Master Summoner Online

Chapter 742: To the battlefield

Something finally happened. Packed up the equipment and called the beautiful bodyguard to bid farewell to the dragon and Dharma. Then came to the pharmacy to find the skeleton and sold a bunch of potions, and then returned to the dragon capital.


Ye Shuang's news came immediately after the capital of the dragon just arrived: "Brother! Our Super Raptor Cavalry has 5,700 men, and most of the cavalry's mounts have been replaced by Raptor. Say we want to grab another territory and come back? "

I replied: "Don't be too greedy, let's be content with one territory. If you grab another one, do you want the guilds of the dragon capital to come with our backbones? This land Mingshen will definitely compete. The task is to help them seize their territories and see if they can pick up something cheaper! "

"Well, yes, and I checked the Hexi Corridor, the location is not very good, there are monsters up to level 150! But the surrounding resources are very rich."

"Ye Shuang, you are now organizing a team. Prepare to support Mingshen's team."

"Understand. The Hexi Corridor is west of the Dragon Capital, and we gather outside the West Gate."

I nodded and switched off the call to Simon. Soon there were news that countless gangs were convening men and women. It was not long before I was out of the Dragon City, and the message came from the ghost: "Beast god, please help me this time!"

I laughed: "Of course! I must help."

"Okay, let's go ahead with Ming Ming!"

The Dragon Fang's brigade gathered and headed for the Hexi Corridor. The Hexi Corridor is very far from the Dragon Capital.

Tearless said: "The beast **** is said to have been occupied by the abyss monsters in the Hexi Corridor, and the monsters are very strong. And if you are hard, you may not be able to beat them!"

Brother Superman: "It's true that the Mings can't be defeated. But don't forget that there are more guilds wanting territory. I just got the news just now. Fengyun's foolish 20,000 advance team has begun to cross the Hexi Corridor. Moonlight forest "

"What's that? Tell you now that there are more than ten large and small guilds in the Hexi Corridor, which together add up to more than 200,000 people!" Yan Yuliu laughed.

As we walked and talked all the way, we suddenly walked out of the woods in the east. There were about 10,000 people going down. Everyone had a purple rose emblem on their shoulders. Yes, this group of people was not long ago. The newly-rising New Guild 'Rose Night' is at the forefront of the team is a female magician 'Leng Yu Fei Shi' with a proud figure wearing a purple cape. On her side, it is not a crime to have his brother to kill, the rear team At the front is a male archer riding a golden leopard wearing a golden armor, a female gladiator wearing a purple armor, and a male warrior with a thin waist with a thin sword in a white armor. The momentum emanating from these three people made them feel unfathomable.

After the two teams came into contact, they both stopped, and Leng Yufei poetry stepped forward and said to me, "Do n’t you have territory, the beast god? What are you doing here?"

I smiled slightly: "Guess."

"Guess? You also know not far away, you are here to help Mingming God." Leng Yufei poem laughed: "I just want to say that our Rose Night is the new guild that has just emerged the most. We really need this territory to strike us. Banner. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that there are hundreds of thousands of abyss monsters in the Hexi Corridor. So the three of us can join forces first, and wait for the monsters and other competitors to be eliminated. Afterwards, the battle between Rose Night and Naruto will invite the beast gods Get involved. "Leng Yufei said.

I laughed: "It doesn't seem to work. I have an appointment with Mingshen to help them win territory."

"Since this is the case," Leng Yufei said, "Let's see each other on the battlefield."

"Okay. Don't blame me for not taking care of the newcomers then." I laughed.

Leng Yufei poked with a chuckle: "Oh, beast god, don't look down on people. Our rose night is very strong."

"At that time, we must receive advice." After speaking, the two teams went each side and entered the Hexi Corridor from different directions.

An hour and a half later, we crossed the leveling area outside the Hexi Corridor and entered the territories. From time to time, abyssal monsters harassed us and made us hinder our progress. At this moment, the fire dancer sent a message: "Dragon Spirit, you How is it over there? "

I said, "Everything goes well."

"That's good." Fire Dance said: "The guild of the guy named Tang is called" Tianjiao ". My ID: Chic Heavenly Son, a level 108 knight, and all the dark gold was smashed with money. The current position is the origin coordinate: 1545368451 There are 8,761 people in the main league, and the total number of people in the next league is 5,000, with a total of 13,761 people. The average level is 98. "

I laughed: "So detailed, you checked his account."

"What's wrong with the details, and this guy just said shamelessly that we were asked to help him take this land."

I laughed: "Give him territory? I don't have that spare time."

Fire dance said: "Yes. Right, I just got the news that this guy may be related to the world. So you have to be careful that this guy who sees money and sees it is likely to betray you because of a little stinky money."

"I see." I said.

"Well, I wish you a good afternoon, I'm hung up."


Cut off the contact Yinyue took the front road: "Big Ben, who did you talk to just now."

"It's Ruiwen. She told us that the guy who is not here seems to have a leg with the situation and wants us to pay attention." I said.

Yun Lan said: "It doesn't seem to be, but it is related."

The guard stepped forward and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Yun Lan said: "I tell you, that guy has a great relationship with Feng Yun. Before he came to the college, this guy had a directing position in the Feng Yun Group, and he often slaps the farts in the world. The two also called brothers and brothers . This guy was present at the classmate party of my **** father, and he was included in the work as a photographer during the party. "

At this time, the assassin from the rear reported that there were more than 1ooo demon kiss players behind us, and a high-level warrior who saw a devil kiss shouted, "The beast god, your dragon's teeth have all the territory, and come back. Don't bully too much! "

After a few of us killed the monster, I turned back and said, "What about bullying you."

"you wanna die!"

I laughed: "Ye Shuang took a team of Raptor Cavalry to clean up the debris. The others moved on."

"Understand." After speaking, the captain of the armored Raptors took five hundred Raptor cavalry and some mages, priests, and archers toward the demon kiss guy behind.

The man shouted, "Some kind! Kill me!"

So a large swath of sword energy, magic, energy, arrows flew in the air, killing people here will not be famous, everyone can let go.

The next team intercepted, and after the large troops walked a distance of one thousand meters, at this moment, the small knife on the side of the team suddenly said: "There is an ambush, everyone gets down!"

Sure enough, the voice didn't fall, and suddenly an arrow rain flew out and hit the front row of soldiers.

Immediately, the first part of the soldiers were injured and retreated, and Bloody Fei pulled out a pair of black double-knifes behind him and said angrily, "Fast Raptor, follow me and kill this group of idiots!"

Said to lead more than a hundred raptors rushed to the woods, and the fierce blood flew into the jungle with the golden roar, and the next moment, a huge roar rang, and the violent energy spread in the forest!


Seeing four archers blown up and flying to the sky, then a free fall motion fell to the ground. The screams in the forest kept coming and going, Lie Xuefei and others completely destroyed their opponents in the forest with zero loss. In addition, several corpses were taken out and they saw the emblem on the corpse. Those who tried to ambush us were a group of players who had not seen the emblem.

Xueyue said, "Send a group of Xiao Luo to kill us here. This guy came up with that."

I smiled: "Let him, let's not be delayed, and move on! The battle ahead is estimated to have begun."

After half an hour, the front suddenly became wide. In the distance, there was an open area. In the center of the open area, there was a wide river. In the middle of the river, there was a city above the water. The city is very simple, a bunch of monsters in the abyss are fighting with the players.

"A lot of people are here." Ye Shuang took the Raptor Cavalry and other professionals to victory.

Everyone went deep into the battlefield and saw the crowds outside the city, and I also saw what the guy named Mo said when he was in the turmoil.

I brought everyone with the Dragon Tooth up, and Mo Shaoyan came down from the horse and said, "We just reached an agreement with Li Shao. Once we win the territory, we will run the two of us together! In addition, I Knowing that there are some festivals between the beast **** and Li Shao. I hope that I can use this opportunity to talk to others. "

I couldn't help but smile, the dragon gun pointed at this Mo Shao and said, "The idiot is dreaming!"

"Beast God! It's better to have one more friend than one enemy. Besides, I remember that Li Shao and your chief combatant Wushuang Storm did not have a marriage contract? The two of us should be ..."

Before he finished speaking, the dragon gun pierced the guy's throat! After pulling out the dragon gun fiercely, he yelled, "Come on, clean up all the surrounding situation and the Tianjiao people. One is not left, and all the people in front of you are blocked-kill without pardon!"

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