Master Summoner Online

Chapter 753: Unseal Ruyi Stick

Back in the station, everyone was waiting for us at this moment.

"Big stupid dragon! How slow you are." Yin Yue put on a look of exasperation.

I laughed: "Sorry I'm done, are you all ready?"

"Of course."

"Hurry up and go."

"Okay." Talking to each of them to send a crystal to each of them and also to the assassin's creed that was not present, remember a past, and put the rest in the guild for everyone to exchange points.

"Using this, you can teleport to Dragon City, but I have to explain that there are many strange residents in Dragon City. They are very smart, so after entering, I hope you will be careful and do n’t conflict with them. . "I took out my teleport crystal and said," Okay! Everyone shout with me, teleport! Dragon City! "

"Teleport! Dragon City!" Everyone shouted in unison.


Everyone appeared on the Dragon City Plaza, and then everyone exclaimed, just like when I first arrived.

"Woohoo ~! Our ability is directly depleted in this place." Guardian said extremely depressed.

Long Xin said, "Brother, you're so good at finding a place."

Huofeng smiled indifferently: "Now we have more than enough power even if we want to do something."

I laughed: "That's right."

Fire dance said: "What do you say if we bring this development period into a solid secret base?"

I said, "That being said, but I don't know how to turn them into a legion." In fact, if you can really turn them into a legion and let the future develop, this super invincible NPC unit will develop. It will definitely come in handy in the future. Can even go against the sky.

Just as we were talking, suddenly a group of demon with goat horns appeared on the head, the leader of the demon shouted: "Who are you! Break into the dragon city! Get me!"

A large group of demonic soldiers approached with their blades, and I immediately stood up and said, "Fans away! They are my friends, so you don't need to be rude."

A group of demon soldiers looked at the demon captain, who looked at each other and laughed, "It was a friend of His Royal Highness, disrespectful."

"It's okay, let's go." Captain Demon waved his hand. "Close the team."

Xiaoguang hugged my left arm and laughed, "You are so easy to handle, Brother Longling."

"Brother, you are too good." Long Xin laughed holding my right hand.

I laughed: "Of course, everyone, let me go to the smithy first. You can look around."

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

"Longling brother Xiaoguang is going too!"

"Okay, let's go together." Said carrying two little loli towards the blacksmith shop, others also divided things to experience the majesty of the dragon city.

The three of us came to the smithy, and now Dharma rushed up to the smithy: "His prince, you are finally here! ... Who are they?" Dharma looked at two cute little Luos with one arm each. Lily.

I laughed: "My sister."

"Oh! That is Her Royal Highness." Dharma bowed respectfully and bowed: "Welcome the Royal Highness to come down to visit the shop." His voice did not fall, and an angry voice sounded: "Dharma! You are here Why? "Dragons came out of the rear room.

"Hee hee, greet the guests." Dharma scratched his head and ran back to work hurriedly. Dragons came over and said, "Have you brought your friends to observe today?"

"Yeah." I said, "Well good?"

Dragon man said: "It's alright." Then he returned to the room and took out Ruyi stick, "His Royal Highness Prince, I will also help you to make a cover so that you can carry it on your body."

After receiving Ruyi stick, "Thank you."

Dragon Human: "Don't be polite."

Immediately open the attribute-King Kong Ruyi stick (seal removed)

Grade: Mid-level fairy attack power +3500 strength specialization +100 attack 10% chance to ignore defense.

77% chance to stun opponents when attacking.

When attacking, reduce the opponent's defense by 2% (stack up to 5 times) for 4 seconds.

Adds 100 additional attributeless magic damage per attack.

Additional Skills (Passive): Precise strikes, greatly increasing weapon hit rates.

Additional Skills (1): Make a big noise, consume 3000 mana, expand the Wyvern Stick and rotate continuously, the unit hit by the first time will be 'knocked up', and it will increase the movement by 5% per revolution. Surrounding enemies deal 5000 constant non-attribute damage, and take off the enemies to stun them for 3 seconds. Each enemy can only be hit once and cool down for 10 hours.

Additional skills (2): change freely, consume 100 magic points, you can let Ruyi stick freely change the size of the length and thickness, maintain 2 seconds, cool down for 1 minute.

Additional Skills (3): Somersault Cloud, consumes 300 mana, summons Somersault Cloud to move around. Someone will exist for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, you can consume additional magic to maintain the Somersault Cloud. Each time you pay the magic twice as much (maximum) Pay 3 times). Somersault Clouds can be dispelled by non-physical attacks. After being broken, the Somersault Clouds will automatically cool for 3 hours.

Additional Skills (4): 13,500 pounds, consumes 700 magic, increases the weight of Ruyi Stick to 13,500 pounds, and attacks an enemy to cause huge physical damage, cooling for 2 minutes.

Additional Skills (5): Qitian Dasheng, consumes 4,000 magic, summons Qitian Dasheng's soul possession, increases movement speed by 40%, attack speed by 40%, attack power by 50%, removes all negative effects on the body, Physical and magic damage taken is reduced by 30% for 15 seconds and cools down for 120 minutes. Use level 80.

Additional Skills (6): Contract Summon: Fight against Buddha Wukong, consuming 7000 mana, summon Fight against Buddha Wukong to help him attack the enemy, if the summoner dies, the summon disappears, Sun Wukong exists for 30 seconds, cools down 720 minute.

Requires level 40, [familiar with driving lightly]: Reduce the level of equipment use level 10.

The attack power is only 3500, which is much lower than that of the Red Eyed Dragon Gun, but it also allows me to add a very powerful combat power. Carrying Ruyi stick to your side At this moment, Longxin and Xiaoguang are watching the best equipment in the counter around.

Dragon Human: "What else do you want, madam?"

Long Xin said: "Brother here has much more wand attributes than mine."

Xiaoguangdao: "Xiaoguang also wants to change weapons."

"Longling brother (brother)" Two little loli looked at me with tearful eyes, I smiled bitterly: "That ..."

Dragon Humanity: "It seems that His Royal Highness is embarrassed."

I nodded. Indeed, I had no money. The funds in the two places, the premises and the storefront, had almost emptied me. I couldn't afford these things.

Dragons said: "His prince will let me help you."

"How to say."

The dragons took the equipment that Long Xin and Xiaoguang looked at from the counter and said, "Your prince, you can first credit and wait for your money to come back. I will charge 30% of his interest on my credit, His Royal Highness No interest will be charged on credit. "


"Longling Brother"

The two again put on a pitiful look and I scratched my head and said, "Well, take it."


"Long live Brother Longling!"

"Long live brother!"

The two young MMs smiled cheerfully and cheered constantly.

The dragon man also handed over two weapons. Long Xin chose a staff of about 15 meters in length, the body of the staff was light macro, the size and weight were very suitable, and it felt good in the hand, which was itself An excellent magic trait, I felt it when I took the staff.

Heart of Fire, Grade: Dark gold, Attack power +5200, Increases user's magic attack power by 25% 2, Fire magic damage + 50%, Lucky +1, Magic specialization +250, Magic +7000, Special attributes: Magic Range +35. Incidental skills: Flame Illusion, consumes 2000 magic, summons a Flame Illusion to assist in battle, maintains 100 seconds, cools down for 20 minutes, requires level: level 104, Xiaoguang chose a long sword, her class can be equipped Weapons and soldiers.

Dark Soul Sword, Grade: Dark Gold, attack power +4580, constant black damage with 200 in the attack, increasing the user's attack power by 10% and critical strike rate + 10%. Attack speed + 20%, 40% of the target will be cursed when attacking, special attributes: Ignore target's 25% defense (not valid for BOSS) Additional skills: Dark soul entanglement: Consume 700 magic, launch a dark soul wave to cause damage to the target And reduce the target to get 50% healing and 20% movement speed. Cool for 40 seconds.

"His prince, you must repay this money within a week. If it is not paid in a week, I will recover it." Dragon Humanity.

I asked, "How much is it?"

The dragon man spread his palm with four fingers and said, "A total of 400,000."

"Um, okay." Looking back at Maple Leaf Station, I immediately repaid the money. I don't like to owe other people money, not to mention I now owe one-stop money.

"Longling Brother, let's see where we differ."

"Yeah, yeah, there are so many things people haven't seen before."

I laughed: "Okay, but do you have to remember that you must listen to me?"


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