Master Summoner Online

Chapter 942: Super Cavalry

It was about 11 o'clock here before everyone walked out of this piece of metal ruins. After the ruins, what appeared to us was exactly like a hive space, because there were portals towering around, and there was no one Exit.

I said, "It seems that we are going to be separated. These doors are not big, and the space inside is presumably not big. If many of us enter the same door, these will become difficult to unfold."

Leng Yufei nodded and said, "Yeah, but I'm a bit reluctant to mention separation."

I laughed: "Come to our dragon's teeth so that we can stay together."

"Be beautiful!" Leng Yufei poked out his tongue.

At this time, there are a lot of player teams. Players from these other countries did not fight with us after they appeared. Maybe they ignored us. At this moment, they chose an entrance and rushed into it. They all wanted to catch up with others. When people come forward, they explore what is behind the door and seize the possible treasures.

People who break into the ninth floor, no matter whether they are wisdom or strength, will never be any worse off. If they are lucky, they can even find a set of best-in-class equipment or other rare treasures in that corner. This kind of thing is not currently happening.

It can be said that over time, although more and more people hang out here, the same, more and more people who have survived have found treasures with various magical functions, and their strength has greatly increased.

The masters of these countries have extremely strong self-confidence, and no one will hesitate, and they will all be preempted by others. This is a place that represents death and hope.

After a while of discussion, the three guilds dispersed, and several teams were also divided into these open tall metal doors.

Here, in addition to me and the black **** who always follows me, Xueyue, Yunlan, Mo Yan, etc., a small team of 35 people composed of the professions of mage, priest, archer, and assassin, once entering the metal gate, I felt that the temperature around was cold, followed by a change in the scenery behind, some people turned back in shock, the entrance just entered disappeared, it seems that the system will not let us out after entering.

The surrounding environment is a bit dark, and the temperature is very low. Everyone feels cold all over, and some people can't help but make a chill.

The ground here is not metal, but earth. The surrounding walls have also turned into rocks, painted with colorful murals of various schools of painting, lifelike, letting people experience the splendid culture of prehistoric civilization through time and space.

On the way forward carefully, the space here is quite large. Our team of thirty or more people is more than enough to swing freely here.


The scream screamed suddenly, and when he heard the voice, the man immediately looked back, and saw that the priest and the girl walking at the end of the team fell down slowly and were killed by seconds. Behind him, there was a black cloth strip around him, a pair of Blood-stained hands flushed with black cloth.

I didn't think about it, and someone killed him immediately. Three Raptor Cavalry attacked this guy at the same time, and the attack formed a trend of encirclement, and very quickly let them dodge the attack. Three weapons fell on the opponent at the same time. Sparks splattered. This thing is not high in health and defense. The three shot together and it is easy to solve the other side.

Everyone was relieved to bring down the attackers. Suddenly I heard the black **** around me shouting nervously, "Master, be careful!"

Just as she warned, I felt a cold wind rushing from the right side, and stepped back subconsciously. A sharp blade almost wiped my nose and cut it off in front of me! This appears to him as a photon killer.

boom! boom!

The dirt around the ground exploded, and saw a dozen photon killers around us rushing out of the ground and attacked our team.

These photon killers are covered with heavy metal armor, holding a two-meter-long sword in their hands, a diamond-shaped mechanical head, a hollow in the head, and a large electronic eye in the hollow, waving a weapon to the tiger Tigers have a style, they have their own tricks.

At this time, a new kind of monster was drilled under the ground. It was the guy who just killed one of our priest sister papers. This thing is called the 'polluted photon killer'. It has the ability to slay the ground. Although it caught us off guard, it started to panic. After a while, everyone didn't panic. The knights around screamed and launched shield strikes to shoot out the photon killers around them. The magicians and archers also began to release their skills.

Fierce fighting erupted shortly after the two sides met.

My name is Born Blast Dragon and Wolf Emperor, Trolls, and I fight against a photon killer myself. The photon killer ’s attack power is very amazing, especially the four-stroke chopping skill. It may be beaten by a second, and fight with a killer, and the body is fragmented by mixing parts and iron pieces.

I got one and immediately searched for the next target. My summoned beasts fought wildly with a killer, boom! boom!

The Sentinel Missile of the Blast Dragon exploded heavily on a killer's body, inflicting damage, and the impact stopped its attack. Finally, the killer fell to the two wolf kings in a frantic mess. The defense of the photon killer is not very high, the blood is quite thick, the attack power is high, and the movement is not slow. It is not feasible to deal with such monster group assault. If the group is assaulted, it will also be damaged, and finally The solution is to constantly switch with teammates, and there are magic soldiers and archers who are in front of the soldiers who carry the back. They pour out their skills recklessly. Of course, the premise is that you can handle it. Although the photon killer is constantly harassing, you can work together. Together, the killer and the killer fell down one after another, contributing a lot of experience, trial points, and some gold coins, equipment, and other items.

Just after we cleared the two galleries, on the way we gathered to more than twenty other Chinese areas, but also lost a few players. The monsters here are too dangerous. It is easy to hang out with the fight, kill them all the way, go Not too far away, there was a sound of fighting in front again, and there was a shouting and killing sound from the player.

And I heard a violent sound. Everyone came forward and saw a group of cavalry in front of them. This group of cavalry is the Lightning Iron Knight of the Chess Corps. The group is against a group of players who are also riding on horses. These The warhorse on which the man was riding was covered with white ice armor, a pair of dark blue eyes, and a white aerosol sprayed from his nostrils. There was a pair of steel-like bones in the ice armor.

This group of Lightning Iron Riders has two to three hundred people and the number of opposing cavalry is only over 70. Moreover, the ground is full of Lightning Iron Rider's corpses. There is no other dead body. The Lightning Iron Riders only cause hundreds of points of pitiful damage. All were caused by tens of thousands of people, and the war situation was a one-sided massacre.

I shouted, "Follow me! Kill these guys!"

Said to kill the horse first, the dragon gun launched a barrier to break through, and suddenly penetrated the armor of a cavalry player in front!

—5199 "How is it possible!" My eyes were widened, and I ignored this 30% defense barrier to break this point of damage. What a pervert! Just then I was attacked, the knife in this man's hand was facing himself, splitting over! Hurrying to dodge but don't want to, this sword actually sent out a sword length of ten meters, "Boom and Boom" swept the next few archers and tried to kill for a few seconds. This attack was too strong.

At this time, Xueyue also rushed forward, Guo Guo slashed at this person for a while, and her attack power of the full-attack fighter was very high. Following the biochemical explosive dragon, she sent a sentinel missile and ran forward, killing people. At this moment, the opponent turned out five people to kill us, and the rest left the Lightning Iron Rider who continued to abuse the Chess Corps, but the others killed us.

The other party sent only five people. Did they look down on us? !!

On our side, the Raptor Cavalry was killed, and the two sides confronted each other. I saw a layer of frost outside the weapons in the hands of these five people. Immediately, a 153-level Raptor Cavalry on my side turned over and fell to the ground.

Immediately after the killing of these five people, a blue wind blade erupted towards the surroundings of the warhorse, and a burst of damage figures flew up. At the same time, he cut and rushed in without cutting. I watched it directly. Silly!

These five cavalrymen have at least 15000+ damage each time they attack, and the Raptor Cavalry is known for its super attack power. Attacking with skills can only cause up to 1000 damage numbers. At the time, it was also used against the Lingyun Pavilion Red Cloud Iron Rider. No such huge gap

These five people only used one charge to kill, and the sword blade was sent into the opponent's body again and again, and all the players except Dragon Dragon Tooth were knocked to the ground!

Surprisingly, completely unexpectedly, originally thought it would be a hard fight at most, but it was completely unexpected that it turned into a downright brutal assault. Mo Yan was because of the super spirit-level pet broken dragon. High AI and fighting skills, protect Mo Yan around, so that the surrounding cavalry can not help Mo Yan who was protected under the broken dragon.

Mo Yan has such a pet but other people will not have it. In this battle, there will be no casualties to the other party. The injured blood volume can be recovered by drinking only a bottle of potion.

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