Master Summoner Online

Chapter 938: Terror kill

silence! silence!

Ye Shuang pointed at the BOSS with a trembling voice: "Is this the BOSS we want to take?"

I paused for a while and nodded, "Yeah."

In addition to the long-range troops standing far away in the back row of the Chess Corps, whether it is the Red Cloud Iron Lightning, the Lightning Iron Black, or the Black Wolf Iron Riding, there was no room for resistance at all. Of course, there were also some people who opened the invincible. A chance to escape from the dead.

"Do you want to take over?" Xueyue asked my opinion.

"Is this ..." I began to hesitate. This guy is really terrible. Just when I hesitated, he killed a large group of players in another direction, and the number was quite large. See this group closer Everyone is wearing a dark blue furry wolf wearing armor. In addition to this, there are a group of creatures riding three meters high and covered with white snow. They look like bears but have two long horn-like creatures on their heads. These cavalry The guild emblem of two crossed dark blue swords floated on each of our shoulders.

The fist of the night said: "It is Russia's frost scale ride and evil evil beast ride. Two sets of active ace cavalry from Russia's second guild 'Coldblade's Edge'. There are a lot of ghost and wolf ordinary mounts. That evil evil beast is a quasi-BOSS level 170. Fighting mounts. There are not many troops, but the strength is strong. They belong to mounts that have only been tamed recently! "

"How do you know so clearly?" I asked.

Laughing at night, "I have been told by a friend over there."

"What should we do now?"

I said, "Back down and let these Russians consume some of the boss's blood for us."

"Understand." Yan Yuliu Nian said again, "What about the Chess Corps?"

I immediately launched a temporary message with an invincible thunderstorm and asked him to evacuate the team immediately. As a result, the goods were stubborn and directly dismissed my news. This guy is really a deadhead, but fortunately this guy Under the persuasion of his subordinates, under the persuasion of his subordinates, the thunderstorm gritted his teeth and nodded his team, and quickly retreated. The Russians did not care about the remaining parts of the chess regiment and flew directly to the BOSS. We are not allowed to cross the thunder pool and kill the boss ...

Ye Shuang could not help asking, "Why are there so many Russians?"

Erica said: "As far as I know, Russian players on this way avoided the PK between players as much as possible and saved a large number of people to enter here. After entering, they are not killing monsters and killing people. Down to a minimum. "

Tears disappeared: "It looks like they are bound to get it."

Brother Superman laughed, "It's as easy as we are."

Now transfer the target to the BOSS. The BOSS is clearly a hot potato, the mechanical claws are constantly dancing, and the spears held by the two robotic hands are constantly falling. Of course, the crowd also throws a bunch of magic elements in the crowd. The BOSS attributes are all kinds of anti-sky, one claw or one shot is screaming incessantly. People in Russia have died one after another, but there are many people, and the reason why ants bite to death is well understood. .

As time goes by, Russian players are not afraid of life and death, sword qi, sword wind, arrows, magic rages, Photon Lion King's blood is brushed straight, and players also die one after another, serving as MT Players are dead for nine lives. The attack power of the Lion of the Photon is too high. The priest behind is very difficult to pull the blood of those evil beast cavalry. As for the frost scale cavalry, only some of the masters are held by the blood and the others are dead material.

Seeing that BOSS's blood volume is less than 15%, it seems that it is time.


A Russian archer shot an arrow into the photon's eye with precision and suddenly destroyed an electronic eye, which made the boss very angry. I saw that this guy actually stood up with his hind feet and his paw was facing the sky. After two consecutive waves, the deep void cracked two deep rifts, and the two robotic arms on the back lifted the two spears, then sent them hard, and the two guns flew out, stabbing heavily into the void. in.


There was a scream of a loud noise. Everyone clearly saw the void in the piercing spear. The void cracked a huge crack, and the crack began to expand. Many people who were hit by the cracks immediately cracked and fell, and the whole body exploded instantly.


"Run away!" Yelled to pull back all the startled souls of the void, no matter who all turned around and ran backwards, BOSS's trick is too terrible, it can only be described as shocking, the cracks start with The space stabbed by the spear was the center, and it kept spreading out. There were screams and screams from people who could not avoid it. They were swallowed by the cracks in the space and died without a trace. No equipment was left.

The crack lasted for about 30 seconds before it stopped. When we looked back, everyone couldn't help but sucked in air-conditioning, because there were about 40,000 Russian players just now. Since there were only three or four people killed directly in the BOSS Hundreds of soldiers, what a horrible power to kill tens of thousands in one shot. If that move is repeated, all of us will have to play it. We must know that I just saw several invincible players who were caught in the cracks. , Still only being spiked.


After the boss made this move, the original silver-gray body became reddish. The reddish color gradually faded, but the speed was very slow. At the same time, white gas was continuously emitted from the mouth, nose, and ears. This is a biochemical explosion. Long shouted in my head: "The magic power in this guy's body is overloaded."

I asked, "What do you mean?"

"The energy overload has caused the body to overheat. It is cooling itself to cool the energy pipes. In other words, it cannot move until it has cooled itself. When he thinks of it, he must take advantage of it now." The biochemical explosive dragon gave me a pleasant answer.

"BOSS ca n’t move after running out of big tricks. Everyone can fight for it and push it away!" Then, he rushed out suddenly. Those Russian soldiers did not expect that we would rush here at this time. At this time, we launched a counterattack. No doubt it was like salt on the wound.

Nearly 10,000 troops joined by three guilds were killed. Although they were damaged in the big move just now, that was not a problem. In the face of nearly 10,000 Chinese players, the hundreds of Russian remnants were completely vulnerable and instantly collapsed and fled.

The Boss ’s move just hit Russia ’s gaming area again. Just now so many people were killed in seconds. So this guild ’s combat power here is definitely more than half dead or injured. It is not impossible for Russian players to lose their vitality. Maybe There will be too many appearances when challenging the final BOSS shortly.

We first killed the Chess Corps and then followed. Russian players swept across the body, with numerous injuries and injuries, and collapsed across the board. In the end, all the players who did not let them go back to the city.


After killing people, they began to besiege the BOSS. The fire eye golden eyes scan saw an overloaded state on the King of Photons, and they could only lie on the ground and pant continuously. No matter how much we beat on it, there was no room for resistance. A large group of people lost their skills. , BOSS's blood is running out, people have more strength, and the other side does not move, this is naturally comfortable to fight.

At this moment, suddenly a group of people came from the East. The leader was a knight wearing light gold armor and riding a war horse wearing a golden armor. I know this one of Dragon Master Xiaofeng, one of the masters of death. !!

Behind this man is a group of rhinoceros riding on blue-gray iron armor. I know this thing is buzzing on the forum. This thing is called "thin armor beast" is a level 145 mutant beast mount, replacing the previous ninja leopard cavalry. However, the Ninja Panther Cavalry has not retired. It has always been invisible and terrible. The Cavalry can be used as an assassin, even if it has no attributes. The blood of the soldier is much more than that of the assassin. The people who came looking at the blood and blood + the weak BOSS in front of them all had bright eyes, and Dragon Spirit Xiaofeng held up his spear and raised his shield loudly: "Brothers of Death, get ready, meet the brave on the narrow road to win, take this one Treasure! "A crowd of menacing men was about to launch an offensive.

However, when the deathly crowds came over fiercely, four consecutive system ringtones echoed in everyone's field of vision-"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) won the treasure: Icebreaker ~! "

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) get treasure: Hourglass of death ~!"

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) won a treasure: Ye Ying pull his finger ~!"

"Ding ~! Player: Wushuang Lengyue (UN area) won the treasure: Hand of the Flame ~!"


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