Master Summoner Online

Chapter 620: Guild Wars

"Wind Dragon Strikes!"

"Spiral Arrow Blade!"

Immediately after stepping into San Jiyou's attack range, the skills of Legendary Life and Yu Luo Chen Wu broke out, and a dragon with a combination of cyclone arrows and a blue wind element stormed.

"Red Dragon growls!"

The dragon gun was thrown up again and the red dragon roared to the top. The red dragon and the blue wind dragon and the arrows collided together, and a loud noise broke out in the sky.

"Bouncing bomb!"

Just as the two moves canceled each other in the sky, Papa dropped a red round bomb, which did not explode when it landed but bounced.


"Boom" a shield was smashed, and at the same time I rushed in and shook me back and forth. The cooperation of these three people really did not work out. It is indeed a famous character in the dragon capital. It was very stressful to choose one and three. After all, I still have to pick more than ten minutes and I'll be fine in the first moment.

"Storm Javelin!"

Just when I was dreaming, the rain falling dust dance had finished singing with the staff in his hand, and the four javelins that entangled the hurricane flew over at a high speed like a meteor rushing to the moon.

"True and fake!"

Leaning on the stand-in to avoid the four javelins, the four javelins landed on the stand-in, and immediately the stand-in disappeared into a plume of smoke.

After dodging the javelin, with a brief invisibility, the flashlight fired, and San Jiyou slammed behind him, and the red-eyed dragon gun in his hand made a lightning statement against the pit father's back!

"Aura of flame!"

Just when the dragon gun was hitting, the legend suddenly drank aloud in his life, and suddenly burst open a halo enclosing the flames under the feet of his nightmare beast. I was caught off guard and flew out.

"Hex Rockets!"

When I was hit by the flame halo, the pit father turned around and took out a cylindrical thing to his shoulder. A standard rocket exploded immediately.

"Death Hurricane!"

I was blown off. First, the pit father rockets followed by the rain magic of the wind and dust dancing, but my response was not bad. The dragon gun slammed out, and the flying missile was blown tightly. Then he attacked and blocked the death hurricane, but at this moment the legendary life has been in front of me riding the nightmare, and the nightmare raised his forefoot.

"Batian strike!"

The forefoot stepped down with a dazzling flame of fire, followed by a magnificent summoning, the hoof of the nightmare beast blasted up, but just when I was glad I had escaped ...

— Before 3450, the Nightmare Beast rushed out of the crooked unicorn on top of my head and picked me up suddenly, just as I emptied it, the pit father picked up the submachine gun and started a meal. Burst fire.

—1460—1340—1400 Before the fall, more than 10,000 blood was beaten. When he fell to the ground and was ready to take out the potion, Yu Luochen's chanting ended at the same time.

"The wind blade continues to cut!"

"Brush brush brush brush!" The countless cyan wind blades flew towards me one after another, which did not give me any chance to breathe. Seeing that the wind blade was about to fly in front of me, he did not hesitate to throw the dragon gun!

"Red Dragon growls!"

But in mid-air, there was a Long Yin howling that caused the earth to shake, and a red dragon up to tens of meters rushed to the sky. The dragon blade that roared and flew over was almost in front of this dragon. It was unbeatable, and it collapsed in an instant. After the dragon broke through the wind blade, he followed it and slammed into the legendary life and his nightmare, and immediately turned the other person who hit it.

Before the dragon disappeared, the tail slammed the sturdy and slammed the nightmare into the ground.

I also stood up and swallowed the potion at the same time. Seeing that the time was coming. At this moment, the ghost army could not stop the beast cavalry from hitting countless undead warriors. The ghost military position had been broken open by a beast cavalry, and the beast rushed up. The cavalry had already waged fierce battles with the summoned beasts outside the gate.

Now that the nightmare that was hit by the dragon at this moment stood up and howled, a leap turned directly into the sky like I rushed at it, and at the same time the legend also shot a skyrocket in his lifetime, and the rain and dust dance also started. With a huge wind blade, the assault rifle in the hand of the father fired several lasers.

"White Dragon Shield!"

"Breaking waves!"

The white dragon shield was stretched out and directly resisted them, and the skills immediately followed, and the ground around the ground was cracked, and a water column broke into a water dragon, and the nightmare that rushed over was roared without exception. The water dragon tangled and was hit from the air to the ground. At the same time, I immediately raised my arms.

"Dragon's roar!"


The legend was dodging quickly in his life. He knew that his blood would be hard to eat and the result of the dragon's roar would be immortal and seriously injured, so he flashed to the side decisively, and at the same time he took out a bottle filled with solution. Throw it at me.

I know that there is no potion that is definitely falling. The alchemist is a hidden occupation of the pharmacist. Not only does this pharmacist have the energy to make medicaments, but he can also learn high-tech energy. The official seems to call it 'Hex Technology'. Yes, I think the bottle was thrown over and I want to avoid it, but at this moment the rain and dust dance took the opportunity to launch an attack "Fighting Wind!"

—12530 A huge silver wind blade hit me fiercely. At the same time, the red-eyed dragon gun was thrown out, and the dragon gun turned into a giant in the mid-air and then fell suddenly!

"The dragon soul is broken!"

The three men reacted quickly to the range of the Dragon Soul broken. When they avoided it, the group of beast cavalry ate the Dragon Soul bluntly, and the dragon-shaped guns crisscrossed the dragon-shaped air waves. Up.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a cool waist, and saw that Ronin rushed up on a golden lion and I was cut in half by a big knife!

—152191 "Ding ~! You have been killed ~!"

"Since it takes so long to deal with this garbage, you adventurers are really weak!" Luo Ning was obviously very unhappy with San Jiyou, but San Jiyou was very angry at this time, since his battle was destroyed by others It ’s like you suddenly robbed the dishes in your bowl while you were eating, can you be angry?

"Black Dragon Spike!"

—4381 "Ding ~! The stun effect is triggered for 2 seconds."

I was hit by a shot of Ronin, who was killing me proudly outside, and hit him into a dizzy state. After a round of attack, I came to him before Ronin was about to escape from the dizziness. The former Hundred Ghosts hit Ronin's abdomen at night, kicking him off the mount.

—1450 Luo Ning mumbled and rolled down the steps, just before he got up!

"Only me!"

A huge cuboid face appeared, and a mouthful of Ronin was to be in place.

"I'm going to kill you !!!" Ronin growled angrily at the sole bite of Ronin. The cuboid's bite strength almost made Luo Ning unable to move. He could only jump with anger, but his body was controlled, and it was difficult for him to even jump.

"Hehe, I'm stupid, and you're not so good." Carlo sneered aside, and then brought up the battle in which the Great Sword and the remaining soldiers joined. I was in trouble this time, this king. The BOSS has all been restored. I am afraid that Luo Ning is also a king-level BOSS. Two such BOSS plus a bunch of younger brothers, this time is a big deal.

"Boy! If I kill you!" Carlo swooped up with a great sword. "Roar!"


Just as Carlo roared and killed, a thunderbolt was abused under his feet—4501 "Sculpture of a worm, how to hang on his teeth!" Carlo saw the thunderstorm rushing in, and immediately the iron cannon blasted out a projectile.

"It's useless!"

"Ka!" The giant sword in his hand directly cut the projectile into two sections, and rushed towards me crazy, fast, completely unexpected, and the fierce sword that came in front of me instantly hit my head like this Cut it down fiercely!

"True and fake!"

At the very beginning, remembering the true and false movements that had already been cooled down, Carlo's sword sprang a gorgeous 170450 number on the substitute.

"It's okay to hide!" I exhaled after avoiding the sword.

"Vulcan Slash!" Carlo snarled and flaming the Great Sword of Burning Flames. It seemed to me that I hurried a heroic charge to leave the place, and Carlo slashed the second time.

Carlo's attack on me was fruitless, but at that moment Ronin also rushed up. I was in a hurry. Both of these guys are the kind of ordinary attack that kills anyone's attack power at all. Not at this stage players can resist, and my life-saving skills have just run out, hateful! If the immortal guardian wasn't wasted at first, thinking about this now will not help. I cannot avoid the two guys one after the other.

When watching the weapons in the hands of these two guys are about to be cut, Garulu and Gatling Blast Dragon who can attack from a long distance throw their own skills crazy, but these two guys completely ignore such attacks, I can only Seeing the weapons in the hands of these two goods chopped down at me.

But at this most critical moment, several figures in the crowd flashed, and Carlo and Ronin were both screaming at the same time, and then pressed by the rushing figure on the ground!

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