Master Summoner Online

Chapter 947: Galactic Eye Photon Dragon

There was an earth-shattering sound in the ears, which was a terrifying dragon howling. A few seconds later, a very huge dragon appeared in front of everyone, with a length of more than 45 meters and no dragon scales on his body. It's a healthy muscle. The muscle is a layer of pale blue skin. The skin shines with a dazzling pale blue light. The body also has a thick armor with five claws. The tip of the tail is trigeminal and has wings. The top of the helmet and the front of the helmet are red, with a dragon head and wings spread out. The twinkling dragon eyes are not cruel beast light, but a starry sky.

A group of American cavalry went to T one by one, and as a result they returned home one by one, killing a group around the Boss, and the casualties continued.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Galactic Eye Photonic Dragon, Level 187, Spirit BOSS, Qi and Blood: 674910410000000, Introduction: Galactic Eye Photonic Dragon is the top photon beast, and it also surpasses the peak of the photon beast. Its raw materials come from the unknown alien world. From the day of its birth, because it is too powerful and no one can control it, it has been sealed in the highest-level warehouse, and its functions have shrunk sharply, but it is still a monster with terror and destructive power. In addition, a galaxy-eye photonic dragon also produced the same power that destroys the world, the galaxy-eye space-time dragon, whose whereabouts are unknown.


Galactic Eye Photon Dragon, eyes wide open fiercely! The entire void was cracked from its eyes, starting with just a faint black streak, and soon the black streak cracked into a huge black gully. In this black space crack, there was a faint endless starry universe flashing. , This weird scene shocked everyone.

The next moment, this crack issued a strong suction, and numerous space cracks spread like a cobweb. All four or five hundred American players on the ground were sucked into it, watching the black cracks on their bodies. Before he could scream and scream, he was swallowed up by the black slit in the space and died without a trace.

The surviving American immediately rushed to fill the position, but at this moment, the Galactic Eyed Photon Dragon suddenly opened its mouth wide, and saw the light gathering in the mouth. A roar was a translucent beam of light suddenly whistling out of the mouth!


Where the beam of light passes, one by one the damage numbers fly up—1712920—1756360—1726620—1749144—1749145 ...

All Chinese players should not be shocked except for American players. American players can continue to stay calm and have clearly seen this. This beam of light not only scares people with high attack power, but also uses a sweeping method. In the American camp, this beam of light lasted for 30 seconds before stopping. This breath also has a sputtering effect. Around, there are strong players from other countries that are close to each other. This beam of light diffuses energy and is lifted. The flesh melted instantly, the bones melted, and it turned into a pool of blood and water evaporated.

Immediately after, the Galactic Eye Photon Dragon roared, and a dazzling flash of light appeared on the wings, shining thousands of light spots, and the next moment, thousands of lights appeared.

Where the light falls, all players who are touched by the light, whether you are residual blood or full of blood, are all shattered, and no one is spared. In the United States, the spike, too late to add blood, fell to the ground, and the American frontline cavalry was killed by spikes, and the remote players in the back row basically did not let it go.


"It turns out that the Americans are actually killing this Boss. No wonder they have no troops to attack us, but they rely on that atmospheric Aegis to resist ..." Yanyu Liunian said.

BOSS gathered shortly after the big move. What Koreans, Japanese, Germans, French, British, and so on. In this messy game, players from more than ten countries and regions have killed in the past. Americans are now There are not many people who are strong enough to do foreign affairs. In fact, any country here is enough to clean them up.

Raising a tomahawk like a huge skeleton, drank: "Offense, **** Boss!" This big skeleton is the headshot of the black-handed president.

Immediately afterwards, there were also many presidents of the Chinese Associations who ordered here. All the major guilds took the last supper and attacked one by one. The American Boss wasted too much under his hands. On the occasion, it is already someone else's meal.


"Brother, should we also go up and grab this Boss?" Ye Shuang looked at me with a spear.

I laughed: "It's not impossible to go, but so many people can't be scared to grab it."

"In my opinion, don't go any further." Seeing that Shu Dao came with less than a thousand soldiers, there were not many decent masters among them except Ghost, Dragon Slayer, Song of Life, and Ling Lin. Shu Dao Shen said: "Now we should kill the American players, and take away their treasures is the best policy!"

Xueyue chuckled: "It is indeed a teacher. I don't want some idiots to have a fever in their heads."

At this time, the only Americans who saw the tiger ride difficultly. After only a quick discussion, a large group of Americans began to retreat quickly. I saw one of the Americans wearing a fiery red Kai, a staff, and the top of the staff was burning with flames. Like a torch, seeing the fire spurting from the top of the staff in this man's hand, this flame formed a flame door, rushing up like a American who had swept the galaxy's eyes, and the photon dragon rushed into this flame door and disappeared without trace, Just as everyone looked around suddenly the flame door appeared behind all of us, immediately roaring at the galaxy photon dragon from the door, and rushed to the nearest player, with his claws raised, and ten consecutive players 嗷嗷Oops, even people with their mounts were caught and fluffy, and this journey has ended!

Everyone was stunned. No one thought that Americans still had such a skill. They gave up the boss and broke up, but this is also the most sensible choice. But who is the one who throws the trick to transmit BOSS to all of us? Never thought of it.


As soon as the Galactic Eye Photon Dragon appeared, it was a breath of breath, sweeping and spitting. At once, players in Britain, France, Japan and other countries were within the attack range and were killed by the whole. Some players who stood far away and were not affected were left behind. Residual blood, receding far.

At this moment the butcher held the big iron anchor and asked, "Why don't you get on?"

I said, "I think too, but BOSS is too strong. Right, how about we kill Americans first?"

The butcher said: "Good idea."

I asked again, "Where do you grow up?"

"Piss off the assembly line," the butcher replied.


At this moment, most of the players accumulated towards the BOSS, at least millions of calculated magic, arrows, sword air, and knife wind and other attacks are indiscriminate. The crowd is already confused, and they can only continue to kill in this chaos. Go on.

Many ants bite the elephant, and there are too many players. The blood and blood of the Galaxy Eye Photonic Dragon are brushed off. The more blood is dropped, the more fierce it is. Almost every 10 seconds, it is a breath spit of the dragon, which causes each time. With millions of damage values, the ground is piled with corpses and equipment, and a breath can kill at least a thousand people.

We, the people, are killing Americans. In addition to walking with us, in addition to the Alliance Guild, Death is also among them. The most firearms team led by the Big Three of Death is obviously their goal to kill Americans like us. Of course, there are the same. The idea is not just us. When I saw General Black leading a group of Tyrannosaurus Riders, they also killed a band that was followed by a group of pull players, and Singapore's Demon Hunter Sayue led the team. It was already a British and a German.

These people from different countries and regions are virtually tacit understanding at this moment, and the Americans also expected at this moment that this kind of thing would happen and put all the remaining opponents in a formation away from the main battlefield. position.

I looked at a group of experts around me and said, "Let's kill that scar of tears first."

"What plans do you have?" Shu Tao asked.

I said, "No plan, just go and kill!"

"It's enough for many of us to kill him alone. To make sure that I can kill him without fail, I will send someone to cut his back. It is best to explode the treasure of that guy with the holy artifact!" Lonely sang.

The butcher said: "The guy with the Warhammer artifact in his hand, I'd like to see if he is Zeus Thor's Hammer or my Deep Sea Destroyer!"

Leng Yufei said, "I'll ask you to take the lead!"

"Leave it to me!" In the end, the only player in China who had a sacred weapon, the butcher was confident.


Not far away, the scar of tears came to kill the unicorn cavalry with Thor's hammer. Our side takes the butcher as a sharp knife and everyone BUFF comes up. To deal with this level of masters, we must go all out.


The butcher said loudly, throwing out the iron anchor in his hand, the iron anchor swept straight towards the scar of tears, and the other body fluttered away from the attack. At this moment, Xueyue, the blood flew, and the rain and rain flowed. The Rubber Stickman's four top fighters are surrounded by four aspects, so that he can move without extra experience. In this way, the odds will be greater.

At this moment, the scar of tears, a sneer in his mouth, a thunderbolt fell on himself faster than anyone, and then the body flashed out of the four-person encirclement. Just as it flashed out, the butcher still rushed up, and the large iron anchor crashed into the ground The tear scar brought up Thor's hammer to resist, but even if Thor's hammer can block the attack of the big iron anchor, but I can't, it shook continuously, and I saw a star strike at him!

"Boom boom!"

A series of explosions did not kill it, but it also consumed some health, but the priest quickly gave him blood.

This is my footstep, and I was forced to make three consecutive strikes in the snow and ice for three consecutive strikes. This time, the operation was extremely powerful. The three strikes were all avoided. However, I do not mean that it is not me who is attacking. The Biochemical Dragon Sentinel missile hit him firmly.

Immediately afterwards, "嘭" frosted on the ground, and Lonely was singing a super strong ice magic that suddenly killed him for more than 3w of blood, which was directly damaged, but the colleague who was hit by the other party quickly took it out of his backpack A blood energy stone was absorbed into the palm, and instantly, the blood supply was full.


On the other end, the torch held a torch against the black general. The holy weapon of the black general to cut the dragon pill was not a joke. On top of the opponent's torch, a blast of flames spewed up from the sky. The black general held the cut with both hands. Ryumaru, a black sword with a fierce sword and a dark black dragon flew out of his teeth and clashed with each other's flames. Americans or Japanese who were close to him were contacted and returned to the city. The American man inserted his staff into the ground and instantly thought that he was the center. Underneath the earth, countless roads raged and rushed out. In the blink of an eye, there was a sea of ​​fire. In the sea of ​​fire, countless tyrannosaurus rides were burned to death.

Black General naturally did not want to be outdone. Seeing the emergence of Zhanlong Pill, three cricket faucets, one ejected venom, one ejected flame, one ejected lightning, and three heads ejected together. Venom, flame, and lightning fell together, followed closely. An American player was poisoned, burned to death, and electrocoiled to make Americans ecstatic.

On the one hand, the Americans were able to block multi-country attacks while fighting the BOSS fierce players. However, at this time, they originally entered the intersection and uttered a roaring shout. Then, a large army appeared.

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