Master Summoner Online

Chapter 423: Ice Tiger

After walking through this door, my eyes suddenly lighted up, and the next second I felt a icy surrounding, and I found that we came to a world of ice and snow, where our eyes were. No matter the mountains, rivers, woods, canyons, etc. are covered with a layer of snow-white color, there is only one color in this world, which looks very cold.

And players like us wearing various colors of equipment, it is estimated that here will be treated as alien.

"Be careful, God knows what is waiting for us here," I reminded.

The crowd nodded and proceeded cautiously.

At this point, I saw a white beam of light soaring to the north, and there should be the energy tower in this area. I just don't know if we can beat the BOSS guarding the energy tower.

But at this moment, suddenly the system prompt sound came—

"Ding ~! Player [Lonely Singing] Turns on the Energy Tower in the Forest!"

"Ding ~! Player [Haolong] Turn on the Energy Tower in the Fire Zone!"

It seems that two more energy towers have been opened one after another, and the people who opened them are very powerful guys. There are not many people who come here and they are very strong. This is meaningless.

This chapter map is still very huge like the previous one. A group of us are like a flat boat in the sea on the map. There is no doubt that there will be very many monsters in this map, at least, enough for us. The swarm was dying.

Advance slowly along the ice and snow, look up, the sky above is especially blue, and the cool breeze blowing on is also very refreshing (the cold is cold). At this time we walked into a canyon and walked all the way I did n’t see a monster, and I did n’t see the silver of other players. The quiet surroundings made people feel uneasy.

But it did n’t take long for the lonely level assassins from the front to come forward to use their intelligence. There were monsters not far away. Immediately after we came out of a huge raised snow bunker, I found my head and saw the snow in front. On the ground, a snow-covered body covered with snow-colored fur, and ice cones on all fours, and tiger-like creatures with ice spikes on their backs are wandering. These guys are not the masters of it.

Take the golden eyes of fire-

Frost Tiger, Level 85 Ordinary Beast, Introduction: The killer creatures in the Ice Zone. These are natural killers. They have very powerful forces, making the enemy near and far afraid of it.

"The opposite side is a group of ordinary beasts of level 85. It's not difficult to deal with, but everyone should be careful." I warned my surrounding companions.

The crowd nodded, and then Xiaoxi sent an arrow for a normal attack to attract the nearest Frozen Tiger. Try the depth. I saw the Frozen Tiger rushing towards us as soon as I heard the cry, and I rushed forward and waved red. Eye Dragon Gun!

"Cut chaos!" Sighed softly.

—2252, —2385, —2585.

Three consecutive attacks and injuries, Frozen Tiger was screamed and screamed, but it also launched a fierce counterattack, and saw that Frozen Tiger stood up, standing higher than my own, followed by its two claws. So come over!

The foot slides to the left, and the red-eyed dragon gun with a blue fire cone suddenly penetrates the body of the Frost Tiger, and then pulls out. The Frost Tiger is severely hit, and then the Dragon Qi is cut and waved twice. Cut away the ice tiger's belly, and suddenly a lot of messy things in the stomach flow out, this ice tiger is a terrible death!

After seeing an experience in my field of vision, I immediately enjoyed it. These ice tigers don't even want to block our footsteps, so I shouted, "Everyone! Rush up and kill them!" Beasts, rush up!

At the same time, everyone behind them also fought arms to the ice tigers in front of them.

At this moment, we saw that the humans had killed menacingly and a terribly dead compatriot, and the remaining dozen ice tigers suddenly issued an angry roar. They have stopped wandering leisurely, and moved their paws on the snow. Run towards us.

During this process. At the same time, they roared in their mouths, and at the same time a blue energy gathered in their mouths, followed by a string of light blue ice blades ejected from their mouths, whizzing at us more than 100 meters below!

An ice blade slashed from different directions, extremely fast! I just locked up an ice tiger and prepared to charge with bravery. A lazy donkey who did not want to roll rolled to the left and rolled out.

Picking up a piece of snow powder, the sound is quite appalling. If it is not dodging in time, half life must be removed.

The attack did not work for this ice tiger. The hind legs kicked **** the snow, and the whole body leaped up. The two claws protruded forward. The sharp claws flashed a dazzling light and threw at me!

court death! I jumped up from the snow and sent away by night!

boom! This head rushed to me, and the face of that tiger was hit by a roaring cube, and at the same time, the other hand was fired with a sharp knife, and the blade of steel brought a light on this guy's body. The hit was interrupted instantaneously, the cube and the blade of steel disappeared. The ice tiger fell heavily to the ground, but it quickly stood up and stabilized its body to resume the offensive.

Just under the death suit, the sky photo with that graceful figure appeared in the body of this Frost Tiger. Tian Zhao shook his fist in one hand and shone with **** fists on the head of Frost Tiger. Immediately hit it into a serious injury state, this ice tiger was beaten with blood on his face, pulled his legs and began to run backwards, but at the same time the Sonic werewolf snarled, followed by a Taishan-like action to press the ice tiger Under you!

At this moment, I didn't care about the ice tiger that was under the body of the Sonic werewolf, quickly turned the target, and shot three shots at the ice tiger nearest to me, and mourned the ice tiger to the ground. !!

However, at this time, the two ice tigers also flew over me less than 20 miles away. Their sharp claws have pointed at my body, and the next must be a fierce blow!

call! At this moment of crisis, a huge fireball flaming with flames came from the side, in the middle of the body of an ice tiger! A fierce collision occurred between the fireball and the tiger's body. In the painful wailing, a huge lava ball was pressed on it, and it was immediately burned and burned with blackened ice tiger in the snow.

Click! Click! The other Frozen Tiger is no more fortunate than its companions. The Gatling blaster with a Gatling machine gun in the back row, the roaring bullet fell on it like a raindrop, bursting a little blood, White hairs fly around. It is not a good thing to be able to spit N rounds of Gatling machine guns in this one minute.

After killing this ice tiger, I saw that only three shots were taken by Ye Shuangyan, and the old cow cut three times under the age of adolescents. In this way, the two of them ended up with the last life of the ice tiger.

The battle ended in a very short period of time. All of the dozen ice tigers were annihilated by our team, and none of the players were killed or injured.

Immediately afterwards, everyone went offline to eat early, and for the sake of convenience, keep coming back. The team regrouped in this canyon to kill them all the way. After a long time, the level upgrade seems to be a problem after the map is upgraded to level 85.

But at this moment, "roar ..."

In the front, where are more than a dozen ice tigers side by side eating these corpses, a closer look is still human corpses, it is clear that the player left behind in the battle, but when we were about to rush up to destroy a group of ice tigers, Suddenly we saw a large group of people in the distance. We immediately hid behind the surrounding rocks, and summoned the beast to take it back.

Immediately after about two hundred players, Qi Yuxuanang came over.

When I put it in, I saw a group of people walking out, and it was a mage who took the lead and looked at a well-equipped mage. The composition of the surrounding soldiers, mages, priests, and archers was also very scientific, and there were several Summon the beast, and I found that the warrior next to the mage dressed up as a combatant, and I found out that since this guy is a grand asshole, the mage next to him should be the president of the demon kiss, lost his soul, and watched so many people gather Obviously, it was teleported here when it came in.

The soulless said: "NND, I just came in and met a row of institutions, hanging a dozen brothers from Lao Tzu."

Dazhanhongtu said, "Brother who lost his soul, don't want so much. We have completed the task, and we will be worthy of those brothers."

Lost in soul: "That's what it is. Oh! By the way, I heard that Hongtu's girlfriend, who is about to become a fiancee, was robbed by someone else, but this is the case."

Dazhanhongtu said with an ugly face: "Dear soulless man, don't say that this thing is okay, this is a shame on me, but the next few days will be New Year's Eve, when the sky and the moon come home, I will be ready Give her something that will definitely impress her. "

Lost in soul: "I heard that Tian Xueyue's boyfriend is beast **** now, and the relationship between them seems to be very good. I urge you to give up, just your three-legged cat kung fu is the opponent of other beast gods."

"Fuck! Deadheart? That's not Lao Tzu's style!"

Dazhan Hongtu shook his fist and said, "Tianxueyue is destined to be my woman. When I first met her, Lao Tzu swears to myself. Anyone can't wait to get a finger. Even the beast god, I have to talk to him Let's die! "

Lost soul shook his head and said, "You! You! I really don't know how to say how you are. Forget it, I don't care what you do, and the task is now the highest priority."

I clenched my fist, gritted my teeth, and Xueyue was so angry at this time that if she was not stopped by a few MMs, she would still be the first to attack her! But I don't think it's time to do it now. If you want to do it, you have to wait a little closer. At that time, Lao Tzu wants you to die ugly. Wait and see!

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