Master Summoner Online

Chapter 848: encounter

"Let's go up." I said, so the first one to walk on this optical bridge, and then everyone came up one after another, along the pontoon, everyone entered the bottom passage of the floating island, which is a straight upward stone steps.

Everyone stepping on the stone steps will breathe a little breath and raise their alertness. They will never think that this is just a step and take it lightly.

After walking along this stone staircase to the utmost extent along the way, finally, all of us have reached the floating island and appeared in front of everyone, turned out to be a strange country like the fairyland.

No one thought that on this floating island, there was this huge and majestic palace, which was shrouded in various light, and counted as six palaces with different attitudes. Six palaces are distributed around a field of grass covered with various flowers. In the center of the island, there is a huge door up to 100 meters. At the top of the door is a pair of huge black wings. The pair of black feathers are unimaginably long, and the whole floating island is probably within its wings.

"Ding ~! Task reminder: The war temple on the island of war was originally a relic of the ancient antiquity Titan civilization. The need to start the middle gate of war must be defeated. All guardians in the temple of war distributed around the gate of war open the interior War altar. "

"Let's go, get the altar of war as fast as possible, otherwise the reward will be taken away by others." I said.

Fire Dance groaned: "But so many of us going to an altar at the same time is too wasteful. I suggest that we now divide into three groups and go to three different temples of war."

"Well, do it later."

So everyone was divided into three groups: I, Xueyue, Yunlan, Hualian, Mo Yan, fire dance, phoenix, guardian, silver moon, summer, purple moon, wind marks, small light, black god, sky Take a group.

After the grouping is completed, open the action.

The first group I took was heading towards the Temple of War on the left and hitting the door. I gave the door a rough foot. This foot not only opened the door but also kicked the door. When I went out, I just opened the door and "huffed ~" A gust of wind swept out of the room, and with a very strong suction, the five of us were drawn into the door unexpectedly.

For a long time, we all woke up and found ourselves in a room that looked dark and fascinated with corruption, everywhere with corrupt debris, there was a small window on top, and a little light shone out from that window. It is not completely dark here. A huge iron door in front of it is locked by a large chain and a large lock. A mature beauty in front of us gives a dignified and virtuous feeling. It is about 27-29 years old. , Wearing a very thin white cloth skirt, slender hair naturally spilled on the chest. Standing there, but such female eyes are not normal white and black eyes, but rather like mirrors. If you look closely, you can see that you can see yourself in those mirror-like eyes.

"How can there be someone here?" Mo Yan asked.

I said, "I think this guy should be the guardian here."

"Then we should hit her?" Mo Yan asked a stupid question for a while. She blushed after asking.

Immediately scanned my eyes with golden eyes—Mirror Master—Ling Rou, Level 159, Super Boss, Introduction: Ling Rou was originally the chief magician who lived in the city where he was released, but he ended up abandoning melancholy because of being played by his beloved man. After the resentment due to love and hatred, she merged with a magic mirror to create a twisted space. In order to control the space, many high-end magicians worked together to seal her together with the space in the Temple of War on the island of war. Among them, being the guardian of the altar of war also suppressed her resentment.

"Since someone dares to break into my world!" Lingrou said after looking at us and our team, "You must die!" The words did not fall, and the thin white cloth skirt on her body instantly turned into a white robe. A mirror mask appeared on his face to cover his face. At the same time, the surrounding space became a bright white.

"Come out, my soldiers, make sure all these outsiders are clear." The words didn't end, and suddenly there were five mirrors in the space in front of her, and then came out of the mirrors. Five were made of glass. Monsters appear before us, they look just like ordinary humans, but these people have no faces, their faces are a mirror, and a mist comes out of these five guys, and the mist slowly condenses Become an image, wait for the fog to dissipate and I was surprised to see five people who were exactly like us appear. And it's almost nothing.

"Oh, aren't these us?" Mo Yan said.

Xueyue said: "It seems we are going to fight by ourselves."

Yun Lan said: "But it seems very twisting to beat yourself."

Having said that, Xueyue added: "We can change both."

"That makes sense."

I scan the past with fire and golden eyes at the moment-the solidified body of the mirror, level 160, quasi-boss, introduction: The magical creatures that Lingrou uses her power to make, these guys will copy all the forms and powers of the individuals they see. Is a very difficult to pay the master.

The quasi-BOSS of five hundred and sixty grades says that it will not be difficult to deal with, but this group of guys are monsters who have copied our power, so it is a bit difficult to deal with.

When I was traveling, everyone rushed forward, Xueyue faced the solidified body of Yun Lan's mirror, and Yun Lan faced Xue Yue, Hua Lian's face was still Hua Lian, Mo Yan also Mo Yan, I am the same as myself.

As soon as this solidified body of the mirror appeared, I raised my hand and prepared to summon a water dragon. I instantly misunderstood this guy. This guy really learned all his moves. He was extremely surprised and reacted instantly, summoning the water dragon and His water dragons attacked each other, and then I rushed up with the dragon gun, and the solidified body of the mirror did not rush up like me, but instead threw the dragon gun directly. Since the red dragon roared and killed.

The giant red dragon was killing itself. I did not start the red dragon roaring, but I started the electric light fire and the dragon walk to rush up, and the real and fake actions flashed away when the red dragon came.

With a short time of invisibility, the wind and fire rushed up. At this moment, the solidified body of the mirror immediately recalled the dragon gun to meet it, but my speed was faster. After he received the dragon gun, my dragon gun launched the Tengyun raid. Going up, the lance's tip burned with a cyan flame, and the barrier with extremely high damage broke through my chest that hit the solidified body of the mirror fiercely.

—12402 This guy definitely has my best in addition to my skills, but I do n’t plan to end this way, the call of death is turned on, the skill combo is launched, and the three-stroke snow and ice combo is followed by the destruction of blows, crushing blows, and energy. The explosion, even if I have my skills and the best equipment, it really fights my opponent, and this guy is slow to die or it is difficult to win.

The death call was over for five seconds. When I finished playing, I was assured that Hualian had chopped up that piece faster than me, but Mo Yan had a little trouble here. Yan's broken dragon was summoned, so that Mo Yan had to call out the broken dragon to face it, and it was a joy to see them. I also couldn't let go of the opportunity to intervene. The wolf emperor let out and rushed up. The priest's blood volume The ripper broke the shield and the Wolf Emperor rushed to his death.

The three of us went to increase the staff. In addition, Xueyue and Yun Lan quickly resolved the solidified body of their mirrors. The younger brothers resolved that it is time to deal with the boss. When we looked at Lingrou, she was greasy. There was a sickle like ice crystals in my hand. With a wave of the sickle, a five-meter-long glass blade flew out!

"Huh ~" The glass blade swept across the air, and everyone immediately dispersed and avoided, but ...

"Oh? The reaction ability is very good, but if this is the case, can you hide it?" The words did not fall, the next moment, the sickle in the hand again waved the glass blade this time, which has doubled from the previous time. !!

Xueyue immediately took out her shield and blocked it in her most comprehensive mouth, screaming: "Iron wall!"

Suddenly the glass blade hit the shield, "Boom!" Exploded, and the glass blade was broken, but Xueyue's body was also abruptly retreated to a distance of four or five meters.

"Damn intruders, you all **** it!" The sickle waved again, and suddenly the surrounding glass shards of sky rose. The hurricane formed by the glass shards filled the entire space at once, covering everyone in it. .

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed. Suddenly, my body was like a knife-cut, and my health was declining at 2500 points per second, and everyone was the same. Obviously, this trick was ignoring defense. Indifference attack.

The total blood volume of Mo Yan among our group of people plus one piece of equipment, only a total of 10,000 points of blood volume, which means that after five seconds, her blood will be zero.

"The silent rain!" Mo Yan snorted softly, and she showed her skills very calmly. Standing behind the crowd, the scepter in her hands suddenly burst into waves of water-like textures. These textures centered on her in all directions. Rippling past, suddenly the whole space began to rain.

Suddenly, everyone's health was restored with an increase of 3,000 points per second, followed closely by the beginning of the pool of life, and the skills of BOSS had completely lost its meaning.

I shouted, "Everyone starts to fight back!" The light blue light ball was hit **** the belly of BOSS, and the BOSS action was immediately interrupted. Now the level is high, the luck value is not low, the skill success rate is still very high, and the opponent is only a super class, not a king level, successful Chances are more hopeful.

At the same time, the beast summoned around, while the amber dragon turned into a dragon arm, the right hand gun kicked forward, and the Gatling blasting dragon first shot at it.

"咻 ~" A sickle swept out of a glass blade in Lingrou's hand, and the laser and glass blade collided to explode. The Chinese lotus in the smoke from the explosion burst out, and the sword was chopped off with a thunderbolt. Lingrou quickly defended with a sickle. However, Hualian's knife was extremely fierce, and Lingrou was unable to bear it and was forced to retreat directly.

Everyone kept casting BOSS for about an hour, and the BOSS's blood volume dropped below 50%.

"Burning breath!" The dragon's arm pointed at the BOSS, and the mouth of the dragon opened flames, and the blazing fire hurled the BOSS away, but now the mirror face of Ling Rou's face flashed a bright light, suddenly the huge raging flames turned out to be Sucked into the mirror, all sucked in, disappeared.

"Bad!" When breathing in, he instantly turned to a thought, which seemed to everyone with a mask, and then a flame burst out in the mirror, which was the flaming fire of "Broken Breath".

"I fuck!" I can't help but make a swear, since the skills can rebound, if everyone is swept into this flame, the situation will be extremely dangerous.

Seeing that the flames rolled over, everyone stunned and flickered away. I couldn't help but screamed loudly. The shape of the attack turned into a huge transparent shield, and the shield was burned against the breath. It's going to last forever.

In an instant, less than 800 points of persistence were burned. Shi Xuan roared, and while the shield was burned out for a long time, the "white dragon shield" was activated again, and his body flew up into the air. , Launched the annihilation of the left arm into a cyan flame giant sword, severely chopped to the mask worn by Ling Rou.

boom! With a loud noise, Lingrou's sickle was heavily chopped on my body, and the White Dragon Shield suddenly lost 20,000 points outside the body. At the same time, the cyan flame giant sword also fell on the Lingrou mirror mask.

Cut off her entire mask, and while the body was blown out, the red-eyed dragon gun in her hand and the dragon gun pierced her body instantly and nailed her to the ground, just to nail her to the ground , My original idea was like this, but in fact the performance of the dragon gun exceeded my imagination. After piercing the body, it was taken out more than ten meters away, and the red eyed dragon gun that penetrated Lingrou was instantly transformed into A blaze of flames formed a dragon that swallowed Lingrou instantly.

by! It was another fire assault. It may not have been triggered once in the past two months. It was triggered twice a day today. It would not be justified if the character broke out today.

When the body fell to the ground, the white dragon shield fell off for a long time, but because the white dragon shield was okay to protect itself, after ten seconds the dragon flames dissipated, Lingrou had been burned into an inhuman form.

Recalling the dragon gun, not only the burned objects of the huge power of Dragon Flame will be in a state of being unable to be scorched, the BOSS, which originally had less than 50% health, was directly burned by Dragon Flame into a pile of mirror fragments, and at the same time, The surrounding white space also became the previous room. At this moment, Mo Yan screamed, and turned around to see five people rushing out.

Mo Yan was frightened and flashed behind Xueyue, and immediately afterwards, five of me might say that the other party received the same message in the same way.

"The Guild's Holy Cross' meets with the Guild's" Tooth of the Dragon "and the battle begins! Opening this altar of war will only be one of them."

Shocked, the five people who suddenly appeared, since they are the players of the Holy Ten Stars, only one family can open the war altar here. Both teams, while receiving the same message, also noticed each other. .

Two mage departments and three warrior departments. Of these five people, the first thing that caught everyone's attention was the soldier standing in the middle. The body was thin and thin, because he wore a helmet and could not see his face. It is equipped with a very exquisite and gorgeous set of equipment, which can be discerned by the discerning person at a glance. The minimum set of equipment is probably orange-red.

I found that since this man is also a full-attack fighter, he is carrying a knife on his left hand. The knife is light red and has stripes on it. It looks very delicate, and the other on the right hand is another. Purple black knife with handle all over.

The man shouted, "Give me, kill them and grab the altar of war!"

The two soldiers in the surroundings summoned the blue war horse mounts to take the lead, and I shouted in the team channel: "Hua Lian, you go to open the altar of war! The others and I blocked this group of guys before!"

Xueyue and Yun Lan immediately came over and summoned the beasts to follow Hua Lian in case of an accident. Hua Lian didn't reply and I went directly to cut the broken chain with a knife. The huge iron door opened and she went in. The three people in front of me also went with us. The three men met each other.

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