Master Summoner Online

Chapter 723: Rose Night

The next day, when I was MM from Xueyue and Yun Lan, I was deadlifted to take them to level. The geographical location is a place of ice and snow temple. Their level is said to be very high. The Temple of Ice and Snow is an area that has only recently been discovered, and now there should be no players to set foot.

Summoned the Amber Dragon to take us to the periphery of the Ice and Snow Temple. The periphery of the Ice and Snow Temple is a huge forest. There are already a large number of players from all over the leveling in this huge forest. They are a group of several hundred or ten people, and the monsters on the outskirts are not difficult to kill. But only a few players dare to go deep, most of the remaining players are still killing monsters outside, because there are too many people, there are some discordant situations, that is-grab the monster!

Fly over the forest to the back of the forest and see a castle made of huge ice sculptures. It seems that this is the Snow Temple, but the Snow Temple is even more chaotic because it is surrounded by hundreds of people.

Although there are hundreds of people, there are a crowd of people blocking the entrance to the temple. There are about a hundred people blocking the road. The other players outside the crowd also say a dozen people. The monster level here is very high, the outermost is 80 ~ 90. Level 1 monsters are very suitable for some middle-level players to level up. They can kill in addition to large teams, or players of level 100 or higher do not care about entering alone, because they may be torn to pieces by monsters along the way.

"I rely on it, the situation is too overbearing, it is even fiercer than the demon kiss!"

"That is, their resident was captured by the war spirit, and they were vented when they were angry. Real TM is nothing!"


I didn't see the silly hat in this situation, I said, "Let's go."

The MMs nodded and the five of us strode forward. At this moment, a player in the Fengyun team shouted, "Stop!" A look of arrogant expression came to us. The tall one is a silly big man. This one says, "Get out of the way! Today we have a charter party." The tone of the goods is not polite.

"Fengyun people are stupid!" I sneered sneer.

The guy shouted loudly, "Who do you say is stupid! Offensive to us, don't you want to hang around?"

"I think you don't want to mix up!" I said.

"You're looking for death!" The rude player was furious. Cut it down with a long sword!

"Ding!" The long sword fell on me while hitting a -1 forced injury. The eye of the player who stared at him was completely unbelievable. This is exactly the effect we need. After that, I caught a punch and the player who fell in the situation was directly knocked out by me by more than 2,000 health, and then another punch was added to the blood of both feet to completely clear it.

Thousands of people who threw the Dragon Spirit combo in this area were not my opponents at all. After the Dragon Spirit combo, only a few remaining blood children were picked up by the free players around them.

After leveling the players blocking the road, they entered the Snow Temple and shuttled from the monster group. The first floor was just a hundred-level elite beast that couldn't stop us at all, so it entered the second floor, and in the mighty map They are all monsters. Here the monsters are refreshed very fast, and there are still some situations where players are leveling.

All of us, first cast a Dragon Soul to drop a monster, and then send a Dragon Slash! The **** dragon wave instantly swept the monster and the situation player in this piece, and a large number of damage figures flew up. Unexpectedly, they swept away one more piece.

Xueyue also rushed into the monster, and the poisonous dragon sword in her hand combined with her own powerful attack output was astounding. In addition, with the help of Ice Crystal Phoenix, Yun Lan's fist was no less destructive than Xueyue. In addition, her lion is more lethal than Ice Crystal Phoenix.

We broke into the fourth floor one morning, but in my opinion this ice and snow temple should not be so easy to break, there must be other secrets in it, and we will go offline to eat at noon.

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Xiaoguang rushed out and pounced on me and said, "Brother Long Ling is in trouble!"

I hurriedly said, "What happened?"

Xiaoguang cried and said, "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !, the dragon brother brothers level up with 300 new players in the morning to level up in an ice wind canyon in the Snow Dragon Mountains. Don't go out! And the constant attack keeps me fighting and I can't go back to the city. Fortunately, there was no death. "

"Fuck! That guild is so bold!" I said, Xiaoguang said, "This guild is called Rose Night! Surround us and say with a voice," Longling brother you. "

"I see." Said, "Go! We will go online immediately to meet this Rose Night!"


Everyone went online, and quickly picked up the soldiers and went to the Icewind Canyon. I took out the teleport crystal and teleported us back to the dragon capital. I also watched it, and quickly rushed to the Icewind Canyon. The location of the Icewind Canyon is not difficult to find. I arrived in about ten minutes. At this moment, the two waves of people face each other. The two sides are waiting for the sword to stretch out. There are hundreds of people led by Xiaoguang behind the player team outside the dragon teeth. These people just waited for Xiaoguang. People surrounded and did not launch an attack.

Obviously, the purpose of the other party is not for the purpose of annihilation. In the years of smoke and rain, carrying the two swords and riding on the evil shadow leopard came forward and shouted, "Hey! You people, the dragon's teeth have no grudges with you in the near future, no revenge, Why besiege our companions. "

A voice from the other side's camp laughed and laughed: "Who do I think it is? Isn't this the dragon's misty rain?"

Yanyu Liunian frowned, watching a soldier who had just spoken. Most of the middle-aged man stood out, Yan Yuliu said: "Who are you?"

The other party said, "In the second night of the Rose, the leader of the Second Alliance," Yan Yulien shouted, "The leader of the Second Alliance also cooperated with me and asked your president to speak out."

The man said, "Don't know how to lift! I'm also an ally, you know it's just one of the guilds who has some fame and prestige. If our president can speak, you can ask your president to speak out, you A small law of protection is not enough. "

"What did you say!" Yanyuliuian was already angry, but he was still very angry, and the dragon tooth players around him were also angry. Yanyulien yelled: "The beast **** will be here in a moment. You are now in ours. People let out. "Suddenly a wave of his hand, His Majesty Leopard roared, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The man suddenly yelled, "In the smoky and rainy years, we didn't like to hurt the people inside. If we talked about it, we can wait for your chairman. You people dare to scatter in front of us, but that is a big mistake."

After a swift drink, countless bows, crossbows, and countless magic wands brewing magical elements aimed at everyone in front of the dragon's teeth. This time I arrived with the MMs. The huge body of the Amber Dragon dropped, and I jumped down from the Amber Dragon and drank, "Lao Tzu has arrived, let go, let's just wait to go back and hang on the weak."

"It is indeed a beast god, with a big breath." At this moment, a huge figure descended from the sky. This giant body was a giant five-meter-tall man wrapped in purple armor, and two figures on the shoulders of the giant leapt from the giant. under.

They are a man and a woman, and the man's brown leather armor is dressed as an assassin-type dress, but behind him is a scabbard of about one meter two, and this scabbard is not flat but a slender cylindrical.

The woman next to her was wearing a purple magic robe. There was no logo or decorative pattern on the magic robe she wore, but it was completely purple. At the same time, her face was hidden under the hood of the magic robe. Can't see her true face. However, her figure was uneven, and even the large wizard's robe could not cover her proud chest.

I said, "What is your intention to block my people into the ground?"

The man said: "I have always heard that Lord Beast God is bright and clear, but my ears are false, and what I see is true. It turns out that you also like killing monsters."

"What did you say?" Asked in return: "When did I grab your monster. As the saying goes, grab the thief dirty, what evidence do you have that I grab your monster."

Then came out of the crowd five people, led by a knight player, he said: "The boss is this person. We found a poisonous dragon on the Snow Dragon Mountain yesterday when we did our best to siege and this guy rushed out and He also said that the poison monster dragon was his, and we wanted to let it go. Boss, we have a video to prove it. "

Soon a video launched into my mailbox, and opened it up. It was yesterday that they attacked the poison monster dragon and took over the whole process of being spiked by my ultimate skill.

"I finally know what the wicked is to sue first." I said with emotion after watching the video.

The man said: "You said they were wicked to sue first. Do you have evidence for that beast brother?"

I was about to speak to Black God and forcibly stepped in and said, "Of course there is." Immediately after Black God controlled his control panel, he said, "This video is the proof."

He quickly said that it was convenient to receive the information from the black god. "This video is the real whole process, and it has been certified by the official system. The monster ’s blood volume and the blood loss caused by the hit are clearly marked. It's more credible than your ordinary video. "

I talk to the black **** in private: "How come you have a video?"

The black **** replied: "Do n’t say this video to the host, I have a backup of all the processes from the time you took me out to the host."

"There were things going on that day," I asked.

Black Shinto: "When ... of course."

Ending the private chat, "I believe so."

The two men looked at each other and said, "A misunderstanding, Brother Beast is sorry."

The female mage player whispered, "You two."

"Boss, we didn't mean it."

"We got it wrong."

"Forgive us."

"It's late!" The female player snorted in her mouth, flipped her right hand, and suddenly, a bizarre wand crooked appeared in her hand, and the wand was wrapped in a large black mist, and the five also returned. He didn't respond to how he came back, and was drawn in by the black mist.

When the black dance dissipated, I saw a skeleton with white bones falling out of the black mist. It was just that five people were corroded by the black mist. Even the death drop equipment was corroded and disappeared. skeleton.

Man said: "Let the people inside come in and out."

The people of Rose Night immediately gave way to the left and right, and the surrounded Xiaoguang and others smoothly got out of the predicament.

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