Master Summoner Online

Chapter 844: Ancient ruins

After the guys on the road stopped eating, our group and the copy of the NPC made nonsense for a while, and started to teleport for us. I saw that the white light exploded from the crowd, and was quickly overwhelmed by the light. The transmission task also slowly disappeared In this wilderness.

In front of me, the white light kept flying and disappearing. Everyone was close together. Soon, the white light around them gradually dispersed. After the white light that enveloped everyone disappeared, everyone realized that it was a hillside in front of them.

The air here is not fresh, and the sky is very dim. Behind is a mountain range. You can see countless towering ancient trees, like a huge primitive jungle.

The distant face is a big river.

"Ding ~! Congratulations on receiving the copy of the quest-Ancient Ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Quest content (15): Quest target: The soul of the Princess Moon Shadow who is looking for Shadow Moon City!"

"Ding ~! The scramble mode has begun! There are two teams entering this copy, one from Holy Cross and the Dragon's Tooth. Only one team can complete the final mission and get the final reward!"

A clear system beep sounded in my ear, and the scramble mode was activated. I asked, "I want to ask if they have an advantage over my entry first."

Fire Dance laughed: "That's not necessarily. In addition to the opening of the competition mode, in addition to two teams appearing in one copy, there is also a condition that the progress of the tasks of the two sides is about the same. We just activated the competition mode as soon as we came in. How far, I think, at most, it is the beginning of the second or third pass. "

I said, "Then we need to work hard."

Xueyue asked, "Where is Shadowmoon City? The system even gives us one coordinate. How can I find it?"

I laughed: "This is more challenging, isn't it? We should find it soon from the air." After turning into an amber dragon, everyone summoned their flying mounts to take off.

When you came to the air, you saw that far north, it was the thick white smoke that was rising, and occasionally there was a gorgeous magic light shining into the sky. Obviously, this is not caused by cooking fires, but pure smoke of war.

It seems that this place is not so difficult to find, but it is not visible from the ground behind the mountains, but it is clear at a glance.

"It seems that this is not as difficult as imagined," Xia Wei smiled. "As long as we follow this line, I believe it should not be difficult to find that princess."

"Eh, don't imagine it too good. If it is so easy to complete, it is not an S-class copy." Fire Dance Road.

"People just say why they take it so seriously." Summer mischievously spat out his tongue. "Don't say that we must pass now, the princess's soul must be somewhere in that city." Everyone nodded, and after a little discussion, they turned to Fly to the north with the strongest smoke from the war. Presumably that's where Moonshine City is.

After about 20 minutes of high-speed flight, our group finally saw a magnificent and vast city, and this place does not need to be much smaller.

Flying close to the city, at this moment looking at the sight in front of me, I was a little murmured. I saw corpses everywhere in the city. I do n’t know how many people died. Among them, I saw bones that were not the same as human bones. Their bodies and structures were similar, but behind them were the bodies of people with wings and very short ones. Human-shaped bodies, and some with pointed ears. Unsurprisingly, these bones should be of the so-called winged, dwarven, and elven. And here I also found some with humans, and some also exuded black bones. According to these, here, the history of ancient ruins should be presented as a battle in the war of races.

Just then, just as we were entering a city, a system bell rang suddenly.

"Ding ~! You entered Moon Shadow City and went to the palace to save Princess Moon Shadow's soul."


Seeing the prompts rushed towards the palace without saying anything, I just landed on the square in front of the palace and I saw the dense monsters in front.

At first glance at this tide-like monster, everyone was very excited and shrank. When they came down, I, Ziyue, and the guardian summoned the summoned beast. Xueyue pulled out the country badger to take pictures, and the wind marks summoned the three-meter-high silver armor giant This giant is his pet and a super meat shield. Fire Dance launches magic. Her current position is one of the remote DPS. In addition, the remote DPS also has Fire Phoenix and Silver Moon and can use long-range attacks to summon the beasts. Of course, the tank in front will be black **** and wind mark. Of course, snow Yueyue, Yunlan, Hualian, Kuqiulin, Tianzhao, and me. The rear cures Mo Yan and summer. Ziyue and the guardian sit on the summoned beast and play with soy sauce.

Fengchen held up the huge pet in his hand and used it to smash it on the ground-"Guardian's Gift!"

"Power of anger!"

Mo Yan also wielded the staff. We superimposed BUFF, and in the summer we also dumped various BUFF potions. After our various buffs have been added, the monsters have arrived. The monsters are similar in shape to humans and are wrapped around them. The silver armor covered the whole body and even the head. They were taller and the system was thinner. They waved maces in their hands. Very violently bursting at us, ghosts and wolves rushed towards us, obviously very dissatisfied with our arrival.

Jie Min, Level 90, Ordinary Beast, Introduction: Jie Min is the lowest level of the army of the Demon King. They were born from the melting furnace. They are smelted with magical creatures that were discarded or abandoned on the battlefield. Without any ability, they are a group of cannon fodder rushing forward.

The first level is really simple, I shouted, "Everyone!"


I smiled, the red-eyed dragon gun appeared in the hands, and the dragon gun stabbed on the ground to give them a blow to destroy the dragon soul.


As the earth broke down, light blue dragon-shaped air waves roared up the sky, and then quickly spread out and blasted on those people. Follow up with the dragon gun, and then chopped down fiercely!

Boom boom boom ...!

The blood-stained dragon wave spreads in all directions, and a large area of ​​Zhamin fell to the ground, but it was murdered by me on the spot, and a large copper plate burst out. They all died after one move.

Of course, this group of guys are easy to play, and the experience is also poor. I do n’t think they will give them a silver coin if they go to them. After I first performed a pair, others would not be outdone. Everyone was struggling to kill the monsters, and the hot temptations of the MMs were extremely attractive. At the moment, as the monsters were slashed, they kept shaking in front of me.

As more and more scummins fall down, we are closer to the gate of the palace, and the closer and closer we see more and more monsters rushing up.


At this time, a string of white light **** suddenly flew out of the monster group.

The light ball banged on the wind marks!


Suddenly knocking out the 4,000 to 5,000 health marks in the wind mark, he was scared to add blood to himself, and at this moment a group of new monsters appeared, this monster and the **** name are similar, but they are covered with blue armor The arms are connected to a cylinder that is almost tall, and the cylinders are raised flat. The front part of the cylinder is the white energy flow that starts to accumulate in the hollow.

Followed by white energy **** sprayed out!

Chao · Jiemin, Level 110, Elite Beast, Introduction: Like Jiemin, they are born from the melting furnace. Compared to Jiemin, they have strong combat power and deformable arms, allowing them to switch between melee and range. mode.

There are about one hundred Chao Jiemins that come out. They turn on the electric light fire and Yulongbu shake continuously, rushing towards a Chao Jiemin, and the guy also found me.

His arms hurried forward several times to fold and unfold, turned into a pair of mechanical claws, and quickly rushed towards me, a pair of claws opened their teeth and danced toward me.

"Lightning declaration!"

The red-eyed dragon gun was drawn out like lightning, and it was a stab in the face of this super slagmin. The gun blade with rolling energy stabbed it fiercely, not only took away more than seven thousand blood, and then a hit with the black dragon stab, stunned this thing, and the contract of the mind summoned the beast. .

The two wolf emperors took this opportunity to rush forward in a very tacit manner, and Thunder Eagle in the sky behind them spared no effort to start a fierce bombardment. !!

"Smash the blow!"

The dragon gun knocked on this guy's head fiercely, and then the helmet was knocked open!

—17000 A huge number of injuries, the crit suddenly emerged from the top of Chao Jiemin's head!

"Meteor Arrow Rain!"


"Ghostly double evil!"


With the sound of Yinling Jiao falling, I quickly glimpsed the silver moon, fire dance, and fire phoenix in the back. Fire phoenix lifted its bow and shot arrows at the same time. At the same time, in the air, the purple rocket descended from the sky and enveloped A range of more than ten meters.

Yinyue also fired an arrow. This arrow fell into the strange group and immediately turned into a huge net-shaped sphere. Countless wind blades and sharp arrows staggered in the sphere. Fire dancing hands with black leather gloves appeared in a magic array. The magic array was thrown into the monster, and the magic array was enlarged instantly. There were dark sharp spikes in the magic array, which spurted out at high speed. At the same time, there were a lot of dark black lightning bolts on the monster's head.


A short scream of scummin screamed to be spiked.

The guardian and Ziyue's summoning beast is really very brutal. In addition, the silver-white giant that is the wind mark war pet is also very fierce with a pair of tomahawks. There are winds and howls at high speed. This guy has high attack power and is resistant to scumming An attack can't break its defense at all, except for its slow movement, which basically has no disadvantages. Be regarded as the small best in pets, this year's good mounts are not so petting to a few.

Our team quickly killed the people in the palace and raised my brows slightly, because I was standing in front of a lot of Chao Zhamin, and some people with a red body taller than the name of Chao Zha held long halberds. Jie Min, in this group of monster wooden frames, four ropes are drawn from the four corners of the frame to fix a woman in a large font.

Wearing a yellow dress on her body, deep whip marks can be seen everywhere. The woman's hands and feet were pierced by a silver steel needle in addition to being tied by a rope. The woman's skin was not bloody, Rolling his eyes is obviously dead, NND, this group of monsters are really cruel, and they have not been spared and whip them. What a sin to die!

"Ding ~! Kill all Ji Jiemin and send them to recover Princess Moon Shadow Soul Fragment ~!"

Fire eye golden eyes swept away and found that the red guy was extremely scummin, a 135-level strengthening monster, and his strength should not be weak.

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