Master Summoner Online

Chapter 337: Win the rain

"Amaterasu, my battle is next, you are on standby." I said.

"Understand, be careful!" After saying that the day photo disappeared beside me, as if it hadn't appeared before, the next moment, the sparkle of fire started with the flash of light!

"Come and win!"

Facing my shock, Yu Luo stared down and said, "As you wish!"

The words didn't fall, and Rain fell head-on to "Mystery Shooting!" It was a blue and blue arrow bursting out of the air. When the arrow was shot, it swelled N times, and I couldn't help it! It's definitely me who is desperate to suffer like this!

But I have no reason to stop and move on, victory is ahead!

The moment when the blue and blue arrows are less than half a body away from me!

"Oh ~!" My body made a sharp turn, flashed sideways, this arrow, and then accelerated in an instant, the next moment, flashed before the rain fell!

For a moment, the rain fell in shock!

Catching his shocking moment, the inverse scale gun suddenly appeared, and then a strong blue light suddenly appeared on the inverse scale gun, and the blue light began to circle around the tip of the gun, forming a dazzling spiral breath!

"Inverse scale cut!" Waving the inverse scale gun, a sharp mark was made by the sharp edge, and the gun blade fell on the back of Yu Luo accurately, and a deep cut appeared on the back of Yu Luo, and red blood sprayed from the wound. It started, and then my next shot was about to fall, and the rain fell instantly into a little golden light and disappeared in front of me.

"Good job! Anything like this!" When he saw the essence jumping and flashed into the air, he gritted his teeth and aimed at me with his crossbow, and three arrows shot out.

Immediately dancing against the scale gun, I shot a left arrow and cut it into two, and then on the right, I flew another arrow, and then my head slid, and the last arrow rubbed my dragonweave helmet. , The past stuck in the ground behind me.

At this time, when I looked into the sky again, I was surprised to find that the rain had disappeared. I looked around, "Behind the master!" Tian Zhao's voice sounded in my mind, and the next moment I turned back with a tiger!

"It's too slow!" The voice broke out before the arrow fell!

"Drink!" I yelled, my body was lowered, and this arrow brushed over my head and flew over, then kicked my feet, slashed with the inverse scale gun in my hand, but the rain fell quickly, and my feet used Pedal, jump up and dodge the blow instantly.

I kept hitting non-stop from the bottom up, at this moment the rain fell in the air and turned around, passing the scale gun against him, and at the same time, the rain falling body made the essence jump in the air and landed on the ground, I caught up again The inverse rifle was waving, jumping after the rain fell vigorously, avoiding this blow and volleying a 360 degree backflip in the air while the crossbow pointed at me.

"Yag of destruction!" Drank in his mouth, then a white beam of light on the crossbow gathered into arrows, then three white arrows were shot continuously, and the three arrows were more than doubled in the air, It seemed to me to retreat immediately, and as I retreated, the three branches fell along the path of my backwards.

"Boom boom!" Three consecutive explosions remembered, leaving three shallow pits on the ground, but after I avoided these three arrows, suddenly three of the same arrows fell, and the time they fell Just when I had just landed and hadn't stabilized my position, I immediately turned the scale gun across my chest, and a burst of destruction exploded on the scale gun.

"Boom!" — 1111 points of damage floated out. At the same time, I was impacted by the explosion, and my body was shaken out! He fell to the ground!

At the same time, the rain fell to the ground. At this time, I straightened up and shook my head. Then I saw that the rain fell into my seat was a burst of fire, swiping against the scale gun, sweeping the arrows in front of me, but then the next round of dense The arrows came over again.

I immediately started the attack, "Ding Ding Ding Ding ~!" Countless arrows hit the shield, and the shield fell suddenly, and then "Brushing !!" The rain fell again and sent three damages.

"Boom boom ~!" Three explosions were uploaded from the shield. Once the explosion exploded, the shield broke, and then I saw countless light spots on the ground. When I looked up, I saw countless arrow rain falling on my head. "White Dragon Shield! "The white dragon shield was turned on the next moment, and its holdings began to decline.

With the arrow rain against the White Dragon Shield, I saw the rain falling not far away in front of me. "One Hundred Ghosts at Night!" Along with a hissing, a cube was stretched out, and the rain fell sideways and jumped away. Shoot the ground "Thunderstorm!"

Suddenly a burst of thunder broke out! When the rain fell, he immediately jumped out of the essence and escaped from the range of thunder, but it hit me right away! "Only me!"

"Boom!" A huge cuboid face appeared, the cuboid face opened its big three-dimensional mouth, and bite at the rain, "I didn't expect it! But ..." Down "Advance shooting!"

An energy burst from the crossbow when his voice did not fall, and he was immediately rushed up, and he avoided the attack of the "Only Oneself", rose to the rain falling at a high altitude, turned his body, and "empty tread!" The rain fell Drinking my feet and kicking in the air, my body came in front of me like an arrow off the string, and I didn't even react.

The rain fell and I held my hand and pushed me out. "Boom!" A loud noise, I was pushed into the wall stiffly by him, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" This guy ’s hand strength was more than I thought I still beat a lot, this one, I screamed, "Reassured, I won't let you be too painful. If you rushed up with your summoned beast just now, I guess I have lost at this time, but now ···· "

Said the crossbow pointed directly at my eyebrow, "This is my battle with you! No one else is required to intervene!" I sink.

As soon as the rain fell, a smile appeared, and the surrounding atmosphere became condensed the next moment. My pupils shrank, and the sound of the "click" trigger of the crossbow sounded, and the arrow was sent out at zero distance.

"Ka!" My head slanted quickly, and the deadly arrow flickered away in a flash, facing the moment I avoided, the rain fell, and I kicked him immediately on the stomach.


"Oh!" Yu Luo screamed and was kicked out by me, but he flew into the air in the back of a volley, and then took a few steps back.

"I didn't think about it! I can't think of anyone who can avoid my attack to this extent. You really are my favorite opponent. I have prepared a battle plan for you since I have not achieved the expected results." Yu Luo shook his head and said.

"Me too, the first time I played so hard with the archers. Your tactics today are completely different from the last tactics that rely on huge kills and quick decisions, but you have such a close mind as tactics. It ’s good for people, but it may not be useful for me. ”I said.

"That is to say, it doesn't work against what kind of tactics you use, that is, there is no serious confrontation. As long as you kill the opponent, is it the most important right?" Yu Luodao said.

"Can you do it? Kill me!" I asked.

"Exactly!" Rain fell.

"Then I got up!" Before the words fell, he rushed up! At this point I saw that there were no arrows on the crossbow that fell from the rain. Did he run out of ammunition, no! No! He is definitely not an ordinary arrow, it should be the same magic arrow as Xiao Xi.

At this point, as I thought, a cyan light on the rain-falling crossbow began to gather in the crossbow slot, and an arrow placed in blue light appeared in the crossbow slot of the crossbow, but at this time I did not stop. The need to evade him to gather this trick naturally takes time, to such a person with a sophisticated head will never show this skill that requires time to recharge in front of the enemy, I think he must want to use this trick to trick me to stop Dodge, as soon as I stop, this trick may be fully charged or quickly change to another skill to charge me, so I ca n’t just hit Huanglong against the scale gun immediately as he wants, and it ’s fierce against the rain. Stab it!

The rain-falling chest that came from the inverse scale gun instantly, at this moment, Yu Luo ’s body suddenly tilted slightly, and the inverse scale-gun stabbed into the seat connected to the right and right shoulder of Yu Luo's heart instantly—3143 points of injury floated out!

by! This guy would use this method, I was surprised! At this point he held my inverse lance with his other hand, and then aimed at me with a crossbow, "Fuck! Avoid important parts, I'm expected to take this blow, since this guy will use this method." I was surprised Said.

"Who says that people with tight heads won't mess around! Disappear! Ten Twilight Steel Collapses!"

"Ka!" The trigger was pulled, and a blue beam of light suddenly rose to the sky. I was suddenly impacted and flew out, but I was still pulling out the inverse scale gun with a single shot, but on the chest, this arrow , Stabbed on my inverse lance.

I looked at the arrow pierced by the inverse lance in my hand, and could not help exhaling, but then the arrow stabbed in the inverse lance suddenly disappeared, and the rust appeared on the inverse lance the next moment.

"No victory or defeat! Ten Twilight Steel Collapses! It is an arrow that gathers heavy metal poisonous. As long as it touches the arrow, no matter people or items will be poisoned until they die!" Said Yu Luo crossbow again quasi.

hateful! Do you want to use the remaining skills? No! When I shook my head, it was not the time to use those skills, I immediately shot against the scale gun into the air, then grabbed it with my right hand, aimed at the rusty part, and aimed at the rain that charged the skills in front of me!

"The beam penetrates!" The anti-scale gun was thrown heavily, and at the same time the rain fell to trigger the crossbow. The fully charged arrows on the crossbow shot, and an arrow and a gun crossed in the air.

"Hoo!" There was a cracking sound in my ear, and arrows flew across my cheek, a trace of blood was brought up.

"Ah!" At the same time, the anti-scale gun plunged into the rain falling chest! — 2334 points of damage floated out, then countless — 100 points of purple poisoning damage floated out, and the traces of rust in the seat where the rain fell on the chest was pierced by the inverse scale gun began to spread.

"Slap!" The crossbow fell to the ground, and the rain fell slowly to the ground, while falling, he said in his mouth:

"It's worthy of my opponent!"

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