Master Summoner Online

Chapter 881: Ruins of Light and Darkness

"Yes." Speaking to find a place to sit down, the black **** Tianzhao also achieved his side: "Well, you can continue to talk."

"Okay, right, where did I just say?"

"Ten battles," reminded.

"Oh, yes, yes, the three major battles." True red-eyed black dragon said: "Speaking of these three major battles, it's really terrifying, weird ghosts, right, you want to listen to that first?"

I said, "This about this incident."

True red-eyed black dragon said: "That is the most difficult and tragic battle of the Huaihai border in the three major battles."

"Oh? Tell me." I said with interest.

True Red Eyed Black Dragon Road: "Although I did not participate directly in the Huaihai Campaign, I know more or less that the Battle of Huaihai is the second battle. In fact, there was a place called Huaihai near the Forbidden Sea on the mainland, where the sea rises in the east From the state to the west to Shangqiu, at the time there was a city named Lincheng in the center of Huaihai. The whole Huaihai area was about 10,000 square kilometers. The Huaihai campaign consisted of three stages, the first stage. At this stage. The Beast Emperor led the major tribes to fight for the first time, annihilating a 100,000 army in a region called Nianzhuang. After opening the door of Huaihai three days later, other major ethnic armies raised the second phase of the Huaihai campaign. At this stage, the area was surrounded and annihilated by 240,000 and occupied Lincheng. So far, the racial joint army also damaged about 500,000 troops. It can be seen that even if there is a holy weapon in hand, the demon army is still very scary. The next stage is the third and most difficult stage. The racial alliance and the demon army launched the final battle on the edge of the Huaihai Sea with Lincheng as the center. This battle took 66 days. Intensive and arduous fighting, the racial united army annihilated the 7.5 billion people of the Demon King Army at the cost of more than 1.1 billion casualties. The true number is more than this. The Battle of the Huaihai Border is also in the three major battles. The Allied Army has sacrificed the most, wiped out the most enemies, has the most influence, and has the most complex battle style. "

"What's the matter with that ruin?" I asked.

"Of course it does matter." True Red-Eyed Black Dragon said: "In that battle, the entire Lincheng was wiped out in that battle, completely turned into ruins, and the terrorist energy generated by the battle continued to spread. No one enters, everyone has to retreat far away. The various ethnic units and the demon army that died in the Huaihai battlefield are terrible even if they die, and the energy is still terrible. At that time, the terrible Hurricanes, tornadoes formed, one by one wind pillars, wind pillars are wrapped with endless flesh and blood, and these wind pillars are red and red, heaven and earth, stormy air filled, hundreds of millions of strong evil spirits gathered, soaring into the sky From now on, almost even the Void is about to be torn and shattered by the terrible force of injustice. "

"Since then, the place has been dark all year round, the clouds are down, the **** hurricane is whistling endlessly, and the most terrible thing is that this effect is still falling in the sky and the earth, and then the **** storm like this is pouring down. Uninterrupted rages on the entire continent, as if even the heavens were shaken by the war of Huaihai, and wept for hundreds of millions of heroes. Did you feel a chill that kept flowing from the bottom of your heart when you were in the rain? ? "

"Yes, what is going on in the rain?"

True Red-Eyed Black Dragon Road: "During that battle, maintaining the natural balance of the earth veins and maintaining the life of the earth, the dragon veins were destroyed, and they fell into the sky to drop rainwater with negative energy. This thing is the blood rain. In this bloodwater full of negative energy, It has a violent reaction to the positive energy in the organism. When a person stays in the blood rain for ten seconds, the skin will become dry and crack like a bark of an old tree. At that time, it rained all over the continent. Even in the rain, even a master who breaks through the extreme level like a **** in the eyes of ordinary people, even a living creature like me can only be as weak as a newborn baby. "After that, he sighed weakly.

When I heard it, I was shocked. Now this is not the case outside the world. Wouldn't the world be going to repeat the same thing for thousands of years.

The true red-eyed black dragon seemed to see my mind and said, "Is that you, the kid, are you worried about things outside?"

I nodded, real red-eyed black dragon said: "What is happening now is really similar to that time, now it takes time."


"Yes, the people who liberated the light and dark relics did not expect this situation. They opened the relics and released thousands of grievous souls, and I think this situation should end in a few hours. And the power of the **** rain now It was not as huge as it was then, and it was still affordable. "

I asked, "So what happened then? But how did Shi Xueyu stop him?"

True red-eyed black dragon said: "Here we have to say that pair of enemies."


"The dragon of order Yasha and the dragon of chaos Orgas. The survivors of the Seven Dragons period after the Titan civilization before the war of the race, this pair of original enemies finally came out at the time of the whole continent's life and death. At the cost of life, the entire Huaihai battlefield was compressed into a hyperspace and sealed in the underground world under the taboo sea. This allowed the blood rain to stop, and all life in the world could escape this disaster. Red Eyed Black Dragon Road.

I said, "Then there is no way to sink this ruin into the sea again."

"I don't know, but basically it can only be found inside the ruins. I can tell you this, if you can go in or allow to break the limit, your power is still one step away from the limit, you can brag about it and you will Becomes very powerful. "True Red Eyed Black Dragon said, I nodded and I think so too. My current level, after various exercises, has been raised to 148, and there are two levels from the 150 level that breaks through in the end, in order to upgrade this I have n’t sent out the biochemical explosive dragon during this time. In addition, as an ancient battlefield, you can imagine how many equipment or strange treasures will be left after the death of various fallen clan strongmen?

Hundreds of millions of powerful men have fallen, and even if they are left over for thousands of years, they are still an unthinkable treasure trove. I began to think that maybe I was lucky and I could pick up the holy artifacts used by the strong ethnic races at that time. The power of things is unimaginable. A white man with a sacred weapon can easily kill and kill masters of the same level.

In addition, the Dragon family must have participated in the war at that time. The Dragon Dan of the Dragon Family is undoubtedly a big supplement. You can get a Dragon Dan even if it is Arad's Dragon Dragon. After summoning beasts, Warcraft mounts, and battle pets, That's an unimaginable benefit. Not to mention the real red-eyed black dragon.

After learning about it, it will probably only go offline. I hurried to switch to the official website of the original underground line without breaking the link. Now the news on the official website should have been full of excitement.

I saw a huge banner hanging in the middle: "The ruins of light and darkness were born in the sky, and the treasures of the elites of various countries were hunting for treasure!" I clicked in immediately, and there was such a sentence in it: "The ruins of light and darkness are: The battlefield left over during the race war has many mysterious and powerful monsters. These monsters have rich experience. There is a certain chance in the ruins to find the rare treasures left by the strongman of the year! Level 130 or higher is required. Enter, and it takes a certain reputation value to enter. This is not a reputation for players over 130. Of course, people who are not enough can only stare outside. Players are allowed free pk in the ruins, the death penalty is unchanged, the mission The goal is for players to sink the ruins back to the sea in ten days! "

There is also gossip that the players in the United States who made this event successfully opened up a mission map. It doesn't matter to anyone who opens it. This relic is completely a worldwide copy, and it is also among the elites of various countries. Small country war! It's a perfect place to upgrade your equipment while killing monsters and monsters!

Next, let ’s look at the opening time. The ruins will open at 9 am three days later. Now there are more than 100,000 players with more than 130 players in the Dragon's Tooth, and the entire China region has more than 130 players. Calculation.

Then it was time to eat at 12 o'clock, so I went off line, took off the helmet, Xueyue was not around at this time, and they walked out of the room and both of them were sitting on the sofa with pillows in the living room and watching TV.

I stepped out of the room and Xueyue looked over and asked, "Yes, you should have seen something just now. For this matter, Dragon Spirit, what do you think?"

"Wife, I think it's strange." I said. The two MMs almost did not laugh.

After the laugh, say the key points. "Today's unexpected events, I can guarantee that after entering this ruin, I will have many unimaginable benefits, such as the possibility of getting various high-end equipment and a lot of money. The most important thing is said to be to speed up the progress. The copies of the world in wartime have many unimaginable benefits. By the way, I would like to ask you what you think. "Xueyue asked.

I said, "There is no point in killing everyone else and putting all the treasures in your pocket."

The ringtone of the cell phone suddenly rang.

"Dragon! I'm out! Come and pick me up at the bus stop you left!"

Hearing this sweet voice, my mind flashed quickly, and it seemed that I was really going to be rushed to the living room.

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