Master Summoner Online

Chapter 829: Last wave

After a bitter battle, the Blood Demon Flower was killed seven or eighty-eight, everyone's level has been improved a lot, followed by the eighth wave, the ninth wave of monsters appeared one after the other, the NPC legion also appeared in the eighth wave Now, the NPCs appear to reduce the pressure on players. After the First World War, the inner city walls were scarred and endangered. Both the outside and the walls were full of dead bodies.

After the ninth wave of hiding monsters, the players are more competitive. However, at this time, they are more willing to let the NPCs solve it. Attacking the nine waves of monsters, the player ’s camp is extremely heavy. The total number of the four cities is added together. Players with less than 200,000 are divided into four positions, and each position has less than 50,000 players. There are only a few people left after the ninth wave is killed. In the next tenth wave, there may even be the first. Eleven, twelfth wave, let's not see the final BOSS, the whole army has been destroyed ...

I sat on the wall, facing the pit father, "How many people are alive?"

The pit father said: "5004 dragon teeth, 4999 fighting spirits, 4711 Mingming, other guilds and free players a total of 19742."

"That's all that remains." The investigation then spoke to him while still alive. "Beacon looked for 20 people with a large package space. I accompanied them with the teleport crystal and asked them to carry the equipment back. After the shipment, they borrowed the teleport crystal." Give the war spirits and Ming Ming to organize them too. "

Beacon Hagiwara: "Beast god, the people who we beacon were already doing ten minutes ago."

"That's good."

In this kind of war, we have added a lot of high-end equipment, the laboratory has not run less, the magnifying glass in Yinyue ’s hands has not rested, and with a lot of equipment we can close the distance of those super guilds and strengthen our own strength. Increasing combat effectiveness is the most important thing we need to do whenever and wherever possible.

Looking at the last few thousand fighters remaining in the city, these people are finally the most elite. The people who can survive to the present are the most elite, all of them are ten cows. After this battle, they The strength will definitely be further improved!

The rest of the people did not forget to look up at the blood-stained space in the sky, and no one knew what would be thrown in the tenth wave to fight with us.

But at this time, a group of people broke through and gained new power-"Ding ~! Players sacrifice (bloodthirsty), successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through their own limits, and realized their exclusive skills-death battle ~!"

Effect of Deathmatch: Deathmatch never shrinks. For every 1% loss of Qi and Blood value, it will increase the attack speed by 1% and the attack power by 1%, and reduce 20% of its damage (10% for long range). Exclusive player: God.

"Ding ~! Player Dragon Soul Xiaofeng (Holy Knight), successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and learned the exclusive skill-Xingtian ~!"

Effect of punishment day: future generations, ancestors come first, short career plans, win every battle. Passive: Increases attack power and attack speed by 25%. Active: Doubles the passive effect and maintains the magic immune effect for 10 seconds for three hours. Exclusive player: Dragon Soul Xiaofeng.

"Ding ~! Player Dark Night (Shadow Assassin), successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized the exclusive skill-Feiying ~!"

Flying shadow effect: blast like wind, Xu Rulin, grazing like fire, hard to know like overcast. Increase 50% attack speed, release speed and 20% movement speed, and the teammates get half of the effect bonus, exclusive players night.

"Ding ~! The player is shocked by the cloud (swordmaster), successfully breaks the barrier of strength, breaks through his own limits, and realizes the exclusive skills--King Kong ~!"

King Kong effect: not moving like a mountain, moving like a thunderstorm, heaven and earth. Passive: Increases 70% of physical defense and 30% of magic defense. The same teammates get half of the effect bonus. Active: Immune to all damage within 10 seconds, cool down for three hours.

"Ding ~! Players are flying fiercely (God of War), successfully breaking the barrier of strength, breaking through their own limits, and realizing their exclusive skills-Alien ~!"

Divorce effect: 70% chance to force the opponent to stop moving and cast, use items, and maintain it for 30 seconds (both for the boss and official PK matches, 3 seconds.)


"Why !!!!" The system prompts echoed down the city before the roar of fierce blood flying! Finding a corner squatting and drawing circles, I can only shake my head helplessly at this moment.

This skill effect is almost a level waste like my ripper, and the skills of other people are really embarrassing, forcing the other person to stop acting, very invincible in the 1V1 singles, but in the group battle, one person does not It doesn't matter at all! But in fact, you don't have to be so pessimistic. You must think about the benefits, and it is not so useless in group battles. If you see who is too popular in group battles, you can use this trick to settle that person, and then perform group attacks. The learned skills will not be exempted or diminished unless the target is immune or invincible, or if the opponent ’s level or attribute resistance is high.

This night has passed to comfort him, and he walked to him and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad, although I know this skill is bad, isn't there a sentence like this, the subordinate is useful for subordinates."

"Then I am a subordinate?" Fierce blood pointed to himself with tears in his face.

"No, I didn't mean that."


At this moment, the light suddenly rose in the blood-colored space, and then, the system bell finally came down— "Ding ~! Players please note that Ziyan Emperor-Zi Yan led the final army into the space bridge ~!"


As soon as the reminder falls, the sky is overcast with clouds, lightning flashes and thunders, the light in the four blood-colored spaces is getting more and more dazzling, and blood-red thunders and lightnings fall, as if the end of the world is coming soon!

Here, finally BOSS comes ...

I saw the meteorite thrown from the blood-colored space, and the earth shook in all directions, followed by-"Booming ..."

The dull sound of horseshoes suddenly shook the earth. Immediately after, I saw a large group of cavalry appeared, galloping out, and rushed into the city. The last wave was actually a cavalry!

This is a cavalry covered in dark purple armor, holding a heavy lance with a right hand, a teal shield on the left, and a huge sword behind it. The body wrapped in the armor is no exception.

These cavalry were mounted on horses, resembling cheetahs and wearing armour, with a pair of green eyes that looked very scary.

Death Slayer, Level 165, Quasi-BOSS, Introduction: Death Slayer is the most powerful batch of products born in the Dark Factory. They are not strictly biological, but a kind of semi-living body, except for the source of magic. There is also an artificial soul. There is no word “fear” in their dictionary. No matter who is standing in front of them, they will fight without hesitation, so they have also become one of the ace troops in the abyss.

165-level monsters, which are 40-levels higher than most players on the battlefield, and they are quasi-BOSS-level creatures. Such a troop is too scary.

But at this moment, a player yelled at the Scarlet Space and immediately saw that a large number of dense black spots appeared in the Scarlet Space. It didn't take long to zoom in, and I was almost scared to fall off the wall!

Since the black monster in the sky is a group of flying dragons, but do not want ordinary flying dragons, they only have the form of a dragon, without any scales on the body. The whole body is completely covered by the purple-black light curtain. The mouth is not a dragon but a coo. the sound of.

Nether Dragon, Level 168, Elite Beast, Introduction: Nether Dragon is the most outstanding creature in the test field of Emperor Ziyan. They use dragon gene changes to cultivate magical life forms. They are the middle force of air combat in the abyss. The most favorable minions of Emperor Ziyan.


An orthodox dragon chant sounded in the city, and immediately after the city wall, when I stood there, a beautiful commander in dark blue armor appeared. It was the last dragon knight Karel, who was the last of the dragon capitals. Holding the thunderbolt, he lifted his left hand and said, "The Dragon Soul Legion is out!"

"Roar roar ..."

An angry roar came, a gray-black flying dragon flew from the city, and a black piece was pressed. About 100,000 flying dragons were dispatched together. A dragon wearing a black armor and holding a giant sword was sitting on the neck of the flying dragon. Warriors, they wield the sword and the Nether Dragon in the sky to start the battle. Then the city gate opens and a group of earth dragons rush out. Before this, the NPC cavalry was just an ordinary horse rider. And this time, it was the real dragon capital. Main cavalry.

I turned into an amber dragon and said, "People who can fly will destroy the Nether Dragons with me. Others on the ground cooperate with the NPC troops to kill the Death Slayer first!"


The dragon cavalry who brought the fighting spirit to the night and the love, as well as Xueyue, Yunlan's dragon, and other flying beckoning players, followed me to kill.

The cavalry on the ground and countless NPC ground dragon knights contacted the Death Slayer, and various skills were intertwined for a while, but only five Death Slayers fell down in an instant.

Death Slayer's attacks are very powerful. Basically, no one can stop them except for those who are super equipped. Generally, a group of player cavalry surrounds a Death Slayer, and they will be killed with a knife and axe. One head was killed by monsters during this period.

However, NPCs are much easier to fight than players. With the help of NPCs, the offensive on the ground seems to have been contained.

The battle in the sky also began. With a small number of Nether Dragons, the combined army composed of players and NPCs relied on the number advantage to siege the Nether Dragons. The skills were continuously thrown from the hands. The balloon exploded, and at least three to four NPC Flying Dragon knights were killed or a dozen players were killed for each Nether Dragon killed. The corpses in the sky fell to the ground like rain, and the miserable scene was very desolate.

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