Master Summoner Online

Chapter 500: Help out

"You! What are you doing?" The man looked with surprise at the archer MM who was still teaming up with himself. At this time, his longbow was aimed at himself.

The other party said: "I hate this kind of person who hates revenge!" Saying ‘咻’ on the knight ’s breastplate!

—1834's damage floated, and the knight player took a few steps backwards. "Go to death!" The knight player was furious and raised his one-handed sword to aim at the archer, but at this time the archer MM hurriedly turned away. The blow also fell through, chopped to the ground, and banged, leaving a crack.

At this point the knight pulled his sword and wanted to attack again, but at this time the paralysis effect on my body was lifted, a carp stood up, then threw the red-eyed dragon gun, and nailed the knight player to the ground.

"Don't hang me! I know it's wrong!" The Knight yelled, his face full of fear.

"I knew I was wrong before I knew what to repent. What have you done! Since you are harmful to people, you should think of this day!" No more nonsense, holding his head in one hand, and then "grabbing the cannon" to this guy His head blasted into a ball of rotten meat.

"Thank you for helping me stop him," I said.

The archer MM shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm also very surprised that they did this, but I'm not the kind of person who will avenge revenge. You just saved me and just raised your hand."

I said, "Thank you. Will they be hard for you before you go back!"

The other laughed: "I have nothing to do with them, just one way after another for the same task."

I said, "Yes, I'll give you this guy right! I don't want to!" Talking to regroup with her, and then slap the amber dragon to the boss, the guy completely loses his resistance, then Let her solve it. I'm going to pack up what the three guys burst out. They took the initiative to attack and the explosion rate was 100% after death.

The two things that broke out were the two-handed sword, the knight's helmet, and the belt of the judo. These three men really stole the chicken and did not eat. In addition to equipment, there are many other miscellaneous food and other miscellaneous things. To be honest, these three goods are unlucky. Among them, three of them are purple stones that are exactly the same.

Seal Stone (Consumable) Effect: It can be used to seal the beast to be an artifact stone that is a mount or a pet. Target: Non-BOSS creatures, Conditions of use: Target Qi and Blood is below 25%.

Isn't this a stone used to catch a mount pet? I didn't expect them to bring this kind of thing with them. Although the summoner can't use mounts and pets, it's okay to grab money to sell them. Now the price of pets is ridiculously high. If you catch a superb pet, wouldn't it be profitable! Regardless, take this thing first, and don't waste everything else.

At this point, the archer MM has come to laugh after the boss has cleaned the battlefield: "BOSS burst two pieces of equipment and a card, which is not what the beast **** brother wants."

"Cards, equipment for you." This kind of BOSS that has been exploded by N will produce nothing good, but it is useless, but I am very interested in cards.

"Okay." He said, hand me a silver card, and I took a look at the contents-

Seal Card (Consumable) Effect: A mysterious magic card that can be used to seal the beast. Conditions of use: None.

It's another thing related to pets. It seems that I have a lot to do with this kind of stuff today. I put things in my backpack and then archer MM said, "Yes, Brother Beast God, come to the hill in front, it's called The chalk wilderness, and the Tyrannosaurus Valley is a very dangerous place. The beasts on the periphery are all level 100. If you go hard, you will be dead forever. Although I do n’t know where you are going, I recommend It ’s still pretty good! ”

I couldn't help laughing. It seems that this little girl still knows a lot of what I said: "Thank you for your kindness, but the so-called knowing that there are tigers leaning towards Hushan, the detour is not my style, or I am not afraid of the sword mountain fire sea in front!"

Archer MM nodded and smiled: "The beast **** is really bold!"

Moving on, the edge of the jungle has few trees. It is close to the hills and the terrain is widening.

However, I never expected that a lot of monsters popped up, but it was still handled by me as a chicken and a dog. Then we broke up after leaving the forest. Then I did n’t want to walk and called the amber dragon. The skylight and the black **** sat up, followed by a roar of the angry dragon, the amber dragon rose into the air, and at the same time countless monsters raised their heads in surprise.

It took me half an hour to fly over this hill. There are many player teams leveling on the small area of ​​the hill. I don't want to waste time here and fly through this hill quickly, and then there is a barren, black land in front of me. Spreading on the horizon, in the wilderness, a bone with a height of tens of meters was exposed to the air. The sky was very dark and it looked like it was going to rain. There are many types of bones, including the bones of some Beastosaurus species. .

A few vultures flew head-on along the way, but the fart was scared by the roar of the amber dragon, and fled in a hurry, for fear that it would be eaten by the back of the amber dragon, but my amber dragon didn't have the appetite to eat them.

Continue to move forward, about five minutes later, at this time faintly heard the sound of fighting in front, it seems that someone is fighting? Will it be a player or an NPC? Players must be masters, although I did n’t see any monsters along the way, but the archer MM said that the lowest level monsters here are all level 100. Ordinary players ca n’t come alive at all. If NPCs, hum, then It means I can get the task here!

After flying into the point, find an open space and drop it. Put the amber dragon up and take the two MMs carefully and lean up. At this time, I saw two people in battle. The inaccurate point should be that one side was pressed by the other. It seems to be another group of guys fighting for the site, ready to ignore them, but at this time I found that one of the two groups had the same mark on their shoulders, and there were some clouds around a building. When I saw this, I suddenly Come and wake up! Lingyun Pavilion! This group of guys are Qianji change people, Lingyun Pavilion is also a hostile force of Dragon's Tooth. Qianji change this guy, I am very annoying, and I found that these people's name blood red seems to be fierce, so I continued to observe .

The number of people in Lingyun Pavilion is not more than about thirty, and although there are nearly a hundred people on the other side, they can be beaten by others without much power. The gap between the two sides is too great. Only a few have died in Lingyun Pavilion. The other side has already died. On the side of a person's shoulders, the standard is two thick arms crossed together. The lead player is a mage named 'Second Brother'. After seeing this name, I suddenly remembered that when I saw Zhu Erdong some time ago, they talked about the game. Said that his game ID is called Second Brother, and then he formed a group called Brother Mercenary Group based on him. At this time, this group of people who were beaten will not be him and their junior high school classmates. Well, I thought that I wouldn't care about the fun anymore, but wouldn't I just kill the idiots of Lingyun Pavilion first.

So he whispered, "Tian Zhao, the Black God is ready to fight, and destroy me the Lingyun Pavilion idiot there!"

"Understand!" The two MMs answered questions in unison, so we started approaching opportunistic actions from the other side.

At this time, among the players in Lingyun Pavilion, a person with a kingly style carried a two-meter-long bronze warhammer and smashed an opponent's swordman with a hammer and shouted: "You people, listen, leave here! Come again! "

The second elder shouted, "Why! This is not your backyard, why do you want us to leave!"

"That's it!"

"Don't go too far!"

The players around shouted, and at this moment the king's style screamed angrily: "NND, toasting without eating, drinking and punishing, you rookie, I want to talk nonsense with you, hurry up or you will have to die!" Said the war hammer Smash it hard and smash a huge pit!

"You don't want to bully people too much!" The other party is angry but helpless. Although there is a large number of people, the difference in strength is too big. They can only fight to admit it, but they don't want to give up.

The king style smiled and said, "What a little rookie to bully you! Hahahaha!"

"So how can I bully you!" A voice sounded.

"Who!" Wang Fengfan and a group of players from Lingyun Pavilion turned their heads, and the next overwhelming missile came to them with a "passionate kiss!"

"Boom boom!" The explosion was endless. This sudden attack made the faces of these people change greatly. After the baptism of the missile was over, there was a raging fire. These people are all famous. I will not kill them. Increase the evil value by half a point without the system prompt.

"Who's coming out!" The roar of the king's style shouted but he responded with a pair of **** double knives, counting the light of the sword flashing on him, and the unprepared king's style turned into a cold body in an instant.

"There!" At this time, someone screamed, and then three players rushed up and hurled me at the same time, forming a triangle formation.

The heart summoned the beast to attack other Lingyun Pavilion players. The three of them deal with it by themselves. At this moment, one of the three Sanda blasted a head-on punch at me. This Sanda Zhenfei was followed by two other players, a Berserker and a Swordsman.

I did not retreat and took the initiative to meet these two people on the other side. Those few people were obviously stunned by the good luck that fell from the sky, but they were still stunned. At this moment, the second brother shouted: "Dear everyone, It's time to fight back! Revenge! "

This is a terrible name. The players around the low morale are all excited, and the next counterattack begins!

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