Master Summoner Online

Chapter 668: Silver armored wolf

The dragon soul chopped down and struck the forehead of this green armored lizard dragon.

Suddenly, a scream of roaring dragon on the green armored dragon, seven holes of blood spurted, the forehead collapsed instantly, a pair of huge eyes burst out of the eyes and sprayed out. With a terrible beer, the green armored lizard dragon shook his body and fell down, and I fell to the ground at the same time.

Mo Yan climbed out from under the claws of this green armored lizard dragon, and the frightened climbed up. A group of green armored lizard dragons swarmed up towards me. The dragon gun threw the dragon soul to break, and the giant weaponized dragon gun Smashing the crisscrossed dragon-shaped air waves in the monster group, the blue armored lizard dragon screamed, and the summoned ** was output for output. After the wild bombardment, a group of blue armored lizards turned into experience. .

"Wei ... Wei Weilong, thank you, where should we go now?" Mo Yan said after walking for a while.

I gasped, "You're welcome, are you okay?"

"I ... I'm okay." Mo Yan said a little slyly.

I said on the Guild Channel: "Now we are going up the mountain, we are meeting at the top of the mountain."


"To understanding."


I cleared all the way, stepping on the body of the Qingjiadi lizard, and with Mo Yan behind me, I could kill them in groups, and it was a large area full brush. The skylight attracted one, and Gallulu sprayed air-conditioning to freeze the monster. Then, flying bullets slammed the group, the Black God was driving over the chariot, and a group of blood monsters were immediately harvested for their lives. The experience value skyrocketed. Mo Yan MM laughed behind his back and took up the speed of experience. It's too fast.

After the last green armored lizard dragon died under the dragon gun, a pair of turquoise gray shoulders and a pile of gold coins fell to the ground and picked it up. Sure enough, it was the battle blade shoulder that I had dreamed of. So, I already have three armored blade suits in my parcel, and a few more soldiers who will return to equip the guild.

Advancing all the way up the mountain, walking the mountain for nearly two hours also killed countless green armored lizard dragons. My experience has skyrocketed by more than N. Mo Yan has risen to the first level and reached level 103. This speeds up the experience. It ’s all too fast, and the pastoral profession has less experience than other professions, but even as it goes up, the difficulty and experience are getting bigger and bigger.


When I came to a position about halfway up the mountain, I took a rest and continued to move forward. The chariot driven by the black **** walked in the forefront. Galuru and Amber Dragon were on both wings. Gatling Blast Dragon was behind me. Mo Yan was protected in the middle. Soon after, she turned several trails, and it was obvious that a beast appeared on the ground in front of the mountain, and this was a white scale armor covered with a body like a wolf, but They are huge in size, each one is the size of a buffalo and looks very messy.

Tian Zhao suddenly looked to the east and said, "Master, please allow Tian Zhao to investigate and it seems that someone is coming!"

"Um." I nodded.

Tian Zhao nodded and put on his cloak and disappeared into the air. Is there a word? There are assassins with you, once you encounter the wild PK, you have a lot of control.

I took the other summoned beasts to continue leveling, and let Aizhao go to scout. It is great to have such a beautiful and loyal companion.

The fire eye and golden eyes scan the group of wolf beasts in front of them—Silver Armored Wolf, Level 122, Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: The armored bladed wolf family living on the mountainside of Saint Meteor Mountain. These armored bladed wolf are eroded by the abyss breath. The blade turns silver, and they like to hunt these wolves in groups. They are natural killers. They have very powerful forces, so that enemies near and far will be torn by them and eaten piece by piece.

A silver armored wolf roared a dozen or so before, screaming like a dozen silver armored wolf howling, opened its blood basin and sharpened its mouth, exposing two rows of cold, twinkling sharp fangs.

I immediately commanded the summoned beasts to pounce, a silver armored wolf and a pair of armor-clawed claws slammed at me severely, and the sharp claws struck the armor head of me to bring out a damage number-7094!

The dragon gun carried a blue fire cone, and the barrier broke through and pierced the body of the silver armored wolf. Then, the attack of the black dragon spine burst, and immediately made the silver armored wolf stunned and then shot down consecutively. On it, Qi and Blood instantly dropped by almost half, and at the same time, the surrounding wolf rushed up and started a fierce battle with the summoned beast! The monsters here are very rich in experience. It is a joy to watch the experience value keep beating!

A few minutes later, more than a dozen silver wolf wolves emerged, and Tianzhao also returned: "Master, someone is here! The number is about 100!"

"Who is it and who leads the team?" I asked.

"Devil's kiss! The owner of the leader, Tianzhao, thought you guessed it."

"Know how far they are from here."

"About 20 minutes away."

"Here comes the equipment. This really makes heaven have a way. He doesn't leave, and **** doesn't break in!"

I laughed: "Mo Yan, someone sent us something, let's accept it."

"Understood, killing more goods, I know that although I don't like to deal with those guys who are overbearing every day, they should be like this."

Not far away, the sound was getting closer.

I quickly took back the summoned beasts. There were huge rocks and rugged roads all around. This place was very ambushed, but the place was too narrow. The large troops were not suitable for launching. I laughed and said, "Black God, you rush up from behind. Come back and forth! "

"it is good!"

The Black God immediately drove the chariot to hide behind a huge rock, and when the Black God chariot rushed in, he could crash into the rock and rush up. At that time, not only could he unexpectedly create a lot of commotion.

The sound is getting clearer and clearer. With the view of the high ground, about 100 players are visible, including nearly 70 cavalry players, and the mounts these people are riding are very strange. Since there are gray pythons, this group is riding python snakes. The cavalrymen walked in the forefront. The lead was the guy from Tian Qin, followed by Xie Hongjun, who had not seen a few days in a light armor suit. In addition, there was a soulless man with a blue staff in his hand. An ugly expression felt like tens of thousands of dollars.


Looking at the body of the silver armored wolf on the ground, the lead Tian Qin rided a frown on his fox's neck and said, "The monster has been killed. It just hasn't been long before the situation begins. Everyone starts alerting, ready to enter at any time. fighting!"

Next to him, a python warrior wearing black armor said, "Boss, the other party should not be far away from us in this situation, should we catch up!"

Tian Qin said: "Just from the other side's king-level boss, a team of more than two thousand people died and there were more than two hundred people. The king-level boss is really not the main one to deal with. If there is such a boss on it Trouble! "

That humanity: "At that time, we can cooperate as before, and then kill them with the boss when the boss is about to die!"

Tian Qin said: "Yes, you must do whatever you want to do. Search around, if you see other players, kill them!"

"Well, the boss is wise!"


I was stunned, this product was too cruel, even if they played with the boss together, they would be regarded as the same kind of people who have passed through the affliction. Since the boy directly killed the killer costume after the other party had no use value, they were all businessmen. Will do whatever it takes for business, this guy is really cruel, extremely cruel!


When the Devil's Kiss group passed over into our ambush area, they started to act!


The black **** immediately smashed the rock in front of him, and drove a chariot of black lightning down from the void. The dragon gun was thrown out and turned into a giant soldier. The earth cracked and several dragon-shaped air waves broke through the ground, calling for Canada. Lulu and the Amber Dragon, the Amber Dragon's Yanlong fire and explosive inflammation raged through the crowd, Gallulu jumped into the dense location of the other side and raised his head high, and the all-metal shooting star broke out in the dense crowd.

"Well, being attacked, these beasts? Beast god! That bastard!" Tian Qin shouted in surprise.

Before his voice fell, Dragon Soul chopped it first. The blood-red dragon wave spread out in all directions. Tian Qin was also affected by the dragon wave and flew out. Before he stood still, then, Tian Follow the steps quickly, draw a beautiful arc around your feet, and swing two swords continuously to back up the Tian Qin who just stood up!

I swiftly killed, the black dragon thorn locked Tian Qin, did not give the opportunity to hold the position, the gun blade suddenly stabbed, the entire gun head swallowed Tian Qin's body!

"You ..." Tian Qin looked at me fiercely.

I didn't speak with a smile, and the dragon gun pulled out the lightning bolt pierced his throat. After pulling out, the dragon gun swept over his body, cutting him off his entire shoulder and head.

A group of black armor players was frightened. Their boss should not be the boss. One person was killed by face-to-face. Galuru and Amber Dragon summoned the beast to make a noise in the crowd. The blood of a group of snake cavalry was mad and the yīn in front was dark. In the promenade, the black **** who rushed up behind drove the chariot into the crowd, which made this group of players cool in their hearts.

Stepping on the bodies of these people, I stepped in front of Xie Hongjun and laughed, "It's been a long time."

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