Master Summoner Online

Chapter 840: Back to school

I stayed in the hospital for another four days. During this time, the doctors came back and forth for examinations. It wasn't until the fifth morning that I had tossed a lot of procedures, and the doctor told me "You can be discharged."

At noon, the door opened and I saw Xueyue, Long Xin, and Aunt. I didn't see Yun Lan. When she visited me every day, she came but not today. In fact, only three of them came today. .

"Brother, you've lost a lot of weight these days." Long Xin said distressed.

"Longling, do you know? When you were unconscious, the doctors said that you might fall asleep forever. But I was relieved to see you wake up." The aunt said in a breath.

"Yeah, when you were hospitalized, did you know that you made me worry about death! Actually, it's not just me, everyone is worried." Xueyue said.

"Sorry, I worried you for worrying me. Now I'm fine." I was very moved when I saw every companion who cared about myself. After I knew these people, I felt at this moment that there was another thing called warmth in the sky.

"Let's go, let's go to lunch at noon!" Said her aunt.

"Longling, let me help you down." Xueyue walked softly to the bed.

I looked at her with a red face and said, "No, let me go alone. Also, if I want to change my clothes, you won't change it like watching me."

"Of course not. We will go out and wait for you." Aunt said and took the two women out of the ward. I also lifted the quilt and got out of bed to change my clothes and put on my own clothes. I looked around. At the moment, except for some patients and nurses, only three of them are known to me. Long Xin asked, "What are you looking for?"

I said, "Nothing? Yun Lan, so not here today?"

Xueyue said, "I told her when I was here, but she only said that she was waiting for you in the dormitory. She has become very strange these days. It's too quiet. We haven't argued for several days."

"Really?" I thought she would wait at the door, but I was a little disappointed when I heard she didn't come today.

After completing the discharge procedures, we left the hospital in our aunt's car.

I came to a restaurant and ordered a table and looked at the table full of dishes. The aunt said, "Eat, eat as much as you want, not enough."

I laughed, "I'm welcome."

"Wait, I did this cup for my brother's recovery and discharge before the start!" Long Xin picked up the drink on the table and chanted.


The happy laughter and eating of the four of us came from the restaurant.

After dinner, my aunt sent us back to the college, and before I came to the gate of the college again, at this moment I suddenly wanted to yell aloud, and finally I thought about it and said, "I'm back at the college! Brothers, I'm back again ! My beast **** is coming in the second world! "

Just entering the school gate, I saw a large group of people standing in front of me,

"Hello everyone, have you missed me!" I smiled at everyone.


"The beast **** is back--"

"The beast **** is back--"

"Boom--" sounded like a blasted oil pan, everyone rushed over, and both men and women screamed with ecstasy in their eyes. Ye Shuang didn't usually run fast, At this time, he rushed up and ran to the front. He hugged him first and shouted, "Brother, you want to die for us." The next few boys also rushed to hug us tightly. Hugged into a ball.

I never expected that when I came back, my classmates would be so excited that they would embrace the classmates with that familiar atmosphere, and that strong fellowship with their classmates was all excited at this time. Touched tears loudly: "I miss you too!"

In fact, I did not expect that my return would cause so much. What is fellowship with fellow classmates? This is fellowship with fellow classmates. This is the most true and pure feeling.

After being excited for a while, they let me go back to the dormitory. During this period, I learned that the second world service was opened in advance. The service was opened three days ago. I was still lying in the hospital doing endless body. Check it out.

When I returned to the room, I changed into light clothing, set the phone to go directly to voicemail, and sat on the bed. Then unzip the backpack and take out the helmet and notebook that have been lying there for several days.

Start the computer, open the "Second World" official website, enter the forum, but at first glance I saw a top post that surprised me!

Looking at the title alone, I was already astounded. It said: "Dragon Soul Company is civil unrest."

This is just the title. I clicked in to see it in more detail. On April 26, the top person in charge, Qianji, became the first twelve members to use his right at hand to carry out the old mess game process; buy and sell equipment levels; Selling important company information, framing, defamation, etc. forced some powerful game groups and clubs to dissolve or get wronged; to manipulate the inside of competitive games, and so on, a total of 17 charges were filed.

In addition, the player's guild, Lingyun Pavilion has a significant relationship with this incident. The leader of Lingyun Pavilion Guild, King's Blade, Avengers, and Dark Sorrow were found and the thousands of people changed. The long-term illegal purchase and sale of virtual property caused other players Great bad impression. It was also revealed that the Blade of the King, President of Lingyun Pavilion, also provided protection for 12 people including Qianji Bian. However, after investigation by the public security residence, there is no evidence that the blade of the king will provide a protective umbrella, and its protection and asylum is purely a rumor.

But the evidence for the malicious sale of long-term virtual property has been proven. After a day and night meeting, the official decided to dissolve Lingyun Pavilion Guild, delete Lingyun Pavilion CA Pioneer Ranking, Lingyun Pavilion Guild Leader Blade, core member Avengers, Dark Sorrow, etc. Twenty was suspected of this case and was sentenced to a forced logoff role and could not create an account again for life.

The current president of Lingyun Pavilion was taken over by the player 'Thunderstorm', and the guild was renamed 'Chess Corps'. Thunderstorm and Immortal were the core members who were not forced to cancel their account. The two thunderstorms were fundamental because of insufficient evidence. No evidence.


Seeing this, Lingyun Pavilion is finished, as long as they do n’t take the initiative to ask me to trouble other people, I wo n’t manage it. In addition, Fengyun ’s group of guys will be ignored. The core members such as Fengyun Tianxia have been killed by me. It is impossible to see them for a month.

Next, let ’s collect other relevant information. Last night at 7 o’clock, another territory emerged. N guilds broke their blood. Eventually, the lands were occupied by a guild. The name of the guild was called “Holy Cross”, a The new guild I have n’t heard of again. In addition, I searched for the guild's location close to the hero city. Maybe the lonely beauties would smash this place someday.

It seems that I have no patience to go to this other thing after these things, but when I exited the official website, Sohu reported that on April 23, a very serious food occurred in Panlong Hotel in FZ City. The poisoning incident left a teenager in a critically ill stage of life and was stabilized by the hospital's full rescue operation. However, the hospital did not declare that the teenager was out of danger and was still in the intensive care unit to observe the situation. The chairman of Panlong Hotel and several leaders and chefs were arrested and interrogated in accordance with the law. It can be said that there are hidden feelings in the incident!

Hey, this is n’t my thing, but I ’m already recovering. Why does the report still say that my life is dying, it ’s rare to report that it ’s not me, and that this report was originally uploaded on the 25th, which is me When I was still in a coma, I then searched for the incident and there was no specific information. Forget it, do n’t let it cost me game time, turn on the helmet power taken from the backpack, and then plug the line into the wall and plug it in. Inside the slot. After a few seconds, the display light stops flashing.

I lay on the bed and held the game helmet in front of my eyes with both hands.

The glowing dark blue body had a long time ago when the paint on it had come off, and there were still many marks of collision. This is not only hard for so long, but also comrades who accompanied me all the way without any failure.

-Please help me again.

After so whispering in my heart, I put my helmet on my head. The lower jaw's fixing rod was automatically locked, and the cover was closed, and the eyes were closed.

With a heartbeat speeding up with excitement, the hazy light coming through the closed eyelids disappeared instantly. The message received by the optic nerve was blocked, and complete darkness surrounded me.

A rainbow-like light popped out immediately. Then the light, which did not have a fixed shape, began to form the second world logo. At first, it only blurred the exuding light, and it clearly appeared in front of the eyes after determining the area of ​​the visual cortex connected to the brain. Soon after, a visual connection OK message appeared below the logo.

Next came many different sounds from a distance. The harsh sound that originally sounded gradually turned into a pleasant harmony, and the solemn start-up music began to ring at the ear. Then there is the message that the connection is OK.

The setting procedure then came to the feeling of body surface and gravity, at which time the feeling of bed and weight began to disappear. The next step is to sequentially test the connections of various sensations, and the number of OK messages continues to increase. Later, as the system loaded, I waited for the helmet to sequentially connect all parts of my head in order.

After the OK message finally flashed, I fell into the darkness the next moment. Soon after mirroring! After that flash of light I entered again, this nostalgic world.

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