Master Summoner Online

Chapter 323: Fire Dance vs. Dragon (3)

The shadows of powerful monsters screamed, roared, and roared behind Hao Long, and they were very hungry repeatedly. Countless twisted figures disappeared immediately after the magic circle, and replaced by a small red dot, and soon Yes, that point became a hole and then expanded into a cave.

That huge cave shrouded the entire 擂 tai for more than half. It shouldn't have been more than half of the world swallowed. Through the dark entrance, many dim figures can be seen faintly. And Haolong stood in front of that cave, using his weird wand in his hand to write words that no one could understand.

"Come on, take a look, these bugs are hungry now, and you are their food."




"Come on, larvae, grow up." With his voice in the huge cave behind him, more than a hundred long silkworms were swarming out, facing things that were countless times larger than silkworms. Fire dance across the rush.

"Troublesome bugs, let me die!" Said the sound of fire dance, throwing out black fireballs, crunching these bugs, but there were too many of these bugs, and after she burned to death, there was another bug Swarm up.

"Eat her." Hao Long's eyes flashed a cold light, and he gave unusually cruel instructions.

"Good breath, if you can do it, try it." Then Fire Dance reached out and "teared ..." His cloak had been cut in several mouths under the attack of the skeleton generals just now. At this moment she simply took off her cloak.

Under that monk-like dress, a black hair like water splashed down on the shoulders, a light armor exudes aura, but the face mask has not been removed, but there is a black neat set under the cape It ’s definitely not that simple to wear good-looking armor.

Then the death code in the hand of Fire Dance was put away, and a broken sword that she had seen at the time appeared in her hand. At this moment, she raised the broken sword high, and then countless green fragments. I did not know where to fly to the front of the broken sword, and quickly gathered. Shaping the shape of a sword.

However, more than that, the reorganized broken sword was carried with a green flame, and there was a sound of wind in the flame. The sound of the roaring wind.

And in this hurry, among the worms rushed out of the hole opened by Hao Long, the first few heads that ran to the front had jumped high and jumped to her head.

Among them, there was a bug that fell down first. At this time, the fire danced and stepped out. The slender beautiful leg draws a beautiful arc. From the side, it hit the bug body and kicked it, while holding the sword handle in both hands. Swing the broken sword.

Suddenly a storm appeared. It was a storm of green flames, a spiral storm, and the madly burning green flames rushed upwards in a vortex. The fire dance was wrapped in the whole person, and the worm that was kicked away was burned to ashes with several other worms that had fallen successively.

However, the dead ones were only soldiers, and the bigger bug was only the elite among the soldiers.

"Dance of Winged Wings!" With the dance of Fire Dance, the reorganized broken sword in his hand waved three chopped Fire Dances and killed more than half of the rushing insects released by Hao Long for the first time.

However, more came out than she killed, and I found out. The more monsters that come out later, the higher their strength. If the first ones that came out were basically miscellaneous fish, there were occasionally one or two elites. So, after killing fifty miscellaneous fish, almost all are elite.

And when the number of monsters she killed exceeded one hundred, she was no longer a worm but a dwarf with a short stature wearing a bull's head mask and a shovel, and more than one with a doped one inside. A red-haired dwarf wearing a black bull head mask.

"It's not just bugs in the Grieving Caves, the evil Buffalo Diggers attack!"

A large group of evil Buffalo excavators pounced.

The crowd had an absolute advantage, but their strength was not at all. Under the sharp sword in the hands of Fire Dance, they were quickly chopped to the ground by the hundreds of evil Buffalo diggers that emerged. However, a layer of green mist suddenly appeared on the evil Buffalo Digger who fell to the ground, and one by one re-elevated again, especially like an undead monster.

"How come!" Fire Dance was startled.

Then Fire Dance cut off these evil Buffalo diggers again. At this moment, I saw the evil Buffalo digger with red hair and black bull's head mask in the back row, waving the shovel in his hand, while he was waving. Those evil Buffalo diggers who have died are resurrected.

"This guy!" Fire Dance growled, a lunge struck, "Ding" a sword and a shovel collided, Fire Dance was short, and suddenly bumped on the shoulder, exhuming the red-haired evil Buffalo The man knocked out and flew out.

By the time the monster stood up, Fire Dance had jumped high and slashed down with a sharp sword in its hands!

"Thunder fire cut!" With a yell of drink, Li Jian looked at each other with a light and fire on his sword, and the fire and flames mingled, and the whole exploded, blasting the red-haired evil Buffalo digger. No bones remain.

After this guy died, the evil Buffalo diggers around him began to flee, and after a while they fell to the ground and could no longer crawl. Basically, the rules of the word monster and the evil Buffalo Digger are also followed.

At this time, Haolong was not idle. He poured potions but mineral water into his mouth all the time. Thinking about maintaining the inherent enchantment, the magic value consumed must be huge, and there was no super potion support. It can't be very long.

At this time, the new one is different, and it is different from all the monsters that have come out so far. It is the first time that a monster close to the shape of a human female appeared. "She" looks like a delicate face with long, white hair, a pair of twisted corners on her head, and a long staff in her hand.

At the moment she appeared, all the monsters left, as if in fear.

"What's that?" Fire Dance should have felt the danger instinctively, taking a few steps back involuntarily.

"Lynn in the air? Strange, how did she come out before the Tomb Raider, and where did the **** magic sword go? Sure enough, I can't control this inherent enchantment properly." Haolong like drinking water He drank the potion as well.

The ghost-like woman didn't wave the magic wand towards the fire dance at this time, but used her wand to draw a circle in the air, a simple but perfect circle, and then drew a few randomly in it The lines make up a pattern of inverse pentagrams.

At the same time as the pattern is formed, some complicated guides are automatically filled into this circle, and the simple circle is instantly turned into a strange coat of arms.

"Whatever you are, disappear for me." Fire Dance yelled at Li Jian in his hands, shaking hands, "Exile's Front! Storm Slash!"

With the sound falling, Fire Dance wields a sword, and the sharp sword sweeps out a green half-moon-shaped energy wave, splitting the ghost in front of you directly into two halves. The arrow generally ignores the surrounding monsters and rushes directly to the dragon with the casting skills. Then the dragon holds the wand in one hand and squeezes out an odd gesture "the ball of nothingness!"

Suddenly a black energy ball was thrown out, and an explosion sounded as a smoke rose, but at this time a figure burst out from the smoke, holding the sword in his right hand and swept out.

Hao Long backed up and immediately swung his staff, and then there were five trembling sounds in the air. On the way back, five heavy black light curtains were already attached. On each heavy black light curtain, countless mantras were surging.

Fire Dance was okay because when she charged, she armed with a layer of shield to resist the attack of the dragon's nimble ball. At this time, the sharp sword in her hand was heavily hit on the five-fold black light curtain. I saw a wave of light curtains that wasn't broken, which made Fire Dance a little surprised.

In the five-fold black curtain, Haolong continued to sing curses. It seemed that he was going to show some horrific killing tricks to solve the fire dance.

The fire dance that rushed over couldn't see the black light curtain with the blow of the war spear, and was suddenly shocked in his heart, and then receded without thinking.

"Come out, the King of Bugs!" With the voice of Hao Long, a huge looking creature was so incomparable that the worm ran out of the cave, a strange hissing sound was heard in the ring-shaped mouthpiece, and then the worm was immediately twisted. Move yourself to spin in place.

"嗤! 嗤! 嗤! 嗤!" The sharp spikes on its surface shot madly from its body, as fast as unimaginable. And each one has a strong penetrating power

"Ding-Ding-Dang-Dang! Ding-Ding-Dang-Dang!" The countless spikes collided with the Fire Dance Sword, and then it was bounced off. Fire Dance kept waving the sword on the ground in just a few seconds. Spiked carpet.

However, more spikes struck her body, her body was cut out of countless mouths, and blood flowed into her body, making her body bruised, and then a spike was hit on the face mask of Fire Dance, and the mask suddenly appeared numerous cracks.

The next moment the mask "thinning" broke into countless fragments, but at this time, Fire Dance quickly covered his face with one hand, and said in his mouth, "Your worm really has the ability, but you let me smash the mask. For a moment you have lost. "

"Huh! What's the bullshit? Killing continues to attack."

With Haolong's voice, the insect king twiddled his body again, and countless spikes erupted again. At the same time, the sound of fire dancing rang in the college channel: "Quick! Close your eyes!"

"What's wrong?" I was puzzled.

"Don't ask, Sister Snapshot said it!" Huofeng sounded, I immediately thought or didn't want to close my eyes and gave the same instructions to Tianzhao, and a tragic sound sounded the next moment.

"how is this possible!!!!"

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