Master Summoner Online

Chapter 821: A room full of spring

Pull out the crystal and return to Dragon City.


Baiguang flashed in the dragon city, a little tired, so how to go back to the hotel to go offline to do homework, the name washing thing will come back tomorrow.

Just after leaving the hotel, a voice full of temptation sounded: "Hi prince, good evening."

The hotel owner, Melis, wearing an incredibly **** long dress, came over, and followed her and looked around me and said, "His prince, you are so murderous, where are you going to kill?"

I laughed: "Just messed up."

Melis chuckled: "His prince, if I remember correctly, your adventurers will not like this, because it will be very inconvenient for you to be too aggressive."

I said, "Yeah, but I can't help but find a place to kill the monsters slowly."

Melis said: "His prince, it is too much trouble for you to do that, it is a waste of time and a waste of effort. Or please let me help you?"

I was overjoyed, "Rarely do you have a way?"

Mei Lisi said: "Of course you only need to pay for some of this." Said to stretch out the **** of the jade hand rubbed each other.

I said, "This is not a problem. Only you can help me clean my name."

Melis said: "Well, if His Royal Highness can get back the evil crystals, I can help His Highness Prince to remove the murderousness. Of course I will return some fees appropriately."

"Where can I find the evil crystal?" I asked.

Mei Lisi said: "Evil Crystals is five kilometers south of Jiulong City. There is a valley outside. There is a avenue in the valley called Holy Wilderness Road. There is a strange beast in the Holy Wilderness called evil picker. You can kill it and get back the evil crystals, but be aware that the guy only comes out for food at night. He hides in the area to sleep during the day, so he must go at night to find it. "

"Got it, thank you."

Then I went back to my room to do my homework.

"What's the problem? You can come in and ask now." There was a phoenix's voice behind the back door for a long time.

"I, I think it's not the time, I'm leaving." Then he left.

"Wait." Huofeng's voice came from behind the door. After opening it for a long time, she was no longer naked, wearing a full suit. "Is there anything?" My whole body was stiff, he felt My breathing is becoming quicker. The aftermath of that scene just began to appear.

"I want you to help answer some questions, can I?" I asked.

Huofeng said: "You can come in."

Entering their room with a very awkward mood, at this time Fire Dance was already dressed, and Fire Dance laughed: "Don't you just ..."

I quickly said, ‘I promise, I ’ll rot it in my stomach. "

"That's good."

Then I took all the homework with this embarrassing mood. After I finished the last question, I took a sigh of relief and felt like I had walked 25,000 miles.

"Thanks," I thanked.

"You're welcome." Huo Feng leaned on me and looked at me with affection, and I felt a shock: "What's the matter?"

"Dragon, I have helped you, now you should help me?"

I asked, "What can I do for you?"

Huofeng said: "This Saturday is my mother's birthday. She told me that she always told me to find a boyfriend and take it back to her."

"Rarely ..."

"Yes, I want you to be my boyfriend for a day as a boyfriend, go back and cope with it, rest assured that I will apply for a loan application from your wives." Fire Dancer said when I walked around and patted my shoulder.

"Why add 'men'." I whispered and waited, "I'm going to accompany my sister to go shopping on Saturday."

"It doesn't matter. I'll tell your sister to go with me and be a witness."

"Witness? Well, ask her at that time, huh, huh." Very barely squeezed a smile.

"How? Rarely do you think my sister is not worthy of you?" Huofeng said with one hand, holding my chin.

"No! I'm very happy."

"That's fine." Huofeng let go of her hand with great satisfaction.

Next, we discussed what to buy, and after a while of toss, it was best to decide that it was not a single piece of clothing, but a hat, clothes, pants, socks, shoes, exactly five complete sets of clothes. After everything was negotiated, I was allowed to return to my room.

Go back to the room and make a bowl of instant noodles. When it's nine o'clock in the middle of supper, it's almost time to find the evil scavenger. I thought I could put my instant noodles down and go online.

The mirror image synthesis sat up from the soft bed in the hotel room, meanwhile, "Master! Good evening!" Aizhao and the black **** stood on the bed and said hello with a sweet voice.

I laughed: "Sorry to let you work overtime again."

The black **** shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter the master, this is our responsibility."

Tianzhao also said, "Yeah, anyway, the host doesn't go online in the morning, we can get up later in the morning."

"All right," said from the bed, "let's go."

"It's the master!"

After leaving the city, head towards the south. At night, the animal summoning beast will be in a dormant state, but fortunately, I still have Gatling Blast Dragon and Gallulu available. The cold wind roars, and at night makes this terrible world even more scary. Entering the Sacred Wild Road, there is darkness everywhere. Thermal scanning and fire eyes are constantly searching around, and insight into the surrounding crisis.

Didn't go far, and suddenly the thermal scan found the distance, the shadow of the tree swaying, and a figure lurking under the tree. In such unknown places, the system will not give players any maps and everything can only be explored by themselves.

We proceeded cautiously, slowly approaching the shadow lurking under the tree, but suddenly when we were close to a distance of 100 meters-oh!

A cold arrow shot quickly, magnificently! The huge arm was raised, but the cold arrow was not ejected as expected. Since the cold arrow shot through the magnificent, the slight abrasion rubbing -500 from my shoulder caused the damage to escape, although the damage was very low, but Also told me that the attack power of the guy who shoots cold arrows cannot be taken lightly.

The thermal scan continued to search forward, but since the guy who launched the attack started moving, the monsters are indeed high in AI, knowing the reason for a shot to change a place, but I know that you have n’t changed your position. At the same time when it stopped, the dragon gun was thrown, the red dragon roared and started, and the huge red dragon ran into the locked direction with the momentum of platooning the mountain and crashing into the direction, "Boom!"

There was a loud splash of earth and stones, a green-green body in the night shadow, a round ball, no feet, a pair of scale-like arms, and two hands holding a crossbow. This product has no head and is round. There is a big red **** eye in the middle of the body. This guy does not fall to the ground, but floats in the air about four or five centimeters.

Fire Eye Jinyan saw that this item called the one-eyed archer is a 150-level ordinary monster, NND, the ordinary monsters in the outer periphery of this place all start at 150, and the monster strength inside can be imagined.

In the face of such an opponent, only melee can win, so the black **** left, the sky shines to the right, I approached quickly, the three men attacked on three sides and surrounded the one-eyed archer. The ice and snow were cut for three consecutive times and the barrier was destroyed. With the one-eyed archer, 50,000 health, this guy's health is not high, the battle between Europe in our three groups soon ended, the one-eyed archer fell to the ground, burst out some gold coins without equipment, quickly picked up gold coins Then, continue to move forward. This one-eyed archer keeps popping up along the way and shoots cold arrows around me. Fortunately, there are not a lot of one-eyed archers in each appearance. At most, there are only five summoned beasts. Solved quickly.

Moving forward, the moonlight is empty, and the moon here is not normal at all. Since the moon is blood red, it looks extremely miserable. A group of 160 enhanced monsters called wasteland devourers along the way are drilling in the dirt. It turned out that these guys were all khaki, with ugly sarcoma heads that resembled human bodies and limbs. It had jagged teeth in its open mouth, and it also made a terrible sound.

It's creepy to see this group of guys, and I don't want to provoke such guys at all, but then again, since there are not many monsters here.


At a glance, I was suddenly aware that there was a wasteland devourer's body beside the road. This wasteland devourer was torn and torn, and his brains and internal organs flowed to the ground. The death was miserable.

But I care, what killed this wasteland devourer, a player or a monster? !!

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