Master Summoner Online

Chapter 876: Goodbye, summer!

After the Battle of the Hanging City, my strength has been improved, the world in the game is wider, and the attack power and defense have been greatly improved, allowing me to enter more dangerous areas to complete one after another. At present, I do n’t have much desire for equipment for the time being. I ’m eager to improve my level and my ability to operate. I ’m dedicated to taking on such difficult experience tasks. I ’ll exercise my own numerical skills in the battle of tasks. Almighty is absolutely impossible without a level. After one month, my level has been raised to 142. It's hard to imagine a month of experience requirements now, and the upgrade is really tiring.

During this period, I found that since the source of biochemical explosion dragon is experience value, and it is still separated from me, it is difficult to gain experience and half of it, so I am back to the time of training the summoned beast.

Fortunately, this product is very powerful in fighting, and it is not a food product that only follows you.

During this time, it also awakened new skills, and also chose two from the four skills. Now the ability of Biochemical Blast Dragon is-Name: Biochemical Blast Dragon.

Mosaic: Tyrant Dragon Core (Activation: 125%)

Type: Special department.

Race: Unknown life: 550,000 points.

Attack: 9000 ~ 12000 points Defense: 6000 points Skills: Rare metal armor (passive), the biochemical blast dragon integrates the plasma barrier into its own armor, reducing the damage taken by 30% (remote 15%).

Berserking: Biochemical Dragon is immune to stuns, slows, and mental abilities.

Devour: A biochemical dynamite that gains Haka ability can kill itself to gain the source quality, passive: passively: every unit that dies nearby will devour the death and leave the source material after death. Active: Biochemical dynamite Swallowing a creature unit (unavailable to players and bosses) The swallowed creature player will receive no benefit, cool down for 10 seconds.

Crushing Grip: Enemies in the target area are stunned for 3 seconds and take 3000 consecutive damage (not effective for BOSS). Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Broken Blade: Passive: Biochemical Dragon attack ignores 15% of the target's defense. Active: Increases the damage by 80% for the next attack. Cooldown: 20 minutes.

Sentinel Missile: The biochemical explosive dragon shoots amazing missiles from the launchers on both sides of the shoulder armor to cause damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Cooldown: 14 seconds.

Growing up like this, this cargo skill is the most of all my summoned beasts, and the core value of the Tyrant Dragon, I do n’t know how to improve, and the earliest rare metal armor's magic immunity effect is maintained again. Among them was deleted by the system magistrate, it should be considered that this skill is too BT.

In addition, a lot of things happened in the game during this time. The Chess Corps guys started a big battle on the stormy plains. The goal was a territory. As a commander with complete operations, they were pushed in by the momentum of Mount Tai. The stormy plains are naturally organized, commanded properly, and the players are all playing together as soldiers. Needless to say, although many player guilds participate in the battle, they are not their opponents.

The monsters living there outside the player's side are also very powerful, but still can't stop the chess team from moving forward. That day the storm plain was drowned by the blood of monsters and players.

After the war, in this decisive battle, more than one million players paid the price of first-level experience, and the winners were naturally rewarded. It is said that the Chess Corps successfully killed a level 165 spirit at the cost of 100,000 sacrifices. BOSS--The Lion King, broke out the first inheritance-level equipment in the history of the Second World. Once this second-level equipment came out, it immediately became the most sensational news in recent days. However, the group did not give the attributes of the equipment and no news.

To me, this is not a shock, after all, Brother has cold arms beyond the heritage in his hands, although unrepaired.

In addition, with the approaching of the World Series, the number of players in the Second World continues to increase, and many online commentators estimate that it has reached its peak, and it is unlikely to increase significantly in the future.

With the deepening influence of the Second World, related industries have emerged endlessly, and even player groups have specially recorded combat scenes of big scenes, edited and sold them to some film and television companies for sale, and sold them. It's not a novel thing.

Even related game novels, anime fans, etc. have sprung up, and the game trend caused by it has swept the real world. It is said that the group of guys from Dragon Soul Company also launched stocks named after the Second World, and they rose on the day of launch. If it rises again, it won't be red anymore.

Of course, the most eye-catching thing is that the long-awaited annual Ultimate PK Challenge World Championship has been on the agenda, and an expansion pack and simple rules were released in early June, which immediately attracted the attention of countless players.

This competition will be held after December 15th in real time. The duration of the competition is yet to be determined. In addition, for the official launch of the domestic trials, and announced that each country's game area has only five places to participate in the world competition, although the trials The days are still to be determined, but have forced countless people to flex their muscles.

After all, being able to win such a game in the World Series not only represents the personal honor of the player, but also represents the collective honor of the players in China. Therefore, after the release of some current information, the entire Second World is boiling. There were a lot of people going out for a while, and the player forums were crowded. There were posts about world competitions or domestic trials everywhere.

For this coming heyday, players are starting to level up crazy, a lot of money is consumed, and the exchange probability of RMB and gold coins on the trading platform is constantly changing.

In the following days, I ran between the real and virtual worlds. It was a month later, and I finished the final exam, but the end of this semester also meant that an inevitable thing happened.

On July 4, the second morning after we finished our final exam.

The earliest and most active one in the history of the whole student congregation. Towing a suitcase in the summer, we also took various large bags and came to Changle International Airport in FZ with her.

"Brother Long Ling, what do you say if Sister Summer is gone and you don't come back? Everyone managed to become friends." Xiaoguang looked at me.

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoguang." Summer said angrily.

Yinyue sad: "Sister Qin Yun, can you not leave? It would be incomplete if you left our student union."

Xia Er smiled: "What is incomplete, I am no longer, but my heart is with you!"

Guardian handed a roll of chocolate: "I stole your chocolate last time, and I gave it back to you ..."

"..." Summer laughed. "Thank you."

Fire Phoenix said: "In the summer, you must come to the scene to cheer us on!"

"Be assured that you will go at that time," Summer said.

Followed the summer and walked to Yun Lan and patted her shoulder. "The ring has been sent to you, and I will pay you the position ..."

Yun Lan smiled: "Relax." From this day, Yun Lan was officially replaced by Yun Lan with a communication ring 'Jade'.

After we chatted, a light man in a suit came over and said, "Sister, let's go!"

I asked, "Who?"

"This is my brother Xia Qinfeng." Xia Xia said, "Did they, dad?"

This humane: "Come in a while, I'll go one step ahead. To these few are your classmates in that college,"


"Thank you for taking care of my sister during this time, I really thank you." The man bowed deeply to us.

After we talked to each other for ten minutes, a taxi opened and a middle-aged couple appeared when the door opened. At this time, Xia Qinfeng took the initiative to meet and it seemed that the middle-aged couple were the parents of summer.

Immediately after seeing us, he left with his family in the summer, took a flight, watched the flight slowly take off, and finally disappeared into the boundless sky.

Looking at Xiaoguang's flight, he murmured, "Summer, are you leaving now?"

"People are gone, but her heart is still with us, and the bond between us is still connected ..." I said.

Xueyue said, "Of course, even if we fly too far, our fetters can keep up."


When we all turned around and left, the phone rang, and everyone rang together. Everyone took out the phone very well, because everyone received the same message: "I miss you ..."

It was the news of the summer. Although everyone was crying and laughing, everyone was very moved, so everyone responded with a tacit reply: "We are the same."

So I left FZ in the summer, and we took her on the plane.

In the second world, among the members of the guild of Dragonfang in our friend column, the ID of Xinyue will always be gray.

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