Master Summoner Online

Chapter 855: Arrest

"Is this death? It hurts!" There was a thought in his head, wait! How can I feel pain when I'm dead? Feeling the pain and irritation in the chest made me wake up in pain, and Mr. Cheng was holding himself. I looked down and saw that my heart's clothes had been stained with a large piece of blood. What's going on? I'm not dead?

Teacher Cheng smiled at me and said, "Your boy is really fateful."

"Yeah." He patted himself on his chest and found that he grabbed something, so he reached in to take it out, and I was shocked when I saw it! The whole man stood up.

Isn't this my PSP? I saw that the black shell of this PSP has been stained by my blood, and there is a crack in the position of the screen. I can directly see through the crack that the opposite side is obviously pierced and left. I suddenly rang, before I came here I put the PSP in the inner pocket of a piece of clothing. This is a rare piece. I was saved by my game console because the dagger penetrated the PSP and pierced into his body, causing the heart dagger to be pierced directly because of the PSP. The thickness is so short that the thickness of less than 20mm prevents the dagger from penetrating directly into the heart.

"Fuck! This is a life-size ghost! Since I was saved by my game console, I don't believe that taking things can save you several times!" It seemed strange to me that the guy with the mask who thought I was dead was recovering in me At the same time of consciousness, the dagger stabbed at me again.

But it was blocked when the thing came in front of me, not by any magic weapon or advanced magic defense mantra. In reality, there is no such thing. It is the hand that blocked it, and I grabbed it with my left hand. Stay, no matter how hard the mask man can't pull it out from me.

"Fuck! How come this little ghost is so vigorous!"

"Although I don't know who you are, you broke the limited edition that I bought for thousands of pieces! I haven't played it for two months, it can't be solved with an apology !!!" said I punched this guy's nose with a punch, and even when his mask was broken, he was beaten with blood and runny nose. When I let go of my hand, another punch was hitting my brows. He flew out four or five meters before falling to the ground.

I saw this guy lying on the ground, his eyes turned white, his mouth foamed, and his body twitched.

After hitting this item, I turned and saw three other mask men, but I saw, "Is this guy a human !?" The person on the far right said in an astonishing tone, seeing my two punches can't stand the item. All three have their jaws dropped.

Another said: "Look at the little ghost's eyes, why do people have such vertical pupils?"

"I feel like we have encountered something that shouldn't go. Kun, you take Di to leave, and we're done." The tall man with a mask said.

"I want to run without a door!" Seeing this group of uncles want to run away, a dash struck up!

"I'm here to stop him! You quickly withdraw!" The tall man pulled out the pistol. The front section of the pistol was also inserted with a cylinder approximately the size of the muzzle, and the other two rushed out from the left and right. !!

At the same time, the body tilted the bullet and wiped it away from my collar. I saw that the goods were about to fire a second shot, and I took a quick step forward and kicked the person's wrist from bottom to top, but listened The pistol had to be “banged” and flew out of the mountains and fell on a rock four or five meters away.

The mask man groaned and his arm dropped immediately. It didn't seem to think of the strength of one foot, but I was very confident that the foot broke his wrist.

After this foot, the body turned around, and the other foot exhaled straight out. The left rib that hit the goods could only hear "click" three crisp sounds. The goods were broken by three ribs. The body flew up and fell to three or four. Meters away.

"Damn!" He screamed in his mouth, at this moment one person threw two things like cans towards the ground, and a muffled noise came out, not soda but smoke, and the smoke was waiting until the smoke was gone. No one has disappeared.

I was relieved after seeing them leave, but this name gave me a sip and suddenly fell into the ground without any sense.

On a dark path--the four guys, the guy called Kun was carrying Di, who was still unconscious, and the other was supporting the tall man.

The four of them went all the way and said that Kun, who was still in a deep coma, said: "It's a **** thing, so many things have been done, and it hasn't happened like this today."

"Yeah, since we such people are defeated in the hands of a little ghost, if this is passed on, we must let the peer jokes die. Oh, how about your injury to the boss?" Said the man holding the tall mask man.

The tall man with the mask called "Boss" said: "It's not the first time that I've broken a few bones. It is estimated that after we go back this time, we may not be able to take orders for another year and a half."

When the four of them walked along the dark side of the road, they suddenly "popped popped!" Seven or eight searchlights without knowing how many watts turned on at the same time, and a group of a dozen dressed The black uniform, wearing a bullet-proof vest of the same color, appeared with a helmet holding an explosion-proof shield and a pistol and surrounded them. If you can see from the back, the back of this group of people wearing bulletproof vests is written with the four letters ICPO.

"Damn!" Kun couldn't help scolding, "It's a misfortune!"

One of these people came out. Since this person was the Cheng Qirong, I saw him say, "Some friends will come with us."

"Boss, what should we do?" The mask man holding the tall man said to his boss. Listening to his tone, obviously he knew the identity and purpose of the group.

The tall boss shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that we would welcome this day in this way. I always have to pay back when I come out."

Hearing what his boss said, the other two just sighed. Cheng Qirong laughed and said, "Let's go." He said that a car was driving over. This car was not a police car but an ambulance, behind the ambulance. The door was opened. Two doctors carried a stretcher down. After Kun put the unconscious person Di up there, the three were handcuffed and followed the stretcher to the ambulance.

Cheng Qirong waved and said, "Close the team."

A group of people immediately gathered their weapons and turned off the searchlights, put them back together, and then stepped on the two buses in an orderly manner. After everyone got up, the buses and ambulances left the place.

Sitting at the front of the bus, Cheng Qirong pulled out his mobile phone and made a call. Three seconds later, the voice came from the other end of the phone. This voice was the voice of the teacher Cheng Qijie Cheng. Cheng Qirong said, "How is your situation? All right. "

"It doesn't matter a bit of abrasion. As for him." Cheng Qijie looked at the wounded mummy wounded on the bed and smiled: "It's better than me. Sure enough, it's the same as your brother said."

"Yeah, huh, I didn't expect to find it for so long, since it is under our own eyes. I have to say this guy's ability." Cheng Qirong laughed.

"So when are you going to tell him something?" Cheng Qijie said.

"I didn't think about it, anyway, now we can't, we need a proper time to do it." Cheng Qirong seemed to be having trouble with something.

"So how about the World Series?"

"World competition?" Cheng Qirong thought for a while and said, "Yes, he should appear at the world competition, and face confrontation at that time."

"Okay, that's it. I'll hang up first."


The next morning in front of a mansion called Qiong Lou Yuyu. Although this mansion is relatively old, it has convenient transportation and beautiful surroundings. It can be regarded as a natural residence in winter and summer, and Cheng Qirong brought a large group of guys wearing bulletproof vests holding explosion-proof shields and pistols to the mansion. On the open space ahead.

At this moment, in front of the gate of Qionglou Yuyu, two guys wearing yellow uniforms and wearing security uniforms were dozing off. At the same time, there was a security guard left and right inside the gate. They were patrolling everywhere to see how they yawned. Not the kind of dedicated guy.

"Take it down." Cheng Qirong waved slightly at the two men in front of him. Two men in uniform rushed up and saw someone running over to one of the two security guards. "You did a good job? This is a private residence and you must not enter without permission!"

But the two of them said nothing but each punched them in the abdomen. Now the two fell to the ground holding their stomachs. At the moment, they were dozed off in the duty room and the two were awakened. At the same time, he woke up and was silent. The information appeared behind them and fell down one by one.

Cheng Qirong said: "Bring the communicator."

One person handed something that looked like a big brother to Cheng Qirong. After Cheng Qirong took the phone, he turned on the button and dialed a number. A handsome man in the room was sleeping with a pretty beautiful girl, right here. When the bedside phone rang, the man was awakened suddenly and picked up the phone and cursed: 'Who are you! "

Cheng Qirong said nothing to the caller and said lightly to the speaker: "Mr. Li Jiancheng, you have been arrested. You can only get dressed in ten minutes and come out with both hands."

"You are neurotic!" The man called Li Jiancheng cursed.

"I'm sorry." After speaking, Qi Rong hung up the call and waved five members towards the mansion.

In the mansion, Li Jiancheng was very angry and tossed the phone aside. He was about to lie down. "Bang!" The door was kicked open and four people wearing bulletproof vests holding a pistol rushed in. The two people in the house immediately woke up! Five of the pistols pointed at one of Li Jiancheng's heads, "Get up! Hold your head with both hands!"

"Who are you!"

"Bang!" The gun went off, and the shot hit the alarm clock on the bed, which easily penetrated the alarm clock.

The beauty was screaming "ah ah" in a horror, and wrapped in a blanket, her body twitching. Alas, terrified.

"Get up and put on your clothes! Stand with your head in your hands!" Said the man who shot the gun.

"Yes, yes." He knows that the gun is the goods, and if he doesn't do what they say, he will certainly have a small life.

He was so scared that he didn't dare to say anything. He got out of bed and picked up the clothes and trousers beside the bed, and said, "Well, I will give you how much money you want!"

In addition to the middle one, four other individuals looked at each other and shouted in tacit understanding: "You are sick!"

"Let's nonsense, get dressed quickly!" The man in the middle yelled, and the puppet never spoke again. He was pointed at by a gun and put on a jacket that was simply a pair of trousers. After putting it on, one stepped forward to him Put on a pair of handcuffs.

Seeing his own handcuffs, the uncle was shocked, "What are you doing?"

"You have been arrested." He motioned for the two to move forward and drag him out.

Cheng Qirong at the entrance laughed and said, "Good morning, Li Shao!"

Li Jiancheng was furious: "Why do you guys catch me? Do you know who I am?"

Cheng Qirong laughed: "I know who you are."

"I know I haven't let it go," Li Jiancheng shouted.

Cheng Qirong said: "Rest assured, your dad will be with you soon, take it away!" After turning and leaving, at the same time the goods were also thrown into a police car by the two team members, leaving the two to arrange the other person in the house, Other individuals drove away from the mansion. This matter is not over.

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