Master Summoner Online

Chapter 681: War begins

At 11:35 noon, I only heard the sound of a shocking horseshoe from the sky. A large number of human cavalry entered the east not far away. A banner painted with the Oriental dragon fluttered in the wind. The swaying dragon insignia is united, and the banner is displayed. Under the command of the Chinese Army University, the beautiful dragon knight, Carel, rides a giant thunder dragon more than 20 meters long, carrying the halberd eyes gloomy, watching the holy fall A mountain.

Then a huge earth dragon appeared in the army on the ground. The earth dragon's back was carrying a huge wooden canopy. A figure sat in the middle of this huge wooden canopy. This figure was Zhang Tianshi, so I said I want to protect it. Mission NPC.

"General Carel, how are the Five Elements?"

Karel said: "Golden wood, water, fire, earth and the Five Elements monks are in place, and the remaining four dragon knights are each on their own."

"A general with a lot of trouble is troubled, but now everything is in short supply," Zhang Tianshi said, touching his beard.

Long Xin said: "Brother, so many people!"

I can't help laughing: "Yeah, there are at least millions of people in our position participating in the battle, not counting the NPC legion, plus the players and NPCs in several other positions. The total number of people participating in this battle is estimated to be two 30 million people! "

"Ten millions! Wow! A lot! Xiaoguang has never seen so many people." Xiaoguang looked around with emotion.

Xueyue Road: "In fact, there are not many tens of millions of people. Now the game population in China has exceeded 200 million. Among them, the number of high-level players is more than 50 million, the number of low-level players is nearly 100 million, and the rest are professional life players. . "

I asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

Yun Lan said: "Every teacher in class said that you didn't pay attention to it yourself."

I gently buckled my cheeks and smiled bitterly.

Looking at the black iron city standing tall in front of us, and we are on the east face of Saint Meteor. If we want to attack, black iron city is the way we must pass, and our position is also very good. If the monsters in the city kill them, we Earn more honor!

Standing on the head of the Amber Dragon, there were humanoid abyss monsters holding terrifying weapons standing on the high walls, and there were countless flying monsters in the sky, and we came with so many people this time, The abyss monster must still be prepared. The preparations mentioned must be that these administrators are cheating in the back. It is extremely difficult to complete this task, and even like the real red-eyed black dragon. It ’s all in vain, but it is not futile. That's all about NPCs, we players come to play soy sauce, fishing for oil and water.

I asked, "What forces are all around us?"

Xueyue said: "Most of them are small guilds and free players, but our left side is the battle soul's position, and the right is the Naruto's camp, which is our ally. We can say that although there is no time and place, there are people who are at peace. It will be bigger. "

Waiting for everyone to chat to relieve the boredom, Xueyue and Yun Lan did not forget to confront each other for a while, to see that it is 11:55, and five minutes are about to start. Since all of them are about to start, why have n’t the five guys come yet? It seems that the NPC is not punctual.

Five minutes to wait for the prompt of the past battle to pop out "Ding ~! Players please note that the Battle of the Seal is officially started. During this period, every kill of an ordinary monster gets a little honor points and so on, and the kill of ordinary BOSS will get 100 points. Honor points, Elite 300 points, Super 800 points, King 1500 points. During the mission, the abyss monsters will continue to attack, please be sure to guard! Players in battle will not be able to join the battle again! "

The battle has begun!

A huge roar came from the city in front of it, as if a stone was thrown into the huge lake, causing a ripple! The ripples caused the huge monster group to finally move, attacking us in front, and the monster group in all directions also attacked the enemy in front of them.

Thousands of wild beasts stirred up numerous dust and smoke, the roar of the beasts rang through the sky, and the momentum of the mountains and the sea was enough to make people tremble!

"Ready to fight!"

When I saw the play, I was so excited that I watched the monsters in front of me killing the monster group and gave the order as hard as possible: "Free attack!"

In the next moment, thousands of differently colored staffs were lifted, causing Fengyun to suddenly change its color! Thousands of long bows burst into countless arrows and rain fell like a pouring rain. The speed of various monsters that launched the impact was slow or slow. The first to enter the player's attack range were a group of high-speed high-speed monsters. Of course they are!

It was as if being attacked suddenly hit an invisible wall, and they fell to the ground one after another, and then were mercilessly trampled by the companions behind them. But the magic arrows are endless, creating countless blood, and those almost crazy monsters have no fear of the sacrifice of their companions. They trample on the same flesh and blood corpses and continue to strike forward.

It didn't take long for the monsters to approach the range of 300 meters. I shouted, "All the Dragonfang Master League Alliance fighters obey orders and charge towards the enemy in front of us!" Thousands of mighty Raptor Cavalry and other branded cavalry from many other players' guilds took the lead from the position. rush out. Behind them, thousands of soldiers armed with swords and shields attacked herds two or three hundred meters away under the opening of various cavalry.

The shouts of battle belonging to the soldiers overwhelmed all the noise on the battlefield, and the soldiers rushed at their opponents just like the tigers at the start.

In less than a minute, the vanguard of the cavalry group, the warrior group, and the beast group met directly, as if two waves crashed head-on, either you died or I died.

When I led the summoned beasts to rush up, I first threw the dragon gun, the dragon soul broke into action, and the dragon gun turned into a giant soldier was smashed down. Strangling, the dragon gun lifted again to smash the dragon soul, and the **** dragon waves spread out in all directions. The monsters that were beaten by the dragon soul were killed in seconds.

For a moment, a lot of honor points and the summoned beasts rushed into the monster group. Most of these monsters were ordinary monsters of the level of 80 or 80. These ordinary monsters were completely vulnerable to me and the summoned monster. Among them, Ordinary beasts and elite beasts around a hundred levels, but they are also difficult to stop our offensive.

The dragon gun swings and hits the ice and snow three-stroke skills!

—14010—14054—14075 Instantly kill three monsters in a flash, Gatling blasts the machine gun and knocks down one piece, the amber dragon spit out and breathes, Garulu has shells, the sky shines with two swords, the black **** sickle harvests, the ark It just didn't come out at all, the first wave of monsters rushing up was simply a mess! The dragon gun can be turned left and right, each shot can bring out more than 5000 points of damage, plus the horror output of summoning beasts, killing twice as much as you can, and clearing a monster in a blink of an eye!

The second wave of monsters appeared just after the monster was splashed. This wave of monsters is a group of large black beetles. Each of these beetles has the size of a ball. The rolling body is like a cockroach, but it is absolutely terrible. !! The swarm of beetles crawled fast, staring at the red beans with big red eyes, chilling light.

Immediately, they were attacked by players in a frantic attack, and the countless damage numbers gathered in the ocean over the front of the battlefield. Although these swarms of beetles are numerous and their defense is not very low, they have no room to fight back under the combined attack of millions of players. They do not have long-range attack capabilities, and the low AI only knows that a swarm of bees are coming over, and they can only be slaughtered by players who have been prepared. Contributed a large number of experience and honor points.

The almost side-by-side battle lasted more than ten minutes, and the Black Iron City finally stopped running monsters. The densely packed monster bodies outside were mixed with falling gold and silver coins, covering the ground one layer after another.

After the monster died, a large group of assassins came out of the team and began to quickly clean up the battlefield. For me, these little money don't care about this money, but anyway, it's money, but if you don't clean up the glittering crystals on the ground, it is inevitable that the eye-catching players will run out and pick them up. Situation. This blood lesson abounds in past game history.

There was a brief calm in the battlefield, and everyone was busy. And more people set their eyes on the city gate, waiting nervously for the next wave of monsters to appear. Of course, there are some smart players who are prone to provoke monsters while waiting. However, monsters here are led by advanced bosses. Senior bosses will not respond to player provocations. Senior bosses have extremely high AI and high dignity. This sentence is not what I said.

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