Master Summoner Online

Chapter 710: Dragon Break

Lingyun Pavilion's team quickly retreated into the city. One of the core members of Lingyun Pavilion, the Avengers stood on the city wall, holding a broad sword, watching the menacing approaching men below, and said, "All the people returned to the city to attack! They did not attack We will have hope if the city machinery keeps the walls and gates! "

Xueyue said behind him: "Don't be impulsive, if you force it, we will be very disadvantaged!"

Looking at the players in the city, Yun Lan said: "That's right! After the Lingyun Pavilion entered the city, all the players were replaced. There were a large number of soldiers behind the city wall, as well as magic archers, and flying summons in the air. If we If you force them up, they will be killed one by one! "

The old cow asked, "What shall we do now?"

"It is necessary to develop a tactic to destroy their defensive formation, otherwise, our chances are really small."

The fierce blood flew: "What about that?"

The smoky and rainy years spread their hands and said, "I don't know."

I said, "I'm coming."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Lie Xuefei asked.

I laughed: "Did you forget how I opened the door when I was fighting for the station?"

"Ah!" Yanyu Liunian said, "I have forgotten what you did!"

I said, "I need a little time, please, everyone."

"Relax, leave it to us!"



Xueyue shouted out loudly: "The team members of Dragon Tooth listen to the orders and launch onslaught against the city wall! Get precious opportunities for the president, otherwise the mage of the other party will destroy the building car!"


A group of fighters of the Dragon Fang swarmed over, and the avengers on the opposite side of the city saw us launching a storm and shouted, "Since the storm was launched? It is beyond our power!" After speaking of the broad sword, the mage and archer in the city immediately Attacks continued, and strange noises came from the air!

Dozens of light cyan wind blades whistled from the side of the front row of soldiers, the clouds in the sky overhead rolled down and poured out countless fire points, and hundreds of ground thorns bulged on the ground!

The blood and blood brushes of the soldiers in front fell down, and the speed was so fast that the priest's medical supplies were too late to keep up and hung up.


The soldiers who were hitting the wind blade, fire and rain, and being stabbed by the ground were immediately attacked by the opponent's arrow tower. The front soldier was without exception transformed into a hedgehog, and the number of injuries was flying. The arrow towers sold by this RMB really have a very short delay of only a few tenths of a second, unless it is the kind of master who can reach the peak and it is difficult to avoid such an attack, and there are many arrow towers on the other side. You can avoid one but you cannot avoid all. The first soldiers who rushed up poured out the next name and fell on the way!

The Avengers questioned: "They rush so that they don't charge forward."

The blade of the king of the rear shouted, "You fool! Fight the beast god! Attack the beast **** with all your strength!"

"Attack the beast god?"

I laughed at the moment: "It's too late!" Accompanied by the red earth flames surrounding it. The sound of dragons in my ears became louder. Seems to be celebrating something. It seemed as if something was being vented. At this moment, the surrounding earth was burning in flames, and the flames that had not been extinguished burst out from the ground deep underground.

Behind it, in the flames, the shadow of the dragon appeared, the sharp teeth. Crimson eyes. And black scales. All exude a domineering overriding everything. The giant dragon screamed a roar that shook the world, and spit out a dark black flame.

"Black Announcement-Black Flame Bullet!" With the roar "Boom!" For a moment, both the city gate and the city wall disappeared in an endless amount in an instant. Among the flames that devoured everything. As if the heaven punishment had come, in it. The blue and white ground flashed ...

"That idiot!" The king's razor's face shouted green: "Dongmen fell, the thunderstorm, the sorrow of darkness, don't entangle with the death-dead people, and return to the city quickly to support!"

The two people who received the command immediately brought the troops back to kill, but this was Xue Sui Feng Wu and the blood killed everyone with the blade of death blocked by them. Xue Sui Feng danced: "Sorry! This road is nowhere!" Said After the two of them, they rushed over with the death gods!

The east gate is broken, and the west is threatened by the flying dragons. Most of the western city is occupied by the flying dragons. These flying dragons emit various breaths, lightning, flames, venom, strong acids, etc., although there are no real dragons. So terrible, but the players over there can't resist at all, after all, except for some of the commanders of Lingyun Pavilion, the players there are all players.

The north gate was attacked by the chariot of the soul of the war and the forces of the orcs. The direction of the north gate was already in danger. The blade of the king said to a group of people around him: set fire to attack and destroy their chariots! "


Countless arrows and magical light **** flew out, and night fell, various skills rays intertwined in the air, fireball, ice cones and other skills crashed on the chariot, shaking the earth, but unable to shake these giants. The car has nothing to spend, and it took N more than RMB to build a car. If it is so easy to be destroyed, it will be alive!

Just as the team of the war spirits rushed into the inner city and came to the nearest place to Tongtianzhu, suddenly a black-headed thing like a giant cannon suddenly appeared, and its orientation was mainly aligned with the location of the war spirit army. .

"What is that?" The war spirits felt weird, and a huge beam of energy had been emitted from this huge black cannon. These beams of energy suddenly volleyed, and the front-most player was caught off guard by a sudden blow. The entire person is directly vaporized by intense energy!

Seeing this situation, the players in other places saw a bad situation, and quickly retreated and returned to the large army to watch the changes. The range of these muzzles seems to be not far away. After the battle spirit team withdrew one hundred meters, they did not continue firing. Only the archer magician continued to attack.


"How to do?"

Singing lonely, "You all back away!"

The people of War Soul immediately retreated, and loneliness sang and stood on the top of the Triceratops. The three magical arrays glowed dazzlingly. Her act immediately attracted each other's activation attack. The strength of the shield is not weakened in this attack.

Then she held her hands high above her head and put on a look of holding something high. At the same time, she sang a spell, and the situation changed. "" The Lord of the Darkness of the Four Realms. Give me stronger magic "

"Spell of magic increase!" Chetter shouted in shock: "Everyone run away! The president is about to open up!" Fengyun players can also see that the loneliness should be widened, and they want to strengthen the attack output!

"Darker than dusk! Redder than blood! Appears in the flow of time, in the name of Ru! I swear in darkness ..."

"Yes ... President, wait ... wait! There is no need to use this trick!" Yu Luo Chen Wu said a little flustered.

Lonely at this moment, as if she had not heard it at all, she continued to sing her spell intently: "Block all the stupid things in front of us, together with our strength, and give them the equal destruction of the dragon breaking and chopping!" The magic energy is pushed out by loneliness, and the goal is really the city wall ahead!


A shocking explosion has occurred! The huge mushroom cloud rises, the earth cracks, and a huge energy storm rises to the sky, destroying, shredding, and crushing the city wall in front of it into pieces. Various parts, sawdust, and crushed stones are huge in this energy. The sky was injured in the waves, and at the same time, a large number of players in Lingyun Pavilion and Fengyun made a terrible noise in this devastating energy storm.


After the energy storm was abused, the ground was full of messy debris. Countless players flew flesh and blood in this catastrophe. It was terrible. The lonely singing "Dragon Break" skill is almost equivalent to a curse, and its attack power Extremely powerful, even the hard walls can be torn apart, let alone human flesh and blood?

Everyone in the battle spirits was stunned and looked at the scene in front of them, speechless. The skill of loneliness can only be described by the word 'inverse sky', what walls, what magic barriers, in this absolute Power is all nonsense.

Lonely sings and yells, "Don't take it anymore! Destroy Tongtianzhu!"

One word awakened the dreamer, and a lonely short word brought the spirits of the war souls back. The bear cavalry quickly controlled their war bears and launched an onslaught. In addition, the wolf ride of the orc army was the first kill. Into the enemy line.

Thousands of types of magical bombardment have been entered immediately. Water, fire, thunder, soil, wind ... all kinds of horrible magic skills are mixed with various sword and fighting spirits. The summoning beasts are deafening. roar!

The gorgeous and horrific blow just opened the breakthrough. Under the cover of the orcs, the troops of the fighting spirits poured in one after another, and the players who defended Tiantianzhu hoarsely screamed and turned into white light. city.

The battle soul opened a breakthrough and attracted a large number of defensive players. The number of players on our side has greatly reduced, and this is exactly the way to kill the inner city. I carried the red-eyed dragon gun and brought the summoned beasts. The first to pounce in, the dragon gun turned upside down and called the beasts to bombard with various skills.

Now the situation of the defender is very bad. The north gate has been defeated by the fighting souls. The west has been miserable by countless flying dragons. The east gate is facing the double impact of dragons and death. The defender only Can keep back and keep resisting.

The city is full of killings, screams are endless, the countless horrible magic and skills of both sides are intertwined, making the entire city become a 'Sura Hell'. The ground is flooded with blood, and equipment, potions and other countless things are piled up. Although there are a lot of things, they will not affect the player ’s actions. Of course, the garrison in Whirlwind City is not a master, and it is calmed down from the chaotic scene caused by the lonely shocking shock. These Lingyun Pavilion The well-trained masters also began to exert their strength and rushed into the city to launch fierce fights.

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