Master Summoner Online

Chapter 953: eating outside


what happened? Suddenly you can smell a scent.

"Woohoo!" Something was stuck on his lips. Although he didn't know what it was, he didn't hate it, but made himself very intoxicated. Immediately following the slippery and tender things, in a split second, broke through his own teeth, and was tightly wrapped around his tongue. That incomparable and beautiful touch quickly disintegrated all defenses. I wanted to open my eyes and take a look, but unknowingly relaxed. Enjoy this feeling slowly.

I was completely immersed in this feeling, and even felt that time stopped during this time, and only a few minutes after the end, I slowly woke up from that wonderful feeling.

open one's eyes. I looked around and found that it was still my room that I thought it was heaven. It was still on earth. It seems that it should be a dream just now, is it a strange dream? Get up while thinking about it.

"Yun Lan!" I suddenly opened my eyes and stood by the bed, looking at myself with a pair of eyes open, smiling and looking at myself, Lihua's beautiful face with rain, indescribable.

I asked, "What are you standing for?"

Yun Lan said, "Wake you up."

"Oh. What time is it?"

Yun Lan took out her mobile phone and took a look. "It's noon."

"It's so late." I was surprised.

Yun Lan said: "It's not too late that we can do it.


I came to the living room and found that everyone was waiting there, so I went to wash my face and brush my teeth, so I didn't have to eat breakfast with lunch.

I said, "What are the beautiful girls planning to eat at noon?"

Long Xin jumped out and shouted, "Brother, let's eat outside. People want steak."

"Steak?" I thought for a while, but the steak itself has been eaten a few times, so I said, "Yes, where shall we eat?"

"Paradise Street!" Long Xin shouted again.

"Paradise Street? I said don't go to such an expensive place." Paradise Street is not the name of a shop but the name of a street. This street is a rich man who doesn't know which one is wrong and has nowhere to burn. Buy it and make it the most luxurious street in FZ, known as the street of the rich. What Baodi Mapo was everywhere, there were only two kinds of cars at that time, one was a private car, and the other got in a bus from there. I could n’t get there because there was no line, I could only stop nearby. Before Ye Shuang and I went there a few times, but never thought about spending there. Because I can't afford it at all, although I have the economic strength now, I don't plan to go to the place with high consumption.

"Don't do it! They haven't been there before! Take them there!" Long Xin began to grab my arm and waved.

I can't stand girls like this. I can't be beaten. "Okay, okay, but not next time."

"Okay!" Long Xin cheered for victory triumphantly. Put on your coat and shoes.


Four people came downstairs, and they were all crowded by buses. I did n’t need to go there because my downstairs was the terminal station. I would go there directly and always be seated. When we arrived, a bus passing through the Paradise Street station drove in. At the terminal, after the driver took over the shift, the new driver came in and opened the door. We said nothing and got into the car.

The four of us were the first to go up. The driver saw the three beauties with their eyes rounded, and then saw the four of us sitting in a row of consecutive seats. I was next to each other, and the driver cast one. With envious and envious eyes, this driver should not be a few years older than himself, and he should be a newcomer who has just started working, and he certainly hasn't found a target.

After a twenty-minute drive, come to the Paradise Street station. This station is the place where no one will get off. Generally, this station will be skipped directly, but today is different. Let ’s get off here today.

When we got out of the car, all the surrounding passengers showed inexplicable eyes. There is no way to a place like Paradise Street, but it is not that ordinary people can go, or that ordinary people have never thought about where to go. Even if you are rich, you must have that identity and status. After all, many places there need to be reserved . For ordinary people, when you call to make an appointment, it may take a few days to turn.

Ignoring their eyes, we got off to find a steak restaurant for dinner. We walked all the way to a self-service steakhouse called Blue Diamond. There are two huge posters at the entrance, one is a poster for publicity, and the other is I looked at the poster of the recruitment, and said to the MM door, "Just here."

"Um." None of the three MMs actually objected.

The four came to the door, and at the left and right of the door stood four handsome, handsome young men in suits. This should be a welcome, but aren't they all hiring women? Forget it is not when I should worry about it, brother came here to eat and not to see something here and there, four people walked over, the guests welcomed the three women so beautiful I couldn't help laughing, but when I saw my eyes turned to myself, I could not help but have a special meaning in my eyes.

NND, what kind of bad boy did I have on the spot? It doesn't matter to me anyway, just think about love.


A welcoming guest at the entrance came with a professional smile on his face and said in a very attractive magnetic voice: "Please wait a moment, several people are here, are you looking for someone or work?"

"Ah ?!" Do I look like a wage earner?

The three MMs were also confused, and I said, "We are here to consume."

These few looked at each other, and it was clear that they did not believe that we would come to such a high-end place to spend.

Xueyue stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong with you, are there any customers who come in but you won't let them in? Is this how you treat customers?"


The welcoming guest could not help showing a surprised expression, and those behind him looked at each other even more.

"Please do n’t make a joke. We are not a normal place here. If you can find a job, you can go from the back door to the personnel department upstairs. If there is nothing else, please leave here as soon as possible!"

Although his tone was still very polite, he obviously looked down on himself. When I was going to have some trouble with this guy, when I saw Xueyue pulled out her mobile phone and dialed a number, she shouted, "Is this the customer service department of Blue Diamond Buffet Steakhouse?"

"Yes, may I ask for any help?" A sweet voice came from the other end of the phone.

Xueyue said politely: "I want to complain to your welcome staff ..."

"Don't!" Just now the welcome guest was lifted up like a cat with a tail on his tail. When he saw a person behind him as if he was a close enemy, the welcome guest said quickly: "Sorry, I was wrong. I hope you will raise your hand and do not complain, otherwise I will be fired! I will take you in. "

The smile on this welcoming guest's face was so bright that no one could see how much it was squeezed out.

"It's so good early." I said with my hands behind my head.

Xueyue hung up the phone, and the person personally guided us in. Before he came, he bowed deeply to us. After saying a lot of good things, I'm afraid Xueyue will go to the customer service department to complain.


This store accepts individual customers, so no appointment is needed except for the private room. We found a place to sit down, and Long Xin asked: "Sister Xueyue, you were so handsome just now."

Xueyue covered her mouth and smiled, "Really?"

I asked, "Where did that call come from?"

Xueyue said: "It's written on the recruitment poster, but you just look at the poster."


Between the words, a beautiful and tall waiter, mm, walked in light steps, while at the same time the aroma of valuable perfume came out. The waiter lady asked with a smile, "Several gentlemen, you want to order What? Look at the menu. "

Speaking of giving the menu to us, I opened the menu and looked at it. I was dumbfounded. Nima's menu was all in English. Here is China.

I asked, "Why is this menu all in English?"

The waiter was shocked when he saw it. Saitama please cover the little red-painted mouth and blurted out the words: "I got it wrong!"

"I'm sorry I'll change it for you!" As he said, the menu would be retracted, and Yun Lan held it down, "It won't be necessary."

Yun Lan picked up the menu and directly communicated with the waiter in English. He was confused and the waiter understood me. After all, this place often comes with foreign guests. Therefore, English is the worst place for me. For the second subject, there is only one English Class B certificate for English, but it is not recognized by employers who took it out to find work. By now, all the words and sentences of Shenma have been returned to the old wet.

There are a lot of beauties in these places, and the waiter alone has enough to see. If he brings Ye Shuang, he will definitely stare at the round buttocks of those beautiful waiters with his pair of thieves, and maybe even drool will flow .

Ordering is finished soon, and my bank card will definitely have a big bleeding at this meal!

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