Master Summoner Online

Chapter 824: Youmu Caregiver

Just below the city, a group of sharp-knife demons fell down. At this time, there was a roar again in front of me. I saw a giant sharp-knife monster eight meters in height. Obviously this is a BOSS-level existence.

I: "Everyone be careful, the first wave of BOSS is here, ready to focus fire attack, and drown it under the city!"

"Okay!" The excitement couldn't hide from everyone's faces.


BOSS roared, and brought the last batch of sharp swords! Come here!

"Everyone rush! Get out of town to kill them, this boss is ours!" I don't know who suddenly shouted, followed by the door to open about three hundred people on a variety of mounts and rushed out of the city.

Ye Shuang shouted: "Brothers let me also take the Raptor Cavalry out of the city, otherwise they will be robbed."

I waved my hand and said, "Forget it, let them rush to grab it. The little BOSS at level 140 hit something that burst. Don't bother."


While talking, the players under the city had caught fire with the boss, and the ordinary sharp knife demons around fell down under the player's attack. At this time, the sharp sword demons of the boss version raised their arms and slammed down. Suddenly a group of players on the ground was swept up to a distance of 45 meters!

Ye Shuang was shocked: "What a fierce boss!"

One with one hand, waved to the sky: "Lei Ying, go!"


The summoned light flickered, and the golden goshawk flowing with current appeared, spinning on the top of the boss, and from time to time, thunder and lightning were sprayed from the sharp eagle's beak. This boss fell on top of the boss and could not fight against the thunder eagle in the air. Only the cavalry players on the ground can go out.

"Everyone concentrates their firepower, attacking the BOSS is not strong!" A high-level player on the ground shouted that people around him would continue to attack around the BOSS. Thunder Eagle was hovering above his head. The sharp attack made the BOSS miserable. , A pair of bladed arms danced wildly.

Of course, during this period, the attack was not just about rushing out of this group. Numerous fireballs, wind blades, ice arrows, and meteorites on the city wall were tilted towards the BOSS. The blood loss of the BOSS was rapid, and the arrows were even more. The thorny BOSS has become a hedgehog.

In less than five minutes, the BOSS hung up after a low mourning, and the huge corpse even crushed a number of sharp-edged monsters behind it. The remaining sharp-edged monsters around the boss were quickly cleaned up by the players.

Soon the four-door battles ended one after another, and the monsters were all converted into everyone's experience. Soon after the first wave, the second wave came. A group of black flying cockroaches and beetles flew in the air.

"Everyone! Come again, give away experience." A player under the city shouted excitedly, many players around him excitedly rushed to follow him, I cursed stupid in my heart.

Sure enough, when this group of people rushed up, they were overwhelmed by the monsters coming to their faces, and four or five white lights rose to the sky with a few terrible calls.

At this moment, players who are still outside the city don't want to run towards the city when they see this situation, but they are drowned before they run far. In the blink of an eye, the players in the city are swallowed up by the turbulent wave. Only the players who react first can escape. Within the city.

"The monster is here, hit me fiercely." He turned into a Gatling blaster.

"Hey, try the power of high technology!" From the Gatling Blast Dragon's innocent sound, he strode to the forefront of the city wall, and his right arm was a six-piece Gatling machine gun.

The noisy electromagnetic sound sounded softly, and the six black barrels began to rotate rapidly under the driving of electromagnetic force.

Click! Click! Click!

The front end of the machine gun suddenly spit out a dazzling fire tongue. Almost half of the players who are armed above our city are mages and archers. The machine gun's sweep is completely standing in front of the magic arrows around it, which is a sharp bullet. A volley blasted by a monster flying towards the face.

When this round of monsters was killed, some lower-level players around the level have already upgraded. I think the upgrade is still far behind. Now I am 132. After the siege is completed, it should be able to rise to 135.

Nirvana came to me and said, "Brother, why do you have our Druid transformation skills?"

I laughed: "The expedition is rewarded, but my transformation is not the same as yours. It does not stack attributes with each other, and it cannot be equipped with skills, which is very restrictive."

"But the elder brother's summoning beasts are very strong, even if the elder brother is not superimposed, it is very powerful. If it is superimposed, the elder brother is going against the sky." Nirvana laughed.

Just when we were laughing and seeing, the third wave of monsters appeared. Since the monsters that came out this time are a group of tree sprites, this group of giant tree people ten meters tall, the bark of the body is black, but every interesting tree There is a ** on the shoulder of the person. Of course, this ** skin is not as white as human but skin-like, and vines are entwined around the arms and ankles. This group of tree people walk towards us slowly.

"Fire magic and all fire systems are ready to attack, and they will hit me severely when they enter the range!"


When the treemen slowly walked into the attack range, a round of flame attacks was immediately dropped, and the city became a sea of ​​fire directly. A large number of treemen were caught in the flames. At this moment, the players on the city walls began to cheer, but— "Strange ? "

"What's wrong, Brother?" Nirvana asked.

"No harm?"

"Huh?" Nirvana looked at me and then looked down at the city and was surprised: "It really didn't hurt, wasn't it rare to break defense?"

While singing lonely: "No, even if the constant damage is not broken, the defense will not be exempted."

"Look at those tree people!" Exclaimed in the night. Everyone looked down at the city, the cheers had long stopped, and the flames followed the city, and the scene appeared astonishing.

I saw these tree people sitting on their shoulders with their hands high, and opened a lilac light curtain to protect themselves and the tree people inside.

"What is that?" Ye Shuang shouted.

I opened the fire eye golden eye scan-Youmu Shuren, level 139, enhanced monsters, introduction: There is a huge Youmu forest in the area ruled by Emperor Ziyan, and the abyss demon under Emperor Ziyan applies special to the Youmu forest Fertilizer to make these Youmu grow very tall and lush, and when these Youmu grow to a certain height, they will be recycled to make Youmu Shuren with a strong combat power and sent to the battlefield.

Immediately followed, he turned his attention to the bark on the shoulders of Youmu Shuren **.

Youmu Caretaker, Level 50, Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Although the Youmu Shuren is powerful but lacks wisdom, the clever abyss magicians create care for some of the human genes and tree genes while creating the Umu Shuren. The caretaker of Youmu Shuren, from which the Youmu Caregiver was born, the responsibility of Youmu Caregiver is to control and protect these little Youmu Shuren.

As soon as I finished reading the introduction, a huge Youmu Shuren came over, and the Yumu caretaker sitting on the shoulder of Youmu raised his arm and pointed forward, and the Shuren raised his right arm, right A purple energy flow began to gather on the palm, and when the energy group converged into a three-meter-diameter ball, it was thrown towards the wall!


The energy group exploded on the city wall. Four or five people were killed and a small piece of the city wall was missing. NND. I didn't expect that this guy's power was so terrible. The player on the city wall launched an attack. All of their attacks bounced off, and only the third wave of monster walls was harmed! It's incredible to go on like this.

I shouted: "Ye Shuang took the Raptor Cavalry from me to this group of tree people chopped the wood and pulled it back for firewood!"


"All archers aim, the bark on the treeman's shoulders **, that guy is the key to protecting the treeman."

The legendary life said: "I am the arch god, all the archers who are more than 120 level with me, and slay those ugly and weird."

The gate opens and the ghost opens and will lead the team, bringing this group of raptors, fiery iron riders, and bear cavalry rushing out of the city. At the same time, the archer led by the legendary life opens the attack and has issued a detached arrow and flew towards the opposite.

However, the group of Youmu caregivers apparently used high AI monsters, knowing the threat to lead the Youmu Shuren to protect themselves. Youmu Shuren uses its huge palm to stand in front of Youmu caregiver. Youmu caregiver is shorter than the average person, and Shuren palm is optimistic to protect it.

At the same time, the cavalry brigade of the Ghost Commander, with other flying players behind, left the surrounding players far behind. The Ghost Jumped his gun first, and stabbed a shot against a Ghost Treeman!


The gun blade condensed into a strong penetrating cyclone attack, piercing the Youshushuren's right ankle closely following a hurricane on the spear tortured—8702—10041—9419—10044

A big hole suddenly appeared at the ankle of the tree man, and then collapsed. The whole body fell down on his knees, holding his hands tightly to the ground to maintain his body, and the caretaker on the back shoulder was also exposed. At this time-18,749 arrows shot through this guy's throat in seconds, and the damage that flew out instantly killed it!

I couldn't help but sigh when I saw the right shot: "The legend is doing well."

Legend has stood up all his life and said, "I didn't do it."

"Who is that?" I scratched my head and said, "It doesn't matter who it is, keep going!"

Ghost in the front led a group of high-level cavalry to stop at the front, and the legendary life took a team of high-level archers, opened the long bow, the strings screamed, and multiple arrows shot at the monster in front.

As a famous Yushu Shuren fell down the battle began to lean towards the player's side.

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