Master Summoner Online

Chapter 390: Iron fighter

"What do you say! What do you mean by this?" Qianji said excitedly.

I laughed: "It's not interesting, I tell you, I don't care if they say it is true or false, but I would rather trust them than trust you guy of unknown origin! Because they are my brothers!"

"What!" Qianji became frightened.

I then laughed and said, "I don't know which hole you have drilled from, Qian Qian changed. In short, I urge you to take your people off immediately."

"You ..." Qianji changed his teeth.

At this moment, the three players were in tears-

"Beast God boss, I ... I am so touched, I promise I will follow you all!"

"Me too. I finally understand what it means to be suspicious."

"Boss, it's really nice to meet you."

I smiled at the three of them: "It's okay, it's okay. If I trust my subordinates, then what can I be the boss."

Ye Shuang said: "That is, for the brothers, we need two ribs!"

"you guys···"

I turned my eyes to Qianji and said, "Why wouldn't you go? If you don't go, I'll send you away!"

"Huh?" The next moment, when Qianji changed, a hundred ghosts flew by night, and the roaring cube hit his face instantly. At the same time, the curse effect on the night ghosts was triggered.

The right hand turned into a giant steel blade, and fell towards the thousand machines that were concentratedly fallen to the ground by the night of the ghosts. The child is just a little assassin. After being weakened by attributes, the thousand machines couldn't resist the destruction of my more than 4,000 attacks. Instantly cut into two halves, turned into white light and returned to the city.

The players around him were stunned, and I never thought I would do it.


Suddenly Ye Shuang rushed forward with a scream, and suddenly a dozen screams slammed into one. Suddenly, there were more than a dozen players falling to the ground. The group of players in the back was so scared that they were scared away, and there was almost no resistance. J, Ye Shuang yelled, "Haha, I'm still arrogant with this ability! It's really looking for death!"

After annihilating this group of guys, I started cleaning the battlefield. At the same time, I sent a message to Xiaoxi in the canyon so that they would wipe out all the besieged people.

Soon after, Xiaoxi sent back a message: "Long brother, you're done, we have killed 27 of them, and none of them escaped!"

I replied: "It's promising, it's promising."

Xiaoxi smiled: "Thank you, Brother Long!"

Then the people outside us returned to the large troops inside. After everyone gathered, they counted the soldiers and horses. After a series of assassinations, there were 692 left, and the Beacon Alliance killed 5 people, although many of us died. However, compared to those guys, our loss is really nothing. After the total count, our loss of more than one hundred people killed the other one thousand people. Although it is not a victory, it is also a great victory!

Then everyone rested in place, restored the endurance value, reorganized the troops, and then explored this hidden map.

After a break, the troops reorganized and went deep into the map-

I took the lead and walked in front of the two MMs of Tianzhao Black God who followed inseparably. A large number of fighters behind the player walked up. The lone marks and shadow dance month went forward one step forward to explore the road, so our group entered this area with great force. Deep in the canyon.

Along the way, this gorge is hundreds of meters deep and several kilometers wide. This lava river flows around. Rolling magma rushes in the river. At the same time, red and white mist floats in the gorge. Sometimes it is airflow. Agitated and tumbling violently, the color was more intense, as if it were a burning cloud.

"Yeah, it's so hot here, it's hotter than the desert." Long Xin shouted, not to stop using his small hand to fan himself.

It's true that the magma is hot everywhere, white smoke is emitted, and the distant peaks are still glowing, it's no wonder that it is not hot.

Feng Xiaoyue said badly: "Undress when you get hot ~!"

Long Xin said, "But the temperature is still hot."

The road is difficult, and from time to time, monsters come out for sneak attacks, but we are swept across like locusts. Those monsters who dare to stop in front of them are often bombarded directly to the **** as soon as they show up. Players are running out of steam.

After walking for nearly ten minutes, I never encountered a monster again, but ushered in a fork.

One of these two bifurcation roads should extend up the mountain, and the other should lead to an unknown area on the left side, without seeing the end.

Mo Yan Shui Ling's eyes blinked, wondering: "Where should we go?"

The little knife laughed: "Come to decide."

Brother Superman said, "You vote."

"Oh." The little knife said and took out a gold coin to throw it out. Then the gold coin fell face up and fell to the ground. The little knife said, "Go left."

I said, "Okay, it's decided. Let's go to the left!"

Tears disappeared: "I said it would be too casual."

I laughed: "We're here for adventure, which way is different."

Tears disappeared: "That's right."

After hearing what I said, everyone went on this unknown road.

"You guys say we're going to get something astounding." Erica murmured.

I smiled, "I don't know, but I must fight for it."

Erica laughed: "Indeed."

This road didn't take two steps. A huge and ancient castle appeared in front of us. The castle was built with red rocks. At the same time, the castle walls were very tall, at least nearly 100 meters high, and the walls were full of walls. With red spikes, a weird mark hangs on the wall, like a sloppy face, but it is not very close to look closely, it should be a distorted face.

"what is that?"

"do not know?"

"I feel like we've encountered something very remarkable."

I laughed and said, "Let's go forward and take a look." Everyone nodded, but just as I was going to buy the next step, the truth is at this moment, a "ding", a pleasant system ringing sound should not be in my ear suddenly Everyone sounded--

"Ding ~! Dear players, please note that you enter the castle area, the castle's keeper has found you, please pay attention!"

At this moment, not far away, the thick iron door that was tens of meters wide was "creaking", the chain was moving, and the iron door was slowly opened. The next moment, a wave of monsters was aggressively killed. castle!

"Wowa ..."

As soon as the door opened, there were a group of hand-held knives, all covered with heavy armor. Only the seat of the helmet's eyes shone with two **** of baby fist-sized light balls, and they rushed out, one after another, making a groaning noise.

I immediately shouted on the guild channel: "We encountered something extraordinary. Everyone is ready to fight. The archer mage is attacking freely. Those who want to be super equipped will give me a hundred and two times to destroy the monsters. ! "


"Then prepare to kill!"

"it is good!"

A warrior-based player came together very sensibly. Most of our troops' levels are players between 72 and 78. It should not be a problem to withstand these monster attacks.

With the existence of a group of people, the back mage archers and priests have been very well covered!

When these heavily armored monsters approached, I used fire eyes and golden eyes to see their specific attributes-

Iron Gladiator, Level 55 Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Negative energy in the abyss gathers into a special magical life form. There is not much wisdom, and only watching brute force to solve the problem.

"What is an abyss monster?" I wondered: "Does this have anything to do with the background of the game? There are fifty-five ordinary beasts, which is too much."

Ye Shuang laughed: "Who knows."

I said, "Forget it, everyone is ready, it's time to wipe out these guys!"

"Yeah. I know!"

The next moment Erika waved a big wave of ice and fell into the monster group. The amazing scene appeared. It was the group spike!

Erica's attack really was fierce.

The next moment many players rushed into the monster pile, and I also called out the summoned beasts and simultaneously entered the monster group with a red-eyed dragon gun.

Look at the dense monster area, and direct the Amber Dragon to blast breath towards even the area!


Under the attack of the scorching breath, a large group of iron fighters fell to the ground, and they all killed in seconds! Can have quite a bit of experience.

Suddenly, Didi sounded one after another, a series of system prompts--

"Ding ~! You killed the fighter, try +1!"

"Ding ~! You killed the fighter, try +1!"

"Ding ~! You killed the fighter, try +1!"

"Ding ~! You killed the fighter, try +1!"


For a moment, I was stunned, killing this thing and taking the trial point. Just now, I got 40 trial points under the blow of the Amber Dragon. At the same time, I remember to try to update the contents of the tower, and wait to finish the map. Go try the tower and see what you can buy.

The red-eyed dragon gun swings, hitting it horizontally with a crushing blow!



Instantly killing an iron fighter, I can't help but be surprised at how fragile this monster is! It's no wonder that the Amber Dragon can kill a group in one shot. After equipping the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun, my attack power is a little higher than my Amber Dragon. These monsters are a complete mess in front of me!

Left and right stab, each shot can bring out more than 3000 points of damage, you can kill a famous iron fighter in two shots. At the same time, I summoned the beast to help me kill monsters. It can be said that I can do more with less. Cleared a monster!

The archers at the back shot wildly, with smiles on their faces, not to mention how happy they were. Xueyue, Ye Shuang, Feng Xiaoyue and other fighters smashed into the monster group, and soon, the Dragon Tooth players disappeared. In the realm of people, kill a group of little monsters, chickens and flying dogs.

The happy days passed quickly. In less than half an hour, this group of monsters who sent experience and tried points were killed completely. The players of Dragon Tooth were not vegetarian. The killing situation just now, let me It feels a bit like a monster scene when I was just out of Novice Village.

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