Master Summoner Online

Chapter 804: Sabotage

What is a killing machine? It's a machine for killing people!

An empty sound sounded, and another beam of light flew through the void towards me! Surprised, a handful of snow moons around. When Yun Lan's two girls pressed down, the beam of light swept across my head, and a huge explosion fell on the ground not far behind. Although the three of us were far away, they were also shocked by the air waves and flew away from far away, and our hearts were shocked.

Unfolding Asuka Hanyuki, then the two women landed after spinning around in the air, putting them down.

"That thing is terrible. You're in trouble if you are not afraid of destroying it," Yun Lan said.

"How to destroy?" Xueyue asked on the other side.

I smiled: "I destroy that **** killing machine, you hold on first."

"But there are masters around that killing machine. Your attack may not have any effect in the past. What if the thing is trapped in yourself?" Xueyue frowned.

"Can't sit back and wait." The Amber Dragon beside him appeared, and the Amber Dragon turned over, followed closely by Yun Lan and Xue Yue.

"We're going too." The two said at the same time, I glanced at them, and didn't refuse. The wings of the amber dragon spread out and flew into the sky. At the same time, the other party obviously won't let me succeed. Players came to us.

We have clearly seen our intention.

"The Amber Dragon breaks through them!"

"Roar!" The two-armed shield turned 180 degrees, Yan Long fired, and the flying beckoning beast in front couldn't be as sure as my Amber Dragon, and I turned the Gatling Dragon into a weapon. The dragon gun becomes a sniper rifle that fires a laser, and one shot at a time will shoot down the enemies that come up.

It was so close to the killing machine, the amber dragon fell, and now it was counting the tails, and then spit out the dragon breath, and then burned the other person. As we fell, hundreds of Japanese players gathered around. Me, Xueyue. The three Yunlan descended from the Amber Dragon, and Yun Lan released the flames sprayed by the Lanshi and the Amber Dragon, and plunged into the sea of ​​fire.

Xueyue's ice crystal phoenix was released, and an ice and fire double sky came, and the dragon that followed them also came, and the bite of dragon's breath will kill the Japanese players around.

The surrounding Japan is constantly flowing toward the tide. Although this group of players is good at present, they are at best second-tier players. Although they continue to kill our second-tier players, so many of them are that many of us are almost He sneaked into the encirclement of countless magic skills, but this group is not buried under our sword, and our points are constantly improving. "Give me away!"

Yun Lan's two fists hit each other, rushed straight up, and he could fly one with a single punch. In a blink of an eye, three cavalry companies flew away with their mounts. At this time, a knight brought the sword in his hand to the cloud. In front of Lan's chest, a cyclone whistled on the sword, and a fierce blow screamed out!

"How dare you!" Yun Lan suddenly saw an angry rage, depending on what she saw, holding the opponent's sword with one hand and twisting it. Since the man's weapon was twisted, the knight followed in shock, and the iron fist fell on the other side. He responded quickly, his body curled up slightly, raised his shield and put on a defensive posture to resist Yun Lan's fist. One punch, two punches, and iron fist suddenly slammed the third fist attack of Yun Lan to break the shield of that man!

There was a hint of shock in this person's eyes. Turning to escape, Yun Lan's reaction speed was faster. He grabbed the opponent's arm, pulled it hard, and threw him out.


Snow Moon's hands flickered above the sword of choice, and suddenly the giant sword turned into a ten-meter giant soldier, chopped in a row for three consecutive battles. The surrounding players were attacked by the Great Sword together. After the Great Sword disappeared, the national sword changed into a gallant, and the double swords flew up and down in a scream. A group of Japanese players fell to the ground, but she was also attacked by the other side. Although there is a powerful talent suit, less than 35% of the remaining blood is left, and he hurriedly crossed his two swords to continuously block the surrounding attacks. A storm of wind in the sky triggered a roar of thunder and lightning, sweeping around. The enemy!

The storm dragon was very powerful. "It was difficult to see his master, he was slightly angry, and the tail of the dragon swept away. A pair of dragon claws entangled by the storm were severely grasped. Five Japanese players were crushed under one blow. The meat sauce, opened his mouth and blasted down Longxi.

Pankan smashed the attacked skills. The ice crystal phoenix and the storm dragon accompanied him. Numerous Japanese players fell and a terrifying dragon whistle sounded. Yun Lan's blue crystal Tianlong opened his mouth to spray the dragon's breath, and the dragon's breath scraped away. Suddenly, the blood was scraped off the blockbuster. Just about a hundred cavalry had just arrived. All were swept in by this dragon.

A dragon's breath killed and wounded the cavalry, followed closely by the tail of the dragon, and the screams and roars were heard in an instant, and the number of cavalry who were disabled by dragon's breath was beaten.

My dragon gun has changed back to the original, the dragon soul battered a group of players and fell down, and then turned on the electric light fire and the dragon walk to walk through the army. Countless enemies were beheaded along the way, and the other party began to fiddle with the car carrying the killing machine. Through the continuous top of soldiers, the magic was released continuously in the rear.

Wind blades, ice blasts, fireballs, ground spurs, and thunder and lightning flew towards me one after another. Constant attacks and falling on the body could not kill me. Although the other party was greatly surprised, he continued to radiate magic without fear. Knowing that even the strongest among these thousands of magics will die out.

Constantly dodging in the attack to ensure that I was not swept by these thousands of magic elements, constantly jumping, flying, rushing to the left and right, and constantly shuttled in the enemy array, calling the beasts to protect my back.

Moreover, I found that the killing machine never fired after we broke in. I think it should have been denied by the six relatives. In order to avoid accidentally hurting their own people, they did not dare to use this killing machine to deal with us. Moreover, if you want to use it to attack Chinese players rushed up by the brigade, you must stop, this stop naturally has our chance to ride.

However ... the skill magic used by the opponent is still quite tricky.

The magic that is constantly being shot, although it can be used for the time being, but the amount of shots is really extraordinary, and it can not cope with it. If you lose yourself, you're done.


There was a severe pain in the left arm, and a deep burn was added to the left arm, and a part of the upper arm was charred. That was the damage caused by the fireball exploding at a very close distance. I immediately found a shot of the mage who fired the fireball at me and sent him back to the city. However, despite the magic explosion around me, he continued to pounce on the enemy with a potion and was in the enemy line. The mid-range rampage, but the body was wounded little by little.

At this time, a high-level knight, who should be a captain-level figure, kicked his mount and was ready to rush forward. But it was swept across the sword, and it was so fast that I fell over and fell to the ground.

The surrounding warrior players immediately surged into the tide, and wanted to surround this fast enemy like wind.

But it ’s so simple to surround me. The star storm started around by myself. Countless players were swept up into the sky. I stood up with a carp and glanced at the skill bar. The electric light fire and Yulong step turned on again. This time I saw that. The killing machine suddenly stopped and began to recharge. Obviously, when I fell just now, I was going to use it to attack me.

But now it is no longer possible, the commanding Ice and Snow Dragon rushed towards the killing machine, and the opponent immediately set fire to output the Ice and Snow Dragon. The Ice and Snow Dragon was quickly smashed, but the Ice and Snow Dragon was broken. Finally, the skills were frozen and the whole city was launched. Frozen, the killing machine is also included. Following the red dragon roaring and throwing towards the killing machine, the giant red dragon bites its tail with the claws of the killing machine and flicks the tail. The killing machine instantly turns into a pile of pieces. Slag.

"Ahhhhh!" There was a strange scream in the ear less than a second after the killing machine was destroyed, seeing the Master Dread riding its bat mount, grinning its teeth, eyes staring fiercely at him.

At the same time pulled out the staff, chanted a spell, and a huge silver wind blade came out at once. However, I shied away. Immediately raising his hand, the ghost dragon shot fired, four ghost dragons rushed at him, the master of fear was shocked, and he quickly abandoned the mount to avoid it.

I stared straight at the figure in front of me, as if to imprint him on the bottom of my eyes, and rushed up the moment he landed, before the dragon gun pierced forward before he stood still, it seemed to be ready to crash with his body This master of fear.

Master Fear, hurriedly used the flash to hide into the crowd, but when he saw a sharp scream suddenly distant from the distance, he saw a cavalry in a black armor showing the black armored cavalry rushing into countless ways. Among the Japanese players, no one could resist, holding a whole body of ink and blood in his hands, but there was always a terrible blade of blood dripping, rushing into the side of the master of fear, and cutting it out at the same time.

The knife split, Master Dread plunged and fell.

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