Master Summoner Online

Chapter 846: Heiyan Desert

BOSS fell, and the last piece of the soul was also successful. After the one hundred pieces of the soul were brought together, the princess who died and was whip dead changed, and the original body began to decay and the body gradually turned into dust, leaving only one. The white shadow can be seen vaguely as a young and beautiful woman, only to see her smiling, looking at us, and then making a wandering voice: "Thanks a few brave adventurers, you saved my soul, now I It's finally possible to die. "

Seeing that she was about to become a Buddha soon, I hurriedly asked, "What the **** is going on here?"

"A month ago, the army of the demon attacked our country of the Moon Shadow in order to get the sacred horn. At that time, countless warriors of the country went to fight the magic army and wanted to drive the demon out, but we failed and all the soldiers were killed After that, all men, women, and children were killed in the country, and the demon king wanted to get the sacred horn. He confined my soul and let these scum people torture me every day to tell me where the sacred horn is. "

I asked a moment in my heart, and said, "Where's that sacred horn?"

"The sacred horn is hidden in the Temple of War, powerful warrior. Now I will give you this key. Please ask the sacred horn you found before the Legion of the Devil found the Temple of War and destroy it." The beautiful princess said, Immediately after, I didn't know where to find a ring flashing with a strange faint green light and gave it to me.

"This ring is called the" Key of Time and Space. "You go to the Black Flame Desert to the west of Moon Shadow City. It will guide you to the Temple of War. In addition to the sacred horn, there are countless treasures hidden in the Temple of War. , Young warriors, I wish you success, I will leave here, the warriors thank you very much. "

"Ding ~! Duplicate mission—Ancient ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission content (15): Mission objective: Complete! Gain: 5 million experience points, 1,000 gold coins per person ~!"

"Ding ~! Duplicated mission—Ancient ruins! Difficulty: Heroic. Mission content (25): Mission objective: Heiyan Desert to go to, then the key of time and space will tell you where to go!"

The first part is completed, and it is not too late to start the second phase of the mission, transforming into an amber dragon, everyone also summons the flying summoning beast, sits up and flies to the west of Moonlight City.

After leaping over a huge river and a mountain peak, the scene suddenly changed into an endless desert after about an hour, and the moment we came to hit this desert, everyone was shocked. The sand of the death desert turned out to be all Black, it looks strange, and almost no plants and animals can be seen on the sand. The only plant is a bare tree with no leaves at all, and black flames are emitted from these trees from time to time, NND, this place It is worthy to slow down the flying speed and increase the flying height of the Heiyan Desert. Don't look at the deadness here, what a monster attacked, and how to die at that time.

Flying in the black desert, the Amber Dragon is inherently heat-resistant, and it is still accustomed to such a high temperature environment, but others can be miserable. The heat of the desert is a test of human nerves. Here I see that the minimum temperature starts at least 45 degrees. I have Amber Dragon. Fortunately for others, I did n’t realize before I came back to this hot place that everyone did n’t buy cold drinks to cool down.

I turned my head and saw that MM had gathered to Mo Yan's Frost Bone, Frost Bite opened her mouth slightly, and Mo Yan who was very close to him and summer uttered a cold voice.

A white mist-like ice spit out from the mouth of Han Bingyu. Since the temperature of the surrounding space has dropped drastically, I did not expect that Han Bingyu has the potential to act as a central air conditioner.

I looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, and it was releasing the scorching sun, and the sand in the desert was irradiated with natural hotness. Fortunately, I was in the air.

Silently thinking in my heart!

I took out the spoon of time and space, and shook the spoon of space and time towards the surroundings. When I turned to the back, a light was emitted from the top of the spoon of time and space, and the light shot to the distance for about five seconds and then dissipated. It seems that it should be able to make me take less detours.

Time is running out. We have been two hours from now on. If we did n’t do it quickly, would we be robbed by those guys, then it would be a tragedy!

Began to speed up immediately, everyone sat on me who turned into an amber dragon, and it was more than enough to carry more than a dozen people in this area with the amber dragon. After everyone was seated, I started to go northward! ...

"This **** place!"

The wind marks have taken off all the body armor, and wiped a large drop of sweat beads on his forehead, put a big word to talk, watching the fiery red sun hanging in the sky, he could not help cursing fiercely. One sentence.

Looking at the time, before he knew it, he had been flying in the desert for almost an hour. Looking at the weird trees surrounded by black sand and black flames, the most important thing is that it seems to be the same as it was just now. After walking for so long, I feel like I haven't left, NND! Is that broken ring playing with us.

No matter whether you are playing or not, you have to move on. After flying for another two hours, I took out the key of time and space to determine the range, and the light of the key of time and space pointed at a towering sandy mountain in the distance.

"On the sandy mountain side?" I stunned in my heart, used one of my wings, and my body suddenly dashed towards the sky, and soon, I passed the huge sandy mountain.

After coming to the sand mountain, a hurricane suddenly blows around, and the black sand is blown by the wind and hits the body with a harsh "snap" sound. The bitter sand in the air was scorching, and the burning temperature made people feel like their bodies were about to be cooked.

The body of the people who came here in the extreme black and violent weather in the flying black sand seemed so insignificant that they would be immediately blown away by the wind or swallowed by the ruthless sea of ​​sand in the next step.

"Boom!" A devastation peculiar to the Death Desert appeared in a violent explosion. A huge black tornado.

"The wind is so strong!" Xiao Guang grasped the part on the back of Amber Dragon tightly and said, I took out the key of time and space, and as a result, the key of time and space emitted light into the dust of the sky. Obviously we want The target there must pass through the sand to create a barrier.

I said, "Everyone comes to my paws. I hug you so that I won't be scraped away."

Everyone cooperated very well with a pair of huge dragon claws of the amber dragon. I handed the key of time and space to Xiaoguang to hold it, followed by gently holding everyone in the claws and leaning on the chest, and then broke into the sky. In the flying black sand storm!

There was a long howling in the mouth, holding everyone, speeding up in an instant, and flying into the sky and into the vast and boundless desert, the gravel on the ground was surging like a sea wave, occasionally causing huge sand wave.

Continue to fly in, looked up and was surprised to find that since the sky is full of black holes, each black hole has a black air wave.

The numerous air waves that sprayed out were terrible, and when they were sprayed underneath, they made a booming sound, which formed a black tornado of hurricanes that wrung the sand and the waves roared, even more fiercely.

I took everyone, carefully avoiding the huge waves rising from the sand sea and the tornado that appeared around him. Xiaoguang took the key of time and space to point me in the direction and kept approaching the destination.

As we get closer to the destination, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the sand is getting bigger and bigger, and the field of vision has dropped to less than 20 meters. Gradually, even under the protection of the dragon claws, everyone starts to sweat continuously. I have You can feel the fire in your palm.

"It's too hot, **** it!" Yin Yue couldn't help but start to twist her body.

"Don't you feel hot, Brother Long Ling?" Xiao Guang asked as he kept fanning with his hands as a fan.

I laughed: "My amber dragon can bathe in lava, do you say I'm hot?"

"Woohoo ~! Dragon Spirit is so envious that you have such a beast." Guardian said with jealousy. Everyone can't bear it anymore, flying forward and seeing, all the black sand flying everywhere, the waves of sand are pounding after wave, and my body is constantly being baptized by sand waves. In Mo Yan and summer, I added resistance BUFF and added blood.

About thirty minutes after flying, the outline of a huge building began to appear in my field of vision. At this time, a large wave of killing waves came. I saw that I couldn't avoid being prepared to resist the past. Suddenly an air stream hit the air in the sky. There was a sudden loud explosion on me, and I just felt my head faint, and I could not help falling.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked. I couldn't hold the Amber Dragon's body planted. Suddenly, everyone fell down and disappeared invisible in the endless sand and sea.

With a bang, he fell heavily on the sand, and I quickly confirmed the safety of everyone. At this moment, I found that everyone was still lying in my palm. There is a lot of peace, but everyone passed out because of the impact just now.

Everyone is fine, so the dragon tail started to move on the sand. I found that the sand was not as rough as it was imagined, but very soft. It is more conducive to advance than the air, but the sand is extremely hot. If there is no scale protection of the amber dragon, it is a ghost to move forward without being cooked.

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