Master Summoner Online

Chapter 514: Snow Mountain Night Battle (1)

Because of that little girl, I had to spare a long way in the afternoon. I originally expected that I could turn over half of the ridge before dinner, but now it is completely impossible. In order to save time, I must pass a so-called "reincarnation". Canyon. This canyon is a good thing. Players learned that the canyon is 500 kilometers long, but the terrain is also weird.

The entire canyon is not only long in depth, but also very large in openings. Lakes, glaciers, peaks, and virgin forests have all kinds of landforms. It is a mixed map. The reason why I took this road is because this road can go straight to the Thunder Fortress as long as I have passed it, but it is hard to say what I will encounter on the road.

The Amber Dragon is already at ease, carrying me and two beautiful bodyguards to swim in the sky, looking up, the sky above the head is exceptionally blue, and the cool breeze blowing on is also very refreshing, and the cold is cold. At a low altitude, the black mist is shrouded in margins, just like a polar night phenomenon. Standing on the edge of a cliff and looking away, the night forest is below, as if there will never be light.

This gorge is also very weird. It must go down from a cliff that is more than 100 meters high. Fortunately, we can fly to summon beasts. After we descend, there is a big river and countless monsters.

As the temperature gets closer and closer to the Snow Dragon Mountains, although the flames on Amber Dragons can provide us with temperature, they are not very good. Dragons are warm-blooded animals, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of cold. Looking at it I was agitated in my mouth, and I felt a little heartache, so I put it on the side of the mountain beam, took it back and called it out to Gallulu.

The cold wind screamed outside, but the cockpit was full of spring. Although there was no heating in Gallolu's cockpit, it helped us block a lot of cold air. In addition, the sky and the black **** leaned on themselves, everyone's collective temperature successfully resisted The cold that leaked in.

"Eh! Hh! Hh!" The alarm sounded, and I was shocked to see the small radar responding. The monsters in front were terrible. One passed a hundred or two hundred meters of the cold forest trail, and there were hundreds of red dots representing the enemy. , Eyes can look faint.

So summoned the Gatling Blast Dragon to Gallulu. The Gatlin Blast Dragon with steel body was not afraid of cold wind at all.

Soon a large number of monsters came up to meet, and at the same time I found that these monsters were monsters around level 60. Lizards, venomous snakes, spiders, tadpoles, etc. are all on the ground, and butterflies, dragonflies, and various birds are flying in the air. But those monsters sprayed venom, flames, coldness, and wind blades from that mouth. Hits quickly produce various damage effects. Defend defense, reduce drug resistance, devour life every second. However, in front of my summoned beasts at both ends, these hairy mobs were just a few bullets. As a small boss appeared from time to time in the depths, it was just a few tricks to send it to Xitian.

These little things are not fierce. But the numbers are terribly large. It's outrageous. It flows like a flood. Never ending. Exploding things are all kinds of explosions, broken swords, red and blue potions, waste materials, and I have piled up behind me all the way.

I finally walked this trail just a few hundred meters away before dinner, stepped into the Snow Dragon Mountains, stepped on the thick snow, and Gallulu's huge metal claws printed deep holes in the snow. At this time, Xueyue sent a message of eating. I saw that it was already half past seven, and I felt that I had advanced for nearly an hour at that place a few hundred meters away. You should know that the distance of nearly a few hundred meters in Galuru A few seconds thing.

Now there is a lot of snow outside, you must find a safe and sheltered place from the wind and snow off the line, otherwise it is estimated that the line will be buried by snow at night.

However, I saw a building appearing in front of the sky shouting, "Master, let's go offline."

The black **** also said, "Yeah, where can I avoid the wind and cold."

"That's right." With a sharp step on the accelerator, Galulu rushed out, and soon came to the front of the building. I found that the building was a ruined temple, bleak on all sides, but pleased The roof did not collapse, so he took the two of them immediately to the cockpit, and Gallulu retracted it. The three of us stepped on the thick snow, and the boots printed a deep pit on the snow and walked towards the ruined temple.

"Woohoo ..."

The two MMs clutched their robes and wrapped themselves, seemingly cold, no wonder, the female soldiers' equipment is basically exposed, and they are no exception.

I immediately opened the broken door and said, "Come in! Don't freeze!"

"Huh!" The two entered quickly, and I ran in immediately, entered the temple door, and closed the door just in case, holding a large stone by the side, so that the door would not be blown open.

Next I set up a tent. The two MMs couldn't wait to get into the tent. I also looked around. The ruined temple was so rude. There was a statue of a boy around a statue of Guan Yin who was beyond recognition. They are all lacking in arms and legs, and a pile of paper is stacked on the side of the table.

After looking around, there was nothing abnormal. I also got into the tent. This time both MMs have been lying down, and I can't wait to lie down and go offline.

Out of the room, Long Xin said, "Brother is waiting for you!"

"Isn't it here!" He said to his seat, and Xueyue poured me a cup of warm water, and smiled, "You have gone on a trip, how do you feel?"

I said, "It's interesting, it's more interesting than traveling in reality."

Xueyue: "Take me there next time!"



After a while, I then started to gobble it, and after ten minutes I wiped my greasy mouth: "Go on the line, and say that I have to go over the Snow Dragon Mountains tonight!"

"Come on brother!" Long Xin laughed.

The two MMs are already waiting for me outside the tent, and the snow outside is also much smaller. I am really going to go out and call Garuru to move on. Just at the door where I came. Suddenly when I took the stone off, I saw a lot of people on the road I had been in before.

I was wondering if I was going to cross the mountain, and if so, I could go with them, but when I saw the people, they suddenly started to kill!

The people here are not others but the grandeur! But it wasn't the soulless or the grave digger that came with him, but a group of players who had never seen a whole body of black armor weapons. The leader was a man wearing a purple armor with a chest turned into a lion. I saw him near This group of people basically has an eagle's emblem, which is obviously a player of the same organization.

I took the two MMs to the side and watched the changes. I saw Da Zhan Hongtu said to the purple armor man: "It looks like you have to have a big brother to come forward."

The man responded: "Don't be okay with me! I motioned to accept this in my personal name, and it was something in the game that I didn't want to involve in reality."

Achievo's grand plan said: "Know, know! Everything is one thing, as long as we complete that project, our family will definitely offer it."

The man said again, "That project is really important, but if you want to threaten me, there are 10,000 ways that you can't take it!"

"That's what it is." Achievo said very respectfully.

The man murmured: "Uncle is really old, so he would admit that such a person of unknown origin and no family background, this time I really want to talk to his old man."

Dazhanhongtu also said, "Brother, can this person deal with Weiweilong?"

That humanity: "Although he is rarely expensive, I have to arrange manpower before and after here. No matter whether he arrives early or late, he can guarantee that he can't fly!

Dazhan Hongtu also said: "I don't know how confident Brother is?"

The human said: "Eight minutes."

"Why not ten?"

The man said: "There are no perfect things in the world, and the same plan will never keep up with change! Variables can happen at any time."

"That's it."

The man chuckled: "If you are afraid, you can go back to the city and wait for us."

"I don't want to see him fall in front of me with my own eyes!" He said, gritting his teeth, his eyes filled with murderous intentions.

I can hear the clenched fists, although I do n’t know where this guy came from, but since it ’s here, there is no need to live him back, I think the dragon arm appears to be in the position of the grand exhibition, the skills of Amber Dragon 'Dragon's Charge' started a violent drinking body that turned into a blue light dragon of about 20 meters. He just smashed the door open and screamed: "Smelly boy! You have no way to go in heaven, there is no way in hell. Don't all of you want to leave here alive! "

At the moment of the save, seven or eight people of the other party immediately rushed on, but were immediately hit by the dragon's charge. After hitting this group of obstructing guys, they rushed to the grand exhibition, Long Yin roared!


Guanglong hit Dazhanhongtu's body and knocked it out instantly. Dazhanhongtu was hit in the snow and hit several rolls before he stopped. This time I have changed back into a human figure and followed him in a short step. The dragon arm that had just stood half-length around him with a thunderous potential banged heavily on this guy's chest.

The strong impact made him spit out blood, but this was not over yet, Longkou swallowed it immediately with a fiery fire, but instead of relying on the equipment, the guy turned away from the sea of ​​fire and did not give him an incomparable look. I took the potion to replenish the blood. I wouldn't give him the opportunity. A lunge caught up with the dragon's arm and immediately penetrated his body. The other hand grabbed his armor as he snarled, and raised it above his head. Turning his body upside down, he inserted his head and feet into the snow like a stump, and only two of his feet remained exposed. With this blow, all his remaining blood was quickly harvested.

It took a few seconds to send this guy back to the city for free, but I also became famous after killing him. Then I turned around and saw thirteen others. Two of them had already played against the sky and the black god. Eleven people opened their fan shapes, and the various swords in their hands were ready to go. When I saw these guys, I sang, "Don't you want to hang me! Let's go!"

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