Master Summoner Online

Chapter 885: Soul Wolf

Having said that, this forest is very large. There are hundreds of meters of sky-high trees everywhere. We walked in it for more than an hour without seeing the end, and we did n’t see any monsters. Monsters are right.

At this time, I went forward a distance of two hundred meters, and a small piece of open space appeared in front of it. A few wolf beasts were resting there, but after we approached, the group of guys immediately stopped playing and looked at each other fiercely. We, at this moment, I noticed that the wolf beasts were more or less wearing armor, and when we saw that there were two burly wolf beasts standing up with their hind feet, roaring at us.

Town Soul Wolf Beast, Level 155, Elite Empowered Monster, Introduction: The Town Soul Wolf Beast was originally a fallen wolf warrior who participated in the battle of the Huaihai Sea. After death, their souls were not resurrected, and their bodies received a terrible curse and lost their bodies. Transformed into glorious beasts for the dignity of glorious warriors, they shred any outsiders into their territory.

"Come out!" Whispered, two wolf emperors, flaming dogs, fierce monsters, and biochemical dragons appeared. At the same time that the beast appeared, four soulwolves rushed towards us. . Immediately behind or with three heads behind.

Seeing the other party taking the initiative to challenge, I whispered softly: "Smashing grip!"

The halo fell, and all the four front town wolves were stunned. At the same time, the three heads in the back immediately detoured to the left and right.

I continued to shout: "Dark God, you will kill the two on the left, and give it to me on the right. You will lead the other monsters to kill the four monsters."

The crowd shouted, "Know!"

The dragon gun was thrown, the red dragon roared and started, the huge red dragon fell on the little wolf on the ground, and the claws of the dragon fell, but this guy was also very clever, and his body shook one after the other to avoid the claws of the dragon. The town spirit wolf can't escape being drawn by the giant dragon tail and flew out in the air.


The body slammed into the big tree, and was bounced back, kicking a lunge, and following it, a cube-shaped human face appeared silently outside the body of the town spirit wolf.

The wolf beast was suddenly fixed, the dragon gun fell one after another, and the last one fell on its neck. Is the sharpness of the dragon gun's blade the body of this wolf beast can bear, the gun blade falls, and the blood is like a fountain Gushing out like a sudden, the head of this town wolf fell down.

On the other side, three heads of the Breathing Dog screamed in the sky, the next moment the red clouds rolled in the sky, and countless fist-sized fireballs blasted down. Hell-breathing dogs can perform all kinds of fire magic. This meteor fire rain is one of them.

At the moment, the four wolf beasts knew how many fireballs they had suffered. Following the wolf emperor, they also rushed towards one town spirit wolf beast. The fierce monster tore a wolf beast in half. Really It is indeed the name of the fierce monster is really powerful. The Biochemical Dragon also sent out two sentry missiles that blew. The missile exploded, and the flesh and bones of the wolf beast flew together.

On the other side, the two people of the black **** Tianzhao also joined hands to break up the two wolf beasts. All seven wolf beasts were killed, and a golden energy light group emerged on each of them. All seven energy groups were biochemically explosive. When swallowed, this energy light group and the monsters outside are left white after death, and it seems to contain more intense energy inside.

I unconsciously took a look at my own experience slot, and suddenly became stupid! Because my experience strips flickered at a speed visible to the naked eye, alas, the experience of this monster is too rich! You know, I can share 50% of my experience with the Biochemical Blast Dragon, and there is a little trial point to kill a monster. This place is too powerful. If it can attract a group to kill, it is too whimsical. If it can kill the game company, it can be closed.

However, compared to the rich experience, this monster is poor enough, not even giving a copper coin, cast aside their belly, and dug out a crystal nucleus with a large fist, and the luster is good, the monster crystal nucleus, the monster can If you do n’t explode money, you do n’t explode, but this kind of thing is inevitable. Although I have not digged this thing for a long time to sell money, I may earn more if I earn more.

Black Shinto: "It seems that the battlefield of the ruins is indeed a stage for the strong. Although it is dangerous, but in the same way, the reward we get is also huge.


I was also very excited and said, "Yeah, although the monsters should be more powerful and experience more and more, the experience gained after killing is naturally more amazing. Although it is dangerous, it is worth our adventure. Within ten days It is bound to give birth to a strong person who surpasses the limit. What kind of realm is the limit breakthrough after level 150? Do you know? "

Black Shinto: "We are not clear, this is a high-level secret, but it is certain that it is not necessary to reach the 150 level to break the limit."

"I know that." There are two conditions that must be met to break the limit. Very few people have risen to the 150th level, but they have not been prompted to break through.

"Let's go on."


As soon as the voice fell, the howling of the mountains and the mountains suddenly sounded. It didn't take long for the sound of the howling to come around, NND, is it really a pack of wolves? !! Just when I thought so, a figure emerged from the grass, my heart sank to the bottom of the valley instantly, and a stunned wolf beast took a look around, and there were hundreds more.

The first town spirit wolf rushed over, and I immediately used the barriers to break it, and then smashed the blow, destroyed the critical hit and other skills. I lost all my brains. Sure enough, the monster did not survive 1o seconds under my hand. Already fallen!

However, this immediately inspired the bloodiness of the surrounding soulwolves, followed by the second, the third, and the fourth soulwolves.

"Everyone comes out!" With a loud drink, we were drowned by these town spirits and wolves. The soul-stealing wolves are not strong, but when hundreds of them are gathered together, they become a group, but become very scary.

"Yi ---" Thunder roared, and fully exerted "the ancestor of the green ancestors", his costume ability, the best at melee, seeing a group of raptors coming up, he was not surprised.

But my summoned beast is not vegetarian, and when Gallulu appeared, he knocked a township wolf far away, but followed the three wolf beasts and whipped his claws to open several wounds on its armor. Immediately following his mouth roaring, with its center as the center, numerous hatches opened on the body, and numerous missiles flew out in all directions to launch the full metal shooting star.

I also launched a dragon gun to destroy the dragon soul, and the dragon spirit roared into the sky, crisscrossing the dragon, swallowing up several town soul wolves, and at the same time, the biochemical explosion dragon launched the lightning messenger. There were two more launchers on the shoulder of the biochemical explosive dragon, and countless missiles flew out instantly, hitting this group of wolf beasts.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

A series of explosions sounded, leaving only scorched earth on the ground, and there were countless sparks flashing on it, and a horrifying wolf beast was trapped inside the thunder and lightning, and the sound of horror was endless.

Burst and kill!

The launcher fired countless missiles again. With a huge roar, a large row of gorgeous figures emerged, and the wolf beasts destroyed by the lightning messenger fell down like wheat, without any resistance.

Immediately after the Amber Dragon launched the Hell Fury, the lava waves set off the next moment, the horrible high temperature caused the twenty or thirty wolf beasts shrouded to be refined into steam.

But there are still wolf beasts!

—4433—4367—5299—4389 ...

Their sharp claws fell on me regardless of the front and back, and immediately killed my tens of thousands of blood, scared me to swallow the potion!

I immediately used Destroyer and Summoner of Death to increase my attack rate and the attack became ignorant of defense. Then I immediately cast all my skills and dropped them. Destroyer and Slash all my skills became range skills, several skills. Down, many monsters have been burned! There are many others who have not been hit by me.

The original hundreds of town spirit wolf beasts suffered half of their casualties under the devastating attack. After a period of time, the surrounding monsters were fixed, and the remaining ones knew how to escape with their tails.

After killing the monsters, this group of guys made my experience skyrocket by nearly 20%, but there was no explosion, and I did not dig the crystal core. I killed so many monsters, it is likely to bring BOSS creatures, this kind of local king Class BOSS is estimated to be everywhere like roadside ants. I don't want to touch this mold. The summoned beasts were taken back and left.

Inquired about everyone on the road, and then got the news that Shu Tao Mingshen killed a small group of Japanese players ten minutes ago, and he hanged the priest himself, which was said to have been stolen by an opponent assassin.

The Chess Corps, known as the Regular Army of the Chinese Region, came across an Indian and almost wiped out the opponent.

Next, War Spirit encountered a group of Italian players who took some effort to push them back.

There are many other things. Looking at this relic is a place where the best level is lowered. Monsters are not terrible. Players in other game areas are the most terrible. Any player will fight without reservation for the honor of his own country. Although you do n’t want your country to be strong, what about your game area?

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