Master Summoner Online

Chapter 869: Joy is sad

After conquering Haka, the BOSS's body also turned into pieces of blue fragments and exploded, turning into many flashing particles disappearing in this room.

BOSS's body disappeared, and suddenly the walls around the entire house started to creak and crack, crackling, apparently, it was about to collapse.

"Get out of here!" Lonely sang and sang loudly, and everyone rushed out towards the gate.

There was a bang, and a loud noise rang out, and the huge gate collapsed, leaving only one piece of ruins in the entire canyon.

"Fortunately, I can run fast, I will be crushed to death if not allowed." Long Xin said.

"Yeah, yes Yinyue identification is good, let's look at the equipment." I said.

"Of course!" Silver Moon put away the magnifying glass. Everyone had distributed the gold coins before, and the equipment was not yet accompanied. This guy burst out of twelve or three pieces of equipment. In addition, there were a lot of other gemstones. A treasure trove, this second world saying will never go out of style.

The first item I picked up was a ring with a transparent gem inlaid above it, which was beautifully shaped.

Magnetic Ring, Grade: Dark Gold, Magic Defense +2401, Magic +1000, Dexterity Specialization +25, Critical Strike Rate + 19%, Increase the user's Dexterity Specialization by 20%, Ignore Target's 3% Defense, Skills: Stealth +1, additional skills: magnetic chain, consumes 780 magic, make a target reduce its movement speed by 50%, maintain 3 seconds, cool down 19 seconds. Requires level: 122.

"Oh, it's an assassin ring. Who wants it?"

He laughed at night and said, "Are you asking a little bit?"

"Yeah!" I scratched my head and laughed.

Here the assassins are two in total, one is Tianzhao and the other is dark night. The sky is my summoned beast. All this equipment is undoubtedly taken away by night. This ring is not bad, and the additional skills are a hunting and killing weapon.

Continue to look at, a long red bow with a dark red light looks extraordinary-Horn of Burst, Grade: Dark Gold, Attack +5240, Dexterity Specialty +85, Strength +70, increasing the user's 20% Physical attack, ignore target's 7% defense, critical strike rate + 17%, special attributes: user bow ability has 5% splash effect, additional skills: explosive arrow, consume 622 magic, shoot a load A high-energy arrow deals damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Cools down for 50 seconds. Requires level: level 125, one of the explosive set.


It turned out that the explosive Lin suit is an archer's equipment. I glanced at everyone and said, "Whoever you want this complete explosive suit."

Yinyue said: "I have a thunder suit and I don't need it."

The legend said: "My weapon is platinum, better than this, I give it to Chu Han, and his equipment is still messy."

Chu Han shook his head and said, ‘I do n’t want to be powerless. Sister Huofeng. "

Huofeng said: "You all said that you were dysfunctional, let alone those who came after me."

I said, "Let ’s take it, and I will give it something later."

With the unanimous persuasion of everyone, our Mrs. Xiaozheng was very embarrassed to accept this whole set of explosive set, and then changed it back. Mrs. Xiaozheng's level was just 125, which can be equipped with this set of equipment.

We continue to look at the next equipment, the next equipment is a pair of dark blue gloves-Beastmaster's claws, grade: dark gold, defense +220, magic defense +200, physical specialization +40, magic specialization +34 , Dexterity Specialization +25, Summoning Beast Skill Power + 7%, Summoning Beast All Attributes + 10%, increase user's magic attack by 20%, need level: 120, need reputation: 1000 points.

"Nirvana!" He threw it directly into Nirvana's hand, Nirvana took over the equipment and said, "Brother, don't you? "

I laughed: "This thing is customized for Druid. What is the use of a War Beast Master? In addition, it is enough for me to have it." I patted the biochemical dragon standing beside me.

"Thank you, then!" Nixi replaced her wearing gloves and put on the Beastmaster's claws.

Next, after pulling out a few pieces of gold equipment, I took out a milky cloak, which was glowing with seven colors, gently swaying-colorful cloak, grade: orange, defense +500, magic specialization +75, Dexterity +40, maximum mana + 27%, qi and blood +2000, healing effect + 30%, special attributes: each treatment has a certain chance of 300% healing effect, additional skills: medical beam, consumes 2000 magic , Continue to heal a target until it is full (if you are interrupted in the middle, you will not be able to continue healing) for 300 seconds. Requires level: 127.

Mo Yan said: "This is for Xu Yu, and there is no reason for me later."

"All right, Xu Yu, take it." Lonely singing and handed the cape to Xu Yu, Xu Yu was very happy to accept the equipment.

Soon these equipments were dropped by me, but there were still some things such as skill books. There are three skill books-resistant skin (passive): 20% and 10% reduction of physical damage to the body Magic damage.

Valorous chop, Consumption: 1700 magic, launch five magnificent attacks on a target, the first damage is 200%, and then the minimum damage is 130% in order, cooling for 20 minutes, requires profession: warrior.

Vitality Recovery, Consumption: 500 Mana. Quickly recovers Qi and Blood within ten seconds. The recovery value is 40% of the maximum Qi and Blood. Heals the wound and cools down for 15 seconds.

"How do you divide the three?" I asked.

Rainy years: "You must take one no matter how you divide it."

"I said everything, I just have it." With the Biochemical Dragon, I'm very content, and I'm a little embarrassed to take it again.

Rubber Stick Humane: "It must be taken, and so many things have been distributed to us. You haven't taken any of them yourself, and good people can't be too bad."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to do this," said the skill book with revitalization.

Seeing that we got something, everyone will no longer make trouble, and the remaining two skill books, the resistance skin everyone ROLL, in the end this stuff fell into the hands of the pit father, followed by a fierce chopping skill also passed a kind of ROLL Point and fall into the hands of the rubber stick man.

After finishing our packing, we moved on. Haka and my Gatling Blast became the current biochemical Blast, and we used it to guide us along the way.

Shortly after advancing, a monster like a lion appeared in front of them, but they were burning with flames, and a long horn was growing on the forehead, and that horn looked extremely sharp!

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Flame Eater, 162, Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: A variant of the Fire Lion, a monster born from the Fire Lion, with a very heavy weight, strong limbs, sharp teeth, and strong bite force can instantly break the metal Bingblade, horns on the head can pierce anything.

I laughed: "Ready to fight."

Everyone nodded.

The rubber stickman took the lead, and the sword rushed to the nearest flame-eater, and the sword in his hand flashed sharply, followed by an orange energy entangled on it, and then whistled out with a sound of breaking air!

-17294-17193-16491-15991-15809 five consecutive ecstasy damage numbers, fiercely chopped the primal sharp edge, instantly dropped the monster's blood by about 50%, followed by his laughter: "Haha! Look! Isn't it terrible without brother? "

The voice didn't fall, the Flame Eater screamed and launched a counterattack, the horn suddenly stabbed, the horn tip appeared a spiral cone, the rubber sticky man hurried to defend with his hand, but the horn could pierce his arm instantly. The injury numbers flew up, followed by a rubber stick man behind him being picked off the mount.


The rubber man suddenly fell on a dog to eat shit. At this moment, Lie Xie Fei sat on the golden roar and laughed: "Hahaha! Joy extremely sad! Joy extremely sad!"

"Fuck!" The rubber sticker quickly turned over and stood up, but although his face was covered by the helmet, the expression inside was naturally very unpleasant, and he could have performed well and had never thought it would become a laughing stock for everyone.

Lonely sang and laughed twice, and then two magics were thrown out. As a result, this flame devouring beast screamed and fell to the ground, and hung up. Under the fierce attack of a group of us, these flame devouring beasts completely countered. Force to die.

In addition, I found that there were a small ball of light white energy **** floating on the bodies of these monsters. Biochemical dragon opened his mouth wide, and all these light **** were swallowed by it.

"Ding ~! The source material was successfully absorbed."

It turns out that those photospheres are the source matter, and the biochemical explosive dragons rely on eating this to enhance their strength.

The crowd went all the way forward. After the death of the monster, the source material floated on the body and was sucked into the mouth by the biochemical explosive dragon. It looked so happy to eat. The taste of the source material should make it very intoxicated. Two hours later we walked to the end of the canyon, and the Biochemical Dragon stepped forward, using the left arm with a laser blade to make a strong stroke on the towering stone wall, "Boom!" A sound of friction came, and we were in front of us. The stone wall actually moved away, and a bit of bitter cold blew in. Suddenly, did the guy live in the icehouse?

Biochemical Dragon said, "The end of this passage is where Belisk hides. Beware it is very powerful."

I stared for a moment, and said, "Go in, it will be strong and we will hit him." At this moment my heart could not be suppressed anymore, and I wished to immediately pass through this cold and forceful passage.

Later, our group formally walked into this passage leading to the unknown under the leadership of the biochemical explosive dragon.

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