Master Summoner Online

Chapter 429: bloody battle

Only a few monsters were extinguished by players around. At this time, the Frost Dragon can be said to be naked in front of all players!

"Kill! Kill the Boss Explosive Artifact" Although I didn't know this sentence was learned to shout.

But this roared loudly, and there was a meal of soldiers who carried out attacks with shield swords. At this time, there were no hairy ghosts. Long-range professional players could give the most powerful cover support to the soldiers in front.

The battle in front of the energy tower has entered its final climax. The Frost Dragon sent out a dragon chant, ringing the world. At this time, everyone stepped forward, and everyone wanted to be a dragon warrior. The player collided with the boss in a few seconds. The most severe collision occurred, and all of his eyes were shrouded in energy attacks from the sky.

This energy attack included the magic elements cast by players, and the ice dragon's breath released by the Frost Dragon. Both sides suffered severe blows at the same time, and countless damage numbers floated.

At this time, the number advantage of the player is prominent, but the BOSS is not eating dry rice. At this moment, the entire battlefield is turned into a pot of hot water, and the whole is boiling. There are players constantly falling under the attack of the BOSS. Extremely tragic!

"A stupid human like a ant, you will pay for it!" The Frost Dragon roared loudly, and the huge dragon's body was swinging. The dragon's tail shot several humans who had just hit him, and they were shot by them.

Immediately after that, a breath of breath killed and killed dozens of people, the boss was furious, and the battle began to be quite unfavorable to the player. The performance of BOSS is too powerful.

After the front claw of BOSS slammed a player in a flash, there were suddenly three more figures, and these three figures were still very pretty women, a broad sword using thundering light, and a red light with a handle of two meters long Tadao, one makes a pair of double swords.

Three figures, namely, Feng Xiaoyue, Xueyue, and Honglian, almost immediately the BOSS suffered a terrible attack.

Under the anger, Frost Dragon Breath spurted, and at this moment Honglian shook the knife too much, shaking a weird pattern, and chopped this Frost Dragon Breath directly into two sections.

"Pervert!" Someone exclaimed.

At this moment someone could not help but screamed, "That man is Red Lotus, the 'Killing Ghost God' of Fiery City! I heard that every player in Fiery City has been killed by her once."

I heard a shock in my heart. Everyone killed it once. The number of players in Fiery Fire City is no longer under Tianlong City. If Honglian beats the world's invincible opponents in Fiery Fire City, I believe it, but she said that everyone It should be bragging about killing it again.

At this point, Feng Xiaoyue leapt forward and directly jumped over the head of BOSS. Now Feng Xiaoyue's equipment and technology are not what they used to be. The broad sword in his hand brought a thunder and a thunderous sound. The severe thunder and lightning exploded on the BOSS.

Xueyue's attack was the strongest of the three. Each sword left a **** mouth on the Boss. The skills of everyone flashed continuously, and the soldiers burst into a roar.

BOSS roars again and again, the dragon claws waving, the dragon tail oscillating, and the dragon's breath is occasionally sprayed to resist the attacks around the enemy. The two claws are dancing. One claw slaps a swordsman, and the other claw slaps the old cow. The shield shook the old cow back one after another, and it was almost seconds to start the defensive posture. Mo Yan's blood quickly increased, and Kankan could kill the old cow's life.

I drove the Amber Dragon over again, starting with the Dragon Charge of the Amber Dragon!

"Bang!" It hurts the boss, and at the same time, I also start the power of death. The next round of dragon gas cutting + savage dragon slams, and the amber dragon sends a barrier to break. Almost killed the BOSS, more than 2W of blood!

"Roar roar ..."

In the roar, BOSS has been besieged by countless players and summoned beasts, and the speed of blood loss is very fast. At this time, I also noticed that the two people who joined the battle with the enemies and Qin Hui that night also participated in the battle, and many masters shot BOSS. It is strange to kill unhappy, this Frost Dragon has 850W of total blood of horror, and the dragon monsters are born with blood, do n’t want other kinds of monsters to return to blood to show their ability!

At this moment, the Frost Dragon opened its mouth wide, a smell of smell came, and a spiral of cyclones appeared, and seven or eight players couldn't wait to be swallowed like this in an instant!

Immediately after, another assassin failed to respond and was swallowed by BOSS!

"Take another one!" Ye Shuang's voice sounded.

"Fuck! It's crowded here! How much can this guy eat?" Shouted in blood, and then, BOSS seemed to be addicted to eating one by one and swallowed the player.

At this point, BOSS opened his mouth again. Since the target was night and love, he didn't hide or flash at this time, and saw that the sword in his hand suddenly burst into three blood-colored dragon patterns, and the sword was sent forward. A **** dragon head flew from the giant sword and directly entered the BOSS mouth. The next moment a **** flame raged in the BOSS mouth!

"Boom!" As soon as a loud noise was heard, frosty black smoke rose from the mouth of the Frost Dragon, -11223 points of damage were blown out, BOSS was attacked by this sudden blow of coughs, and the players were attacked while coughing. It was heavy Dragon scales are constantly under attack from the magic and skills sent by players, but it quickly recovered from the cough. The dragon head spit out a breath at any place, and the player who leveled the place was followed by the Frost Dragon on the wings. During the exhibition, a few large ice screams suddenly fell from the sky to the player camp in front of them. Most of the players quickly dispersed and many people were crushed.

This attack instantly caused players to flee in a panic, and the rhythm of the coordinated attack was disrupted. If this situation continues, it is only a matter of time before the player's entire army is overwhelmed.

After a period of fighting, there were about 80 players who were still able to fight at this time. At this time, they started to retreat, but most of them still rushed in the direction of the boss with their weapons.

Suddenly more than a dozen swords have flew over and hit it!

—51, —55, —68 ...

A piece of damage floated, and the damage was very cute, but the Frost Dragon was outraged at this time, exhaling a spit into the air, this spit does not want to spit out like before, but spit and swept across the sky One piece, I drove the Amber Dragon to dodge quickly, but the flying summons around it could not be done, and were instantly buried in this breath, followed by the boss inciting the wings, the huge body rose, and rushed towards the tens of meters. Several soldiers launched an attack.

Suddenly a BOSS was at the center, and numerous sharp ice spikes were suddenly raised on the ground. The height of these ice spikes reached one and a half meters!

I yelled hurriedly: "Don't run away! Look at it and die!"

At this moment, everyone on the ground fled quickly. Xueyue, Long Xin, and Erica, who had flying Warcraft mounts, quickly sat on, guarding the student union MMs on the mechanical tyrannosaurus while shouting: "The battleship dragon beast retreated!"

"Roar!" The battleship Dragon Beast roared, carrying Mo Yan on his body, and rumblingly turned and ran! At this time, the little knife was riding the polar devil wolf like a F1 car. The lone marks and Shadow Dance Moon were assassins fast, and they ran away all at once, but the wind was bleak, the old cows were young, and others were miserable. , As the saying goes, all the skills of infantry are on two legs! This guy is not fake at all.

Tears without a trace is a mage, and his physical strength is completely inadequate. He was panting shortly after taking a few steps. At this moment, he flashed a "brush" to his old cow's back, his hands snarled around the old cow's neck and shouted: "Old Niu you run away! Run away! Brother is going to hang! "

The old cow was panting, holding his nostrils and flushing, his face flushed, and he shouted, "Release! I can't breathe!"

Players who are slow to escape can be miserable at this time. Exclamations and screams become the main theme here for a while. More than a dozen defensive archers were spiked on the spot, and dozens of soldiers were smashed into blood and injured. Extremely heavy!

This scene has scared a lot of players. For many players who have n’t taken the task and have been busy, it is not easy to be able to fight until now. I thought that victory was in front of me. I did n’t expect that the boss would just hit it with such a damage. !!

This battle cannot be fought, it is not a series at all! Several players who were wounded and out of battle didn't want to throw them back into the city. At this time, many people had the same idea. For a while, the white lights flashed back to the city. Instantly, there were only a dozen players left on the player's side.

"Papapa" The edge of the BOSS big move, Mo Yan added blood to everyone to restore the endurance value. At this time, the old cow breathing was called a pant, and two nostrils sprayed a circle of white gas. At this time, everyone was sure of the potion. Consumption is very open. We only have one priest. The burden of treatment is all on Mo Yan. This burden is too heavy for this delicate MM. If summer is here, it should be able to share some of her.

BOSS's skills have been maintained for five minutes before stopping. If it is not for this limited range, the ground players will definitely be annihilated. I have to say that this guy is too sharp, much sharper than that of the abyss commander.

At this time, the players who survived started to revive the formation and fight for this time to kill this frost dragon!

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