Master Summoner Online

Chapter 302: Rain fall dust

"Did you win?" Long Xin sat on the floor, panting heavily, and it seemed that using that skill was not so easy.

"Ha ... ha ..." Long Xin stood up very hard. At this time, the staff in her hand had lost its light. The system did not prompt, and it was not known whether Long Xin's attack had brought down the opponent. , But it's really a little bad.

"Ka!" As Long Xin stared intently at the explosion area, a blood-red lance was placed around her neck.

At the same time, a calm voice sounded behind Long Xin: "Give up."

"What!" Long Xin froze in surprise. She didn't expect it at all. In the end, there will be such a dangerous opponent hiding behind him.

"Really, fortunately, I came out in time, otherwise, the young lady will be finished this time." Kuqiulin said quietly behind Long Xin.

"What is this? Summoning beast! Miscalculation, the summoner has five summoning beasts, but just four ..." Long Xin sighed and raised his right hand.

"I abstain." Long Xin said helplessly, I think with the power of Kuqiulin, he would never give Long Xin any magic or even the chance of flashing.

With Long Xin abstaining from the declaration and the battle ended at this moment, the game ended with Ziyue's victory.

"When did you come out, Kuqiulin?" At this point, Ziyue appeared next to Kuqiulin. In my opinion, Kuqiulin appeared and escaped from the attack area. He has that ability.

"Miss, please pay more attention, if I didn't come. Miss, if you fail because of carelessness, that's not good." Kuciulin said very seriously.

"I was just startled by the intimidation. It was a trivial matter, not to mention. As the saying goes, people are not good enough, but I am not a perfect person. I will pay attention next time." Ziyue held her hands next time. Said his chest.

"Okay, don't make this obvious mistake again next time. If I didn't show up in time this time, you will definitely lose the young lady ..." Kuqiulin began to preach rashly.

"Okay ... okay ... I know, I will pay attention, how do you love to preach like my mother, shouldn't summon beasts listen to the masters ... really ... go back." Ziyue seemed somewhat Enraged into anger.

"Understand! Please go all out in the next battle." Kuqiulin disappeared into the air after performing a knight ceremony against Ziyue.

"It's a pity! Long Xin." I messaged Long Xin.

Long Xin replied: "Woohoo ~! I thought I could win with the" Brilliant Shock Cannon "but I didn't expect ... Hey!"

"Brilliant Shock Cannon?"

"That was all my savings, a skill book I bought, your old girl now has only a few silver coins left on her." Long Xin said.

"Oh! Show me the skills."


Brilliant Impact Cannon: Consumes all magic and endurance values ​​(both can be used at 50%). After one second, it prepares to explode all its magic power, launching a beam of energy to hit a target in front of it, and the beam will enter a straight line. The unit (disregarding the enemy and me) deals magical damage, causing huge magical damage to the target it hits, and explosions causing magical damage to surrounding units, cooling for 50 hours.

Well, good skills, but the consumption and cooling are too long, and the attack line is monotonous, but it is a very good skill when it hits a large BOSS or siege.

Time hastily passed, and there have always been duels on the ring. Of course, there is more than one ring. Each major ring has divided its own victory and defeat. Fire Phoenix, Yinyue, and Summer all encountered some good players last time. Of course, it ’s better to win. Ye Shuang did, but he was a bit tragedy. When he fell into the rain, it was called a misery by the other kite. The dragon studio left me and Feng Xiaoyue who had not yet played.


Finally, at 8:30 tonight, there was another match. Two white lights went straight. Two assassins walked out. The left was a cold lonely mark, and the right was a cold rain. The dust fell on him. Stepped out of the platform and threw a dagger, leaned over to make a posture ready to fight, chuckled: "boy! Are you strong or weak?"

Having said that, Gu Ke said coldly, "Strong!"

"Is it strong? So come here quickly! I can't wait." Yu Luochen reached out his hand and made a provocative action.

Gu Hen said, "I'll do what you want!"

The words did not fall, the lone mark leapt forward, holding the handles of the two Taidao behind with both hands, his eyes were very calm and calm.

"Come on, your strength lets me see." Yu Luochen chuckled, facing the lonely mark in a weird step!

But Guzhen didn't respond in the slightest, not even a reaction, which made it difficult for Yu Luochen to lose his face, but he didn't even care about these things at all, and rushed up!

"Hoo ~!" The fist waved vigorously, approaching the lonely face of the door! The lone mark flickered at the moment of the electric light flint, leaving only the afterimage, the body has already fallen to the left of the rain and dust!

However, this rain falling dust is not a general generation. It reacted instantly, and a 360-degree attack on the 'Whirlwind Leg' was suddenly launched. This can effectively avoid being attacked from the left and right by the opponent!

Goku didn't say a word for a second, and saw that Goku's hands pulled out the Taidao in an instant and fell to the rain and dust. The Taiko used a Taiko shorter than the ordinary Taidao, but the attack distance was longer than that of the short dagger. !!

As a result, "嚓嚓 ~!" The two swords flashed, the solitary marks were controlled at the opponent's attack limit boundary, and the extra attack range of the Taidao was used to attack. This kind of positioning technique can be described as peaking.

—755 The number of injuries flew up, and when the rain whirlwind's whirlwind leg stopped, the lone mark did not hesitate to use his mastery skills, qi and chop, and two fell in succession!

Rainfall Dust Ben's "Whirlwind Leg" stopped preparing to make a counterattack, but he was already anchored by the solitary marks and stiffened!

The lonely moving skills of the lone mark made the audience stunned. At the next moment, the lone sword wields the Taidao "Shadow Dance" in an instant like a dance.

—4287—345—343 ... Several hurting brushes floated out to watch the blood strips of Rainfall Dust clear up instantly, but this was the body of Rainfall Dust turned into a scarecrow, apparently the assassin's fake action skills escaped.

The lone mark was not good at first sight. Quickly jump back and pull away, at the same time into stealth, at the same time the opponent is also in stealth.

Both disappeared, disappeared quietly on the ring, and even the sound of footsteps could not be heard. Yuan Yuan slowly moved to where Wu Hua had just moved. The assassin's stealth skills can be hidden for five minutes without being attacked. However, the skill itself only has a CD. One minute is only counted after showing up, and there is a problem with the stealth skill is that if you are attacked or you take the initiative to attack, the true body will be exposed, and the two assassins will face each other and die.

All the audience watched this quiet and weird picture, one minute passed, and they were still quiet, and neither side appeared.

Two people were still waiting for another one and a half minutes, and there were still no shadows of the two people around. The time passed in one minute and one second, and the final time was fixed at five minutes. When he was born, his position was where Rainfall Dust stood just now, but his appearance did not appear, so he could be invisible for life.

Solitary marks began to be vigilant all around. Needless to say, the current situation is completely downside. If he is secretly involved in the other party, even if he does not dare to drink potions, it will be troublesome. High, the defense is comparable to the swordsman. If you change to an ordinary assassin, the consequences that will definitely bring to yourself are often unimaginable.

"Here!" Suddenly! The solitary nerve jumped, suddenly slamming a knife into the air, and a "slap ~!" Came in the air. When the rain fell, the dust immediately appeared, and his body was cut off.

However, the severed body instantly turned into smoke. "Oops!" The lone mark now realized his mistake, but it was too late. The deity of rain and dust had reached behind him, and smiled softly: "My shadow is good. Right. "

"Uhhhhhh!" The sword stabbed quickly, and then the figure retreated frequently!

Then he threw a handful of bitterness into the orphan mark, but this bitless tail was tied with a small bag, and the orphan mark avoided him side by side, but he avoided the bad thing.

"Boom boom!" Three explosions exploded under his feet, directly blasting him back a few positions, but did not expect that the detonation charm was buried by the rain and dust on the ground.

—758—765—754 Three damage figures flew up. This blood was completely harmless to the lone mark, but this is the short knife in the rain falling dust instantly turned into a ten-meter giant blood blade, "Soul Extermination Blade! "The roar was thunderous, one blade after another, tumbling and cutting out, ten meters of blood blades, waved continuously against the lone mark, such a crazy choppy sound was appalling.

And this continuous slash did not give the solitary mark a chance to breathe. Ten consecutive swings and hits each had more than three thousand points of damage. He was full of blood, and his blood was completely beaten in these ten slashes. Empty, the body fell down.

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