Master Summoner Online

Chapter 911: Spinner

The hunter named Shayue tortured and killed the druid with the two beasts and led other Singapore players into the opponent's hinterland.

"Holy light bombardment !!!" On the purple slaughtering gun held by Sayatsu's hands, a golden holy light appeared on the tip of the slaughtering gun, and a huge beam was emitted forward. In a split second, the players in front of a line and the trees in the back flew up like sand, and then banged. These people were blasted by a dazzling golden light from the cave into a white light of death, and the bodies were still there. The golden light disappeared, leaving only some equipment to prove that they had walked here before.

"Some of you all back down, and give these to me." Sayuki said with a smile on her shoulder, and the players around Singapore immediately stepped back and stopped tangling with each other.

Sayuki cocked her **** at these people and saw that she dared to challenge herself and others with a single shot. Although there have been a lot of injuries, there are still about fifty people left, and one of the few soldiers left. Holding the Great Sword of Burning Fire, he smashed into the top of Sayuki's head.

I saw Sayatsu gently wave the Tumon Demon Sword, and chopped its huge sword into two pieces, and then flew it into the air like a weightless thing. Many more fall.

"Comehere! Baby! Come here! Baby!" Sayuki stretched out her finger again and provoked.

"Sheistheoneperson, all (she's just one person, everyone !!!)" The remaining soldiers in front of him generally swarmed towards Sayue, and the magic arrows behind them fell overwhelmingly.

"LikedustinGeneralDispersed (like dust ... dispersed!)" Sayazuki smiled and swept the slaughterer's gun, and directly flew the five soldiers who rushed to the front, and then rode the leopard directly into the enemy array. Just like weed removal, all the beaten blood was gone, and then rolled back towards the back.

"Withdrawal" The magician threw a piece of skills that was not enough to attack her but fell in the area in front of her. The open space was full of fragmented corpses, and the opponent used the skills to cover and evacuated at full speed.

"Just ran like that ?! Really disappointing." Sayuki shook her hair and put away the butcher gun.

Sayuki said: "Let's go to resolve the BOSS and inform others to join the hole."

"Understood." Followed them to summon their mounts to the west along with the hunter of this moon.

"Master, shall we keep up?" Tianzhao asked.

I said, "Of course not enough. Our follow-up is easy to expose. It is better to follow these people sneaking in the sky, and the black **** and I keep a distance from you, so that we are not easy to find."

"Understand." After speaking, he sneaked up to follow.

"Let's go, too." After Tian Zhao throws a distance, I motion to the black **** to follow.

About ten minutes later, I turned a corner and saw a huge black hole in the forest. A large number of players gathered outside the hole. Most of this group of players were mainly warriors. Everyone had a pair of golden wings on the shoulders. The demon hunter named Sayuki also had the shoulders, but he just didn't pay attention.

At this time, a burly warrior player came out of the player. The whole person was wrapped in a set of black knights with a two-handed silver sword on his back. The silver body of the blade was made of silver. It is very exquisite. The whole knife has a length of one meter and five feet, a palm width, and a palm half width at the bend of the blade. There are also three steel rings on it.

"President, we have assembled according to your instructions, and the vanguard has rushed into the nest **." An assassin stepped forward and said to the burly warrior.

The soldier nodded: "Well, everyone goes in, remember to follow the previous team shot, the boss's hatred will be contained by me, and the master output will be handed over to Sayue. We must kill this boss at any cost in a short time! Otherwise, other countries It's troublesome when people come. "


The crowd moved and soon arrived. The first players in the Qianqi Warfare lined up. Every ten people entered the hole **. After a few minutes after they all entered, we entered carefully, and the fire eyes and thermal scanning continued along the way. Search and see if there are any eyes on the ground. If you can bypass them, you can bypass them. Anyway, the field of vision of the reconnaissance guard is not very large. If you can't bypass them, you can clear them up.

Here is the same as the spider monsters outside, and the constant fall of spider silk on my body makes me have to clean it all the way. Suddenly, there is a booming sound in front of me, causing a huge shock, and the whole hole seems to shake.

One minute later, I came across this passage to a huge and messy hall. After entering, we quickly hid behind the wreckage of a huge pillar and slightly looked out to see it.

"Stupid humans, this is where you are buried!" I saw a monster that looks a lot like a spider demon. Although the lower body is the same as the spider demon, it is a glamorous anomaly. The long black hair has a tender white face, such as Two basketball-like round tall tall **** were wrapped in the upper part of the black purple leather around the neck, and the white lower hemisphere was ready to come out. The body below this was a naked connection to an ugly and dying spider. Body, she spoke words with a soft voice, and then descended from the sky. The huge body was pressing down to herself. The response of these people was first-rate, so she hurried forward and let the guy smash a big pit on the ground.

"Sure enough, BOSS is also a spider-type monster, guys shouldn't be these nasty spider-mother moms ..." Sayuki laughed.

When she spoke, I looked at it with fire eyes and golden eyes-Spinning Girl, Level 168, King BOSS. Introduction: Spinning Girl is the incarnation of Spider Goddess, and is the sacred mirror of the incarnation of Asha's death. She left the goddess and materialized above the surface. The Spinning Girl usually appears when a cemetery city is established to strengthen its foundation and promote its development. She is like a queen in a beehive. All things in the cemetery grow under their cultivation. Under her shelter, the undead spirits seek and collect the souls and grow the army of the souls. The Spinning Girl also has the ability to switch shapes, including mixed human-spider and female forms with two feet and six arms. At this moment, the spinning woman was called by her to become the third-level guardian beast, and she was not allowed to pass.

"Human beings can run away now," said Spinning Girl with a smile.

"Who is going to run away!" Sayuki sneered, and the stunning stun gun had quickly stabbed towards the spinning woman.

"Dang !!!" While the Tumon spear spun out, a layer of carapace appeared on the spinning woman as the spider demon was at the time. I believe this carapace must be harder than the spider demon. Fate the girl as a king-level BOSS, but the magic gun can be amazingly powerful, and its huge body, actually shocked Zhen's back a few meters.

—15928 Attack power is very aggressive!

"?! It hurts a bit ... humans, you are not an ordinary weapon ... but tell you first, you just want to kill me without a door!" The textile girl smiled, holding the cracked carapace, and rushed to the next group The warrior and Nasa Yue spewed a strand of spider silk.

Shayue and the burly warrior waved their weapons to chop off the spider silk, but the soldiers around him were all caught by the spider silk and could not move.


The spinning woman drank lowly: "Small human, enjoy death!"


Raise the two spider legs in front and hit the ground heavily, and suddenly a large number of ground spurs emerge from the ground, passing directly over the soldier in front!

Suddenly, the rows of injury numbers flew up, terrifying --- 272818-313471-276673 ...

Almost in an instant, ten riders in the combat system were killed, and Saetsu walked to complete the work to avoid the stab. Another burly warrior did not have the skill of Saetsu, but turned on defense skills to carry the attack hard. !!

The man gritted his teeth and blasted: "Add good blood, the second group will follow me. Don't save blue for the remote player skill cover, everyone rush!"

A group of players from Singapore fluttered their swords to attack, and the center of the huge spider web that spun the girl's life jumped up, followed by the mouth suddenly opening or splitting, to be more precise, shouting: "Thousands of swords cut!"

A black spike with a length of ten centimeters from her mouth was obviously another superb killing skill.


Behind Sayazuki, the leopard followed another fold and unfolding several times as the body changed in the air, turning into a shield, but in front of Sayazuki, spikes fell on the leopard and turned into a shield. Clanging, relying on this reluctantly blocked the skills of the spinner, but other people did not have her Warcraft mount, the burly warrior had to retreat continuously, his blood was greatly reduced, and the surrounding players were again spiked, followed closely The Spinning Girl lifted her head, countless spikes shot towards the long-range professional rear, and countless remote players fell for a long time.


"Stop it for me!" Sae Yuet-joo drank, leaped to the spinning woman in the air at lightning speed, and stabbed her with a fierce gun against her chest, with a crisp sound, the shell of the spinning woman's chest was shot. Poke a gap, the skills were interrupted, but at this time the spinning woman held the handle of the butcher gun tightly with both hands, and flew Shayue as a whole.

"Want to get rid of my hands? No way!" Sayuki was flying, her body turned, her legs in blue stockings tightly clamped the Tumon Demon Gun, and then twisted the gun body, and at the same time The energy was transmitted to the head of the gun, and a flash of purple light saw it. The huge force slammed the huge body of the spinning girl and hit the wall of the cave, and Sayuki also pulled the gun out and brought out a few bloodstains.

"Your shell is hard, but my gun is sharper." Satsuki smiled at the blood on the tip of the gun.

"People are too crazy to watch !!!" The spinning girl spurted out four cobwebs in succession, and her eight legs accelerated into the moon, and she flew towards Sayue for a few times, and she levitated away from the cobweb for a few times. , He jumped up calmly, stabbed the carapace with the tip of the gun towards the spinning woman, although it could not penetrate each time, but it got deeper and deeper. With her petite body, she forced the spinning woman to step back .

"Human small adventurer, how can you have such a powerful force?" The Spinning Girl was completely afraid to imagine that the carapace on her body began to show a large area of ​​cracks, and her blood was flowing.

"Monster, my slaughtering gun is specially used to deal with creatures like you. Become my ghost under the gun!" Sayuki leaped with a smile towards the spinning girl and raised her slaughtering gun over her head. .

Seeing that Sayue was alone and fought several rounds of OSS battles, not only did not fall, but also prevailed. Other Singapore players rushed forward to support them. Their role was to serve Sayue but a meat shield and give Sayue a good output environment.

Around, arrows and magic rain fell on the boss, which also caused the spine's blood and blood to drop continuously. The magic gun in Sayuki's hand was just restraining the spine, otherwise it would be won by more than one thousand people. A king-level boss is no easy task.

Just listening to the loud noise, the carapace with blood splashed around, and the carapace ruptured more than half of the spine's body. Although it can kill the player in seconds, it has no chance of winning as long as it does not kill Sayue.

I retracted my head against the stone pillar and licked my dry lips, dry or not? Although I didn't have much confidence to grab the treasure, I couldn't run it in vain. In addition, this yarn month was strong and I faced her, I felt that my odds were not high.

Forget it, sit and watch the changes, and wait for the boss to hang up and grab as much as you can. It's not a vain trip, anyway, there is no right to pick up the items, it is an individual who can pick them up.

At this moment, a series of footsteps came from the hole. It seemed that another group of people had entered. It seemed that there was a good show next!

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