extreme Cold Hall must be inside the valley." I said.

The little knife also said: "It ’s also what we said. I brushed it once here, and the number of monsters brushed out here is not fixed. Sometimes it may be a dozen."

As I was talking, a gust of wind with snow particles suddenly blew from the valley. The wind came very strangely, and the snow particles the size of rice grains hit the body with a slight crackling sound.

I noticed that there seemed to be a faint shake in the wind, but it was vaguely invisible.

Then the wind stopped shortly. At this time, I saw a dark shadow on the ground. I looked up and saw a black biped dragon descending. I sat on the biped dragon, and I naturally knew that he was raining. There was a man dressed assassin beside him.

When Yu Luo saw me, he said, "Weiweilong hasn't seen you for a long time.

I laughed: "It's okay, who's that person around you?"

Yu Luo said, "His name is Yu Luo Dust. He is my friend."

The assassin named Rainfall Dust said, "Two of you are strong or weak."

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