Master Summoner Online

Chapter 928: Thunder Elephant Ride

Countless crazy magic and skills collided with each other, a scream screamed, and countless players around fell down again. The two superpowers in China and the United States fought extremely fiercely and fiercely.

There is a lot of incompatibility between outside and inside. Gaia Rock's defense is simply high. The melee class can't break the defense at all. The arrow of the archer can only tickle. Only the magician can cause damage at long range. For BOSS with millions of digits of blood volume, it is not easy to promote it.

Moreover, the other party was not the master of the beatings. Huge rocks were thrown into the crowd, and there were directly more than a dozen people. It was hard to match the smashed meat sauce.

The same is true of the frontal attack. Cavalry collided with each other and various magical skills bombarded each other. Many people were caught in countless magical skills of various departments. Even before the screaming department could send it, they were fragmented.

The ground outside the valley was a mess, and there were explosive equipment and potions everywhere, but everyone couldn't care about picking them up, because they couldn't make a shot at all, and the corpses were heavy. Both us and Americans suffered huge losses.


Killing, suddenly someone came up and said, "Look, what's that ..."

In the distance, the smoke billowed, apparently from the cavalry's charge.

The next moment I saw a large group of elephants appeared. I didn't see it was an elephant. It was a group of pale blue scales. There was a faint visible current flowing across the body. Three meters of elephants were not very fast. The sound of iron hoofs trampling on the ground continued to shake the ground, and the elephant was riding on the back of an elephant a burly man wearing heavy armor and holding various types of heavy weapons. No matter how possible, he would be lethal. The group is like a group of heavy tanks.


The rubber man shouted, "It's the Indian Lightning Cavalry. The group of Lightning Elephants are combat mounts. I have fought with them very powerfully, and the attack will be accompanied by electric current. This group of guys want to lose both of us and the Americans. They also came to take advantage of the fishermen. "

The fierce blood fluttered his tongue and said, "This group of Indian Asan thought so well."

Night said: "Beast god, what should we do now?"

I straightened my shoulder and said, "Cold dressing."

"..." Dark night.

This group of Indians screamed and killed one by one. I am afraid that there are 100,000 or more. The first one in Lei Xiangqi, this man is a superb armor, without a word, a tomahawk in his hand. Throwing, Tomahawk traced a long trajectory in the air, followed by a scream, one person was remembered and killed by Tomahawk on the spot.

The guy next to this person is even more. This person actually carried a huge gun barrel, and a blue energy ball was sprayed out of the gun barrel. One after another the explosion sound continued to sound. The Chinese and the Americans all bombed the same without discrimination.

After a few masters opened the road, this group of Indians split into two waves, one wave rushed towards the Americans and the other wave came towards us. It can be said that there was a sorrow between heaven and earth and blood flowed into the river.

This Leixiang ride is huge compared to the tyrannosaurus ride it has seen. This Leixiang ride kills the crowd. As the name suggests, Leixiang is an elephant that can control the elements of thunder and lightning. Every thunder elephant will bloom around the thunder. Players can't resist such attacks, the range of Thunder Light is not large, and the interval is about once every 10 seconds. The player hit by Lightning will be paralyzed, waiting to be slaughtered by the cavalry coming up from the rear.

At this moment, Apollo's thunder elephant riding the Indian who was sprinted by a giant soldier more than twenty meters.

Countless frosts fell in one shot!


A group of Leixiangqi was beaten up and down, and some of them were a little bit less blood and turned into a cold body.

After the killing, this guy actually ran to our side, and spoke a piece of English some four or five meters in front of Yun Lan who followed him.

I asked, "What did he say?"

Yun Lan said: "He said that we want to join hands with them and bring down the Indians first."

Lie Xuefei stood out and said, "Why do we want to join them?"

I said, "It's okay to join forces, and now the Indians are coming with a lot of people, and there are a lot of them. We don't have more than half of them together."

Night has a close heart, and said, "Rarely, aren't you afraid that they will stab the knife behind us?"

"You see the Indians are so determined to get rid of us and the Americans together. We will join forces first, but we still have to keep one in the back." I said.

After Yun Lan expressed my consciousness, the American nodded his head and returned to his team. He raised the dragon gun and shouted, "All China, kill this group of Indian Asan and let them know our strength in China. "

"Kill!" The Chinese cavalry, whether our two guilds or other freelancers or other guild cavalry, raised their blades and howled to kill this group of Indians. The two groups clashed together, and the war broke out! There were screams and white light rising from death.


I said, "Everyone tries to keep a distance from Americans, but it ’s too much trouble for them to be too close." For this oral alliance, there are simply loopholes. Any small friction will make the real alliance collapse, so let our people Stay with the Americans to avoid spoiling yourself.


After speaking, gather the summoned beasts around, avoid the Americans far away, and kill the Indians from the other side of the Leixiang ride group. First, they must destroy the dragon soul and then destroy the dragon dragon + death summon. Then Ice and snow slammed into the crowd for three consecutive times, with arms outstretched, and swept through a group of thunder elephants ignoring most of their defenses for three times. They lost their helmets and removed their armors, and with dozens of horrible sounds, dozens of people fell in an instant.

Our summoned beasts rushed in. The Amber Dragon spewed breathlessly in the air, and the Frost Breath spewed out of the air. The body also spooked ice cones. Thunder Eagle and the two dragons fired with lightning. Garu Lu exploded and breathed on the ground, a group of metal meteors, and absolute freezing gas sprayed. The mine caller summoned the sky and thunder and lightning came. Even if the lightning resistance of the thunder ride is very high, it is hard to help the mine caller's lightning attack. Ride, invincible charge paralyzes you, death shock stabs you, the scorching canine monster casts fire magic in the back, and two beautiful MMs from the black **** Tianzhao bring two wolf emperors to see the blood in the thunder ride In the past, I used to make a knife. The claws and laser blades of the biochemical blast dragon chopped a group of thunder elephants to death. The water dragon was soy sauce in the crowd at noon.

There are also masters in the Indians. The warrior wearing superb armor saw me and the beasts show their skills on the side, constantly earning trial points from his subordinates, gnashing their teeth, holding a tomahawk, and turning the thunder elephant. , Several consecutive attacks hacked and killed the surrounding Chinese players and rushed towards me crazy. I took the initiative to greet him, the electric light fire + Yulong step, the whole person turned into a ghost, as fast as a lightning bolt in the crowd. .

The two met in a blink of an eye and sent out their own blades.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The weapons of the two sides collided fiercely dozens of times, regardless of the victory or defeat. The other side split again with a Tomahawk, and the body retreated sharply, throwing out the dragon gun and shouting, "Red Dragon Roars!"

The giant red dragon developed and grabbed and bite at the man over the sky, forcing him to stop for several meters in a row the day after tomorrow. The starfall started, and the meteor fell from the sky. He hit him with a face-to-face attack. It became residual blood, forcing him to retreat, and I immediately went forward to chase, but suddenly a dozen Lei Xiangqi started to charge like me together.

Warriors in all directions rushed together, and this charge was not ordinary. They continued to draw current under the feet of Thunder Elephant. This should be the skill of the mount. If they were hit by themselves, they must be killed alive.

"Flying birds and flowers moon!" The wings spread behind, and the whole person rose into the air, while the group below looked at the ark!

The huge body of the ark came out of the magic array, and a pair of tomahawks swept in front of him. The thunder elephant riding forward was hit by a huge tomahawk, and then the wings of the back of the ark flew out into a pair of double-edged blades. The crowd spins like a gyro, bringing out countless injuries. The double-edged blades pass by everyone passing along the way, and when the double-edged blades return to the ark, they turn back into double wings. The section that has passed is already a large dead body.

In a blink of an eye, the ark killed hundreds of people, letting the surrounding Lei Xiang ride one by one madly air-conditioning there.


After killing for half an hour, players in both China and the United States are killing fewer and fewer, and there are still many Indians. Ask the inside, the Gaia Giant Rock still has less than 20% of the health. Do more It can be done in ten minutes.


"Boom ~!"

At this moment, suddenly, a huge green gas burst out from behind the Indians. This eruption from the feet blasted countless Indian players in the back into the air!

I can't help it! I know what this green gas means, followed by a huge figure breaking through the ground and coming out to everyone's sight!

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