Master Summoner Online

Chapter 917: family

I took beautiful bodyguards to walk around this huge stone pillar forest. After walking around for ten minutes, I didn't see the monsters. These years, the monsters will hide more and more, walking along the piles of huge towering stones. Pillars of stone, thermal energy scans and golden eyes of the fire kept coming out. After a turn, a figure was scanned 300 meters ahead of me.

As soon as my heart was stunned, I rushed up silently, approached cautiously, and turned sharply to announce the lightning of the red-eyed dragon gun!

He heard only a gurgling sound and the dragon gun sent out.

With a squeak, the two guns intersected in the air, bursting out the metal intersect.

"What?" The frightened monster can pick up my lightning announcement. It is a rare BOSS. He closes his gun and turns his left hand into a dragon claw. The dragon claw with the explosion of energy blasts out.

This suddenly met with me. It was a humanoid monster about two meters tall, covered in metal armor with little gloss, holding a silver gun in his hand, and carrying a storage bag on his back. what.

The dragon claw sent out and hit the opponent's chest directly, making a loud noise. The monster made a terrible hum, and suddenly fell out. Within three seconds, the three of us slammed again and slammed again. The dragon gun in the right hand sent the red dragon roaring, and the dragon gun turned into a dragon toward the ground. The dragon's claws fell, and the monsters on the ground kept screaming.

The last hit of the dragon's tail fell, the red dragon changed the dragon gun, and the suffocated out-of-breath monster lay on the ground with a deep roar, and the black **** Tianzhao rushed through, like a fire!

Whistling towards the fallen monster's double knife and sickle, bringing out a series of damage figures—12873—12992—7626—7098

This monster's defense is not low, and the skylight that has increased its attack power can't hurt too much. The black **** as a tank is goodbye, but fortunately, I am more powerful than a soldier, and there are other summons. Yes, it can kill one in about twenty or thirty seconds.

I quickly stepped forward to send it a blow to the barrier to break its life, the first head of the monster to rest in a sneak attack.

The monster hung over 250 trial points and rich experience points. In addition, there was a pair of silver-white leather gloves. The metal part on the back of the glove and the wrist was an empty blade hand guard, grade: dark. Gold, attribute (unidentified), one of the empty blade sets.

This glove is heavy, but the weight of the previous Xiaoyue suit gloves does not seem to be designed for warriors. It should be owned by archers and assassin players.

Put away this empty blade guard, the previous Xiaoyue suit has been in my one day's toss. Ten sets have been obtained. I started to collect the empty blade suit tonight, and I will collect the sixth and even seventh-layer suits tomorrow. I don't know what to expect on it.

I look forward to moving forward a little, and I will run into the same monster again as I did before. When this guy saw me, I rushed in desperately, yelled in my mouth, and rushed over with a silver gun!


Hei Shen Jiao snorted, and he rushed up and kicked the monster's abdomen, and immediately stunned him. He stood there with a bowed body, and Tian Zhao quickly stepped forward to launch an attack. I raised my hand to eat the biochemical explosive dragon. And the wolf emperor and the fierce monster summoned to fight, many people have great power, oh! No, it is more powerful than a beast!

When they attacked the monsters in front, I opened the fire eye golden eyes scan in the back to see what kind of creature it was?

Stonecrawler, Level 172, Elite Empowered Monster, Introduction: The Stonecrawler is a high-level undead creature, but also a product of failure. They sublimate from the low-level skeleton soldiers through the necromantic power of the death lord. Then, the body was covered with silver skin and armor, and the body was relying on the power of the dead to form a magic source operation. Because the magic power was consumed too fast, the life of each gravel rover was not more than two months and it could not supplement the magic power. Therefore, it is considered as a failed work. They can only survive here with the support of the dragon of order, Yasha.

This layer of monster data is related to the dragon of order. It seems that this guy and the chaos dragon each create a layer of guards. According to this, who made the ninth layer of guards? Rarely two were made together? possible. It's disappointing to think that the gravel rover also whimpered and fell to the ground under group batters, leaving some gold coins and sundries without showing the set parts!

At this time, Xueyue sent a call: "Dragon Spirit, are there any instructions tonight?"

"Brushing monster suits," simply replied.

"Oh, where are we going to brush together?"

"Okay, I'm at this coordinate." He said, sending the coordinates over.

"Okay, you can be there in about thirty minutes." Xueyue smiled and said, "Will you call Yun Lan?"

"Of course." I replied casually.

"Why? Isn't it good for the two of us?" Xueyue muttered.

I said quickly, "No, it is safer to be crowded, and even if you are not two, I still have summoned beasts and mercenaries."

"That's right, then you just walk around there and I'll be right here." Hang up after talking.

I continued Yunlandao "come together to brush the suit." Send her coordinates.

Yun Lan said: "I see, right Long Xin is together."

I couldn't help smiling: "Okay, come here together, our family can spend a whole night happily."

"A family?" Yun Lan questioned.

"Yeah, me, you, Xueyue and Long Xin, you are all my dearest and loved ones, of course, family members. What's strange." I should have said rightly.

"Good to know. We'll come over here." After a pause of five seconds, he returned to the call and promised to turn off the communication with a roar, and continued to walk around.

Along the way, one gravel rambler appeared, and the number was different, and they were encountered one by one. With me and the summoned beasts within ten seconds, they could be beaten up.

But even more ramblers were gathered by two or three. Two or three together, it can be resolved relatively quickly. The pressure obviously feels increased. The next turn is wandering around thirteen or four gravel walkers. After seeing it, I will observe the other contract summoning beasts. Just came out and rushed out with the summoned beasts.

The rambler's response was not slower than himself, and they yelled a few times, each of them firing at us. They drove the Dragon's Charge and rushed into the turning group. The Dragon's Charge hit three Ramblers at the same time. Initiate the assault because I launched the attack when I returned to its original shape.

The shield was attacked by several silver guns in an instant, and suddenly broke down. At the same time, the destroying dragon chop was started, the dragon gun was swept out, the dragon gun pierced the hit target, pierced the rambler's body, and the dragon wave was set off at the same time. The two two-headed ramblers howled and retreated, and their guns were inserted into the ground to destroy the dragon soul. At the same time, they were caught in the dragon spirit that several ramblers clearly rushed into the sky.

Although this could not stop their pace, additional attacks initiated four ramblers howling and falling, but they followed closely, and the dragon gun turned into a sky gun shadow, and one of the ramblers got involved.

Driven by the mighty force of the dragon gun, it struck the guy's chest fiercely, and the gravel rambler fell down horribly, and the silver gun in his hand was blown out.

Quickly solve one. At this time, the other two showed signs of shrinking. The IQ of the high-end monsters knew that they couldn't beat and ran, but I once again opened up the attack and rushed up. It took a long time to destroy the dragon.

Seeing me rushing up, these two guys took a little step back, with vigilance, but the monster AI is still high or monsters, not smart enough to be human. Under the setting of hatred, they still rushed up, and the dragon gun was swept in their hands. The two guys were sloppy and sloppy. The time for destroying the two guys was almost over, and the dragon gun closed his hands and turned them into claws. He knocked heavily on the two guys' front door.

Immediately following the grabbing cannon and energy explosion, the two rambler's heads shattered like two watermelons in an instant. Fortunately, the undead creature flew away without blood and the actual effect was so high that it just exploded. Blood on my face.

Suddenly, a silver gun came stabbing in my ears, and I pierced my body in an instant. At the same time, I grabbed the handle of the gun and held a dragon gun to launch a barrier to break through the stroll. Of the throat.

"The savage dragon slams!" The dragon's brilliance emerged from around the dragon gun, arousing an astonishing air wave, splitting it fiercely, and then loosening the hand that grabbed the handle of the gun, the powerful force flew it directly. When I went out, my body was already standing up.

Snow and ice three consecutive cuts!

The first chop reluctantly struck the opponent, the second chop sent out and directly divided his silver gun into two. The final third chop fell and split his entire body, harvesting its last life.

The summoned beasts also launched their own skills. About ten minutes later, more than a dozen gravel ramblers fell down.

Packing up the trophy, I got two empty blade sets, which are the boots and the bottom. The explosion rate of the empty blade set is obviously not as high as that of the Xiaoyue set. It will take some time to see if Snow Moon arrives, so in Looking around, at this moment, I saw a Chinese team in front of me. Looking at the black palm on the shoulder, it was very clear. This guild is also one of the newly emerging guilds-the black hand. This guild is low-key. The same group of guys on the Santa Croce installed thirteen everywhere, but it seemed that the team of more than a dozen people seemed to be in trouble.

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