Master Summoner Online

Chapter 951: Skyfall-Sky Dragon

I almost shed tears and I bet on it! God is not thin to me! The pig's feet are shining!

In the skill column, there is an effect state called ‘Ultimate Breakthrough’, and there are also four general skills and one exclusive skill-burst value: 200,200. The necessary conditions to maintain the ultimate breakthrough state, every point of killing 100 targets to recover a little, online one hour a day to recover a little.

Extreme breakthrough: Enter the ultimate breakthrough state, and other attributes except blood and magic gain hidden enhancements. In this state, one burst value is consumed every minute.

The Body of Creation: Condensing the power of the Five Elements to create a crystal avatar, the avatar cannot act alone.

Personality Burst: Combine the crystal avatar with this position, the attributes of both sides are superimposed and get additional hidden attribute bonuses. In this state, the explosive value is consumed every second, and the explosive value cannot be recovered until the dissolution is maintained. It must be used in the 'limit breakthrough state'. Cool for 24 hours.

Exclusive skills [Super Fusion]: Consumption: 4 bursts. Effect (1): Use yourself or all non-players and BOSS units within a radius of 1000 meters as your own fusion material, send it to the fusion gate, and summon the creatures behind the fusion gate to assist the battle for a certain period of time. After the maintenance is over, it will return to the field as a fusion material. Effect (2): The summoned beast is fused with its own equipment (except the contract summoned beast). Each summoned beast's own attributes are increased by 20%. The fused part will feel the ability to return to the summoned beast, and each explosion consumes one burst Then, it consumes 4 bursts per minute, and the burst value cannot be recovered before the release is maintained, without cooling. The skill will not be interrupted by any effect or state until the end.


This state really is against the sky. When I saw the two skills of the creature and the burst of personality, suddenly my mind flashed like lightning. Why did Wushuang Lengyue separate the two figures and combine them, now I finally understand It's no wonder that because of his other two skills, combining the deity and the avatar into an attribute and adding a hidden bonus is no wonder such a pervert. No one can break his defense, but he sees every second. By the way, I have another title.

[Leader] (Title): Burst value recovery speed increased by 30%, personality burst cooling time reduced by 20%, exclusive skills power increased by 10%, exclusive title. Unable to trade.

Not much to say that the surrounding light has not yet dissipated. Activate the body of fortune and obtain a character panel with no attributes. The system prompts you to choose a new occupation for the incarnation again, and choose from the seven major occupations like one turn.

I did n’t think much about choosing warriors. I am pursuing a high attack, not just calling the beasts themselves. I am a melee summoner. Although war beast divisions can replace the soldiers, they all rely on the existence of concentrated cultivation. The real fighters compete.

After choosing the "Warrior" class, a zero level appeared on the character panel, and the value of the level soared until it reached the same level as my level 156. I also found that this avatar can also wear equipment, but the avatar cannot act alone. Even if I only show up when I perform a burst of personality, and the equipment will fit when the time comes, the attributes will inevitably go to a higher level.

The surrounding light slowly faded away and disappeared for three seconds. After the beam of light disappeared, I saw several swords rushing forward, and immediately launched with great power and backwards, dozens of meters.

"It's time the cubs owe me a change!" Glancing at the corner of the skill bar, when the limit was breached, I immediately got a prompt when I touched it-"Ding ~! You need to pay a level for the first use Experience activated ~! "


I'm a little dazed, but time is tight, first-level experience pays!

"Ding ~! Skills can be used after payment!"


Replace the title of Pioneer.

"Breakthrough!" A person who was exactly the same as me, but who only wore system underwear, followed closely with the avatar and deity. The avatar's occupation was a fighter. When he reached the 30th level, he chose to switch to natural selection and attack the highest mad fighter. This avatar didn't even need me to choose a career manually, but automatically became a "furious fighter", and there are hints that it is a rare career of a mad soldier.

I did not expect that I encountered a rare job that was rare in a century, but this rare job could not fight and could not use skills.

At this time, some people in the other party were yelling. Soon, all kinds of skills came one after another, and they hit me "Papapa", which could cause very low damage. One thought, stepped away. At this moment, I felt as light as a swallow, coupled with the effects of flashlights and dragon walks, no one could pass through the crowd. At this time, a hissing beast cavalry launched a shield strike to shoot me, and I waved the shield with my right fist and broke it with my left hand. His screaming beast screamed and hung back to the mount space. I added a kick to the opponent and flew away.

Looking at his own hands, he never imagined that his strength had been achieved. It was exactly the same as Wushuang Lengyue's one move every second. With this ability, he rushed into the battle circle, and the dragon gun turned up and down. What strength against the sky hissing beast cavalry, in front of me, is the same as paper, falling down one by one, it is just too cool!

Ok, the outbreak of personality is very depleting. It must be determined quickly!

Activate Hyper-Fusion! At the next moment, a huge vortex appeared in the sky, and a huge black hole appeared in the center of the vortex. Suddenly, an extremely powerful attraction appeared. Players around it, Warcraft mounts, pets, summoned beasts, and summoned creatures were swept away. The stopped rotation seems to be strengthening the black hole to absorb power.

There are screams all over the space, and the sound is like a group of monsters in hell. The invisible air waves even distort the normal vision of players.


After the black hole sucked away all the non-player creatures around, it made a loud noise, but at this moment, a huge black hole appeared in mid-air following the colossus! The electric light flashing inside the cave seemed extremely horrible, and then a huge object was drilled out of the black hole flashing by electric light.

Look carefully. This should be some kind of creature. Well, strictly speaking, it should be the head of some kind of creature, but this head is too big!

It was followed by a long and thick neck, claws, body, wings and tail, as if it were a train out of a tunnel.

After the creature completely drilled out of the black hole, I was surprised to find that the dragon drilled out of the black hole again.

It is a huge red dragon, a red dragon with a body length of about two hundred meters, a sacred and beautiful red dragon, and a red-winged pterosaur shaped from red to red. It has four legs, each There are only three pointed claws on the claw, which is not the legendary five-claw dragon, but the most special guy has a pair of red dragon wings on his back. When it is unfolded, it covers about 100 meters to cover the sky, and this guy There are actually two mouths on the dragon head, one with a large mouth, and a small dragon mouth on the forehead above the big mouth, soaring in the clouds and sky.

Below me, I was shocked by the majestic and somewhat weird dragon in the sky. The information that appeared the next moment made me completely speechless.

Name: Sky Dragon of Osiris, Race: Fantasy Beast, Health: 1000000, Attack: X000, Defense: X000, Skill: Charged by God, Sky Dragon's Attack and Defense Ability Fusion Quantity Material × 1000 Value. Destiny Deity: Sky Dragon is not affected by negative state effects. Magic damage will be reduced by 90%. Call Thunderbolt: Sky Dragon launches a God Thunder to form a cannonball, which can directly kill creatures below level 200. Cool for one minute. Super-electric light guide: Breath of the sky dragon, fire powerful **** thunder breath to destroy enemies in the area. Introduction: Thunder of Chaos Sky rumbles. A series of ancient magic guide books are tied in a series of locks, revealing infinite divine power. (Osiris: King of the Hades in Egyptian mythology, symbolizing good and evil.)

The attributes of the sky dragon are boundless. Now the sky dragon has more than 100,000 points of attack and defense. Under the control of my thoughts, the sky dragon ’s large mouth opens and “brushes”. The next moment, a huge column of golden light sprays Suddenly swept across the crowd!


A beam of light is not only the player, but the ground is torn, and the golden brilliance emerges from the torn area. Players in the attack area have opened their mouths one by one, and the whole body is shattered and destroyed. One by one, the injury numbers fly up ——— 168278—166273—163676 ...

I was equally stunned, md, it would be so strong, too strong. Just now, Wushuang Lengyue, the four swords in an instant, 10,000 people, and now I can do it!

After exhaling, his mouth opened, and a huge lightning ball sprayed into the crowd, creating a vacuum zone with a range of 20X20 yards. After that, the sky dragon launched an attack. Suddenly, mourning, the beam of lightning swept the thunder ball and fell into the crowd. , Created a vacuum zone one by one, the ground is full of corpses and explosive potions, equipment, this sky dragon is simply too powerful!


"By ... this is too great ..." Lie Xuefei shouted.

The legendary life swallowed: "The beast **** is already invincible, who can beat him in this way."

Xueyue laughed: "There is a good show this time. Just now that Wushuang Lengyue is so arrogant, it is time for him to pay the price."

Long Xin cheered: "Brother, come on!"

Lonely singing and said silently: "The beast **** is totally out of life."


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