Master Summoner Online

Chapter 925: Hawk eye

Seeing a blue magician in the atmospheric Aegis, holding up his staff, the next moment, a magic circle appeared around him!

My heart sank: "What's that?" When surprised, all the American players in the Aegis rushed into the magic circle instantly, and the speed was fast. It didn't take ten seconds for all the people to enter and only maintain the Aegis. More than a dozen people and about a thousand American players in the periphery.

"Retreatretreat (retreat retreat!)" The American strong man with a golden helmet and metal glasses on the brow's eyebrows shot a golden light to kill four or five people and waved.

I just shouted a few words, suddenly a colorful stream of light in the air fell from top to bottom. This person was like a tofu, and it was destroyed in an instant. The ark's unconscious move of Ling Guang breathed and killed the person. All the American players in the surrounding area took a breath of air. You know that this guy was so embarrassing about the golden eye that it was a minute ago.

Immediately following the unicorn on the forehead above the ark, a dark red light shone, and a wave of energy burst out, and all the people who were swept in along the way were torn and broken.

The Ark's two shots added six thousand trial points for me, which made everyone around me look scared.

"Kill! One does not stay!" Howled in the guild channel. Although the treasure was taken, these people could no longer be let go. "Kill ah" followed closely, and a roar like a tide suddenly appeared, suddenly every time Everyone felt the blood boiling and rushed out. The main force of the Americans had left. After the break, some cannon fodder was left, and they were drowned in the impact of players in the surrounding countries.

However, as a superpower, their strength is naturally not the same. I do n’t see a mage wearing a khaki magic robe. This guy actually took a short stick in each hand, and sprayed flames and frost on the two short sticks. The two elemental abilities are very scary. Players around ca n’t get close, but just seeing my ark, the level difference between me and him is not large, but the gap is really too big in the face of the ark. He sprayed a dragon's breath towards him. Before this person had time to escape, he banged and died.

In the end, after paying a certain price, about a thousand American players who committed in the future will be annihilated. Players in small countries around the end of the battle will all leave now. Now the Americans are gone, and the most powerful are the Chinese. Although There are many small countries around, but they have a few pounds and a few pairs of words, and they have the courage to dare to commit stupid offenses.

The other party has retired. There is no need to hunt down these small countries, stop the red-eyed guys, clean up the battlefield and take the team away. After a quiet place, everyone will sit down and rest. I will call the beasts back. The meeting was finally relieved.

Now that the two bosses on the seventh floor have fallen down, I am afraid that the remaining one is not far away. According to my estimation, the task of the light and dark ruins within today will end.

The black **** walked around and said, "Master, I have been thinking about something since I came in."

"what's up?"

"The owner is looking for a suit here, and its parts must be here. You should take out the drawing and take a look." Hei Shinto.

"I see." I said I could take the drawing out of the dimension bag, and I've taken it with me. If there are any parts here, it would be better.

Take out the drawing and see that among the position parts recorded here, Longhui armor and Longhui bracelet are located in the ruins at the bottom of the Forbidden Sea, and this ruin rises from the Forbidden Sea. It is also very likely that these two components are hidden in it. Try clicking on the detailed introduction of the two to find that there is actually another mystery in them.

When I opened the part of Long Huijiai, a large map suddenly came out, and I saw a giant jungle terrain. In the terrain, there is a flat-topped pyramid that is divided into nine layers. The top of this pyramid is painted red. Point, touch the red dot with your hand, and found that a drawing like a maze was actually found here. There are several red lines crisscrossing the maze, and finally all the red lines converge into the largest space at the center.

According to my inference, there should be the location of the final BOSS as well as the location of the set components. Since Longhui armor is like this, then the Longhui bracelet should be so right too, but it can disappoint me if I click on the dragon soul bracelet. The Dragon Soul Bracelet is not here. Although there are also very detailed coordinates similar to Long Hui armor, the coordinates are connected in series with red lines. It seems that I can find a way after I have the ability to dive.

It's the greatest victory to find Long Hui armor now, at least for myself.

Now the third BOSS can't be grabbed, so everyone goes offline to eat, then take a lunch break, prepare for the eighth floor in the afternoon, or use the entire ninth floor overnight.

Offline, took off the helmet, was so hungry, and quickly went out. Xueyue, Yun Lan, and Long Xin, three MMs were already sitting there. I bought the compressed biscuits yesterday.

When I sat down and sat down, preparing to eat, Xueyue said, "Have you washed your hands?"


"Hurry up."

"Yes, yes." I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my hands and washed my face, and returned to the seat. Long Xin helped me to pour a glass of water to see the weather outside. Right.

Fortunately, I did n’t wash clothes in the past two days. I rushed to eat and eat. I was starving. As I ate, I asked, "Have you counted how many people we have now?"

Yun Lan said: "Yes, our main league has added 25% of the league to kill the remaining 25%, and that novice league is here but to kill monsters in the town soul field outside the town soul tower to gain experience and trial points Then! "

I said, "I'm the only one left."

"Yeah." Said Yun Lan stretched a lazy waist, the straight and proud pride of her chest seemed to jump out at once, it was really hard for me to imagine that she would have been called the airfield now, she had such a proud double peak It was really the eighteenth change of the Women ’s University, Yun Lan slightly smiled, “Yeah, that ’s the point, the people in other places’ guilds are also hurting badly. ”

I laughed: "It seems that the final battle is coming, and the strongest elites appearing in front of us at that time. Well, the beauties will eat and rest and sleep. We will have to play all night tonight."


When I woke up, I saw that the world displayed was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. Oops, I was a bit late to bed. Xueyue was already online. She went out of the room and lay on the sofa to enter the game. It seemed that she was late to bed. Face then lay down and put on a helmet on the bed.

The last BOSS that appeared on the seventh layer offline has already fallen, and rushed towards the coordinates of the teleportation array with the black **** skylight. The position of the teleportation array was nearly half an hour away from us, and entered the eighth floor of the teleportation array. In front of my eyes is another shocking scene. I saw a patch of ground on the flat ground, and the ground was covered with teal green grass. There were many broken weapons and armors on the green grass. The sky was a dusk. Sight.

This is the world on the eighth floor. Compared with the previous seven floors, this floor feels more empty. This is like a real world.

At this moment-"Ding ~! The player's early cold (obstructor), successfully broke the barrier of strength, broke through its own limits, and realized the exclusive skill-Eagle Eye ~!"

[Eagle Eye] Effect: Increase the range of 50% long-range attack range and 30% long-range damage of the holder and our allies within 500 diameters. Exclusive player: Early Cold.

After I took a deep breath, Xiaozheng was really powerful. This skill was so great that it matched the legendary bow **** of my life. Suddenly when I sighed! The ground under the foot caused a violent fluctuation, and the ground collapsed under the foot the next moment. The three of us were shocked and hadn't responded yet, so we rushed out from the ground with two red-headed big salamanders with a body length of about ten meters, a waist circumference of seven or eight feet, eyes as huge as copper bells, and dense claws known as the full feet. It's sharp like a steel knife with a handle. The two upper jaws of this head firmly clamped my whole body with my hand, and there was no room for resistance. Seeing this momentum is to bite my body .

The scan was locked at this moment and the data was immediately available.

This guy is a 175-strengthened elite beast named Rotten Stalker.

The other cricket bit the sky photo next to me, but sky photo was luckier than me, but she was bitten from her waist, her hands were still free, which made her react instantly. Two **** swords were inserted at the same time. In the bell-sized eyes of rotten striders.

The cricket monster is covered with thick scales all over the body. Obviously, the defense is not very strong, but the eyes are weak. Where can withstand the attack of 8,000 shots from the sky, the pain makes the rotten stalker open his mouth miserably. Instantly shook Tian Zhao from its mouth. Its eyes were completely destroyed by the twin blades of the sky.

Now it ’s time to settle my own side. With a thought, the Amber Dragon summoned, and as soon as the Amber Dragon appeared, a pair of dragon claws protruded, and he grasped the pair of upper jaws biting himself.

"Crowd", the pair of pliers on the upper jaw of the guy was instantly torn off, followed by the start of the annihilation of the barriers, two flame swords reached into the guy's body, and then the whole body burst into tears. A lot of blood spurted out, and the whole body was torn in half. At the same time, I fell to the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. Soon Tianzhao also solved it smoothly.

After solving these two monsters, they continued to move forward and dared to go out for a long time. A roar burst out in front of them. The three hurried over to see a group of teal rhinoceros fighting with a group of raptors. A beautiful elder sister warrior is leading the team. This female soldier is a windy storm, but it looks like her team has encountered a lot of trouble.

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