Master Summoner Online

Chapter 890: Death by man

The next day will go online according to the agreed time.

Before going offline last night, we had entered the area close to the fourth ring from the outermost area. After a morning drive, we entered the third ring zone at 14:30 in the afternoon. We met the war spirit at 11 in the morning and were lonely. A dozen or so professional players led by singing joined the team. Before noon, our team has expanded into a hundred-member group, and the strength of everyone in the group is very good.

In the afternoon, everyone went into the third ring zone. The third ring zone is a blazing volcanic zone. Erupting volcanoes and lava rivers with hot lava can be seen everywhere. Fortunately, everyone has a cold drink to come over.

Moving on In this hot condition, there are still living creatures. A large group of fiery red figures appeared in front of them. A closer look revealed that these guys looked like the elves running out of Aladdin's magic lamp, but their body color was It was fiery red still burning flames, these guys wandered aimlessly.

Fire Elves, Level 162, Strengthening Elite Beasts, Introduction: Fire Elves are originally magical creatures of the **** army. They were driven by the flame demons, but their owners have been killed in the battle of Huaihai. The fire elves who have lost their leadership can only be aimless. Wandering, but there is still the last sentence before the owner's death, 'kill all the creatures you see. 'Enhancing elite monsters is stronger than elite elite monsters. After all, they are improved on the level of enhanced monsters. We appeared to immediately stun the attention of the fire elves. Advanced monsters have a wide range of vision and perception. Some beasts The model will find the player's trail a few kilometers away.

This group of fire spirits saw the palms of our back burning flames, and a football-sized fireball appeared on each hand, so that they were thrown towards us!

"Libi Qianqian!" Lonely sings, his hands rush to the ground with both hands, and suddenly the ground rises over a soil wall that is more than ten meters high and five meters high. The fire elf throws a fire ball and can't cross the soil wall and directly hits it.

The earth wall absorbed the first wave of attacks and shouted, "Come on!"

The other fire monsters, especially the elemental creatures, are not good for magic, especially the fire mage. If they cannot attack, they can only add blood to them.

I surrendered the summoned beasts and rushed towards the fire elf. At the same time, I also aimed at a fire elf. Tengyun rushed forward, but at this time, a shield appeared outside the fire elf, and a flame pierced the body while the dragon gun penetrated its body The shield sprayed out, and my body suddenly hurt, and I lost 3,000 points of blood at once. Others also looked the same. This guy seems that their shields will cause constant fire damage to the target, but fortunately, we There were 17 priests in the team, and it was so easy to die.

Although this is not the case, this fire elf is not difficult to deal with. I asked the Wolf Emperor to come and help. The fire elf in front of him was smashed down by blood and blood. The fire elf was approached besides throwing fireballs. It can also emit flame attacks, but as a mage monster, it can't resist a few times. When I drank this guy's health, suddenly the fiery fire trembled all over. I felt that the bad attack started and then-" boom!"

The fiery fire explosion blasted me directly back to a few positions, and the shield of the attack was permanently reduced to 1700 points. I did not expect this trick, the miscalculation was miscalculated, and it was just when I turned this fire elf When I solved it, I thought of a series of explosions around me, and immediately after that I saw a white light rising. It turned out that a soldier thought that the mage monster was bullying, so he singled out four fire spirits. As a result, the explosion when the four fire spirits died I killed myself alive. However, it can be seen that the fiery fire elves can finally see that this man's strength has finally fallen, and he is really afraid of a kitchen knife no matter how high the effort is.

Everyone mourned for three seconds for this brave soldier brother, and then moved on.

Hundreds of people walked through this rocky area to kill the emerging fire elf. After fighting all the way, everyone knows that the fire elf will explode when it dies. Delayed about 1 second before the explosion. I also deliberately made three blazes come over for experiments, but the self-detonation of the three blazes blew me up to only a few hundred points of blood skin. The damage of the blast was ignoring the defense, and this blast can't really hurt.

The monsters here don't explode things, but the experience is rich and it is too scary. Everyone has upgraded on this way. I also upgraded the level one level after yesterday. Unfortunately, no breakthrough was triggered.

The three-ring zone is obviously larger than the previous four-ring and five-ring areas. After walking out a thousand meters, we saw a group of players in China. This group of about 50 people were all single players. Seeing us immediately Welcomed, so the number of people expanded again!

In this way, for a while today, we have gained a lot of trial points. The team has also been expanded, but it has also been attacked by players from other game areas. The team is hung up by many people. After we rushed for a while, countless people appeared in front of us. Everyone walked at the front so we could see clearly. There was really a group of people fighting. And a few of us approached quietly and looked at the excitement!

The group was fighting on a huge open field. Behind the open field was a huge magma lake. A stone bridge connected to an open space of about ten meters in the center of the lava lake. There was a square platform on the open space, and a golden light flashed on the square platform. At this moment, apparently, in order to grab this golden treasure chest, a fight was launched.

On the ground, the bodies of more than 30 players and some monsters have fallen, and there are still two or three hundred people still fighting. One of them I saw was a female archer wearing tight dark red leather armor. She was still blazing fire, carrying a dark red long bow in her hand, and several rockets burst into the long bow to kill a player who was close to her. This person was not someone else.

"Brother is Sister Lan Xue! What shall we do?" Long Xin shouted.

I shouted, "Save people!" He rushed out, and the black **** Tianzhao immediately stepped up, followed by other individuals, and there was no reason to ignore his compatriots being attacked by the outside area, no matter who the other party was. .

When we saw us, a group of people came to meet us immediately. The eyes of the fire scanned the group to see that they were players from the Danish area. The ranks were not low. A Danish fighter smashed into my head with a hammer in his hand. .

But I am faster, the claws of the dragon, the energy explodes, and the grab bomber is directly covered on this guy's head, and the head instantly turns into a mass of rotten meat. When this product scans him, the blood volume is dissatisfied, plus the halo reduction effect , This blow will inevitably kill him on the spot.

Immediately after calling the beast to release, the killing crowd immediately killed a group of chickens and flying dogs, and the magic of loneliness leaning down made them ecstatic. Xueyue stepped on the phantom steps, and the country's heroine was extremely brave. Shaking, a soldier was confronted with four pieces in front of him, followed by his body into a ghost image, raging in the crowd, I do not know when, after coming to the four players, about 20,000 of them floated on the head to hurt these The human blood was not full, and all of a sudden it was put in one.

Yun Lan punched one knight and two horses with a mount and then flew out, followed by the lightning dance once again with three players' first-level experience. This group came over to stop our players from falling shortly after everyone's feet, and then everyone killed. After entering the camp, everyone has been exhausted for a long time. We appeared to be caught by surprise and they just broke the defense just like tofu, and we broke through.

With a snorting sound, Fire Phoenix took a punch in the chest and was blown out. At the same time, the flame on her body was faint. At the same time, the state of the undead Fire Phoenix was lifted. After the fire was released, a state of power loss would occur.

The combination of electric light fire and Yu Longbu started to rush towards the fire phoenix at the first time, and at the same time, a player from the outer area attacked the fire phoenix and hit the water dog like a pain.

"Roar!" The dragon snarled, the dragon gun turned into a red dragon and rushed towards the player in the outer area. The dragon claw sent the person out as a swordsman. He saw the dragon claw attack and quickly lifted the shield to resist. Thinking of the amazing power of this claw, he couldn't resist it, stumbled and retreated, followed by the red dragon, and this shot was two more dragon claws hitting his body, and then the man was knocked down with a flick. Fly out of the lava lake and try it at 100 points.

I also took the fire Phoenix at the same time. At the same time that I was protecting the Fire Phoenix, a fire elemental teacher in our team saw the crazy and greedy look in his eyes, and the man was facing the golden treasure chest. Rush away.

"Come back!" I yelled at the guy immediately.

But the other party turned a deaf ear, and flew out of the position about ten meters and waved the staff in his hand. All kinds of fire magic were thrown out and protected himself. His skills would not hurt himself, and every skill fell. The position is right, this set of skill sets is also very beautiful, if you do not consider the whole body and retreat.

His attack also forced the surrounding players to avoid giving way. The flashing CD was two seconds, flashing every two seconds, and flashing four times. This man came to the stone bridge and desperately tried Rush forward.

It was even more so after seeing his follow-up. There were four or five people on the stone bridge all of a sudden, all of them ran towards the treasure chest on the open space in the center. There must be countless treasures in this treasure chest.

The chest was almost 4, 5 meters away and flew forward. Grasp the treasure chest in front of you, as long as you can catch it, according to the system, the treasure chest is his.

"It's mine." He hugged the treasure chest, then lifted the lid, and saw countless gold coins, gems, and equipment in the treasure chest.

"Hahaha!" The magician gave a proud giggle. The next few people were long overdue, but at this instant the abnormal changes suddenly emerged.


The magmatic turbulence directly below, such as the gusty winds rising from the sea, lifted up. These people were taken aback, a huge and gigantic head appeared, opened their **** mouth and swallowed the player's treasure chest on the open ground at an extremely fast speed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" It was a sudden and terrible sound. It was too fast. These people were swallowed before they could react. Then the steel teeth crisscrossed and creaked. This monster has teeth between his mouth.

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