Master Summoner Online

Chapter 457: Encounter again

Fire eyes and golden eyes look-

Bloody Slayer, Level 115 BOSS, Blood: 331944850000, Introduction: The Bloody Slayer is in front of a murderous murderer. Once he escaped, he fell into the abyss crack and fell to the town's magic tower. His body was polluted by the abyss, and he became a monster guarding the third floor of the town's magic tower.

BOSS is very powerful. He looks like a chainsaw. The soldiers who waved strangely not only took a few steps backwards, ten people in front of them, six of them were professions, one was an archer, and three were mages. Occupation.

"Don't be afraid, I killed this guy, the knight opened a defensive posture, the swordsman went up, and the mage attacked with me remotely. After killing these guys, we can go upstairs!" An archer, while shouting, has a strangely long bow in his hand. The body of this long bow is an 'X'-shaped bow with two strings, also crossed into an' X'-shaped, and his hand is not holding The bow is a handle-like thing. Every time this person pulls the bow, a blue light arrow appears on the bow string. This arrow is obviously not a physical arrow used by most players, but something like Xiao Xi and Yu Luo have magic arrows.

I saw that he pulled the long bow away again, and three arrows appeared on the bowstring. This is the archer's three-stroke firing skill, and his hand loosened three arrows to fly the boss.

Alas, there were three traces on the BOSS body immediately. The BOSS body fluttered and rushed to the soldier in front of the strange monster.

"Roar-" BOSS issued a roar that resembled a chainsaw in his hands and slashed at the soldier in front of him. At this time, the two players holding giant shields had a low shield and a high shield, which was obviously a defensive posture of the knight.

The chainsaw in the hands of BOSS fell on one of them and rubbed countless sparks. At the same time, another knight player launched a modified skill, "Broken Taunt" to force the boss's hatred to himself, and reduce the opponent's defense, and at the same time two The weapons in the hands of four players were entangled with a cyclone, and then they uttered a scream: "Fencing!" All four were swordsmen, and the swordsmen singled out their skills at the same time. The heavy fencing had a short-range knockback effect. At this point, four heavy fencing hit the boss back several steps in an instant.

Almost at the same time, a mage in the rear shouted, "Extremely cold!"

Suddenly a cold envelops the BOSS inside. Extremely deep cold has high freezing ability and deceleration effect. This BOSS would have been unpleasant, it became slower first, and then two mages also launched skills. Two mages One wind system is a thunder system, and the wind and thunder have caused the boss to suffer terribly.

My eyes lit up. I don't know if the ten people cooperated. When they did, they cooperated very well, and the powerful BOSS fell into crisis in an instant.

Seeing the first two knights taking turns mocking each other, the ice mage in the back did not disable the ice control skills, and the four swordsmen's skills continued to be severely chopped on the BOSS. Then the archer aimed very well and stared at the opponent. The wound hit. At this rate, the boss was reluctant to die.

However, the BOSS that was next to it did not exist. The BOSS roared, and the chainsaw in his hand dropped the next moment and slammed into a sudden collision. He immediately stood near the ceiling, followed by a roar, two huge hands extended, two One of the knights avoided it, but the other suffered. The big hand grabbed the upper half of the body, followed by the other hand grabbed the lower half of the body, and then yanked it away from it. Suddenly, a lot of Blood.

The knight issued a horrible cry. The knight returned to the city in pain. The two knights were obviously the confidence of the group. Now they are hung up, and their confidence must have fallen by half.

At this time, the archer was very powerful, pulling the bow and arrow, and an arrow exploded in BOSS's chest instantly. BOSS stepped back a few times when he said a scream, but it quickly rushed up again,

At this point, the soldiers went up to blame, but found that the current BOSS was no longer able to bear it before, and the BOSS fell suddenly with a punch, and suddenly a swordsman's head was smashed into a watermelon rotten, and his life whistled. .

Suddenly killed both of them, the power of BOSS revealed no doubt, no one dared to step forward for a while, but you did not say that BOSS is not, I saw BOSS rushed up quickly, the last knight caught in both hands, The two hands were holding back and forth respectively, the knight struggling constantly, but this was no help, and then the boss was torn again severely. Suddenly, the man made a terrible scream, the blood rain splattered, and he was immediately torn into two half.

The original tactical formation was broken in an instant. The tank fell down and no one blame it. This time, the boss was even more unscrupulous. The arms of the collision kept waving, and the remaining players fell to the ground with a sound. Misery, all the other archers came out and fell to the ground.


Mo Yanzhu said with a small mouth, "Let's see here, isn't it okay? Would you like to help him?"

what! The girl was really kind, and I laughed, "It's okay! I've watched enough of the show, and it seems that the people behind will come in after watching it."

Then I opened the guild channel: "Ye Shuang, someone was killed again."

Ye Shuang said: "I saw ten extra places at once, but other guilds are still attacking us. Although there are some black people, the number is much higher."

"Organize the main force, fill up all ten places, and then withdraw from the battle."

"Understand, I'll organize this." Turn off the chat after talking.

Immediately afterwards, "Everyone, let's go together! Send that guy out too!"

"it is good!"

Gatling Blast Dragon summoned behind him, and immediately saw that the BOSS had begun to approach the archer slowly.

The whirring sound in the BOSS helmet seemed to be laughing. At the same time, the archer took two deep breaths, adjusted for a while, then lifted the long bow in his hand and shot again.

"Uh-!" An orange beam of light penetrated his body instantly, and the archer's blood fell to the end and fell to the ground softly.

The sneak attack succeeded, and everyone rushed out the next moment. Knocked on the head of the BOSS, followed by Xueyue dragging a long phantom, the lightning-like BOSS passed in front of him, and a cross sword between the light and the flint fell on the BOSS!

At the same time, the long sword in Wu Canhua's hands whistled to a fire and emerged from the BOSS, and Mrs. Xiaozheng had bowed to the full moon, and the long bow suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

Aware of the danger, the BOSS swung away obliquely, and apparently wanted to avoid the attack of Xiaozheng Tai.

There was a bang, and suddenly the purple light was booming. This BOSS was wise and misunderstood. He thought he was avoiding the attack of the other party, but he did not expect the other party to shoot at all. He even made a evasive action. Little Mrs. Xiao stopped for a moment.

Mrs. Xiaozheng shot, and the purple beam of light was like Changhong, which penetrated the air instantly and penetrated the boss's chest.

—9884 A huge number of incomparable injuries floated out, the BOSS's body immediately stopped, and then I blasted the dragon with a violent slam from the flanks.

— 11982 damage was floated, and Gatling exploded, and the Sonic werewolves began long-range attacks.

This time the hatred of BOSS appeared to me.


BOSS raised the pair of giant palms, suddenly facing them, but I quickly started the attack, the shield was broken during the shot, and at the same time I took a few steps back. After I was flying fast, the Sonic werewolf went forward, followed by a harsh roar, and issued BOSS was suddenly unable to move standing there.

The BOSS faint came almost instantaneously, although the dizzy effect on the BOSS has been greatly reduced, it should be self-sufficient when it can be stunned. The next moment, Xueyue dancing the double sword has brought up a number of injuries on the BOSS.




Xiaozheng whispered too much: "Burned!"

Suddenly, the arrows flew out, and these arrows became very like nails after a while, -3200-3120-3320

N injuries floated out, and the blood of the BOSS fell a lot. After the attack, the BOSS shouted and expressed dissatisfaction.

It was lifted from the dizziness, and was immediately fierce, with arms dancing, and the blood and blood of all the people who were in close combat were shot off. After being hurt by a large number of people, it was now besieged by us. There is no wind falling, we lose blood quickly, and Mo Yan keeps getting blood!

Although it is not weak, it was still screamed by me, and soon less than 5% of my blood was left.

"Haha, found it! Kill them all, and don't leave one!"

A voice came, and I couldn't help turning around and seeing that a spear shot out the body of a member of the Ziming team. Five people in front of the team were present. The guild emblem on the shoulders of the five people was the same.

At this point a person stood up and shouted, "Haha! Beast God, we meet again!"

Watching this guy three spit out of my mouth: "Thousands of machines change!"

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