Master Summoner Online

Chapter 905: Grim Reaper

Watching the flames of the sky swarming towards me, quickly urged the wings to instigate the body to exit 500 meters away from the sea of ​​fire, change the shape of the human body, open the fire eye golden eye scan, and the scan worked. It has captured the message of the flame giant.

Grim Reaper Giant, Level 167 King BOSS, Introduction: The second layer of the world is the world of fire created by the chaos dragon Orgas. The creatures in this world have evolved over thousands of years and have extremely powerful power. Grim Reaper The giant is one of the most powerful of them.

While capturing this information, while avoiding the fireball that it dropped, I saw that the fireball could not hurt me. I followed the right hand and gently waved a swirl of flame energy to release it. So quickly the shield was opened to let this death The flames of the flame giant cannot be invaded.

Started the retreat and opened the friends list to open the whole call mode and shouted: "BOSS found! Origin coordinates 918421794 speed up!" After the shouting, turn off directly, you can only hear a hum from there before shutting down.

At this time, the giant of the flame of death fired again, swallowing the sky with flames, and I also pushed the roar of the dragon with both hands, and the violent energy swept into the flames of the sky, and the sound of "Boom!" , The flame was immediately pressed over and exploded on the flame giant, that BOSS was surprised.

One-handed one-handed summoning the beast summoning, the amber dragon appeared, and immediately roared with two claws and turned it into a flame sword, and the barriers annihilated and fell.

"Drink ..." The flame **** of death also growled and stretched out a pair of flame claws, merged and pushed upward.

"Boom" boom, the flame giant's fire claws and the amber dragon claws revealed the barriers to annihilate the collision, the two sides fight evenly.

"Garulu ..." He shouted and Gallulu saved.

"Absolutely frozen air!" Garulu spouted and continued to open his mouth to launch absolutely zero-degree cold air spurts. At the moment, he killed the flame giant of death, and the other summoned beasts pounced on me, too. He lifted a lunge at his feet. Dragon The gun showed a terrifying light!

The "barrier smashed!" Burst with a cyan flame cone, and the slammed through the ice penetrated the barrier!

—14952—14952 The damage is okay, and the assault trigger is very good. The frost that BOSS is following is melting at its high temperature, and the frost on the BOSS then when the black **** rushes to send a note Harvesting skills, at the same time, the sky shines and launches an attack. The Scarlet Cross is completed, bringing out two sky-differenced damage numbers flying up—1—9977. How is this going? The black **** did a little compulsory damage, but the skylight can do nearly 10,000 points of damage. I quickly swept the ice and snow for three consecutive cuts, shaking on the boss's leg!

—1—1—1 How did this happen before the barrier was broken and can still deal 10,000 points of damage, but now it can only be done with a little forced damage.

"Roar roar"

BOSS was furious, and his hands shone out into a flame cone, banging directly on me, his body was shaken as if the bones were falling apart, his body flew out a dozen meters away, and his blood flew away a lot!

—19829 A wave of the left hand of the giant flame of death followed by a giant flame of flames, and quickly turned on the white dragon shield to resist the attack and called the summoned beasts. This BOSS was not something I could handle alone.

At this moment, the light in the corner of my eyes made me see that a group of people rushed to this side. The group came menacingly. They would summon the beast to be recovered, and brought the beautiful bodyguard and shouted, "Flashman!"


The black **** Tianzhao never doubted my decision, didn't ask much, and retreated quickly with me. The menacing foreign players saw us avoid, and did not leave us directly and rushed towards the BOSS. We retreated a hundred meters away and looked so far away, while waiting for my reinforcements to arrive.

Seeing the emergence of a new group of humans, the Grim Reaper did not say anything, and then sprayed flames and swept up towards this group. Immediately, a group of players running in front of the apparent sea of ​​fire hurt the numerical value, but this point. They may not be able to kill them in seconds. They also started to siege Boss when they overcame the boss's skills. At the same time, there were successive scolding noises in the crowd. No matter how powerful the attack or skill was, it was all a bit mandatory. hurt,


"Hong Honghong!"

The death flame giant kept waving his arms and waved the flames in the crowd, screaming endlessly, and died batch after batch, but they still rushed forward and forward. The group of people who rushed over said few and three. Four thousand people, the cavalry in front came first, followed by the magician archers behind, one after another to attack.

With a commander-level player shouting in his native language, the archer "popped" and fired a large amount of arrow rain for a while, and a large number of injury figures flew up—1—1—1—1—1 ……

All of them are deducting 1 point of blood, BOSS is extremely rare. Doing this until 1 point will force the deduction of blood, so how to let the player kill the death flame giant!

At this moment, the magicians chanted good spells, and the magic elements roared around their bodies, followed closely by the ice dragon howls, the wind death hurricanes, the fire hells, and the earth. Geo-core blasting, thunderous five thunder bombers, and crazy attacks on BOSS!

—14500—11019 + 14914—11700 + 16491—13178

A series of damage numbers flew up, and I was shocked again. I was miscalculated. Although the BOSS can ignore negligible physical attacks, it is not immune to magic attacks. Among them, the blood green value is obviously not fire magic, and the ice magic has the highest damage. This fire monster has very low ice resistance. This time the battle archer has been abandoned. The warrior is the material of the meat shield. It can only be output by the magician. However, as long as the previous warrior does not die, the boss will still be killed. very likely to be.

"Master, what are we going to do now?" Black God said with some worry: "This BOSS is obviously the kind that can be immune to physical attacks on special elemental life. Only magical energy attacks can cause damage to it. It is possible that the BOSS can go down. Killed by them, then we would lose a lot ... "

"No, I ca n’t give up what I find to others no matter how good I am." I laughed and said, "Look at it! The experience points and trial points of the BOSS are gone, anyway, there are still a few BOSS who are not afraid, Just grab the equipment and treasures. "

"Master BOSS has a new trick!" Tian Zhao said pointing to the front, directly BOSS two palms together, followed by a slender orange-red flame sprayed from both palms!

Ahhhhh ...

A series of screams came and went, but a large number of MT players were killed on the spot. But this is not even the equipment of some of the surviving players, since there are signs of melting, a stream of hot molten iron flowing on the ground.

At the same time, the equipment left by the corpse on the ground was swept by this flame and turned into a pool of copper and molten iron. The surviving players pumped down in cold air, and their eyes were horrified.

"Fuck! This is too terrible!" I couldn't help taking a sigh of air even if I was 100 meters away. If I sprayed this kind of tears, it would make me very sad to melt any piece of equipment. The ring and the dragon gun were melted, so I had the heart to delete the number.

Twenty seconds of this BOSS move lasted, a large vacuum period appeared on the ground in front of the ground, and the equipment was melted. Many players who exited the BOSS attack range were swearing. One of the players suffered the worst from the helmet to the boots. They were all melted. From head to toe, a piece of armor was relatively intact. However, it was full of holes and was easily spiked by a fireball from the boss.

At this time, a high-level soldier was carrying a tomahawk, and the player who was desperately inspiring morale was killed again. The soldier in front was the cannon fodder and the magician was the main force behind the output!


This message comes from loneliness singing: "I and your team can arrive in ten minutes, what's the situation over there?"

I replied: "The situation is not good. The BOSS is very fierce. Physical attacks are completely immune. Only magic can cause damage. You gather first and wait to kill them together. Take the treasure of this BOSS! What about other places?"

"Now all three bosses have appeared. Among them, Mingshen and Canghai are besieging a boss called the Flame Worm King. Most of this boss is surrounded by Chinese guilds. It seems that the treasures of this boss will probably be In China, there is also another Fire Lord BOSS, which was discovered not long ago but has not yet started. Only a small number of players are launching tentative attacks. "

"Well, you guys hurry."



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