Master Summoner Online

Chapter 838: Something happened

The dinner to the cake cutting position can only be considered halfway, the next half is going to be-dancing!

The first dance in the audience, I do n’t need to know, it is the parents of Fire Phoenix, and the mother of Fire Phoenix as today ’s birthday star. The applause sounded as the music fluttered, and I danced with the couple in the brisk dance music. .

"Long Ling, wait for my parents and my mother to finish this first dance. After my parents come down, you can go up and dance with me. You have to cooperate with me and let the group of second-generation ancestors who are desperate to chase my sister go to hell. Huo Feng whispered in my ear while dancing.

I asked, "Why me?"

"Crap, of course, if you are, who else is there, don't forget your current identity, if you don't accompany me well, I'll take everything out of you!" Huofeng said lightly.

"What do I have?"

"At the masquerade that day, you only care about dancing with Mo Yan and promised your wives in the dormitory. You forgot all about it, dare you say that's not the case?" Huo Feng said badly.

It turned out that she had seen all the events that day, and I thought that no one knew how to dress up as Galen. I could only helplessly said, "Well, I just hope not to be filmed by any media."

Fire Phoenix waved and laughed: "How come, the reporters here came from my company's recorder, mainly to record the entire process of today's party, and no media came at all. Of course, if one day you and Xueyue get married At that time, a lot of media such as Youku, Tudou and Kulu will come to the hype. "


"Xueyue's dad is an internationally-renowned entrepreneur and has been followed by the media in every move. My family can only be regarded as a little famous, and I told you about the last time they quarreled in their building. Secretly settle things secretly, otherwise you are still playing leisurely in the college to play games and leveling, how is it possible! "Huo Fengdao.

"Um, who is so good?"

"I don't know, I'm just a little news dug up from inside her company."

After we chatted, the first dance also ended at about the same time. After the first dance, Huofeng's mother said, "Mr. Song, I would like to ask you if you can dance with me for this second dance. "

The old man with a surname Song laughed: "Of course, of course. Very happy."

At this time, Huofeng's father came over and said, "Lan Xue, come here, I have something to tell you."

So the father and daughter walked into a corner and said, "What is mysterious?"

His father said, "Lan Xue, you really can coax Dad."

"How do you say that?" Huofeng asked.

"I don't know the boy you brought back today. I know the kid. He is the son-in-law of Tianxue's family. You brought him to fool me, you really want to." Huofeng's father laughed. Although being spotted as an impostor, he wasn't angry about it.

"I'm sorry, Dad." There was a hint of guilt in Huofeng's heart.

Her father patted her shoulder and said, "It doesn't matter, you do it for your own sake. It doesn't matter what kind of boyfriend you are looking for. Dad won't let you stop you, but you have to do something for Dad tonight."

"what's up?"

"Wait a while, after your mother finishes jumping, you will go and dance with Song Gongzi."

"Why! I don't like this sick looking guy at all. I won't dance with him. Besides, I also have a boyfriend now, how can I dance with a boy other than my boyfriend? You said Huo Feng said firmly, her father sighed and said, "Daughter, don't try to distort your life-long event. I won't get involved. I'm not like Tian Xuefei (Xueyue's father). What feudal door is right, but you should give my father a face? "

Huofeng stopped talking at this time. Did not agree or disagree.

Five seconds after the dance ended, Feng Feng returned to me and asked, "What's wrong?"

Huofeng laughed: "You dress."

"Ah? Why?" I was a little confused.

Huofeng said: "It doesn't matter, he didn't blame me anyway. Okay, let's get ready for the stage."

As soon as Huofeng finished saying the words "coming on stage," the man with a rather shameless face came over: "Can Miss Lan Xue give me a dance with her face," said the other person politely.

"Sorry Song Gongzi, I want to dance with my boyfriend." Gao Huofeng said lightly.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Who is it?" The other side looked startled, and Huo Feng held my hand and said, "This is my boyfriend."

I laughed: "Hello."

"Hello." Although the smile on the surface is a pleasant smile, you can see that this guy's dark and smoky face in the dumb.

After the "very friendly" handshake between the two of us, the two of us stepped onto the stage, and the two of us met with each other knowing the meaning of each other's eyes. In this move of Fire Phoenix, his father can only pose incompetently at the moment and has no more expression. It seems that he is already mentally prepared for this result to occur.

The two of us came on stage and danced. I gave Mo Yan the dance steps that I gave to the best of my ability. After doing my best to dance a dance, the host spoke and then performed free dance, that is, looking for my own dance partner. At this moment, I saw the elder brother whose surname was Song, walking towards the fire dance, but at this moment, he called in a corner, and the man sent his invitation.

Fire Mai held her phone with her hand and laughed, "I'm sorry, I have something to do now, and wait for the dance next time." After speaking, I continued to answer the phone. I don't need to ask on the other end to know that it is the Assassin's Creed.

In addition, the next time she said, I personally knew that there would be no next time. Next time, these people jumped by their husbands, who cares about you! Next, I do n’t know if it ’s the wrong one or something, since I walked to Long Xin who was sitting at the table with a big lobster and issued a dance invitation.

Long Xin swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at the man's pale face, "Uncle, you look so ugly, are you sick?"

Uncle! Except that the face is a little pale and looks sick, how can he be seen no more than me? Since he was called uncle by Long Xin, the face of the goods was brushed, and some pale faces became even paler.

At this moment, the father of Huofeng suddenly called us in front of the old man. The father of Huofeng said: "Teacher, this is my little daughter and her boyfriend, and the things in the second world are better than me."

The old man smiled kindly and said, "I heard your father said that you are also playing in that second world. In fact, my son is also a super game fan. I hope you help each other in the game, and I hope Take care of my rookie son! "

Huo Feng said, "That's the case, and we will take care of it then."

At this time, four young handsome barmen were pushing a very large cart, and it was obvious that the items on it were very heavy. At this moment, the surrounding lights were fully lit. At this moment, I saw a huge tray on the cart. It is ten times larger than an ordinary tray. When the waiter lifts the lid of the tray, the tray is placed on a plate that is not too bad. The dish is full of flaming fish that are neatly placed together, and there is a layer on it. Blue and white sauce, there are a lot of carved ornaments around, the most attractive is that the surrounding circle should be using carrots to investigate the flames.

People around came around, and Huofeng's father said: "Everyone comes here. The name of this dish is 'Red and Red Fire'. The fish is called Redfish, which is sent from the United States. There is special care along the way. It is very fresh. Everyone, come and taste it. "

At this time, the waiter said, "Please take a photo and everyone will line up, and we will distribute red fish to everyone."

"Then there is labor," Huofeng's father said.

The waiter said, "This gentleman, you're welcome. This is what we should do."

Next, everyone waited in line to start. Four waiters sent off the cart to remove the clean small plates. One by one, they sent the red fish to the small plate and handed them to each guest respectfully.

After it was my turn, the waiter distributed a red fish leaning on the comparison plate to the plate, and nodded and smiled, "Come, please use it first!"

"Thank you." I reached out to take the red fish, but just before I turned around, I saw a ray of poisonous light flashing from the corner of the waiter's eyes. A rare illusion, maybe.

Holding the fish in his hand and walking to the side, he sat down and watched the fish in the dish. Long Xin came over and said, "Why don't you eat?"

I said, "It's nothing, it's just hot."

Long Xin laughed: "Of course it is hot to be delicious, how cold is delicious."

"That's what I said." I shook my head and threw out the weird thoughts, and began to destroy the fish.

It's already over nine o'clock when we finish eating, and it's gone back to the school bus, but it doesn't matter that Fengfeng's father will send us a car to return to the college.

At the end of the banquet, the crowd began to leave slowly, and we walked relatively quickly to the second floor corridor.

"Long Ling, did a good job today." Huofeng laughed.

"Don't ask me for this kind of thing next time." I am pretty good at the banquet dish today, but the atmosphere is a bit weird. Especially after I finished dancing with Fire Phoenix.

"Relax, the next time this happens is when you and Xueyue walked into the palace." Fire Dance patted a laugh behind me.

"Oh, maybe." I smiled bitterly, and after I said it, my brain suddenly "banged", and the whole person suddenly stopped, Long Xin asked, "Why don't you go."

At this moment, I felt nausea in my stomach for a while, "belly ... belly ... it hurts ...---- vomit ..." She couldn't help but want to vomit, but she could not bear it for a second, I couldn't help but spit it out. Under this spit, I suddenly realized that what I spit out was not undigested meals but a pool of red blood!

The whole person also lost all their strength at this moment, just felt that they were fainted as soon as they became dark!

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