Master Summoner Online

Chapter 851: Archer

I said, "We are ready to go to war. Do we allow others to sleep by the side of the couch? We are here, and no hostile forces are allowed behind us. This group of people and we are on the same road, so we must not let them go!"

Fire Dance said silently: "But it is too chaotic to cut people like this, we have only seen a few other people's other people's fighting power is unknown, what if we are super-class masters?"

"What can I do?" I said.

"We can talk to them first, and let them go up as our cannon fodder if possible." Xueyue suggested.

Yun Lan on the side said uneasily, "Why are you always robbing me of lines!"

"Whoever says it first is whose line." Xueyue laughed.

During the talk, the sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer. The changing human form quietly came to the corner, poked out a small half of his head, and under the faint light of the martyrdom, a group of people appeared. These are players riding on the blue war horse. The full attack soldier who was rescued after being beaten by my subordinates, but at this time I saw the end of the group, since there is still a white elk sitting on the back of the elk in a suit Strange girl in a black uniform. This uniform is a sleeveless black jacket on the upper body, surrounded by a black belt. The buckle of the belt is a hexagonal golden object. Starting from the waist, the lower edge of the jacket is cut into two parts. The back part is larger than the front part, covering her waist and sides.

The bottom is a pair of black trousers without any mottled colors, and a pair of pure black shoes are worn on the feet. In addition, she wore a black hat connected to the back collar. The girl was probably larger than Xu Yu. She had beautiful blonde hair and beautiful black eyes. Her face was tender and delicate. Although it is not the type that can immediately make people look, but the more you look at it, the more energetic she is. As if her entire body had endless energy. But the girl was not holding a sword or a longbow in her arms, but a harp about half a meter high.

Beside the girl is a tall figure of gold glittering. This is a man wearing gold glittering armor, a pair of golden raised hair, arms clasped in his chest, a proud look, and a pair of golden earrings on his ears. A pair of blood-red eyes, the eyes of these eyes gave a condescending look, he looked at people as if looking at ants' eyes!

He followed by the girl riding the elk. In front of the two were seven warriors on cyan warhorses, and three archers and two magicians.


An archer in this group looked at the unrenewed war blade wreckage on the ground. He frowned and ran to the player who was riding the warhorse. He said, "Boss, the monster has been killed. The group must be in front. , Should we be ready to enter the battle! "

The man said, "Well, everyone is ready. Since that guy hit me so badly, the tiger didn't send a cat, and you are in danger when I'm in danger. Let's give them a little color to see! Everyone is ready to fight, and they will be chopped when they meet!"

"Boss mighty!"

"Boss is wise!"

A group of younger cheers

The glittering guy's mouth lightly said, "Hum, a group of ignorant silly hats!"

A magician turned and shouted at Jin Shining, "You dare to question the boss' decision!"

Jin Bing frowned, loosening her right hand with her hands on her chest, and immediately stretched out his collar to order it: "Hey! What about questioning, hybrid!"

Aside, an archer hurriedly said, "That, Ji ... Ji ..."

"Slap!" Jin Bing politely slapped the stuttering archer and snarled, "Kikiki, kiji your sister! You are Ki!"

The front person stopped and turned around and said a little helplessly: "Your name is too difficult to read, that Lily, the people will not speak and let your mercenary let go!"

The girl named Lili fiddled with the harp in her hand and said, "Why is it so emotional? I'm not familiar with you. Okay, let go of his confidant and don't have general knowledge with these people."

Jin Shining heard a disgusted expression and said, "Don't call me that." He said, releasing the magic player in his hand.

After listening to his words, the girl smiled and said, "I like to call you that."


Retracted his head, backed up the team and said on the team channel: "A lot of people come here. Twelve or three people come. When they turn, shall we try all the long-range attacks and see if we can kill a few? . "

Yinyue laughed: "You can try."

"Everyone ready!" Everyone hid behind the gate, and after a minute, the group passed the corner as expected, and I already shouted in the team channel: "Now, kill!"

The body jumped out at that moment, and the dragon gun in the hand once launched the dragon soul destruction towards the ground! "Roar roar!" The earth broke, and a pale cyan dragon-shaped air wave rose up all night and cut back and forth on the ground. Suddenly, this group of players was caught off guard by the crisscrossing waves of weather, and they were equipped by these people Keeping more than half of your health, you can add additional attacks to tear these mounts to pieces!

Of course, my attack is just a prelude. Then the MM attack is called fatal!

"Ghostly double evil!"

"A shot in the sky!"

"Seven Star Chain!"

"Gathering energy!"

"Mind the gun!"

"Burst bombardment!"

Various skills were madly covered, and the group of people who had just survived the destruction of the Dragon Soul was taken aback. If all the photos were invincible, they would disappear in a blink of an eye and disappear without trace.

"Drink--!" Just when these people were shocked, another figure flashed to their front. It was the Jin Bing dude wearing a gold beast armor, but when he saw one hand, the eight-layer protective cover instantly opened. Drive, protecting him and everyone behind him.

The group that was very acquainted with this sigh of relief took a deep breath, and then Jin Bing looked at the people lying on the ground with a taunting smile and said, "Really, even such a low-level trap will be lost. It's really a group of mentally retarded people. "

At this moment the black **** around me exclaimed suddenly: "Archer!"

Tianzhao also shouted, "Ah! Golden pickup!"

Tian Zhao's words almost made the other person scum on his feet, almost turned over with one head and shouted: "That bastard, call these three words!" He looked around his head.

At this time, Kuqiulin said in a helpless manner and said, "Troublesome guys come out. It seems that we like a little bit of success this time."

Ziyue asked, "Who is this guy?"

Kuchurindo: "Archer, Knight of the Bow, natal Gilgamesh, our strongest producer in this series."

"The strongest?"

Kuqiulin nodded and said, "The strongest, of course, this is only theoretical and attribute skills. Actually ... he is also very strong."

"The strongest?" Scanned in the mouth with the eyes of fire and golden eyes silently-Name: Archer (Mercenary)

Class: Knight of the Bow Type: Exclusive Level: 125 Attack: 9000-12800 Defense: 6700 Life: 50000 Treasure: King's Treasure.

Leadership (passive): You can set him as the captain in the team, improving the team's attack and defense by 30%.

Golden rate (passive): has a fate that is often tied to fortune in his life. Gilgamesh can live a wealthy life without being trapped by money. Any creature killed by Gilgamesh will double the amount of money (player invalid)

Divinity: (Passive): Since 2/3 is from the origin of God, it has the highest level of divine fitness among a large number of heroes. Gilgamesh will only take 70% magic damage.

Open: King's Treasure: Gilgamesh unfolds his own treasure. King's Treasure takes items out of it to fight.

Slay: The Shocking Golden Theater: Gilgamesh summons the Golden Theater hidden in the four-dimensional space to cover everyone around it. Our members will increase all attributes of 300% in the theater for three minutes, cool down 72 hours (Not available during official PK events.)

Announcing the attributes on the team channel, everyone slammed the air. This guy's attributes are higher than my Aurora, and even Kuqiulin is a bit lower than him. It is indeed the strongest spirit.

When we shared the information, those who fell to the ground also stood up, and the full-fighting soldier pulled out his two swords and shouted, "Dare to attack us, it's shameless."


I did n’t give them a chance to regroup, yelled on the team channel, summoned the law team to collide, and Gallulu drilled out. Commanding Gallulu was directly an absolutely frozen gas raging through the crowd. A group of people froze instantly, but The gold glittered so much that he hadn't shielded himself with a shield and the girl riding the elk beside him.

Before the ice contacted, the MMs swiftly killed them, and the sword of choice in Xueyue's hands turned into a giant soldier, and the three companies fell off!

The rain of arrows guarded by Silver Moon fell, and a group of players' hearts became cold. One by one, as soon as the purple moon summoned the beast, the guardian's electronic dragon and beast also struck, and the electronic dragon and beast used the tail as a support point, and it suddenly turned. For a tornado, the sound of a tornado pierced through the mage's shield into a white light, and even the corpse was smashed. Players who hang here will come in.

Others also ended in a good end. The full-attack soldier was beaten by Yun Lan's double fists for less than 10% of his blood, and his whole body armor was deformed. At this moment, Huo Fengjiao slammed in to make up. One shot, directly killed! The other party seemed to say something before he died, but didn't say it.


With a scream, the last soldier fell, leaving a tumbling helmet rolling around on the ground.

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